Labels:text | menu | document | font | number | printing OCR: Click on the down arrow in the "Type:" box at the top of the menu. Select Custom Scenario. The W!Zone levels will be listed among Removing W!ZONE the Warcraft II Custom Scenarios. To remove the W!ZONE levels, make sure your are in DOS. Place the WIZONE CD-ROM in your CD-ROM drive, and make it active. For example, if your CD-ROM is drive D, type D: and press Enter. WAI Select scenario Type Install and press Enter. Type: Custom scenario Mau size: Any size Once the WIZONE installation screen comes up, press the Space Bar to select REMOVE BATTLEGROUNDS and press Enter. agincort pud alamo pud barrier.pud big12 pud The program will ask on which drive is Warcraft II installed. Type bigt3.pud Map Default the appropriate letter. The installation program will then ask in Agincourt! (c) 1996 CampuSol what directory is Warcraft II installed. Type the proper directory Map Default 96 × 96 1. player and press Enter. The installation program will remove the OK Cancel Scenario W!ZONE levels. Start Game Gold separated west From west Cancel Game List of the W!ZONE Levels AGINCORT.PUD CONVEX.PUD DRESDEN.PUD Scroll through the list and click on the level you want to play, then ALLOVER.PUD CONVEX4.PUD DROPZONE.PUD click the OK button. BARRIER.PUD CONVEX8.PUD ENDRUN.PUD BIGT2.PUD CORIDOR4.PUD ENGIRLND.PUD BIGT3.PUD CORIDOR8.PUD EUROPE.PUD To play the game, click on the Start Game button. BREACH.PUD CORRIDOR.PUD EVILEMPR.PUD CANALS.PUD DDAY.PUD EYEONEDL.PUD CARIBE.PUD DIAM2.PUD FOSSIL.PUD CLASH.PUD DIAM4.PUD FTKNOX1.PUD CNSTNTPL.PUD DIAM8.PUD GLDMIN31.PUD 7 8