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========= F R E Q U E N T L Y A S K E D Q U E S T I O N S =========
SimCity 2000 FAQ APPENDIX - Part 4
If you have access to the World-Wide Web, see the latest HTML Translation
and Update of this document by Michael Hanson:
URL = http://www-leland.stanford.edu/~hanson/simcity_2000.faq.html
Appendix 1 (Solving Problems)
Lower taxes
Improve roads/transportation system
Improve water system
Intersperse zones
Improve land values
Build airports (Commercial)
Build seaports (Industrial)
Build connections
Lower pollution/crime/traffic
Improve education/health
Pass Legalized Gambling ordinance (Commercial)
Pass Tourist Advertising ordinance (Commercial)
Pass Business Advertising ordinance (Industrial)
Pass City Beautification ordinance (Tourism)
Pass Annual Carnival ordinance (Tourism, Commercial)
Pass Nuclear Free Zone ordinance (Residential)
Remove Nuclear Free Zone ordinance (Industrial)
Remove Parking Fines ordinance (Residential)
Remove 1% Income Tax ordinance (Residential)
Remove 1% Sales Tax ordinance (Commercial)
Land Value
Build parks, trees, water
Build recreational zones
Build educational zones
Build police, fire, hospitals
Pass Pass City Beautification ordinance
Pass Homeless Shelter ordinance
Pass Pollution Control ordinance
Increase tax rate on polluting industries
Build a water treatment plant
Lower traffic
Use light industrial instead of heavy industrial
Use solar, hydro, wind, microwave, fusion power
Move poluting buildings to edges of map
Build more roads and highways
Build mass transit
Pass Parking Fines ordinance
Intersperse different zones (build R close to I, C)
Build police stations
Pass Anti-Drug Campaign ordinance
Pass Neighborhood Watch Campaign
Use more light zoning
Build prisons
Zone more industry and commercial zones
Remove Pollution Control ordinance, if in place
Lower industrial and commercial tax rates
Build Schools, Colleges
Build Libraries, Museums
Pass Pro-Reading Campaign ordinance
Give tax breaks to high-EQ industries
Build hospitals
Pass Public Smoking Ban ordinance
Pass Free Clinic ordinance
Pass Junior Sports ordinance
Pass CPR Training ordinance
Appendix 2 (Adjusting Difficulty)
Money cheats
Using one of the previously mentioned methods for getting
more money is the simplest way to make things easier. You
don't have to worry about balancing the budget and you can
lower taxes to zero.
No disasters
Disasters can be quite, well, disasterous, for a young city.
It's not a good a to leave a city running overnight without
turning the disasters off. For one thing, even if you had
good fire coverage, you'd probably lose a lot of your city
to fire. In addition, most power plants need to be replaced
every 50 years, so, soon, everyone would be out of power.
Starting Level
Changing the starting difficulty level changes the amount of
money you start with, the frequency of disasters, and the
level of external demand for your manufactured products.
Starting Time
Later starting times are easier because of the increased
availability of inventions and the increase in external
Terrain Editing
It's much easier to build a city on flat ground - and you
can do all the flattening you want, at no cost, in the
terrain editor. You can also add waterfalls for use with
hydro power.
Riverless hydro plants
This source of power is not very realistic, however, it does
not pollute, is fairly efficient, and does not need to be
replaced every 50 years. Just place a drop of water on any
slope, and build a hydro plant there.
Artifically watered pumps
Water pump efficiency can be artificially improved by
placing drops of water next to them.
Disconnected roads - roadless city
By not building full road systems, it is possible to
keep traffic down, however, it's not very realisitic.
Heavy/Light Density Zoning</h3>
If you're interested in building a city with a large
population, you need to use mostly heavy zoning. A more
realistic city (N.Y. and Hong Kong excepted) would
have heavy to light zoning in a ratio of from 25/75 to
Appendix 3 (Mac Technical Problems) from 1.1 Updater
Section not included in this Windows document.
Appendix 4 (IBM Technical Problems) from the Maxis BBS
Technical Support is totally overwhelmed at the moment answering
Sim City 2000 questions. Here are the top ten questions we are
getting and the fixes for each one. Hope these help to get you
up and running!
Q. I loaded the program but when I go to run it (by typing
SC2000) it gives me a message that I don't have enough memory
even though I've got 4 megabytes of RAM on my system.
A. The problem happens because out of 4 megabytes of memory,
there isn't enough available to load the program. When your
computer starts up, it loads other programs into that memory.
