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Text File | 1995-11-21 | 13.1 KB | 416 lines | [TEXT/MPS ] |
- // Text of project CustomRoute written on 11/21/95 at 7:11 PM
- // Beginning of text file Constants
- /*
- ** Newton Developer Technical Support Sample Code
- **
- ** Custom Route, a Newton 2.0 routing example
- **
- ** by J. Christopher Bell, Newton Developer Technical Support
- **
- ** Copyright © 1994-5 by Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.
- **
- ** You may incorporate this sample code into your applications without
- ** restriction. This sample code has been provided "AS IS" and the
- ** responsibility for its operation is 100% yours. You are not
- ** permitted to modify and redistribute the source as "DTS Sample Code."
- ** If you are going to re-distribute the source, we require that you
- ** make it clear in the source that the code was descended from
- ** Apple-provided sample code, but that you've made changes.
- */
- constant kMyMainDataDefSym := '|myDataDef:customRoute:PIEDTS| ;
- constant kMyMainViewDefSym := '|myViewDef:customRoute:PIEDTS| ;
- constant kMyFrameViewDefSym := '|myFrameViewDef:customRoute:PIEDTS| ;
- // Get the cup icon
- OpenResFile(home & "pictures");
- DefConst('kCupIcon, GetPictAsBits("minRouteIcon", nil));
- CloseResFile();
- /*
- * This is a routing format which handles 'text and 'frame (despite the name, protoFrameFormat
- * handles both types. If you want to handle just 'frames, override the dataTypes slot with ['frame].
- *
- * This will be registered in the application installScript with RegisterViewDef(...).
- *
- * Note that we won't necessarily be able to view the item in the iobox unless we write a
- * NON-ROUTING viewDef for kMyMainDataDefSym so that it can be viewed in the iobox item viewer.
- */
- DefConst('kMyFrameRoutingFormat, {
- _proto: protoFrameFormat,
- title: "CustomRoute - picture choice",
- version: 1,
- symbol: kMyFrameViewDefSym,
- SetupItem: func(item, targetInfo)
- begin
- inherited:?SetupItem(item, targetInfo);
- /*If you have any "preprocessing" to do like set anything in the item or add
- * extra body slots like version slots, or extra data, you can do it here, but if you are
- * trying to actually prep visual shapes, do that in formatInitScript.
- *
- * Note that by calling inherited, we get the equivalent of:
- * item.body := targetInfo.target;
- * ...plus if the target is a soup entry alias, it resolves it...
- *
- * Only modify the item, not the target.
- */
- // set the title; note that the string will be editable by the user...
- item.title := "CustomRoute item: " & datentime(time());
- item;
- end,
- textScript: func(fields, target)
- clone(target.data); // our target.data should always be plain text
- });
- // End of text file Constants
- // Beginning of file PrintFormat
- // Before Script for "_view000"
- /*
- ** Newton Developer Technical Support Sample Code
- **
- ** Custom Route, a Newton 2.0 routing example
- **
- ** by J. Christopher Bell, Newton Developer Technical Support
- **
- ** Copyright © 1994-5 by Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.
- **
- ** You may incorporate this sample code into your applications without
- ** restriction. This sample code has been provided "AS IS" and the
- ** responsibility for its operation is 100% yours. You are not
- ** permitted to modify and redistribute the source as "DTS Sample Code."
- ** If you are going to re-distribute the source, we require that you
- ** make it clear in the source that the code was descended from
- ** Apple-provided sample code, but that you've made changes.
- */
- _view000 :=
- {
- printNextPageScript:
- func()
- begin
- // for this example, always print 3 pages worth of stuff
- if myPageCounter < 3 then
- begin
- // we check this in viewSetupFormScript to distinguish between
- // Initialization and RedoChildren;
- myPageCounter := myPageCounter + 1;
- turningPages := true;
- :RedoChildren(); // rebuild all our views in preparation for the next page
- turningPages := nil;
- true;
- end;
- end,
- symbol: kMyMainViewDefSym,
- viewSetupFormScript:
- func()
- begin
- // we set this in printNextPageScript to distinguish between Initialization and RedoChildren();
- if not turningPages then
- myPageCounter := 1; // don't rely on fields.pageNumber to track pages! We track it
- // and increment it in printNextPageScript
- inherited:?viewSetupFormScript(); // this method is defined internally
- end,
- formatInitScript:
- func(fields,theTarget)
- begin
- /* If you need to do prep something which takes a long time, and you are
- * worried about "timing out" a fax machine, do it here, not
- * in viewSetupFormScript!!!
