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Text File | 1996-01-08 | 19.7 KB | 652 lines | [TEXT/R*ch] |
- // Text of project SoupDrink written on 1/8/96 at 2:26 PM
- // Beginning of file Main.t
- // Before Script for "DILSample"
- // By Rob Langhorne, Christopher Bell, David Fedor, and Jim Schram
- // Copyright Apple Computer, Inc. 1995-1996. All rights reserved.
- DILSample :=
- {
- CreateNBPAddress:
- func(address)
- begin //* create an ADSP endpoint address option frame and return it
- if address then
- if IsFrame(address) then
- return(TotalClone(address));
- else // probably a string
- return {
- label: kCMARouteLabel,
- type: 'address,
- opCode: opSetRequired,
- data: {
- addressType: kNamedAppleTalkAddress,
- addressData: TotalClone(address),
- },
- }
- else
- return nil
- end,
- viewSetupDoneScript:
- func()
- begin
- // make a RAM copy here so we can modify it & access methods in base App
- ep := { _proto: baseEndpoint,
- _parent: self,
- appBase: self, };
- end,
- GoDrink:
- func(s)
- begin
- local theStr;
- local theNames;
- if (BeginsWith(s, "OK")) then begin
- local theEntry := theCursor:Entry();
- if theEntry then
- begin
- ep:Output("ENTR", frameOptions); // tell the server we are sending a soup entry
- ep:FlushOutput();
- if spitMode then begin // if we are only sending strings because of ADSP OutputFrame bug
- theStr := "";
- if isframe(theEntry.Name) then begin
- if theEntry.name.honorific exists then
- theStr := theEntry.name.honorific & " ";
- if theEntry.name.first exists then
- theStr := theEntry.name.first & " ";
- if theEntry.name.last exists then
- theStr := theStr & theEntry.name.last;
- end;
- TrimString(theStr); // remove any extra white space
- if StrLen(theStr) = 0 then
- thestr:="<no name in this record>";
- // allocate 4-byte object
- local lengthObj := setclass(setlength(clone(""), 4), 'binary);
- StuffLong(lengthObj, 0, strlen(theStr)); // turn the string length into a 4byte int
- // output string length as 4 byte. as normal int, output sends only a one-byte int
- ep:Output(lengthObj, frameOptions);
- ep:Output(theStr, frameOptions);
- end else // we're sending frames; just send the whole thing over.
- ep:OutputFrame(theEntry, frameOptions);
- ep:FlushOutput();
- if theEntry then
- frameCount := frameCount + 1; // increment counter
- :PutDataInStatusArea("Frame Sent: " && NumberStr(frameCount));
- theEntry := theCursor:Next();
- ep:SetInputSpec(ep.doEntry); // this shouldn't be necessary but works around a Newton 2.0 bug-ette
- end;
- else begin
- ep:Output("END ", frameOptions); // tell the server we are done
- ep:FlushOutput();
- :PutDataInStatusArea("All Frames Sent");
- :DisposeConnection();
- end;
- end else begin
- :PutDataInStatusArea("Unknown Command Received...");
- ep:SetInputSpec(ep.doInput);
- end;
- end,
- ep: nil,
- InitConnection:
- func(passive)
- begin
- local address := nil;
- :PutDataInStatusArea("Trying to connect...");
- RefreshViews();
- ep.configOptions := configOptions.(endpointType);
- local err;
- try
- err := ep:Instantiate(ep, nil)
- onexception |evt.ex| do
- err := -666;
- if err then
- begin
- :Notify(kNotifyAlert, EnsureInternal("SoupDrink"), EnsureInternal("Sorry, can't create an endpoint!"));
- :PutDataInStatusArea("Unable to initialize...");
- if endpointType = 'adsp then CloseAppleTalk();
- return;
- end;
- if endpointType = 'adsp then
- address := NBPaddress; // this was filled in by the chooser
- :MakeConnection(passive, address);
- end,
- theSoup: nil,
- viewQuitScript:
- func()
- begin
- RemovePowerOffHandler(self);
