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- // Box3dSupport.c - QuickDraw 3d routines
- //
- // This file contains utility routines for QuickDraw 3d sample code.
- // This is a simple QuickDraw 3d application to draw a cube in the center
- // of the main application window. The routines in here handle setting up
- // the main display group, the view, the Macintosh 3D draw context, and the
- // camera and lighting.
- //
- // This code is the basis of the introductory article in d e v e l o p issue 22
- //
- // Nick Thompson - January 6th 1995
- // ©1994-95 Apple computer Inc., All Rights Reserved
- //
- //
- #include "Box3DSupport.h"
- #define ErMath_Atan(x) ((float)atan((double)(x)))
- #define kEPSILON 1.19209290e-07
- static TQ3Point3D documentGroupCenter;
- static float documentGroupScale;
- TQ3ViewObject MyNewView(DocumentPtr theDocument)
- {
- TQ3Status myStatus;
- TQ3ViewObject myView;
- TQ3DrawContextObject myDrawContext;
- TQ3RendererObject myRenderer;
- TQ3CameraObject myCamera;
- TQ3GroupObject myLights;
- myView = Q3View_New();
- // Create and set draw context.
- if ((myDrawContext = MyNewDrawContext(theDocument)) == NULL )
- goto bail;
- if ((myStatus = Q3View_SetDrawContext(myView, myDrawContext)) == kQ3Failure )
- goto bail;
- Q3Object_Dispose( myDrawContext ) ;
- // Create and set renderer.
- // this uses the wire frame renderer
- #if 0
- myRenderer = Q3Renderer_NewFromType(kQ3RendererTypeWireFrame);
- if ((myStatus = Q3View_SetRenderer(myView, myRenderer)) == kQ3Failure ) {
- goto bail;
- }
- #else
- // this uses the interactive software renderer
- if ((myRenderer = Q3Renderer_NewFromType(kQ3RendererTypeInteractive)) != NULL ) {
- if ((myStatus = Q3View_SetRenderer(myView, myRenderer)) == kQ3Failure ) {
- goto bail;
- }
- // these two lines set us up to use the best possible renderer,
- // including hardware if it is installed.
- Q3InteractiveRenderer_SetDoubleBufferBypass (myRenderer, kQ3True);
- Q3InteractiveRenderer_SetPreferences(myRenderer, kQAVendor_BestChoice, 0);
- }
- else {
- goto bail;
- }
- #endif
- Q3Object_Dispose( myRenderer ) ;
- // Create and set camera
- if ( (myCamera = MyNewCamera(theDocument)) == NULL )
- goto bail;
- if ((myStatus = Q3View_SetCamera(myView, myCamera)) == kQ3Failure )
- goto bail;
- Q3Object_Dispose( myCamera ) ;
- // Create and set lights
- if ((myLights = MyNewLights()) == NULL )
- goto bail;
- if ((myStatus = Q3View_SetLightGroup(myView, myLights)) == kQ3Failure )
- goto bail;
- Q3Object_Dispose(myLights);
- return ( myView );
- bail:
- // If any of the above failed, then don't return a view.
- return ( NULL );
- }
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- TQ3DrawContextObject MyNewDrawContext(DocumentPtr theDocument)
- {
- TQ3DrawContextData myDrawContextData;
- TQ3PixmapDrawContextData myPixmapDrawContextData;
- TQ3DrawContextObject myDrawContext ;
- TQ3Pixmap aPixmap;
- BITMAPINFO bitmapInfo;
- HDC hdc;
- // fill in draw context data.
- myDrawContextData.clearImageMethod = kQ3ClearMethodWithColor;
- // Set the background color.