- */
- end,
- SetupItem:
- func(item, tInfo)
- begin
- /* If you have any "preprocessing" to do like set anything in the item or add
- * extra slots like version slots, or extra data, you can do it here, but if you are
- * trying to actually prep the visual shapes, you should do that in formatInitScript.
- */
- inherited:?SetupItem(item, tInfo);
- // set the title; note that the string will be editable by the user...
- item.title := "CustomRoute item: " & datentime(time());
- item;
- end,
- title: "MyFormat",
- myPageCounter: nil,
- turningPages:
- nil // a flag to distinguish between initialization and RedoChildren in viewSetupFormScript
- ,
- _proto: @200
- };
- _view001 :=
- {viewFlags: 1,
- viewFormat: 593,
- viewBounds: {left: 5, top: 5, right: 5, bottom: -5},
- viewJustify: 240,
- viewClass: 74
- };
- AddStepForm(_view000, _view001);
- _view002 :=
- {viewFlags: 1,
- icon: GetPictAsBits("Llama", nil),
- viewFormat: nil,
- viewBounds: {left: 0, top: 0, right: 0, bottom: 0},
- viewJustify: 242,
- viewClass: 76
- };
- AddStepForm(_view001, _view002);
- _view003 :=
- {text: "<the user data>",
- viewBounds: {top: -150, left: 0, right: 0, bottom: -20},
- viewSetupFormScript:
- func()
- begin
- text := "Custom data from input line: ";
- if target.data and StrLen(target.data) > 0 then
- text := text & "\n‘" & target.data & "’" ;
- else
- text := text & "\n<empty field>";
- end,
- viewFont: fancyFont18+tsBold,
- viewJustify: 178,
- _proto: @218
- };
- AddStepForm(_view000, _view003);
- pageNumber :=
- {text: "Static Text",
- viewBounds: {top: -25, left: 0, right: 0, bottom: -5},
- viewJustify: 8388790
- ,
- viewSetupFormScript:
- func()
- begin
- text := "Page" && NumberStr(myPageCounter) ;
- end,
- viewFont: simpleFont18+tsBold,
- debug: "pageNumber",
- _proto: @218
- };
- AddStepForm(_view000, pageNumber);
- constant |layout_PrintFormat| := _view000;
- // End of file PrintFormat
- // Beginning of file CustomRoute.t
- // Before Script for "myBase"
- /*
- ** Newton Developer Technical Support Sample Code
- **
- ** Custom Route, a Newton 2.0 routing example
- **
- ** by J. Christopher Bell, Newton Developer Technical Support
- **
- ** Copyright © 1994-5 by Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.
- **
- ** You may incorporate this sample code into your applications without
- ** restriction. This sample code has been provided "AS IS" and the
- ** responsibility for its operation is 100% yours. You are not
- ** permitted to modify and redistribute the source as "DTS Sample Code."
- ** If you are going to re-distribute the source, we require that you
- ** make it clear in the source that the code was descended from
- ** Apple-provided sample code, but that you've made changes.
- */
- myBase :=
- {viewBounds: {left: 0, top: 2, right: 236, bottom: 326},
- appSymbol: kAppSymbol,
- title: "CustomRoute",
- viewSetupFormScript:
- func()
- viewBounds := GetAppParams().appAreaBounds; // should define max/min, but we're lazy
- ,
- PutAwayScript:
- func(item)
- begin
- /* your app might be asked to put away something you don't know about. Return
- * nil if you don't know how to deal with it!
- */
- if classof(item.body) <> kMyMainDataDefSym or TargetIsCursor(item.body) then
- return nil;
- :Open(); // we might not be open!
- // This is the place where you could get wild and move the information
- // into soups, other apps, and otherwise extract the information.
- if item.body.data then
- SetValue(theLine, 'text, item.body.data);
- true; // return true if it was put away successfully
- end,
- GetActiveView:
- func()
- begin
- printFormatView; // return the current "active" view (for Intelligent Assistant)
- end,
- myFormats:
- {
- viewFormat: GetLayout("PrintFormat"),
- myFrameFormat: kMyFrameRoutingFormat, // see Constants file
- // put your other formats in this frame and then check out the code in
- // the install/removescripts that uses it...