- end,
- frameCount: 0,
- SetEndpointType:
- func(t)
- begin
- endpointType := t;
- end,
- compileTime:
- time(); // this will evaluate to the compile time
- ,
- NetworkChooserDone:
- func(selection, zone)
- begin
- if selection then
- begin
- local passive := nil;
- local address := selection & ":" & vNBPtype & "@" & if zone then zone else "*"; //* convert selection into an NBP address
- NBPaddress := :CreateNBPAddress(address);
- :PutDataInStatusArea("About to Connect...");
- :InitConnection(passive);
- end;
- else
- :PutDataInStatusArea("Ready to connect...(cancelled chooser)");
- end,
- Connected: nil,
- baseEndpoint:
- {
- _proto: protoEndpoint,
- configOptions: nil, // overridden by each endpoint type
- appBase: nil,
- exceptionHandler: func(exception)
- begin
- if (exception.data <> -16005 and exception.data <> -38001) then
- GetRoot():Notify(kNotifyAlert, EnsureInternal("SoupDrink"), EnsureInternal("Exception: " & exception.data));
- true;
- end,
- doInput:
- {
- inputForm: 'string,
- endCharacter: unicodeEOT,
- discardAfter: 256,
- InputScript : func(endpoint, s)
- begin
- endpoint:PutDataInStatusArea("Command Received...");
- endpoint.appBase:StartDrink(s);
- end,
- },
- doEntry:
- {
- inputForm: 'string,
- endCharacter: unicodeEOT,
- discardAfter: 256,
- InputScript : func(endpoint, s)
- begin
- endpoint.appBase:GoDrink(s);
- end,
- },
- doFrame:
- {
- inputForm: 'frame ,
- InputScript: func(endpoint, f)
- begin
- endpoint:output("OK",endpoint.appBase.frameOptions); // tell the other side we got it; they can disconnect.
- endpoint.appBase:AddName(f);
- end,
- },
- },
- PutDataInStatusArea:
- func(s)
- begin
- SetValue(StatusArea, 'text, s);
- AddArraySlot(StatusMessages, s); // keep the messages around for debugging purposes
- end,
- configOptions:
- { serial: [ // serial tool
- { label: "aser", type: 'service, opCode: opSetRequired },
- { label: kCMOSerialIOParms, type: 'option, opCode: opSetNegotiate,
- data: { bps: k38400bps, dataBits: k8DataBits, stopBits: k1StopBits, parity: kNoParity } },
- ],
- mnp: [ // MNP
- { label: kCMSMNPID, type: 'service, opCode: opSetRequired },
- { label: kCMOSerialIOParms, type: 'option, opCode: opSetNegotiate,
- data:
- { bps: k38400bps, dataBits: k8DataBits, stopBits: k1StopBits, parity: kNoParity }
- },
- { label: kCMOMNPCompression, type: 'option, opCode: opSetRequired, data: kMNPCompressionV42bis},
- { label: kCMOMNPAllocate, type: 'option, opCode: opSetRequired, data: kMNPDoAllocate},
- { label: kCMOMNPDataRate, type: 'option, opCode: opSetRequired, data: k38400bps},
- ],
- modemMNP: [ // modem mnp tool
- { label: kCMSModemID, type: 'service, opCode: opSetRequired },
- { label: kCMOModemECType, type: 'option, opCode: opSetRequired,
- data: kModemECProtocolMNP },
- { label: kCMOMNPAllocate, type: 'option, opCode: opSetRequired,
- data: kMNPDoAllocate },
- { label: kCMOMNPCompression, type: 'option, opCode: opSetRequired,
- data: kMNPCompressionMNP5 },
- ],
- adsp: [ // adsp (AppleTalk) tool
- { label: kCMSAppleTalkID,
- type: 'service,
- opCode: opSetRequired },
- { label: kCMSAppleTalkID,
- type: 'option,
- opCode: opSetRequired,
- data: kCMOAppleTalkADSP },
- { label: kCMOEndpointName,
- type: 'option,
- opCode: opSetRequired,
- data: kADSPEndpoint },
- ],
- };,
- StartDrink:
- func(s)
- begin
- local theStr, theNames;
- frameCount := 0;
- if (BeginsWith(s, "DRNK")) then
- begin
- // Because of problems with ADSP and OutputFrame in unpatched 1.x Newton devices, we
- // sense when we cannot use ADSP frames. This bug was fixed in the December '95 patches.
