The Party 1994: Try This At Home
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Assembly Source File
624 lines
comment /*******************************************************************
Astral Plane BBS advertisement intro
Original file size 1285B, now cut down to 1263B (wow, 22 bytes saved..)
Code commented, a bit fixed & released on August 13th, 1994
Written by Johannes H. Heinonen (aka Wihannes of Nordic Vision)
This code was first written sometime in year 1993 and it was
my second true asm-program, the first one was that usual
"Hello Mom'n'Dad'n'AllTheOtherWorld!" stuff.. That's why you can
optimize this code like hell and even get it under 1kB if
you really want it.. One point to start is to use two virtual
pages and combine the transformation routine & the vram output
code -- just go for it!
Oh, by the way: special greetings to everyone who admired this
little addy at Assembly'94 gathering! Next year we'll come back
with another amazing addy! ;-)
code SEGMENT para public 'CODE'
ASSUME cs:code
.286 ; generate 80286+ compatible code
ORG 100h ; make .COM file
start: mov di, OFFSET frame
mov cx, 56*80
mov ax, 00FEh ; initialize the fire table
rep stosw
mov di, OFFSET fmask
mov cx, 2384 ; 4000b for fmask, rest for palette
xor ax, ax ; fmask includes the texts..
rep stosw
; create palette table
mov si, OFFSET paldata
mov cx, 0007
doLi_s: push cx
mov bx, ds:[si]
mov cx, ds:[si+2]
mov ax, ds:[si+4]
mov dx, ds:[si+6]
call doLiuku
pop cx
add si, 0008
loop doLi_s ; hum..hum.. it's not the clearest
mov cx, 0002 ; one but it costs less than that
vaFi_s: push cx ; 768 bytes table..
mov bx, ds:[si]
mov cx, ds:[si+2]
mov ax, ds:[si+4]
call vakioFi
pop cx
add si, 0006
loop vaFi_s
mov dx, 0a000h
mov es, dx ; es=vram
;▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒ check VGA ▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒
mov ax, 1a00h ; this vgacheck ripped sumwhere
int 10h
cmp al, 01ah
jne endjmp ; not vga
cmp bl, 07
jb endjmp ; not vga
;▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒ check 80286+ ▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒
tst286: pushf ; this 286check ripped sumwhere
xor ax, ax
push ax
pop ax
and ax, 0f000h
cmp ax, 0f000h
jne tst186
jmp endjmp ; 8088/8086
tst186: push sp
pop bx
cmp bx, sp
jne endjmp ; 80186
jmp setfne ; 80286-> .. run the intro
endjmp: jmp endtxt ; <-80186 .. quit the proggy
;▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒ copy font from RAM ▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒
setfne: mov ax, 0013h ; well, hope this mess works :)
int 10h ; whee.. it has worked almost a year already!
mov ax, 1124h ; select 8x16 font
mov bl, 00 ; user defined lines
mov dl, 12 ; 12 x 16 <= 200
int 10h
mov cx, 'z'-' '+1 ; !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ ..
mov bx, 16 ; .. ABCDEF..XYZ[\]^_`abcdef..xyz
mov al, ' '
onechr: mov ah, 0eh ; teletype output
int 10h
inc al
loop onechr ; a char by char output
mov di, OFFSET font ; now copy it from vram to ds:[di]
xor si, si ; read from es:[si]
mov cx, 'z'-' '+1 ; nmbr of characters..
shl cx, 3 ; nbmr of columns (pixels)
horz_l: push cx
push si
mov cx, 16 ; vertical size
vert_l: mov al, es:[si] ; read byte -> write byte
cmp al, 16 ; 16 (black) -> 255
jne zero_j
mov al, 255 ; now it works better later
zero_j: mov ds:[di], al ; write
inc di
add si, 320 ; next line
loop vert_l ; jmp for next point in column
horz_c: pop si
pop cx ; now prepare for next column
inc si ; next column
cmp si, 320 ; next row?
jne not_nr
mov si, 00 + 16*320 ; one 16x8 row downwards
not_nr: cmp si, 320+ 16*320 ; next row?
jne not_nr2
mov si, 00 + 32*320 ; one 16x8 row downwards
not_nr2:loop horz_l
;▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒ set modex ▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒
setmde: mov ax, 0013h ; normal mode 13h
int 10h
mov dx, 3c4h
mov ax, 604h ; unchain VGA
out dx, ax
mov ax, 0f02h ; all planes
out dx, ax
mov dx, 3d4h
mov ax, 14h ; disable dword
out dx, ax
mov ax, 0e317h ; enable byte
out dx, ax
mov al, 09
out dx, al
inc dx ; y-zoom 8 times
in al, dx
and al, 0e0h ; now one byte write to vram equals
add al, 07 ; to a 4x4 pixel square..
