home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
Text File | 1996-03-08 | 23.2 KB | 775 lines | [TEXT/MPS ] |
- // Text of project Basic Serial written on 3/8/96 at 12:48
- // Beginning of text file Project Data
- // Copyright © 1994-1995 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved
- constant kAction_Connect := 'connect;
- constant kAction_Listen := 'listen;
- constant kState_Disconnected := 0; // ready-to-go (default state)
- constant kState_Listen := 1; // preparation for (asynchronous) listen
- constant kState_Listening := 2; // in-process of (asynchronous) listen
- constant kState_Connect := 3; // preparation for (asynchronous) connect
- constant kState_Connecting := 4; // in-process of (asynchronous) connect
- constant kState_Connected := 5; // connected (requires disconnect)
- constant kState_Disconnecting := 6; // in-process of (asynchronous) disconnect
- constant kMessage_Disconnected := "Ready to connect…";
- constant kMessage_Listening := "Waiting for connection...";
- constant kMessage_Connecting := "Connecting...";
- constant kMessage_Connected := "Connected, awaiting disconnect...";
- constant kMessage_Disconnecting := "Disconnecting, please wait...";
- constant kMessage_ConnectFailed := "Connection not established; no response.";
- constant kMessage_BufferOverrun := "The communications data buffer was overrun and has been reset.";
- constant kMessage_Timeout := "The connection seems to have timed out.";
- constant kMessage_PortInUse := "Another application seems to be using the communications port.";
- constant kMessage_PortDoesNotExist := "The requested communications port does not exist.";
- constant kMessage_OutputTooFast := "Synchronous outputs are occuring too quickly; some data was not output.";
- // End of text file Project Data
- // Beginning of file protoDisconnectSlip
- // Before Script for "_userproto000"
- // Copyright © 1994-1995 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.
- _userproto000 :=
- {viewBounds: {left: 0, top: 0, right: 108, bottom: 44},
- viewJustify: 80,
- ReorientToScreen: ROM_DefRotateFunc,
- _proto: @179
- };
- _view000 :=
- {viewBounds: {left: 8, top: 8, right: 104, bottom: 40},
- viewJustify: 2,
- text:
- "Disconnecting...
- Please Wait...",
- _proto: @218
- };
- AddStepForm(_userproto000, _view000);
- constant |layout_protoDisconnectSlip| := _userproto000;
- // End of file protoDisconnectSlip
- // Beginning of file Basic Serial.t
- // Before Script for "vMainApp"
- // Copyright © 1994-1995 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.
- vMainApp :=
- {
- viewSetupDoneScript:
- func()
- begin
- :MSetEndPointState(fEndPointState); // do NOT change the endpoint state -- just update any views that depend on it
- if fEndPointState = kState_Disconnected then
- :MMessage(kMessage_Disconnected);
- else
- :MMessage("");
- end,
- MMessage:
- func(message) // this routine can be called regardless of the value of SELF
- begin
- local appBaseView := GetRoot().(kAppSymbol);
- if call kViewIsOpenFunc with (appBaseView) then
- begin
- SetValue(appBaseView.vMessage, 'text, Clone(message));
- RefreshViews();
- end
- end,
- viewFormat: 83951953,
- viewQuitScript:
- func()
- begin
- :MDisconnect();
- RemoveSlot(GetRoot().(kAppSymbol), 'fEndPoint);
- end,
- MConnect:
- func(connectAction)
- begin
- if fEndPointState <> kState_Disconnected then
- return;
- fEndPoint.fConnectAction := connectAction;
- fEndPoint.fQuiet := nil;
- if connectAction = kAction_Listen then
- :MSetEndPointState(kState_Listen);
- else if connectAction = kAction_Connect then
- :MSetEndPointState(kState_Connect);
- else
- return;
- fEndPoint:MConnectAction();
- end,
- MDisconnectCompProc:
- func(options, result) // SELF is the endpoint frame
- begin
- try
- :UnBind(nil)
- onexception |evt.ex.comm| do
- nil;
- try
- :Dispose()
- onexception |evt.ex.comm| do
- nil;
- if fDisconnectSlip then begin
- fDisconnectSlip:Close();
- fDisconnectSlip := nil;
- end;