- if (endpointType = 'adsp) and (SendADSPFrames.viewValue = nil) then begin
- :PutDataInStatusArea("ADSP OutputFrame not supported..." && soupName);
- spitMode := true;
- ep:Output("SPIT", frameOptions); // tell the server we can only spit, not drink
- end else begin
- spitMode := nil;
- ep:Output("DRNK", frameOptions); // tell the server we can do a drink
- end;
- ep:FlushOutput();
- local soupName := SubStr(s, 4, strLen(s) - 5 );
- theSoup := GetUnionSoup(soupName);
- if NOT theSoup then
- :PutDataInStatusArea("Unknown Soup Requested..." && soupName);
- else begin
- :PutDataInStatusArea("Open Soup: " && soupName);
- local queryType := {type: 'index};
- theCursor := Query(theSoup, queryType);
- local theEntry := theCursor:Entry();
- ep:Output("ENTR", frameOptions); // tell the server we are sending a soup entry
- ep:FlushOutput();
- if spitMode then begin /* if we are only sending strings */
- theStr := "";
- if isframe(theEntry.Name) then begin
- if theEntry.name.honorific exists then
- theStr := theEntry.name.honorific & " ";
- if theEntry.name.first exists then
- theStr := theEntry.name.first & " ";
- if theEntry.name.last exists then
- theStr := theStr & theEntry.name.last;
- end;
- TrimString(theStr); // remove any extra white space
- if StrLen(theStr) = 0 then
- thestr:="<no name in this record>";
- // allocate 4-byte object to hold the length
- local lengthObj := setclass(setlength(clone(""), 4), 'binary);
- StuffLong(lengthObj, 0, strlen(theStr)); // turn the string length into a 4byte int
- // output string length as 4 byte int; output sends only a one-byte int
- ep:Output(lengthObj, frameOptions);
- ep:Output(theStr, frameOptions);
- end;
- else /* if we are sending frames */
- ep:OutputFrame(theEntry, frameOptions);
- ep:FlushOutput();
- frameCount := frameCount + 1; // increment counter
- :PutDataInStatusArea("Frame Sent: " && NumberStr(frameCount));
- theEntry := theCursor:Next();
- ep:SetInputSpec(ep.doEntry);
- end;
- end;
- else if (BeginsWith(s, "NAME")) then begin
- theSoup := GetUnionSoup("Names");
- if NOT theSoup then begin
- :PutDataInStatusArea("Names soup doesn't exist (?!?)...");
- refreshviews();
- :DisposeConnection();
- end else begin
- :PutDataInStatusArea("Open Names Soup");
- refreshviews();
- ep:SetInputSpec(ep.doFrame);
- end;
- end;
- else if (BeginsWith(s, "HELO")) then begin // this is used by the DILette sample... just respond "Hello" and disconnect.
