Labels:text | screenshot | graphics | pattern | colorfulness | art OCR: CTRL-S to pause, CTRL-Q to resume . Risk Help In RISK your object is to co nquer the world by gaining control of everyterritory on the board. Your strateg y is important - you can concentrate yourarmies for a strong defense or make swe eping attacks against your opponents . Deciding how to deploy your forces and when to attack are the crucial elementsin your success or failure. On each turn you decide where to fortify yourforces and how you want to attack your opponents. The attack is controlled bythe dice you roll compared to the defender's dice. ne of you will lose armiesas a result, and you can keep attacking any opponent a s often as you dare . Later in the game the special RISK cards become an important asset inmaintaining a balance of power. If you play your cards right you can g ainenough strength to capture entire continents and even win the game . Setting Up The number of armies at the start of the game is as follows: 2 players - 40 each 5 players - 25 each 3 players - 35 each 6 players - 20 each 4 players - 30 eachEach player plac es 1 army in turn on an unoccupied territory. After allterritories have been cl aimed you then fortify your territories with theremaining armies. s until all armies have been placed. Use theCURSOR keys to move, then RETURN to This continue select. At the start of each turn you get extra armies. The number of armies yo getis determined as follows: y and divide by 3, ignore any Count the number of territories you occup i.e. you have less than remainder . If the value is less than 9 territories, you get a minimum of 3. th 7 armies Add on armies if you occupy an entire continent : Asia is wor North America is worth 5 armies Euro pe is worth 5 armies Africa is worth 3 armies So uth America is worth 2 armies Australia is worth 2 armiesYou als are awarded armies for using a risk card set. A set consists of 3 ofa kind or 1 each of the Canon, Horse, and Soldier. You also get 2 bonusarmies if you oo cupy the territory on a card you use . RISK set values are: 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 15, 2 0, 25. . . 95Each set after the 6th is worth 5 more than the previous set up to 95 armies .Use the numbers before the card at the "Use:" prompt. You should check y ourrisk cards at the start of each turn. If you have 5 or more cards you must u sea set . If you select option "2" the set values do not increase. In this versio n thenumber of armies you get is determined as follows: 3 Cannons 4 armies 3 Soldiers - 6 armies 3 Horses 8 armies mixed set - 10 armiesWhen it is your turn you must select the "Attack" option at least 1 time. Thefirst time you do this you will be award ed your armies. Use the CURSOR keys tomove to a territory you wish to fortify nd press RETURN. Then enter thenumber of armies to be added to the territory. Th e Attack Use the CURSOR keys to move to one of your territories (it mus t have at least2 armies) then press RETURN. Then use the the CURSOR keys to mo e to thebordering territory you want to attack and press RETURN. You are then skedhow many dice you want to roll. The attacker can roll 1 to 3 dice. The num berof dice rolled MUST be less than the number of armies on your territory. Ono eyou have entered the number of dice to roll the attack will continue untilyou h ave conquered the territory, you have too few armies to attack, or youpress a ke y. Pressing a key will give you the roll prompt on the next roll. Pressing RETU N at a roll prompt stops the attack. This automatic attackfeature makes attacks with large army counts much easier since you do not haveto keep entering the nu nber of dice to be rolled. The Defense If you are being attacked you ca n roll 1 or 2 dice. If you have only 1 armyon your territory you can only roll 1 die (the computer will automaticallyroll 1 for you). If you have 2 or more ar mies you can roll either 1 or 2dice. Answer the roll prompt on the right side o f the screen. The numberof dice the defender rolls stays the same until either player presses a keyto bring back the roll prompts. How Army Losses Are Determine Once the attack has started the dice are rolled. The attacker's dice areshown on the left side of the screen in white while the defender's dice areshown on the right hand side of the screen in red. To determ ine army lossesyou compare the dice across the screen. For example, suppose the dice rolledare as follows: 00 00 00 0 00 00 00 00 00 00 0 Compare dice that are across from each other, the higher numbered die wins . The 6 beats the 5 so the defender loses 1 army. Then compare the next 2dice. Both are 4's. The defender wins ties so the attacker loses 1 army. The attacker's 3r d die is ignored because it is unopposed. The end resultis that both players lo st 1 army. If the attacker conquers the territory he must move at least as many rmies ashe rolled on the last attack roll. He can move more but he must leave tleast one army behind. This is why the attacker must roll less dice than hehas on his territory. If he rolled 3 dice with 3 armies on his territory andthen w on he would have to move 3 armies - but that would leave zero armieson the attac king territory and that is not allowed. If you conquer a player's last territory you remove that player from the gameand you also get any risk cards they may hav e been holding?You may attack as long as you want as many times as you want in e ach turn.When you are done press "E" to end your turn. If you conquered at leas t oneterritory you then get a free move. Select a territory to move from, thena territory to move to. Then enter the number of armies to be moved. Youcan abo 't the free move by pressing DELete or BACKSPACE. You then get arisk card. Follo w all prompts. Generally you use highlighted letters to select a command, the Cl RSOR keys to move around the map, RETURN to select a territory, and ELETE to abort ACKSPACE or