- :MMessage(kMessage_Disconnected);
- :MSetEndPointState(kState_Disconnected);
- if fPowerOffState then
- begin
- fPowerOffState := nil;
- PowerOffResume(kAppSymbol);
- end;
- UnRegPowerOff(kAppSymbol);
- end,
- MShowSerialInfo:
- DefConst('kSerialInfoOptions,
- [
- { label: kCMOSerialChipSpec,
- type: 'option,
- opCode: opGetCurrent,
- result: nil,
- form: 'template,
- data: {
- arglist: [
- 0, // chip location
- 0, // features supported by this chip
- 0, // output signals supported by chip
- 0, // input signals supported by chip
- 0, // parity supported
- 0, // data and stop bits supported
- 0, // serial chip type
- nil, // chip in use
- 0, // reserved
- 0, // reserved
- 0, // PCMCIA card CIS manufacturer ID
- 0, ], // PCMCIA card CIS manufacturer ID info
- typelist: ['struct,
- 'ulong, // fHWLoc
- 'ulong, // fSerFeatures
- 'byte, // fSerOutSupported
- 'byte, // fSerInSupported
- 'byte, // fParitySupport
- 'byte, // fDataStopBitSupport
- 'byte, // fUARTType
- 'boolean, // fChipNotInUse
- 'byte, // reserved
- 'byte, // reserved
- 'short, // fCIS_ManFID
- 'short, ], }, }, // fCIS_ManFIDInfo
- ]);
- func()
- begin
- if fEndPointState <> kState_Connected then
- return :MNotify("Not connected.");
- local option := fEndPoint:Option(kSerialInfoOptions, nil);
- if not option then
- return;
- local result, message := "";
- if (result := option[0].result) <> nil then
- message := message & "Get serial chip info failed: (" & NumberStr(result) & ")" & unicodeCR;
- else
- begin
- local serialChipType := option[0].data.arglist[6];
- message := message & "Serial Chip: " &
- ( if serialChipType = 0x00 then "8250"
- else if serialChipType = 0x01 then "16450"
- else if serialChipType = 0x02 then "16550"
- else if serialChipType = 0x20 then "8530"
- else if serialChipType = 0x21 then "6850"
- else if serialChipType = 0x22 then "6402"
- else if serialChipType = 0x23 then "Reserved"
- else "Unknown" ) & " UART" & unicodeCR;
- end;
- :MMessage(message);
- end,
- fEndPointOptions:
- nil // see MBuildConfigOptions & MConnectAction for more info
- ,
- MDisconnectAction:
- func(fromState) // SELF is the endpoint frame
- begin
- try
- :Cancel(nil)
- onexception |evt.ex.comm| do
- nil;
- if fromState = kState_Connected then
- try
- :Disconnect(nil, { async: true,
- // reqTimeout: 3600,
- completionScript: func(ep, options, result)
- ep:MDisconnectCompProc(options, result), })
- onexception |evt.ex.comm| do
- :MDisconnectCompProc(nil, CurrentException().error);
- else
- :MDisconnectCompProc(nil, nil);
- end,
- MBuildConfigOptions:
- func() // SELF can be any frame that inherits to the app base view
- begin
- local options :=
- [
- { label: kCMSAsyncSerial,
- type: 'service,
- opCode: opSetRequired,
- result: nil, },
- { label: kCMOSerialHWChipLoc,
- type: 'option,
- opCode: opSetRequired,
- result: nil,
- form: 'template,
- data: {
- argList: [
- vPort.clusterValue, // kHWLocExternalSerial, kHWLocBuiltInIR, kHWLocPCMCIASlot1
- 0, ],
- typeList: ['struct,
- ['array, 'char, 4],
- 'ulong, ], }, },
- { label: kCMOSerialIOParms,
- type: 'option,
- opCode: opSetRequired,
- result: nil,
- form: 'template,
- data: {
- arglist: [
- k1StopBits, // 1 stop bit
- kNoParity, // no parity bit
- k8DataBits, // 8 data bits
- k19200bps, ], // date rate in bps
- typelist: ['struct,
- 'long, // stop bits
- 'long, // parity
- 'long, // data bits
- 'long, ], }, }, // bps
- { label: kCMOInputFlowControlParms,
- type: 'option,
- opCode: opSetRequired,
- result: nil,
- form: 'template,
- data: {
- arglist: [
- unicodeDC1, // xonChar
- unicodeDC3, // xoffChar
- nil, // useSoftFlowControl
- nil, // useHardFlowControl
- 0, // not needed; returned
- 0, ], // not needed; returned
- typelist: ['struct,
- 'char, // XON character
- 'char, // XOFF character
- 'boolean, // software flow control
- 'boolean, // hardware flow control
- 'boolean, // hardware flow blocked
- 'boolean, ], }, }, // software flow blocked
- { label: kCMOOutputFlowControlParms,