- ep:Output("Hello", frameOptions);
- ep:FlushOutput();
- GetRoot():Notify(knotifyAlert, clone("SoupDrink"), clone("Hello, DILette... pleased to meet you!"));
- :DisposeConnection();
- end;
- else
- :PutDataInStatusArea("Unknown Command:" && s);
- end,
- viewBounds: {top: 0, left: 0, right: 240, bottom: 330},
- endpointType: nil,
- _proto: @157,
- DisposeConnection:
- func()
- begin
- :PutDataInStatusArea("Disconnecting...");
- :ReleaseConnection();
- :PutDataInStatusArea("Ready to connect...");
- ConnectButton:Show();
- end,
- theCursor: nil,
- MakeConnection:
- func(passive, address)
- begin
- local err := ep:Connect(address, nil);
- if err then
- begin
- :PutDataInStatusArea("Couldn't connect..." & NumberStr(err));
- ep:Dispose();
- if endpointType = 'adsp then CloseAppleTalk();
- return;
- end;
- connected := true;
- :PutDataInStatusArea("Connected!!");
- ConnectButton:Hide();
- if endpointType = 'ir or endpointType = 'adsp then
- frameOptions := kFrame;
- else
- frameOptions := nil;
- :PutDataInStatusArea("Waiting for data...");
- ep:SetInputSpec(ep.doInput);
- end,
- MLookup:
- func()
- begin
- if not connected then // use netchooser to find type: vNBPtype
- begin
- GetRoot().NetChooser:OpenNetChooser(nil,
- "=:" & vNBPtype & "@",
- nil,
- self,
- "Pick this one",
- "SoupDrink Apps",
- "SoupDrinks");
- end;
- end,
- title: "SoupDrink",
- powerOffScript:
- func(what)
- begin
- if self.connected then return nil else true;
- end,
- NBPaddress: nil,
- vNBPtype: "SoupDrink",
- viewSetupFormScript:
- func()
- begin
- local b := GetAppParams();
- constant kMaxWidth := 240;
- constant kMaxHeight := 336;
- viewBounds := RelBounds(b.appAreaLeft, b.appAreaTop,
- Min(b.appAreaWidth, kMaxWidth),
- Min(b.appAreaHeight, kMaxHeight) );
- AddPowerOffHandler(self);
- self.statusMessages := [];
- end,
- ReleaseConnection:
- func()
- begin
- if connected then
- begin
- ep.nextInputSpec := nil; // no more input
- ep:SetInputSpec(nil); // kill the current inputSpec
- ep:Abort(); // asynchronously abort any pending I/O
- // must use a delayed action to dispose
- AddDelayedAction( func(ep, isAppleTalk)
- begin
- ep:Disconnect();
- ep:Dispose();
- if isAppleTalk then CloseAppleTalk();
- ep.appBase.connected := nil;
- end,
- [ ep, endpointType = 'adsp ], 2500);
- end;
- end,
- AddName:
- func(f)
- begin
- theSoup:AddToDefaultStore(f);
- BroadcastSoupChange("Names");
- :PutDataInStatusArea("Frame added...");
- :DisposeConnection();
- end,
- spitMode: nil,
- debug: "DILSample",
- frameOptions: nil
- };
- StatusArea :=
- {text: "",
- viewBounds: {left: 10, top: 75, right: 232, bottom: 113},
- viewJustify: 0,
- viewFormat: 67436880,
- viewFont: simpleFont18,
- debug: "StatusArea",
- _proto: @218
- };
- AddStepForm(DILSample, StatusArea);
- StepDeclare(DILSample, StatusArea, 'StatusArea);
- ConnectButton :=
- {text: "Connect",
- buttonClickScript:
- func()
- begin
- if not connected then
- begin
- statusMessages := []; // clear out our array of status messages
- :SetEndpointType(ConnectionType.clusterValue);
- if endpointType = 'adsp then
- :MLookup(); // bring up the chooser; it will call initconnection
- else
- :InitConnection(nil); // active mode
- end;
- else