out dx, al
;▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒ set palette ▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒
mov si, OFFSET palette
mov cx, 765
mov dx, 03c8h
xor al, al
out dx, al
inc dx
set_it: mov al, ds:[si]
out dx, al ; outta 'em
inc si
loop set_it
; color 255: ; textcolor
xor al, al ; zero for red
out dx, al
mov al, cs:infoclr[0]
out dx, al
mov al, cs:infoclr[1]
out dx, al
;═════════ initialize new keyboard routine ══════════
mov ds:Q_flag, 00
call initint
mov word ptr ds:counter, 0000 ; you got this?
mov byte ptr ds:texto, 01 ; which text to show?
mov byte ptr ds:cflag, 00 ; uu.. sumthing ;-)
call text1 ; copy 1st text to fmask
jmp ROUTE ; main loop
;▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒ fmask text routines ▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒
text1: mov si, OFFSET texts
mov ax, 0016
mov bx, 0017
mov cx, 0006
call dotext
mov ax, 0020 ; YES, why I didn't wrote these to
mov bx, 0031 ; a table.. Okey, it's your business to do
mov cx, 0005 ; it when you are about to release another
call dotext ; BBS addy using this source code :)
text2: lea si, texts [11]
mov ax, 0020
mov bx, 0017
mov cx, 0005
call dotext
mov ax, 0016
mov bx, 0031
mov cx, 0006
call dotext
text3: lea si, texts [22]
mov ax, 0004
mov bx, 0017
mov cx, 0006
call dotext
mov ax, 0028
mov bx, 0031
mov cx, 0006
call dotext
text4: lea si, texts [34]
mov ax, 0028
mov bx, 0017
mov cx, 0003
call dotext
mov ax, 0020
mov bx, 0031
mov cx, 0005
call dotext
text5: lea si, texts [42]
mov ax, 0004
mov bx, 0024
mov cx, 0009
call dotext
text6: lea si, texts [51]
mov ax, 0020
mov bx, 0017
mov cx, 0005
call dotext
mov ax, 0020
mov bx, 0031
mov cx, 0005
call dotext
text7: lea si, texts [61]
mov ax, 0008
mov bx, 0024
mov cx, 0008
call dotext
dotext: xor dh, dh
@tl1: mov dl, ds:[si]
sub dl, ' '
call makechr
inc si
add ax, 0008
dec cx
jnz @tl1
clrmsk: mov si, OFFSET fmask
add si, 17*80
mov di, OFFSET frame
add di, 17*80*2
mov cx, 30*80
mov ax, 00FEh
mov bx, 00FFh ; you can figure most of these by reading
clr_lp: cmp ds:[si], bl ; the variable names..
jne NoNeed
mov ds:[di], ax
mov ds:[si], bh
NoNeed: inc si
add di, 2
dec cx
jnz clr_lp
;▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒ the loop. ▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒
ROUTE: mov dx, 3dah
wa: in al, dx
test al, 8 ; vertical retrace
jnz wa
re: in al, dx
test al, 8
jz re
;═══════════════════ copy to vram ═══════════════════
mov si, OFFSET frame
xor di, di
mov bx, OFFSET fmask
mov cx, 50*40 ; only 50 lines are visible (50*4 = 200)
write: mov dl, ds:[si]
mov dh, ds:[si+2]
or dx, ds:[bx]
mov es:[di], dx ; word output costs less
add si, 4
add di, 2
add bx, 2
dec cx
jnz write
mov cx, 4400 ; transform the buffer (expect the last line)
mov di, OFFSET frame
xor ax, ax
build1: mov al, ds:[di+158] ; simple logic.. . n . . . (n=new pixel)
add ax, ds:[di+160] ; . c c c . (c=count these)
add ax, ds:[di+162] ; . . . c . (.=other pixels)
add ax, ds:[di+320]
shr ax, 2 ; divide by four
sub al, 4 ; subtract some colors..
jnc build2
xor al, al
build2: mov ds:[di], al ; save it..
next: add di, 2
dec cx
jnz build1
;══════════ random new values for line 56. ══════════
mov cx, 80
lea di, frame[4400*2]
;───────────────── random routine ───────────────────
randor: push cx
mov ax, ds:[seed1]
mov bx, ds:seed2
mov cx, ds:[seed3] ; it works.. after all :)
mov dx, ds:seed4
add ax, bx
add ax, cx
add ax, dx
mov ds:seed1, bx
mov ds:seed2, dx
mov ds:seed3, cx
mov ds:seed4, ax
pop cx
;───────────────── end-of-randor. ───────────────────
cmp ax, dx
jl takelo
mov al, ah
takelo: shr al, 6 ; now al is either 00 or 01
cmp al, 01
jl fine
mov al, 254
fine: mov ds:[di], al
mov ds:[di-160], al
nochng: add di, 2
dec cx
jnz randor
;═════════ time to check keyb flag & counter ════════
keybbi: inc word ptr ds:counter
cmp word ptr ds:counter, 0045
jne chk_key
mov word ptr ds:counter, 0000
inc byte ptr ds:cflag
cmp byte ptr ds:cflag, 03
jne tst04
call clrmsk
jmp chk_key
tst04: cmp byte ptr ds:cflag, 04
jne chk_key
mov byte ptr ds:cflag, 00
inc byte ptr ds:texto
mov al, ds:texto
tst1: cmp al, 01
jne tst2
call text1
jmp chk_key
tst2: cmp al, 02
jne tst3
call text2
jmp chk_key ; uh.. this is it. the "where no man
tst3: cmp al, 03 ; has gone before" zone... you might
jne tst4 ; understand these, i don't have time
call text3 ; to describe each of them.
