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#ifndef ERRCODES_H
#define ERRCODES_H
/* errcode values used by our routines */
/* no error */
#define Success ((int)0)
/* general errors */
#define Err_nogood -1 /* something generally went wrong */
#define Err_no_memory -2 /* no memory available */
#define Err_bad_input -3 /* bad input data */
#define Err_format -4 /* general bad data format */
#define Err_no_vram -5 /* out of video display memory */
#define Err_no_stack -6 /* out of stack space */
#define Err_reported -7 /* still an error but was reported below */
#define Err_unimpl -8 /* feature unimplemented */
#define Err_overflow -9 /* data overflow for size of result */
#define Err_not_found -10 /* object not found */
#define Err_bad_magic -11 /* bad magic id number on data or record */
#define Err_abort -12 /* user abort request */
#define Err_timeout -13 /* the call waiting timed out */
#define Err_wrong_res -14 /* Can't deal with object of this dimension */
#define Err_too_big -15 /* object too big to handle */
#define Err_version -16 /* correct file type but new version */
#define Err_bad_record -17 /* record magic number is bad */
#define Err_uninit -18 /* subsystem not initialized */
#define Err_wrong_type -19 /* object found but not requested type */
#define Err_spline_points -20 /* too many points in spline */
#define Err_user_lock -21 /* file locked to unauthorized users */
#define Err_rgb_convert -22 /* only CONVERT program can load rgb image files */
#define Err_pic_unknown -23 /* picture file format unknown */
/* system errors */
#define SYSERR -50
#ifdef SYSERR
#define Err_stdio (SYSERR -0) /* error occurred in stdio routine */
/* end SYSERR */
#define REXERR -75
#ifdef REXERR
#define Err_file_not_rex (REXERR-0) /* file isn't a REX file */
#define Err_not_rexlib (REXERR-1) /* File is rex but not a pj rex library */
#define Err_rexlib_type (REXERR-2) /* File is rex library but wrong type */
#define Err_host_library (REXERR-3) /* missing host provided library */
#define Err_library_version (REXERR-4) /* wrong host library type or vers */
#define Err_rexlib_usertype (REXERR-5) /* USER TYPE id_string doesn't match */
/* end REXERR */
/* io and file errors */
#define FERR -100
#ifdef FERR
#define Err_no_file (FERR -0) /* file not found */
#define Err_no_path (FERR -1) /* path not found */
#define Err_no_device (FERR -2) /* device not found */
#define Err_write (FERR -3) /* write error */
#define Err_read (FERR -4) /* read error */
#define Err_seek (FERR -5) /* seek error */
#define Err_eof (FERR -6) /* end of file */
#define Err_in_use (FERR -7) /* file in use */
#define Err_extant (FERR -8) /* file exists */
#define Err_create (FERR -9) /* file creation error */
#define Err_truncated (FERR -10) /* file data truncated */
#define Err_corrupted (FERR -11) /* file data corrupted or invalid */
#define Err_no_space (FERR -12) /* out of space writing to device */
#define Err_disabled (FERR -13) /* the device,window,file etc. disabled */
#define Err_invalid_id (FERR -14) /* invalid id value */
#define Err_file_not_open (FERR -15) /* file is not open */
#define Err_suffix (FERR-16) /* unrecognized file suffix */
#define Err_too_many_files (FERR-17) /* can't open file cause too many open */
#define Err_access (FERR-18) /* Don't have permission to use this file */
#define Err_sys_mem_bad (FERR-19) /* MS-DOS memory block corrupted */
#define Err_bad_env (FERR-20) /* MS-DOS environment block bad */
#define Err_bad_address (FERR-21) /* "Invalid memory-block address", */
#define Err_disk_format (FERR-22) /* Invalid format */
#define Err_file_access (FERR-23) /* Bad file access code (internal) */
#define Err_data (FERR-24) /* Invalid data */
#define Err_no_more_files (FERR-25) /* No more files */
#define Err_write_protected (FERR-26) /* Disk write protected. */
#define Err_disk_not_ready (FERR-27) /* No disk in drive */
