The Party 1994: Try This At Home
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Dear musicfreak !
My name is [E<AY alias Chris Korte of XOGRAPHY !
Well, some small words about my latest music release:
(please ignore any english spelled errors)
First the technical infos about this dmf: ║
composed with : X-TRACKER 1.0 of DELUSION
real name : Virtual Reality
between : 06th of june - 21th of august 1994
finaly fixed on 24th of december (x-mas day)
max channels : 22 means 28063 Hz on a 1 MB GUS
space used : 942231 Bytes in Memory
488 KBytes on Disk
patterns : 20
length : 25 patterns
samples : 14
some were sampled with my good old Amiga 500.
Voice samples by myself with XTSAMP and GUS MAX
but 8-bit and downsampled for memory safe
some samples taken from CD's of Frontline
Assembly, Front 242 and Begod 20
ThE ThReE ReAsOnS ║
1) The main reason to create this dmf, was to compose a song with vocals and
show what a PC in the 90's is able to do.
Delusion did a great job with the X-TRACKER and opened a new music-world
in the PC-scene. It seems that - in a few years - anybody is able to
compose professional music only on a PC with some cards in it and low
2) The second reason was a contribution for the Assembly 94 in finland, but
I couldn't get there, losed ;-) So I try it on Party `94 in denmark ...
3) The next reason is a little bit silly: Our Wave-EBM-Synthy Band called:
RANDOM ACCESS (we're 4 people and since november '93 I'm a member and do
synthy, vocals, programming) is making music for small concerts with
professional equipment. So I've shown them, what my little PC and a GUS
is able to do ... all other members want to use this song for our next concert
in Leibzig (15. october 1994), but I don't think that we can create it in
this short time.
I must say, that this DMF is not a style for anybody and has no comercial
signs. The most insider would sort this type of music in "Wave" or
"Electronic Body Music".
Build your own opinion and I would be very happy, if I get a message of
how YOU find this DMF.
Don't be lazy !!!
OtHeR ReLeAsEs ║
This is a small list, of released stuff including my work on the PC since '93
in order of appearance. You can get all these releases (accept [*]) in the
Golden Image BBS germany (see .NFO-file for more infos)
Elements by XOGRAPHY
a wonderful Demo with 2 Mod's by myself and 4 by
Stefan Brink. Won the 3rd place compo in ASSEMBLY '93
a small BBS-Intro for the death WHQ Crystal BBS
including my first and last Adlib song composed
with HSC-Tracker. Maybe this intro will be
translated for the Golden Image BBS ???
The Party '93 report by XOGRAPHY
Including a 4 Channel mod. called "BRAINFIRE" composed
with Protracker 1.2b on Amiga 500. The mod was released
by an unknown spreader ;-)
CK-WATIS.dmf single release of the DMF: "May this what kids make
dance" including a TSR-Beta release of a DMF-player
The Turnaround Musicdisk #1 by tIs
Including 2 DMF's called "CK-WATIS" and "XOGRAPHY"
the Theme plus 4 more DMF's by A<IRA (aka Stefan Brink)
Only one Song is "TECHNOstyled" on this Musicdisk
"tIs" was founded 'cause a member of XOGRAPHY (timo)
disturbed our future projects.
CK-VR.dmf well, just what you got now on your harddisk ;-)
FuTuRe PlAnS ║
A new musicdisk called "TOTAL DIFFERENT" is in work. The release date seems to
be very far away, but should be out this year, so keep it in mind !
I'm working hard on new DMF's with a DIFFERENT style and Patte is
working hard on new routines and DIFFERENT design for this mudi.
Including a multichannel remix of ... ;-))) !
Maybe Random Access will make a demo-tape ...
ThAnX aNd GrEeTiNgS║
well, I say hello to :
■ GRAVIS ULTRA - So, I didn't think it becomes true. Thank you
very much for your support.
■ D-LUSION Team - X'ed my mind away, but I need 16-Bit NOW !
■ DUST - nice to meet ya: Stone & Q
■ X-Player Team - good work, keep on doing this !!!
■ AGNOSTIC FRONT - (still moving on Amiga, hä ?)
■ Robert Reischmann - thanx that I may compose songs for your
fabolous products (see Death or Glory)
■ TAR - how is your dance-project going on ?
■ (C****** L***) - if they will support us ;-)
■ Steffie - "... in schlechten Zeiten ..."
■ SKAVEN - long time no hear (it's my turn, right ?)
keep on good working, maybe you try X-Tracker ;-)
■ Armin Sander - remembering the good old OKTALYZER time ...
■ Alex Horn - InterNet support, yeah !
■ Sascha Picciantano (vocals) \ Our foundation : "Random Access"
Andreas Lustig (keys) => for 'Electronic/Wave' music
Matthias Zschirpe (keys) /
■ Thomas Czermetzki - for keeping the "wave & indy" scene alive !!!
■ Bo Bendtsen - for the best terminal on CBM "Terminate"
■ Ralf Diffenbach - for ZCONNECT
CoNtAcT ║
Here are my actual addresses where you can reach me if you dare:
Chris Korte@2:2468/6772.69
Chris Korte
Lenaustr. 3
D-68167 Mannheim