Text File
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MAPEDIT History File
Copyright (c) 1994-95 Q Studios Corporation
Contact: Peter Freese
pfreese@qstudios.com or CIS:74170,543
The mouse cursor will highlight the nearest object within a specific
threshold (see MAPEDIT.INI). The selected object will flash, and any
XObject information will be displayed in the lower panel. Key
operations in 2D will apply to the selected object.
Sprites have various shapes in the overhead map, depending on
their attributes:
* Face sprites are cyan circles with a line extending from
the center to indicate their angle. (ref. '<' and '>')
* Thick sprites have the blocking attribute set. (ref. 'B')
* Purple sprites have the hitscan attribute set. (ref. Ctrl-H)
* Sprites with three or four lines extending from the circle
are wall sprites. The shorter lines indicate which sides are
visible. (ref. 'R' and '1' in 3D mode keys.)
* Sprites with square centers are floor sprites, and can be
manipulated with all the keys referred to above.
This section not complete.
Mouse Move mouse cursor
LeftButton Click and hold on an endpoint to drag.
See RightShift and RightAlt for other options.
To delete an endpoint, drag that point into the
next point and it will be deleted. (NOTE: Grid-locking
must be enabled. See 'L' key below.)
RightButton Click to change the 3D view cursor position.
RightShift Press and hold to highlight endpoints and sprites in
a rectangular region. Release the key once the chosen
region is highlighted. Drag objects in the highlighted
area by clicking and holding the left mouse button
down and then dragging the mouse. Release the left
mouse button to drop the objects at the target
position. Press RightShift without dragging the mouse
to deselect the highlighted objects.
RightAlt Highlight sectors for duplication or dragging. Similar
in operation to the RightShift key, this key
highlights entire sectors and the sprites within them.
See the Insert key for information on duplication.
Arrows Moves the 3D view cursor position. The cursor will be
clipped against blocking wall and sprite boundaries.
Press the right mouse button to move the 3D view
cursor to a different position on the map.
ESC Brings up the menu. Press ESC again to cancel.
PadEnter Toggle between 2D and 3D editing modes
SpaceBar Press the space bar when drawing new sectors. There
are several ways of drawing new sectors. The
following three ways of drawing sectors can all be
done by only using the space bar. The application is
"smart" enough to decide which method you are using.
1. Drawing a FULL LOOP - that is, whenever the new
sector meets the old sector, draw over that line
again. In full loop mode the new sector must not
already be in another sector. The loop is done
when you press the space bar at the first point
2. SPLITTING a sector - press space bar to draw points
at which you want to split a sector. The computer
knows you are done splitting when you end at
another point that's on the edge of the sector you
are splitting.
3. Drawing a sector COMPLETELY INSIDE another sector.
(for example, columns) To do this, just press space
bar at every point in the loop. The loop is done
when you press the space bar at the first point
Deletes previously plotted point during sector creation. Press
repeatedly to get rid of all previously plotted points.
Insert Inserts a new endpoint at the midpoint of the highlighted
line. Then you can drag the point to wherever you like. (If
you insert on a red line, the point will be inserted on both
sides of the sector line.) If a bunch of sectors are selected
(see right ALT) then instead of inserted points, the selected
sector bunch will be duplicated (stamped). Don't forget to
drag the selected sectors after stamping.
Delete Use this to delete sprites. Do NOT delete marker sprites
created by the XSYSTEM. Instead, change the sector type.
NOTE: To delete endpoints from a line, DON'T PRESS DELETE.
Instead, drag the endpoint onto a neighboring endpoints, while
the grid is on. If the endpoint is dragged exactly on top of
the neighboring endpoint, it will automatically be deleted.
Right Ctrl-Delete
This deletes the whole sector that the mouse cursor is in. Use
this option with caution as it has been know to cause problems
in maps.
Set editing starting position (reddish arrow) to your current
position (white arrow). Also used to define the default player
starting positions, but level designers are expected to place
player starting marker sprites in all maps.
NOTE: Eight co-op and eight deathmatch markers must be placed
on all maps. (ref. Alt-S, 3D MODE EDITING)
TAB View attributes of the sector under the cursor.
AltTAB View attributes of the wall or sprite closest to the cursor.
A/Z Zoom the 2D view in and out. Text tags may disappear when the
view is zoomed out. Zoom in to view them again. (ref. Ctrl-T)
B Toggles blocking attribute of walls and sprites. A blocked
wall or sprite will with a thick line in 2D EDIT MODE. See
the description for 'B' in the 3D EDIT MODE section for more
C Turn a line into a circle defined by short line segments.
Press 'C' on a highlighted wall, and move the mouse cursor to
change the arc of the circle. Press '+' or '-' to change the
number of line segments in the circle. Press 'C' again to
cancel circle creation, or SpaceBar to accept the changes.
(NOTE: Grid size affects the position of the arc. Refer to 'G'
and 'L' below.)
E Change a sprite's status list number. Level designers should
not have to change a sprite's status directly, unless a bug is
reported when running the game.
G Change grid resolution. The grid resolution cycles through the
following sequence:
* Off : no grid
* 1x : 64x64 pixel grid
* 2x : 32x32 pixel grid
* 4x : 16x16 pixel grid (* DEFAULT *)
* 8x : 8x8 pixel grid
* 16x : 4x4 pixel grid (Has wall texturing problems.)
* 32x : 2x2 pixel grid (Has wall texturing problems.)
Use the two finest grid resolutions only for positioning
sprites. Wall vertices should not be closer to each other
than the grid lines at 8x resolution.
H Edit the high tag for the sector under the cursor.
Alt-H Edit the high tag for the wall or sprite under the cursor.
(See also: T and Alt-T. Level designers should not edit these
fields directly, as they are used internally by XSYSTEM.)
Ctrl-H Toggle the hitscan sensitivity of a sprite or masked wall.
Objects which are hitscan sensitive can be hit be vector
L Turns grid locking on or off. If the mouse cursor is pink then
grid locking is on. If it is white then grid locking is off.
There is no grid locking if the grid is turned off. Also,
grid locking will lock to nearby points.
J Join two neighboring sectors. Press J when mouse cursor is
over the first sector. Then press J again when the mouse
cursor is over the neighboring sector. The attributes of the
combined sector will be taken from the first sector selected.
K Mark a wall or sprite for motion
(blue = forward motion, green = reverse motion)
M Make a wall masked
S Places a sprite at the location under the mouse cursor. Refer
to the SPRITES section (above) for more information.
Alt-S Convert internal white sector (single-sided linedef) to a red
sector (double-sided linedef). Ctrl-Delete can be used to
reverse this. (NOTE: Outer loop cannot be converted!)