Labels:text | menu | book | font | paper | number | publication | document OCR: GLDNHORD.PUD OVERTOP.PUD TRPZOID2.PUD Troubleshooting GO4GOLD.PUD REARATK2.PUD TRPZOID4.PUD GOLDMIN4.PUD REARATK3.PUD UNDEAD.PUD GOLDMIN8.PUD ROCKMAZE.PUD W2.PUD Q: I run the install, but it says "Can't find Warcraft 2" GOLDMINE.PUD SAVIOR.PUD W25.PUD HEDGES2.PUD SIDESTP2.PUD WALLS.PUD HEDGROWS.PUD SIDESTP4.PUD WHEEL2.PUD A: You need to Warcraft II install on your computer. If you do, the HOLDOUT1.PUD SPINAL.PUD WHEEL4.PUD directory you typed is not correct. Try typing in the directory again ISLNDHP.PUD STALINGD.PUD WHEEL8.PUD but be sure each letter is correct. The default installation directory KURILES.PUD STEPSTON.PUD WILDLAND.PUD LAKELAND.PUD TRAFLGR1.PUD WONDER.PUD for Warcraft II is C:\WAR2. LANDHO.PUD TRAFLGR2.PUD Q: I can't find the W!ZONE levels in my Warcraft II. Technical Support WizardWorks provides telephone technical support for W!ZONE A: Make sure when click the Select Scenario button you have Monday through Friday between 9 AM to 6 PM Central Time. selected Custom Scenario on the Type: line. The W!ZONE levels Blizzard Entertainment will not answer questions regarding will be listed among the Warcraft II Custom Scenarios, so you may W!ZONE. WizardWorks cannot provide technical support for have to scroll through the list of levels. Warcraft II. Q: I start a W!ZONE level and get the message, "Out of Memory". Technical Support voice number: 612-559-5301 Technical Support FAX number: 612-577-0631 A: Your hard drive may not have enough free space for Warcraft II Technical Support e-mail address: to run. Warcraft II saves game information on the hard disk drive WizardWorks 24 hour BBS: 612-559-6197 while you are playing. It is a good idea to make sure you have at least 5 megabytes of free hard drive space at all times. Visit the WizardWorks home page! 9 10