- myDrawContextData.clearImageColor.a = 1.0F;
- myDrawContextData.clearImageColor.r = 1.0F;
- myDrawContextData.clearImageColor.g = 1.0F;
- myDrawContextData.clearImageColor.b = 1.0F;
- myDrawContextData.paneState = kQ3False;
- myDrawContextData.maskState = kQ3False;
- myDrawContextData.doubleBufferState = kQ3False;
- // set up device independent bitmap
- hdc = GetDC(theDocument->fWindow);
- theDocument->fMemoryDC = CreateCompatibleDC(hdc);
- bitmapInfo.bmiHeader.biSize = sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER);
- bitmapInfo.bmiHeader.biWidth = theDocument->fWidth;
- bitmapInfo.bmiHeader.biHeight = -theDocument->fHeight; // negative means top to bottom
- bitmapInfo.bmiHeader.biPlanes = 1;
- if ( GetDeviceCaps(hdc, BITSPIXEL) == 32 )
- bitmapInfo.bmiHeader.biBitCount = 32;
- else
- bitmapInfo.bmiHeader.biBitCount = 16;
- bitmapInfo.bmiHeader.biCompression = BI_RGB;
- bitmapInfo.bmiHeader.biSizeImage = 0;
- bitmapInfo.bmiHeader.biXPelsPerMeter = 0;
- bitmapInfo.bmiHeader.biYPelsPerMeter = 0;
- bitmapInfo.bmiHeader.biClrUsed = 0;
- bitmapInfo.bmiHeader.biClrImportant = 0;
- theDocument->fBitmap = CreateDIBSection(hdc, &bitmapInfo, DIB_RGB_COLORS,
- &theDocument->fBitStorage, NULL, 0);
- SelectObject(theDocument->fMemoryDC, theDocument->fBitmap);
- /* create a pixmap */
- aPixmap.width = theDocument->fWidth;
- aPixmap.height = theDocument->fHeight;
- aPixmap.image = theDocument->fBitStorage;
- if (bitmapInfo.bmiHeader.biBitCount == 32)
- {
- aPixmap.rowBytes = aPixmap.width * 4;
- aPixmap.pixelSize = 32;
- aPixmap.pixelType = kQ3PixelTypeRGB32;
- }
- else
- {
- aPixmap.rowBytes = (aPixmap.width * (bitmapInfo.bmiHeader.biBitCount/8));
- aPixmap.rowBytes = (aPixmap.rowBytes + 3) & ~3L; // make it long aligned
- aPixmap.pixelSize = 16;
- aPixmap.pixelType = kQ3PixelTypeRGB16;
- }
- aPixmap.bitOrder = kQ3EndianLittle;
- aPixmap.byteOrder = kQ3EndianLittle;
- /* set up the pixmapDrawContext */
- myPixmapDrawContextData.pixmap = aPixmap;
- myPixmapDrawContextData.drawContextData = myDrawContextData;
- // Create draw context and return it, if it's nil the caller must handle
- myDrawContext = Q3PixmapDrawContext_New(&myPixmapDrawContextData) ;
- return myDrawContext ;
- }
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- TQ3CameraObject MyNewCamera(DocumentPtr theDocument)
- {
- TQ3ViewAngleAspectCameraData perspectiveData;
- TQ3CameraObject camera;
- TQ3Point3D from = { 0.0F, 0.0F, 7.0F };
- TQ3Point3D to = { 0.0F, 0.0F, 0.0F };
- TQ3Vector3D up = { 0.0F, 1.0F, 0.0F };
- float fieldOfView = 1.0F;
- float hither = 0.001F;
- float yon = 1000.0F;
- TQ3Status returnVal = kQ3Failure ;
- perspectiveData.cameraData.placement.cameraLocation = from;
- perspectiveData.cameraData.placement.pointOfInterest = to;
- perspectiveData.cameraData.placement.upVector = up;
- perspectiveData.cameraData.range.hither = hither;
- perspectiveData.cameraData.range.yon = yon;
- perspectiveData.cameraData.viewPort.origin.x = -1.0F;
- perspectiveData.cameraData.viewPort.origin.y = 1.0F;
- perspectiveData.cameraData.viewPort.width = 2.0F;
- perspectiveData.cameraData.viewPort.height = 2.0F;
- perspectiveData.fov = fieldOfView;
- perspectiveData.aspectRatioXToY =
- (float) (theDocument->fWidth) /
- (float) (theDocument->fHeight);
- camera = Q3ViewAngleAspectCamera_New(&perspectiveData);
- return camera ;
- }
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- TQ3GroupObject MyNewLights()
- {
- TQ3GroupPosition myGroupPosition;
- TQ3GroupObject myLightList;
- TQ3LightData myLightData;
- TQ3PointLightData myPointLightData;
- TQ3DirectionalLightData myDirectionalLightData;
- TQ3LightObject myAmbientLight, myPointLight, myFillLight;
- TQ3Point3D pointLocation = { -10.0F, 0.0F, 10.0F };
- TQ3Vector3D fillDirection = { 10.0F, 0.0F, 10.0F };
- TQ3ColorRGB WhiteLight = { 1.0F, 1.0F, 1.0F };
- // Set up light data for ambient light. This light data will be used for point and fill
- // light also.