The easiest way to get around this is to make a bootdisk and
start your computer with it instead. See your SIMCITY 2000
BOOTDISK" section at the bottom of this document.
Q. I try to start the program and get a message, "Microsoft
compatible mouse not found".
A. The program requires that a mouse driver be loaded in memory.
If you do have a mouse driver loaded and the program still
doesn't find it, make sure that it is at least version 8 or
higher by the Microsoft version numbering system. If you have
an older version of a mouse driver, you will need to update
the driver version by contacting the manufacturer of the mouse
OR by contacting the store where the computer was purchased.
Q. I get a message, "The video card you've selected is not found.
Please re-install and verify that your video card is
A. Sim City 2000 needs a SVGA video card in order to display the
640 x 480 - 256 color video resolution. The video card needs
to have at least 512K of video memory. Some cards may need a
VESA driver to be loaded prior to running the program and
since there are many different video cards, there are many
different VESA drivers for each card. If you aren't sure
which video card you have, try loading the UNIVESA.EXE driver
as this driver supports a wide variety of video cards. You
can load this driver by typing,
"C:\SC2000\VESA\UNIVESA\UNIVESA " and pressing the "Enter"
This will load the VESA driver for the video card. If this
VESA driver isn't the correct one for your video card,
contact the manufacturer of the video card to determine what
the correct VESA driver is. To find out whether or not you
need to load a vesa driver for your video card, go to the
C:\SC2000 sub-directory and type " INFO " and press enter.
This will display information about your system. Press the
spacebar twice to get to the third page of the info program to
find out whether your card has a VESA driver loaded. If it
tells you that the following VESA modes are supported then you
won't to load one. If it says "Either your card does not
support VESA or there is no driver loaded", this means that
you have to load a vesa driver for the video card.
Q. I have a SOUND BLASTER type sound card and it fails when I try
to select it for sound effects. Whats going on in Dodge?
A. The earlier SOUND BLASTER cards used an IRQ setting of 7. The
new ones, however, now use IRQ 5. We are looking for IRQ 7
and if your card fails you probably have it set differently.
Try running the install again and this time, when the sound
card fails initialization, click on the CHANGE SETTINGS button
and change the IRQ setting to the number 5. Then click on the
CONTINUE button and this should make the program accept the
sound card.
Q. I try to run Sim City 2000 and when I do I get some weird
UNEXPECTED INTERUPT - ERROR 35 message. I'm really confused!
A. This means that you have an ATI video card. You must run a
program before starting Sim City 2000. Type " MW_ATIUP " and
press the "Enter" key from within the SC2000 sub-directory.
Once you do this it will return you to the C:\SC2000 prompt.
Now type SC2000 and the program will run fine.
Q. I have a DIAMOND VIPER video card and I can't get the program
to work with it.
A. All you have to do is type " VPRMODE VESA " and press enter.
This will load the vesa driver for your video card. If you
get a "Bad command or filename" message then you need to be in
your VIPER subdirectory before you run the VPRMODE VESA
command. Also, make sure that Sim City 2000 is set up for
VESA Super VGA graphics. (You can check this by running the
INSTALL program from within the SC2000 sub-directory.)
Q. I run the installation program and when it gets to the type of
video card I have, the program locks up.
A. The installation program is trying to figure out what kind of
video card you have in your computer. Sometimes it conflicts
with a program and that will cause the installer to lock up.
If you have DOS version 6.X, you can do a clean boot by
pressing the F5 key when the "Starting MS-DOS" message
appears. This will bypass your configuration files and then
run the installer again. It will work fine now.
Q. I have OS/2 and I want to run Sim City under it. I tried
doing all of the memory stuff but still can't get enough free.
Please tell me it's possible. -Gooie
A. Dear Gooie....Yes! You can run it under OS/2. All you have to
do is select a DOS FULL-WINDOWS session. Once in DOS, go to
the SC2000 sub-directory and type " SC2000 NO_MEM_CHK " and
the program will run. You should only do this if you have at
least 6 - 8 Megabytes of memory though because with four you
won't have enough.
Q. I play the program and during a certain point, I get a "STACK
OVERFLOW" message and the system dies an ugly death.
A. Ouch! This is a little problem (or bug) that has surfaced on
some machines. We are currently working on a fix and believe
that the new version of the DOS Extender that we are using
will fix the problem. In the meantime, contact MAXIS technical
support and ask to have you name added to a list. We will
contact you when a solution is found. I hope it is really soon
because I know you are dying to play this wonderful product!