- };,
- ReorientToScreen:
- ROM_defRotateFunc // Allow landscape mode
- ,
- debug: "myBase",
- _proto: @157
- };
- printFormatView :=
- {viewBounds: {left: 10, top: 37, right: -10, bottom: 156},
- viewFlags: 1,
- viewFormat: 336,
- routeScripts:
- [
- {title: "Drink tea", routeScript: 'calmScript, icon: kCupIcon}, // defined in constants file
- {title: "Duplicate", routeScript: 'duplicateScript, icon: ROM_routeDuplicateIcon},
- {title: "Delete", routeScript: 'deleteScript, icon: ROM_routeDeleteIcon},
- ],
- GetTargetInfo:
- func(targetType)
- begin
- // the targetType will always be 'routing for routing operations
- // This function is also called for filing and find
- local theFrame := {
- target: {
- class: kMyMainDataDefSym, // set unique class (and register viewDefs on this symbol!)
- data: theLine.text
- },
- targetView: theLine,
- appSymbol: kAppSymbol,
- };
- // Note: if the target is a soup entry, then also include a targetStore slot for use by filing...
- theFrame;
- end,
- calmScript:
- func(target, targetView)
- begin
- local oldText := theLine.text;
- :SysBeep();
- SetValue(theLine, 'text, "Mellow out! (drink peppermint tea?)");
- RefreshViews();
- theLine:Hilite(true);
- sleep(120);
- theLine:Hilite(nil);
- SetValue(theLine, 'text, oldText);
- end,
- deleteScript:
- func(target, targetView)
- begin
- if kDebugOn then print("Delete...");
- SetValue(theLine, 'text, clone(""));
- end,
- duplicateScript:
- func(target, targetView)
- begin
- if kDebugOn then print("Duplicate...");
- // Umm...this is how our app will show duplication, but you would normally do
- // duplication by DeepCloning the target and creating a new soup entry...
- SetValue(theLine, 'text, theLine:GetRichString() && "and" && theLine:GetRichString() );
- end,
- viewJustify: 48,
- debug: "printFormatView",
- viewClass: 74
- };
- AddStepForm(myBase, printFormatView);
- StepDeclare(myBase, printFormatView, 'printFormatView);
- theLine :=
- {viewBounds: {left: 10, top: 0, right: -10, bottom: -20},
- text: "Text",
- viewJustify: 240,
- debug: "theLine",
- _proto: @185
- };
- AddStepForm(printFormatView, theLine);
- StepDeclare(myBase, theLine, 'theLine);
- _view004 :=
- {
- menuRightButtons:
- [
- protoActionButton,
- ],
- _proto: @401
- };
- AddStepForm(printFormatView, _view004);
- // After Script for "_view004"
- thisView := _view004;
- thisView._proto := newtStatusBarNoClose; // not in platform file yet ••
- constant |layout_CustomRoute.t| := myBase;
- // End of file CustomRoute.t
- // Beginning of text file Install&RemoveScripts.f
- /*
- ** Newton Developer Technical Support Sample Code
- **
- ** Custom Route, a Newton 2.0 routing example
- **
- ** by J. Christopher Bell, Newton Developer Technical Support
- **
- ** Copyright © 1994-5 by Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.
- **
- ** You may incorporate this sample code into your applications without
- ** restriction. This sample code has been provided "AS IS" and the
- ** responsibility for its operation is 100% yours. You are not
- ** permitted to modify and redistribute the source as "DTS Sample Code."
- ** If you are going to re-distribute the source, we require that you
- ** make it clear in the source that the code was descended from
- ** Apple-provided sample code, but that you've made changes.
- */
- InstallScript := func(partFrame)
- begin
- local myApp := partFrame.theForm;
- RegisterViewDef(myApp.MyFormats.viewFormat, kMyMainDataDefSym);
- RegisterViewDef(myApp.MyFormats.myFrameFormat, kMyMainDataDefSym);
- end;
- // run when application and/or card with app removed
- // cleanup routing stuff
- RemoveScript := func(partFrame)
- begin
- UnregisterViewDef(kMyMainViewDefSym, kMyMainDataDefSym);
- UnregisterViewDef(kMyFrameViewDefSym, kMyMainDataDefSym);
- end;
- // End of text file Install&RemoveScripts.f