- myLightData.isOn = kQ3True;
- myLightData.color = WhiteLight;
- // Create ambient light.
- myLightData.brightness = .25F;
- myAmbientLight = Q3AmbientLight_New(&myLightData);
- if ( myAmbientLight == NULL )
- goto bail;
- // Create point light.
- myLightData.brightness = 1.0F;
- myPointLightData.lightData = myLightData;
- myPointLightData.castsShadows = kQ3False;
- myPointLightData.attenuation = kQ3AttenuationTypeNone;
- myPointLightData.location = pointLocation;
- myPointLight = Q3PointLight_New(&myPointLightData);
- if ( myPointLight == NULL )
- goto bail;
- // Create fill light.
- myLightData.brightness = .3F;
- myDirectionalLightData.lightData = myLightData;
- myDirectionalLightData.castsShadows = kQ3False;
- myDirectionalLightData.direction = fillDirection;
- myFillLight = Q3DirectionalLight_New(&myDirectionalLightData);
- if ( myFillLight == NULL )
- goto bail;
- // Create light group and add each of the lights into the group.
- myLightList = Q3LightGroup_New();
- if ( myLightList == NULL )
- goto bail;
- myGroupPosition = Q3Group_AddObject(myLightList, myAmbientLight);
- if ( myGroupPosition == 0 )
- goto bail;
- myGroupPosition = Q3Group_AddObject(myLightList, myPointLight);
- if ( myGroupPosition == 0 )
- goto bail;
- myGroupPosition = Q3Group_AddObject(myLightList, myFillLight);
- if ( myGroupPosition == 0 )
- goto bail;
- Q3Object_Dispose( myAmbientLight ) ;
- Q3Object_Dispose( myPointLight ) ;
- Q3Object_Dispose( myFillLight ) ;
- // Done!
- return ( myLightList );
- bail:
- // If any of the above failed, then return nothing!
- return ( NULL );
- }
- static void MyColorBoxFaces( TQ3BoxData *myBoxData )
- {
- TQ3ColorRGB faceColor ;
- short face ;
- // sanity check - you need to have set up
- // the face attribute set for the box data
- // before calling this.
- if( myBoxData->faceAttributeSet == NULL )
- return ;
- // make each face of a box a different color
- for( face = 0; face < 6; face++) {
- myBoxData->faceAttributeSet[face] = Q3AttributeSet_New();
- switch( face ) {
- case 0:
- faceColor.r = 1.0F;
- faceColor.g = 0.0F;
- faceColor.b = 0.0F;
- break;
- case 1:
- faceColor.r = 0.0F;
- faceColor.g = 1.0F;
- faceColor.b = 0.0F;
- break;
- case 2:
- faceColor.r = 0.0F;
- faceColor.g = 0.0F;
- faceColor.b = 1.0F;
- break;
- case 3:
- faceColor.r = 1.0F;
- faceColor.g = 1.0F;
- faceColor.b = 0.0F;
- break;
- case 4:
- faceColor.r = 1.0F;
- faceColor.g = 0.0F;
- faceColor.b = 1.0F;
- break;
- case 5:
- faceColor.r = 0.0F;
- faceColor.g = 1.0F;
- faceColor.b = 1.0F;
- break;
- }
- Q3AttributeSet_Add(myBoxData->faceAttributeSet[face], kQ3AttributeTypeDiffuseColor, &faceColor);
- }
- }
- static TQ3GroupPosition MyAddTransformedObjectToGroup( TQ3GroupObject theGroup, TQ3Object theObject, TQ3Vector3D *translation )
- {
- TQ3TransformObject transform;
- transform = Q3TranslateTransform_New(translation);
- Q3Group_AddObject(theGroup, transform);
- Q3Object_Dispose(transform);
- return Q3Group_AddObject(theGroup, theObject);
- }
- TQ3GroupObject MyNewModel()
- {
- TQ3GroupObject myGroup = NULL;
- TQ3GeometryObject myBox;
- TQ3BoxData myBoxData;
- TQ3ShaderObject myIlluminationShader ;
- TQ3SetObject faces[6] ;
- short face ;
- // Create a group for the complete model.