- type: 'option,
- opCode: opSetRequired,
- result: nil,
- form: 'template,
- data: {
- arglist: [
- unicodeDC1, // xonChar
- unicodeDC3, // xoffChar
- nil, // useSoftFlowControl
- nil, // useHardFlowControl
- 0, // not needed; returned
- 0, ], // not needed; returned
- typelist: ['struct,
- 'char, // XON character
- 'char, // XOFF character
- 'boolean, // software flow control
- 'boolean, // hardware flow control
- 'boolean, // hardware flow blocked
- 'boolean, ], }, }, // software flow blocked
- ];
- options;
- end,
- viewBounds: {left: -2, top: -2, right: 230, bottom: 310},
- MExceptionHandler:
- func(exceptionFrame) // SELF is the endpoint frame
- begin
- if exceptionFrame
- and exceptionFrame.data
- and exceptionFrame.data <> -16005 then // ignore -16005 (just the result of calling Cancel)
- if exceptionFrame.data = -18003 then // I/O buffer overrun
- begin
- AddDeferredCall(func(ep) ep:MResetConnection(true), [self]);
- :MNotifyError(exceptionFrame.data);
- end;
- else begin // handle all other (unexptected) exceptions by disconnecting the endpoint
- AddDeferredCall(func(ep) ep:MDisconnect(), [self]);
- :MNotifyError(exceptionFrame.data);
- end;
- true;
- end,
- _proto: @157,
- MNotifyError:
- func(error)
- begin
- if not error
- or (fEndPoint and fEndPoint.fQuiet) then
- return;
- if error = -10017 then
- :MNotify(kMessage_OutputTooFast);
- else if error = -10078 then
- :MNotify(kMessage_PortInUse);
- else if error = -16013 then
- :MNotify(kMessage_Timeout);
- else if error = -16022 then
- :MNotify(kMessage_PortDoesNotExist);
- else if error = -18003 then
- :MNotify(kMessage_BufferOverrun);
- else if error = -38001 then
- :MNotify(kMessage_ConnectFailed);
- else
- :MNotify("An unexpected error has occured. Error code = " & NumberStr(error));
- end,
- MResetConnection:
- func(cancel) // SELF is the endpoint frame
- begin
- if fEndPointState <> kState_Connected then
- return;
- if cancel then
- try
- :Cancel(nil)
- onexception |evt.ex.comm| do
- nil;
- :SetInputSpec(fEndPointInputSpec);
- end,
- viewJustify: 80,
- title: kAppName,
- fEndPointState: kState_Disconnected,
- fEndPointOutputSpec:
- {
- form: 'string,
- },
- MDisconnect:
- func()
- begin
- if not fEndPoint
- or fEndPointState <> kState_Connected
- and fEndPointState <> kState_Connecting
- and fEndPointState <> kState_Listening then
- return;
- fEndPoint.fQuiet := true; // supress user alerts and other interactions while disconnecting
- local fromState := fEndPointState;
- :MSetEndPointState(kState_Disconnecting);
- :MMessage(kMessage_Disconnecting);
- fEndPoint.fDisconnectSlip := BuildContext(GetLayout("protoDisconnectSlip"));
- fEndPoint.fDisconnectSlip:Open();
- fEndPoint:MDisconnectAction(fromState);
- end,
- fEndPoint: nil,
- fEndPointInputSpec:
- {
- form: 'string,
- termination: { endSequence: [unicodeCR], },
- discardAfter: 256,
- inputScript: func(ep, data, terminator, options)
- ep:MInput(data),
- },
- viewSetupFormScript:
- func()
- begin
- // make view no bigger than the original MP
- local b := GetAppParams();
- viewBounds := RelBounds( b.appAreaLeft, b.appAreaTop,
- MIN( b.appAreaWidth, 240 ),
- MIN( b.appAreaHeight, 336 ));
- self.fEndPoint := { _proto: protoBasicEndPoint,
- _parent: self,
- exceptionHandler: MExceptionHandler,
- fConnectAction: nil,
- fConnectAddress: nil,
- fDisconnectSlip: nil,
- fPowerOffState: nil,
- fQuiet: nil, };
- end,
- MOutput:
- func(data) // SELF can be any frame that inherits to the base app view
- begin
- if fEndPointState = kState_Connected then
- try
- fEndPoint:Output(data & unicodeCR, nil, fEndPointOutputSpec)
- onexception |evt.ex.comm| do
- :MExceptionHandler(CurrentException());
- else
- :MNotify("Not connected.");
- end,
- MSetEndpointState:
- func(newState) // this routine can be called regardless of the value of SELF
- begin
- local appBaseView := GetRoot().(kAppSymbol);
- // NOTE: We must be absolutely certain fEndPointState gets created/overridden in the app base view frame!