Q. I have a problem and it isn't listed in the list.
A. If you have any problems that aren't addressed in this list,
please post (to the Maxis BBS) a message with the type of
problem you are having and we'll be sure to add it to our
list! This list will be revised depending on the types of
problems you are experiencing.
This concludes the wonderful TOP TEN question and answer list.
Thanks for reading it!
Appendix 5 (How to Make a Boot Disk) also from the Maxis BBS
******************** HOW TO MAKE A BOOT DISK *******************
If you are having problems making a boot disk, take the time to
browse over this stuff and see if it helps you any.
1. The BOOT DISK must be in your A: drive to work properly. A
boot disk in your B: drive just won't cut the cake; it has to
be in drive A:.
2. Make sure your mouse driver is copied onto the BOOT DISK. You
need to copy your mouse driver onto the boot disk and it must
be named either MOUSE.COM or MOUSE.EXE to work in your
AUTOEXEC.BAT FILE. If it has a different name, simply type
the correct name in the autoexec.bat file in order to load the
driver. i.e. If your mouse is named AMOUSE.COM, then you need
to type AMOUSE on the mouse line of your autoexec.bat file.
3. From the C:\ prompt, type "SYS A:" and press the Enter key on
your keyboard. This will copy the system start-up files to
your floppy disk in the A: drive.
4. If you need a vesa driver for your video card, enter in the
name of the vesa driver into the autoexec.bat file. This is a
sample of what you need to type: IGNORE THE QUOTES! Don't type
them, they just surround what you need to type in.
A:>\"COPY CON AUTOEXEC.BAT" (type the line and then press
the ENTER key.)
Once you type this line it will drop you down to a flashing
cursor that is waiting for you to type commands. Type the
following commands that are in upper-case letters and press
the enter key to drop to the next line:
After typing the SC2000 line, press the F6 key on your
keyboard and then press the enter key. It should say "One
file(s) copied" when done.
Try to restart your computer with the BOOTDISK in drive A: and
it should boot up into the program. If it doesn't, see the
possible errors below to help trouble shoot.
1. While booting, it gets to MOUSE and says, "Bad command or file
name". This will happen if you don't have the mouse driver
(MOUSE.COM or MOUSE.EXE) copied onto your bootdisk or if the
mouse driver has a different name. Make sure the mouse driver
is on the bootdisk AND that it is named MOUSE.COM or
MOUSE.EXE. If it is named MSMOUSE.COM or something else,
rename the mouse file by typing "REN MSCMOUSE.COM MOUSE.COM"
at the A: prompt. This will rename the mouse from
mscmouse.com to mouse.com and it should now work.
2. If you use the bootdisk and you still get the "The video card
you have selected is not found. Please re-install......."
message, this means that you don't have the correct video card
VESA driver loaded. Please contact your video card
manufacturer to inquire as to the correct VESA driver to load
for your video card.
3. If you get a message "Non-system disk or disk error", remove
the floppy and press any key. This means that the system
(startup) files aren't on the floppy disk. Once you have
booted up, go to the DOS sub-directory by typing CD\DOS
<Enter>. Make sure you put the boot disk back in the A: drive
and then type, SYS A:. This will transfer the system to your
boot-disk and correct the problem.
Additional notes:
You only need to have a mouse driver loaded and, in some
cases, a vesa driver. You don't need any type of memory manager
because we use a dos extender.
If you have an IBM XGA or XGA2 video card it will switch the
program into sixteen colors. We are currently looking into a
solution that would prevent this from happening thus allowing
the program to run in 256 colors.
If you have a Texas Instruments Travel Mate 4000 and can't run
the program: We have been in contact with the good folks at Texas
Instruments and are currently working on a fix.
If you have a Packard Bell computer and are getting "mouse
trails" where the cursor moves on the screen - You need to
contact Packard Bell's technical support department. They have
found a solution to the problem and are also taking care of the
method in which to correct it. (I just wanna say that there
doing one heck of a good job too! Especially after going through
that major earthquake!) Kudos to the folks at Packard Bell!
The program makes some heavy demands on the system hardware.
There is very little out there in terms of standards and it makes
the development of a product such as this a tremendous job. Hang
in there and we'll get you going! Maxis Technical Support is open
from 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. Pacific Standard Time. We experience HIGH
call volumes on MONDAYS and during the later hours of the day.
If you are having trouble reaching us by telephone, try to call
earlier in the day or during the middle of the week as this is
our lowest call volume time.
If you have access to the World-Wide Web, see the latest HTML Translation
and Update of this document by Michael Hanson:
URL = http://www-leland.stanford.edu/~hanson/simcity_2000.faq.html