- // do not use Q3OrderedDisplayGroup_New since in this
- // type of group all of the translations are applied before
- // the objects in the group are drawn, in this instance we
- // dont want this.
- if ((myGroup = Q3DisplayGroup_New()) != NULL ) {
- // Define a shading type for the group
- // and add the shader to the group
- myIlluminationShader = Q3PhongIllumination_New();
- Q3Group_AddObject(myGroup, myIlluminationShader);
- // set up the colored faces for the box data
- myBoxData.faceAttributeSet = faces;
- myBoxData.boxAttributeSet = NULL;
- MyColorBoxFaces( &myBoxData ) ;
- #define kBoxSide 0.8F
- #define kBoxSidePlusGap 0.1F
- // create the box itself
- Q3Point3D_Set(&myBoxData.origin, 0.0F, 0.0F, 0.0F);
- Q3Vector3D_Set(&myBoxData.orientation, 0.0F, kBoxSide, 0.0F);
- Q3Vector3D_Set(&myBoxData.majorAxis, 0.0F, 0.0F, kBoxSide);
- Q3Vector3D_Set(&myBoxData.minorAxis, kBoxSide, 0.0F, 0.0F);
- myBox = Q3Box_New(&myBoxData);
- #if 0 // one box
- Q3Group_AddObject(myGroup, myBox);
- #else // 4 boxes
- {
- TQ3Vector3D translation;
- translation.x = 0.0F;
- translation.y = kBoxSidePlusGap;
- translation.z = 0.0F;
- MyAddTransformedObjectToGroup( myGroup, myBox, &translation ) ;
- translation.x = 2 * kBoxSide;
- translation.y = kBoxSidePlusGap;
- translation.z = 0.0F;
- MyAddTransformedObjectToGroup( myGroup, myBox, &translation ) ;
- translation.x = 0.0F;
- translation.y = kBoxSidePlusGap;
- translation.z = -2 * kBoxSide;
- MyAddTransformedObjectToGroup( myGroup, myBox, &translation ) ;
- translation.x = -2 * kBoxSide;
- translation.y = kBoxSidePlusGap;
- translation.z = 0.0F;
- MyAddTransformedObjectToGroup( myGroup, myBox, &translation ) ;
- }
- #endif
- }
- // dispose of the objects we created here
- if( myIlluminationShader )
- Q3Object_Dispose(myIlluminationShader);
- for( face = 0; face < 6; face++) {
- if( myBoxData.faceAttributeSet[face] != NULL )
- Q3Object_Dispose(myBoxData.faceAttributeSet[face]);
- }
- if( myBox )
- Q3Object_Dispose( myBox );
- // Done!