- :Notify(kNotifyAlert, EnsureInternal("SoupDrink"), EnsureInternal("Already connected!"));
- end,
- viewBounds: {left: 12, top: 148, right: 75, bottom: 165},
- viewSetupDoneScript:
- func()
- begin
- :PutDataInStatusArea("Ready to Connect...");
- end,
- debug: "ConnectButton",
- _proto: @226
- };
- AddStepForm(DILSample, ConnectButton);
- StepDeclare(DILSample, ConnectButton, 'ConnectButton);
- DisconnectButton :=
- {text: "Disconnect",
- buttonClickScript:
- func()
- begin
- if connected then
- :DisposeConnection();
- else
- :PutDataInStatusArea("Ready to connect...");
- end,
- viewBounds: {left: 159, top: 149, right: 230, bottom: 166},
- viewQuitScript:
- func()
- begin
- :ReleaseConnection();
- end,
- debug: "DisconnectButton",
- _proto: @226
- };
- AddStepForm(DILSample, DisconnectButton);
- StepDeclare(DILSample, DisconnectButton, 'DisconnectButton);
- ConnectionType :=
- {viewBounds: {left: 39, top: 191, right: 213, bottom: 254},
- viewSetupDoneScript:
- func()
- begin
- :SetClusterValue('mnp);
- end,
- debug: "ConnectionType",
- _proto: @203
- };
- AddStepForm(DILSample, ConnectionType);
- StepDeclare(DILSample, ConnectionType, 'ConnectionType);
- serial :=
- {buttonValue: 'serial,
- viewBounds: {left: 7, top: 5, right: 155, bottom: 23},
- text: "Serial",
- debug: "serial",
- _proto: @202
- };
- AddStepForm(ConnectionType, serial);
- mnp :=
- {buttonValue: 'mnp,
- viewBounds: {left: 7, top: 25, right: 155, bottom: 43},
- text: "Serial with MNP",
- debug: "mnp",
- _proto: @202
- };
- AddStepForm(ConnectionType, mnp);
- adsp :=
- {buttonValue: 'adsp,
- viewBounds: {left: 7, top: 45, right: 155, bottom: 63},
- text: "AppleTalk (ADSP)",
- debug: "adsp",
- _proto: @202
- };
- AddStepForm(ConnectionType, adsp);
- SendADSPFrames :=
- {text: "Send frames over ADSP",
- viewBounds: {left: 60, top: 256, right: 233, bottom: 273},
- viewValue: nil,
- debug: "SendADSPFrames",
- _proto: @164
- };
- AddStepForm(DILSample, SendADSPFrames);
- StepDeclare(DILSample, SendADSPFrames, 'SendADSPFrames);
- _view000 :=
- {
- text:
- "(Only enable this with Newton 2.0
- or a 1.x unit with the Dec '95 patch)",
- viewBounds: {left: 71, top: 272, right: 236, bottom: 306},
- viewFont: ROM_fontSystem9,
- viewJustify: 0,
- _proto: @218
- };
- AddStepForm(DILSample, _view000);
- compileTime :=
- {viewFlags: 513,
- viewFormat: nil,
- viewBounds: {left: 156, top: 0, right: 239, bottom: 22},
- viewClickScript:
- func(unit)
- begin
- if :trackhilite(unit) then
- begin
- self.showcompiletime := not self.showcompiletime;
- :dirty();
- end;
- :hilite(nil);
- end,
- viewDrawScript:
- func()
- begin
- if self.showcompiletime then
- begin
- local box := :localbox();
- :DrawShape(MakeText(datentime(compiletime),box.left,box.top,box.right,box.bottom), {font:viewfont});
- end;
- end,
- viewFont: {family: 'geneva, size: 9, face: 0},
- debug: "compileTime",
- viewClass: 74
- };
- AddStepForm(DILSample, compileTime);
- status :=
- {text: "Status",
- viewBounds: {left: 18, top: 67, right: 60, bottom: 82},
- viewTransferMode: 0
- ,
- debug: "status",
- _proto: @218
- };
- AddStepForm(DILSample, status);
- StepDeclare(DILSample, status, 'status);
- constant |layout_Main.t| := DILSample;
- // End of file Main.t