- appBaseView.fEndPointState := newState;
- if not call kViewIsOpenFunc with (appBaseView) then
- return;
- if appBaseView.fEndPointState = kState_Disconnected then begin
- appBaseView.vConnect:Show();
- appBaseView.vListen:Show();
- appBaseView:MSetButtons("Connect", "Listen");
- end;
- else if appBaseView.fEndPointState = kState_Listen then begin
- appBaseView.vConnect:Hide();
- appBaseView:MSetButtons("Listening", nil);
- end;
- else if appBaseView.fEndPointState = kState_Listening then
- appBaseView:MSetButtons("Stop Listening", nil);
- else if appBaseView.fEndPointState = kState_Connect then begin
- appBaseView.vListen:Hide();
- appBaseView:MSetButtons("Connecting", nil);
- end;
- else if appBaseView.fEndPointState = kState_Connecting then
- appBaseView:MSetButtons("Stop Connecting", nil);
- else if appBaseView.fEndPointState = kState_Connected then
- appBaseView:MSetButtons("Disconnect", nil);
- else if appBaseView.fEndPointState = kState_Disconnecting then
- appBaseView:MSetButtons("Disconnecting", nil);
- else
- appBaseView:MSetButtons("I Am Confused", nil);
- RefreshViews();
- end,
- MInput:
- func(data) // SELF is the endpoint frame
- begin
- PlaySound(ROM_PlinkBeep);
- :MMessage(data);
- end,
- MConnectCompProc:
- func(options, result) // SELF is the endpoint frame
- begin
- if result then
- begin
- :MNotifyError(result);
- :MDisconnect();
- return;
- end;
- if fConnectAction = kAction_Listen then
- try
- :Accept(nil, nil)
- onexception |evt.ex.comm| do
- begin
- :MNotifyError(CurrentException().error);
- :MDisconnect();
- return;
- end;
- :MSetEndPointState(kState_Connected);
- :MMessage(kMessage_Connected);
- :MResetConnection(nil);
- :MShowSerialInfo();
- end,
- MConnectAction:
- func() // SELF is the endpoint frame
- begin
- fEndPointOptions := :MBuildConfigOptions();
- try
- :Instantiate(self, fEndPointOptions)
- onexception |evt.ex.comm| do
- begin
- :MNotifyError(CurrentException().error);
- :MSetEndPointState(kState_Disconnected);
- return;
- end;
- try
- :Bind(nil, nil)
- onexception |evt.ex.comm| do
- begin
- :MNotifyError(CurrentException().error);
- :MSetEndPointState(kState_Disconnected);
- :Dispose();
- return;
- end;
- RegPowerOff(kAppSymbol,
- func(what, why) // we create the closure here so as to set up SELF as the endpoint frame in the closure
- begin
- if what = 'okToPowerOff then
- begin
- if why <> 'idle // keep the unit awake whenever we're connected
- or fEndPointState = kState_Disconnected then // unless the user or an application explicitly
- return true; // wants it to sleep
- end;
- else if what = 'powerOff then
- begin
- if why <> 'idle // if we simply must go to sleep but we're still
- and fEndPointState <> kState_Disconnected then // connected then begin the disconnect process
- begin
- fPowerOffState := 'holdYourHorses; // set a flag to indicate we're powering down
- :MDisconnect();
- return 'holdYourHorses;
- end;
- end;
- nil; // ALWAYS return nil here!