- return ( myGroup );
- }
- void pvCamera_Fit(DocumentPtr theDocument)
- {
- TQ3Point3D from, to;
- TQ3BoundingBox viewBBox;
- float fieldOfView, hither, yon;
- if (!theDocument)
- return;
- if (!theDocument->fModel)
- return;
- pvBBox_Get(theDocument, &viewBBox);
- pvBBoxCenter(&viewBBox, &to);
- {
- TQ3Vector3D viewVector;
- TQ3Vector3D normViewVector;
- TQ3Vector3D eyeToFrontClip;
- TQ3Vector3D eyeToBackClip;
- TQ3Vector3D diagonalVector;
- float viewDistance;
- float maxDimension;
- Q3Point3D_Subtract(&viewBBox.max,
- &viewBBox.min,
- &diagonalVector);
- maxDimension = Q3Vector3D_Length(&diagonalVector);
- if (maxDimension == 0.0F)
- maxDimension = 1.0F;
- maxDimension *= 8.0F / 7.0F;
- from.x = to.x;
- from.y = to.y;
- from.z = to.z + (2 * maxDimension);
- Q3Point3D_Subtract(&to, &from, &viewVector);
- viewDistance = Q3Vector3D_Length(&viewVector);
- Q3Vector3D_Normalize(&viewVector, &normViewVector);
- maxDimension /= 2.0F;
- Q3Vector3D_Scale(&normViewVector,
- viewDistance - maxDimension,
- &eyeToFrontClip);
- Q3Vector3D_Scale(&normViewVector,
- viewDistance + maxDimension,
- &eyeToBackClip);
- hither = Q3Vector3D_Length(&eyeToFrontClip);
- yon = Q3Vector3D_Length(&eyeToBackClip);
- fieldOfView = Q3Math_RadiansToDegrees(1.25 * ErMath_Atan(maxDimension/hither));
- }
- {
- TQ3ViewAngleAspectCameraData data;
- TQ3Vector3D up = { 0.0F, 1.0F, 0.0F };
- data.cameraData.placement.cameraLocation = from;
- data.cameraData.placement.pointOfInterest = to;
- data.cameraData.placement.upVector = up;
- data.cameraData.range.hither = hither;
- data.cameraData.range.yon = yon;
- data.cameraData.viewPort.origin.x = -1.0F;
- data.cameraData.viewPort.origin.y = 1.0F;
- data.cameraData.viewPort.width = 2.0F;
- data.cameraData.viewPort.height = 2.0F;
- data.fov = Q3Math_DegreesToRadians(fieldOfView);
- {
- float w = (float)(theDocument->fWidth);
- float h = (float)(theDocument->fHeight);
- data.aspectRatioXToY = w/h;
- }
- if (theDocument->fView)
- {
- TQ3CameraObject camera;
- Q3View_GetCamera(theDocument->fView, &camera);
- if (camera) {
- Q3ViewAngleAspectCamera_SetData(camera, &data);
- Q3Object_Dispose(camera);
- }
- else {
- camera = Q3ViewAngleAspectCamera_New (&data);
- if (camera) {
- Q3View_SetCamera (theDocument->fView, camera);
- Q3Object_Dispose(camera);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- void pvBBox_Get(DocumentPtr theDocument, TQ3BoundingBox *bbox)
- {
- if (theDocument->fView)
- {
- Q3View_StartBoundingBox(theDocument->fView, kQ3ComputeBoundsExact);
- do
- {
- if (Q3DisplayGroup_Submit(theDocument->fModel, theDocument->fView) == kQ3Failure)
- {
- Q3View_Cancel(theDocument->fView);
- return;
- }
- } while (Q3View_EndBoundingBox(theDocument->fView, bbox) == kQ3ViewStatusRetraverse);
- }
- else
- {
- Q3Point3D_Set(&(bbox->min), -0.1F, -0.1F, -0.1F);
- Q3Point3D_Set(&(bbox->max), 0.1F, 0.1F, 0.1F);
- bbox->isEmpty = kQ3False;
- }
- }
- void pvBBoxCenter(TQ3BoundingBox *bbox, TQ3Point3D *center)
- {
- float xSize, ySize, zSize;
- xSize = bbox->max.x - bbox->min.x;
- ySize = bbox->max.y - bbox->min.y;
- zSize = bbox->max.z - bbox->min.z;
- if (xSize <= kEPSILON &&
- ySize <= kEPSILON &&
- zSize <= kEPSILON) {
- bbox->max.x += 0.0001F;
- bbox->max.y += 0.0001F;
- bbox->max.z += 0.0001F;
- bbox->min.x -= 0.0001F;
- bbox->min.y -= 0.0001F;
- bbox->min.z -= 0.0001F;
- }
- center->x = (bbox->min.x + bbox->max.x) / 2.0F;
- center->y = (bbox->min.y + bbox->max.y) / 2.0F;
- center->z = (bbox->min.z + bbox->max.z) / 2.0F;
- }