As the name implies, Indexwriter is a program that allows the user to create and print text material in a 3"x 5" index or rolodex card format. The program has some of the usual features found in word processors such as load, save, and print commands as well as some editing functions. More onthese later.
Once the program is activated, you may start to write your index card. Thescreen displays the working area which is 40 columns across by 16 rows down as limited by the green bars at the top andlower portion of the screen. Your cursor is the white square and its location is also indicated in the upper right corner (L = line #, C = column #).By using the regular cursor keys (up, down, right and left), you may move the cursor to any position on the screen within the defined area. When the cursor reaches the right edge of the screen it will wrap around to the left and move down a row.
Line Editing Functions: The DELETE key will delete the letter to the left of the cursor and will move the rest of the line to the left.
The INSERT key will insert a blank space at the cursor position and will move the rest of the line to the right provided there is room.
CONTROL-I will insert a blank row in the line above the cursor and move the remaining lines down. Remember if there is writing on the bottom line of the card it will be moved off the screenand the information lost.
CONTROL-D will delete the line on which the cursor is located and scroll up the bottom lines.
CONTROL-E will erase a line starting at the cursor position and moving to the right.
RETURN will move the cursor to the start of the next line.
The HOME key will move the cursor to the upper left hand corner.
CLR/HOME will clear the screen and home the cursor.
Function key definitions:
F1 = change border color
F3 = change screen color
F5 = change text color
F7 = display editing key controls
F2 = load a card
F4 = save a card
F6 = print a card
F8 = end program
The first three key definitions need no real explanation. Simply press them to select the screen colors of your choice.Pressing F7 will display the editing key definitions. Then, press any key tocontinue with your writing. To exit theprogram, press F8.
F2 and F4 execute the load and saveroutines of the program. First, you will be asked to enter the filename of your card. There is a ten character limit on your filename (the program willnot let you enter more). The program then appends ".INDX" to your chosen filename. For example, if you enter "TEST" as the filename, it will appear as "TEST.INDX" in the disk directory. To reload, simply type "TEST" in response the the filename input. The program will automatically add the ".INDX". If you have pressed either the F2 or F4 keys by mistake or have changed your mind, simply press RETURN at the filename input and you will be returned to the editing mode.
The print function (F6) allows you to print out your index card. First theprogram asks for the number of copies that you would like. Enter any number in the range of one through nine (1-9). Then the program will ask you if the printer is ready. Pressing "Y" will then activate the printout. Again, pressing RETURN at either of these prompts will allow you to exit without printing. The format of the printed card allows for a blank line at both thetop and bottom and a five character margin on each side. Therefore, when designing your card, you do not have to allow for these margins. Feel free to use all of the writing area on the screen.
The print format is made to accomodate 3" x 5" index or rolodex cards (or 3" x 6 1/2" if using tractor feed cards with 3/4" removable margins).