]-- --] ]-- --] ---] Hello,friends! This is my first attempt to produce a hardcore track! I hope you like it, and if not then you must know that i dont care any- way.... Greetings go to (NoOrDeR) Amber/Brettfabrik/Psycho- tron/Doc Maxwell/Maestro in Thailand/Dr.Chaos/N0.5/ Hawk/All other Neutrons!!/ VullgasGirls(nach Ferien wieder Harrach?)/Sir Roger /Sir Flo/K.K.I/The Sir/Roli /all others Prost Mortems (Hey You,friends:Keep on beeing VERY Cool!!!)/ All TikTak's (ich komme wieder!)/NikiWurmi=> Keep da M-Disk clean&neat!)/ all others;please dont be angry if I have forgotten you.... ===The Saberrider=== PS:keep this product out of reach for children aged under 7 years if you like my destruction s3m , then please send a postcard to the main organ- izer of NEUTR0N. Gregor Eigner Rudolfstrasse 22 8010 Graz / Austria He will be pleased.