#define Err_not_dos_disk (FERR-28) /* Not an MS-DOS disk */
#define Err_disk_data (FERR-29) /* Disk data error */
#define Err_sector (FERR-30) /* Disk sector not found */
#define Err_no_paper (FERR-31) /* Printer out of paper */
#define Err_general_failure (FERR-32) /* MS-DOS general failure */
#define Err_critical (FERR-33) /* critical error */
#define Err_network (FERR-34) /* General network failure */
#define Err_file_share (FERR-35) /* file sharing error */
#define Err_file_lock (FERR-36) /* file lock error */
#define Err_disk_change (FERR-37) /* invalid disk change */
#define Err_no_remote (FERR-38) /* remote computer not listening */
#define Err_network_busy (FERR-39) /* Network busy */
#define Err_share_pause (FERR-40) /* Sharing temporarily paused */
#define Err_redirect_pause (FERR-41) /* File/printer redirection paused */
#define Err_directory_entry (FERR-42) /* Can't create directory entry */
#define Err_dir_too_long (FERR-43) /* Directory name too big for ms-dos */
#define Err_dir_name_err (FERR-44) /* Directory name malformed */
#define Err_file_name_err (FERR-45) /* FIle name malformed (extra .?) */
#define Err_no_temp_devs (FERR-46) /* Temp files path doen't have any devs. */
#define Err_macrosync (FERR-47) /* Input macro out of sync */
#define Err_no_record (FERR-48) /* Data record not found */
#define Err_end_of_record (FERR-49) /* End of data record */
/* end FERR */
/* rex file and rex library errors */
/* video driver subsystem errors */
#define VDERR -200
#ifdef VDERR
#define Err_rast_type (VDERR-0) /* invalid raster type for operation */
#define Err_no_display (VDERR-1) /* display hardware not found, invalid */
#define Err_clipped (VDERR-2) /* Blit clipped out entirely */
#define Err_no_8514 (VDERR-3) /* 8514/a adapter not found */
/* ------ gap ------- */
#define Err_no_such_mode (VDERR-7) /* Asking for a mode that isn't there */
#define Err_isopen (VDERR-8) /* driver is already open can't open again */
#define Err_driver_protocol (VDERR-9) /* driver behaving irrationally */
#define Err_pdepth_not_avail (VDERR-10) /* pixel depth not available */
#define Err_aspect_not_disp (VDERR-11) /* aspect ratio not displayable */
/* end VDERR */
/* window errors */
#define WERR -220
#ifdef WERR
#define Err_tomany_wins (WERR -0) /* to many windows requested */
/* end WERR */
/* font subsystem errors */
#define FONTERR -300
#ifdef FONTERR
#define Err_unknown_font_type (FONTERR-0) /* most likely it's a .fnt suffix,
* but not Animator 1.0 compatible*/
/* end FONTERR */
/* ADI errors */
#define ADIERR -350
#ifdef ADIERR
#define Err_adi_driver_bad_status (ADIERR-0)
/* end ADIERR */
/* poco subsystem errors */
#define POCOERR -400
#ifdef POCOERR
#define Err_stack (POCOERR-2)
#define Err_bad_instruction (POCOERR-3)
#define Err_syntax (POCOERR-4)
#define Err_poco_internal (POCOERR-5)
#define Err_in_err_file (POCOERR-7) /* look in errfile for error */
#define Err_null_ref (POCOERR-8)
#define Err_no_main (POCOERR-10)
#define Err_zero_divide (POCOERR-11)
#define Err_float (POCOERR-12)
#define Err_invalid_FILE (POCOERR-13)
#define Err_index_small (POCOERR-14)
#define Err_index_big (POCOERR-15)
#define Err_poco_free (POCOERR-16)
#define Err_free_null (POCOERR-17)
#define Err_free_resources (POCOERR-18)
#define Err_zero_malloc (POCOERR-19)
#define Err_string (POCOERR-20)
#define Err_fread_buf (POCOERR-21)
#define Err_fwrite_buf (POCOERR-22)
#define Err_buf_too_small (POCOERR-23)
#define Err_parameter_range (POCOERR-24)
#define Err_early_exit (POCOERR-25)
#define Err_too_few_params (POCOERR-26)
#define Err_function_not_found (POCOERR-27)
#define Err_too_many_params (POCOERR-28)
/* end POCOERR */
#define FLIERR -500
#ifdef FLIERR
#define Err_no_cel (FLIERR-0) /* no cel present */
#define Err_too_many_frames (FLIERR-1)
#define Err_no_chunk (FLIERR-2) /* data chunk not found */
/* end FLIERR */
/* Softmenu related errors */
#define SMUERR -600
#ifdef SMU