Labels:text | screenshot | font | graphic design OCR: Some Applications of the Faunmap Database ENVIRONMENTAL HETEROGENEITY - To test for differences in environmental heterogeneity, of "patchiness, " between the late Pleistocene and late Holocene, all localities for these time In all cases for the FAUNMAP data, the inean Dice Coefficiente for the late Pleistocene are perioda were grouped into 150 lan x 150 lin grid celle, and significantly minaller than the coefficiente for combined to forin composite faunal liste. the late Holocene for each bin out to a distance of about 1500 1mm (6 brins). To inininize sampling biases, ouly grid celle with ton of inore species were incorporated into these analyses. Also, for flie Measures of heterogeneity are scale dependent. late Holocene, species that occurred in 10 to 65 grid cells The higher than randei ...