- end );
- try
- begin
- if fConnectAction = kAction_Listen then
- begin
- :MSetEndPointState(kState_Listening);
- :MMessage(kMessage_Listening);
- :Listen( nil,
- { async: true,
- reqTimeout: 90000, // 90 seconds -- for DEMO purposes only
- completionScript: func(ep, options, result)
- ep:MConnectCompProc(options, result) });
- end;
- else if fConnectAction = kAction_Connect then
- begin
- :MSetEndPointState(kState_Connecting);
- :MMessage(kMessage_Connecting);
- :Connect( [ fConnectAddress ],
- { async: true,
- reqTimeout: 45000, // 45 seconds -- for DEMO purposes only
- completionScript: func(ep, options, result)
- ep:MConnectCompProc(options, result), });
- end;
- end
- onexception |evt.ex.comm| do
- begin
- :MNotifyError(CurrentException().error);
- :MDisconnect();
- end;
- end,
- debug: "vMainApp",
- MNotify:
- func(message)
- begin
- GetRoot():Notify(kNotifyAlert, kAppName, message); // no longer necessary to EnsureInternal params
- end,
- MSetButtons:
- func(connectText, listenText)
- begin
- SetValue(vConnect, 'text, connectText);
- if listenText then
- SetValue(vListen, 'text, listenText);
- else
- SetValue(vListen, 'text, connectText);
- end
- };
- _view001 :=
- {viewBounds: {left: 8, top: 16, right: 224, bottom: 32},
- text: "Messages & Received Data:",
- _proto: @218
- };
- AddStepForm(vMainApp, _view001);
- vMessage :=
- {viewBounds: {left: 9, top: 33, right: 223, bottom: 119},
- viewJustify: 0,
- viewFormat: 337,
- viewFont: simpleFont12,
- text: "",
- viewClickScript:
- func(unit)
- begin
- SetValue(self, 'text, "");
- true;
- end,
- viewFlags: 515,
- debug: "vMessage",
- _proto: @218
- };
- AddStepForm(vMainApp, vMessage);
- StepDeclare(vMainApp, vMessage, 'vMessage);
- _view002 :=
- {viewBounds: {left: 8, top: 128, right: 168, bottom: 144},
- text: "Message To Send:",
- _proto: @218
- };
- AddStepForm(vMainApp, _view002);
- vInputArea :=
- {viewFlags: 64001,
- viewFormat: 12625,
- viewLineSpacing: 20,
- viewFont: 18434,
- viewBounds: {left: 9, top: 145, right: 167, bottom: 195},
- text: "This is a test!",
- debug: "vInputArea",
- viewClass: 81
- };
- AddStepForm(vMainApp, vInputArea);
- StepDeclare(vMainApp, vInputArea, 'vInputArea);
- vConnect :=
- {
- buttonClickScript:
- func()
- begin
- if fEndPointState = kState_Disconnected then
- :MConnect(kAction_Connect);
- else
- :MDisconnect();
- end,
- viewBounds: {left: 122, top: 214, right: 222, bottom: 234},
- text: ""
- ,
- debug: "vConnect",
- _proto: @226
- };
- AddStepForm(vMainApp, vConnect);
- StepDeclare(vMainApp, vConnect, 'vConnect);
- vListen :=
- {
- buttonClickScript:
- func()
- begin
- if fEndPointState = kState_Disconnected then
- :MConnect(kAction_Listen);
- else
- :MDisconnect();
- end,
- viewBounds: {left: 122, top: 242, right: 222, bottom: 262},
- text: ""
- ,
- debug: "vListen",
- _proto: @226
- };
- AddStepForm(vMainApp, vListen);
- StepDeclare(vMainApp, vListen, 'vListen);
- vSend :=
- {
- buttonClickScript:
- func()
- begin
- :MOutput(if vInputArea.text then vInputArea.text else "");
- end,
- viewBounds: {left: 178, top: 146, right: 222, bottom: 166},
- text: "Send",
- debug: "vSend",
- _proto: @226
- };
- AddStepForm(vMainApp, vSend);
- StepDeclare(vMainApp, vSend, 'vSend);
- _view003 :=
- {viewBounds: {left: 8, top: 204, right: 112, bottom: 220},
- text: "Serial Port To Use:",
- _proto: @218
- };
- AddStepForm(vMainApp, _view003);
- vPort :=
- {viewBounds: {left: 16, top: 220, right: 112, bottom: 276},
- clusterValue: kHWLocExternalSerial,
- debug: "vPort",
- _proto: @203
- };
- AddStepForm(vMainApp, vPort);
- StepDeclare(vMainApp, vPort, 'vPort);
- _view004 :=
- {buttonValue: kHWLocExternalSerial,
- viewBounds: {left: 0, top: 0, right: 96, bottom: 16},
- text: "RS422 (Port A)",
- _proto: @202
- };
- AddStepForm(vPort, _view004);
- _view005 :=
- {buttonValue: kHWLocBuiltInIR,
- viewBounds: {left: 0, top: 16, right: 96, bottom: 32},
- text: "IR (Port B)",
- _proto: @202
- };
- AddStepForm(vPort, _view005);
- _view006 :=
- {buttonValue: kHWLocPCMCIASlot1,
- viewBounds: {left: 0, top: 32, right: 96, bottom: 48},
- text: "Serial Card In Slot 1",
- _proto: @202
- };
- AddStepForm(vPort, _view006);
- constant |layout_Basic Serial.t| := vMainApp;
- // End of file Basic Serial.t