jmp chk_key ; basically these "tstx" lines check
tst4: cmp al, 04 ; whether or not to write a new text..
jne tst5
call text4 ; tables rules, it'd save some bytes..
jmp chk_key
tst5: cmp al, 05
jne tst6
call text5
jmp chk_key
tst6: cmp al, 06
jne tst7
call text6
jmp chk_key
tst7: cmp al, 07
jne tstrest
call text7
jmp chk_key
tstrest:cmp al, 08
jne chk_key
mov byte ptr ds:texto, 00
chk_key:cmp ds:Q_flag, 01 ; esc pressed?
je quitto
;▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒ back to dos ▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒
quitto: call deinitint ; return the original irq handler
endtxt: mov ax, 0003h ; text mode
int 10h
push 0b800h ; write some last notes, color code support
pop es
xor di, di
mov ax, di ; al = character, ah = attribute
mov si, OFFSET tsau
lst_lp: lodsb
cmp al, 31
jae tst_nd ; this writer mainly derived from starport
mov ah, al ; intro (1993b) by Psi
jmp lst_lp
tst_nd: jz termin
jmp lst_lp
termin: mov ax, 4c00h ; terminate
int 21h
initint PROC NEAR
push es
xor ax, ax
mov es, ax
mov ax, es:[9*4]
mov bx, es:[9*4+2] ; no 386+ code, no 32-bit registers!
mov ds:old9_1, ax
mov ds:old9_2, bx
mov ax, OFFSET intti9
mov bx, cs
jmp set
deinitint: ; combined init and uninit
push es
xor ax, ax
mov es, ax
mov ax, ds:old9_1
mov bx, ds:old9_2
set: cli
mov es:[9*4], ax
mov es:[9*4+2], bx
pop es
initint ENDP
intti9 PROC FAR ; keyboard interrupt
push ax
in al, 60h
cmp al, 01h ; esc pressed?
jne notESc
mov ds:Q_flag, 01
notESc: in al, 61h
mov ah, al
or al, 80h
out 61h, al
xchg ah, al
out 61h, al
mov al, 20h
out 20h, al ; clear call
pop ax
intti9 ENDP
makechr PROC NEAR ; build a character
push ax
push bx
push cx
push dx
push si
mov si, OFFSET font
shl dx, 7 ; * 128
add si, dx ; ds:[si], offset to chr data
mov di, OFFSET fmask
mov cx, bx
shl cx, 6 ; * 64 +
shl bx, 4 ; * 16 = * 80
add di, cx
add di, bx
add di, ax ; ds:[di], offset to frame
mov cx, 8
copyl: push cx
push di
mov cx, 8
copyl1: mov ax, ds:[si]
mov ds:[di], al
mov ds:[di+80], ah
add di, 160
add si, 2
loop copyl1
pop di
inc di
pop cx
loop copyl
pop si
pop dx
pop cx
pop bx
pop ax
makechr ENDP
; es = ds !
vakioFi PROC NEAR ; strt = bx count = cx arvo = al
lea di, cs:palette[bx]
fillit: stosb
add di, 2 ; jmp the other two values (rgb)
loop fillit
vakioFi ENDP
; es = ds !
; strt = bx count = cx arvo = ax
doLiuku PROC NEAR ; ince = dx
lea di, cs:palette[bx]
doit: push ax
shr ax, 6
add di, 2
pop ax ; these are derived from my previous
add ax, dx ; pascal routines, that's why all those
loop doit ; variable alike names (count,arvo..)
doLiuku ENDP
;█████████████████████ data site ██████████████████████
seed1 dw 036c2h
seed2 dw 0a43dh
seed3 dw 0f21ch ; random number seeds
seed4 dw 01c34h
; Black │ 0 ║ DarkGray │ 8
; Blue │ 1 ║ LightBlue │ 9
; Green │ 2 ║ LightGreen │ 10 <- table from Turbo Pascal's
; Cyan │ 3 ║ LightCyan │ 11 on-line help
; Red │ 4 ║ LightRed │ 12
; Magenta │ 5 ║ LightMagenta │ 13
; Brown │ 6 ║ Yellow │ 14 <- color codes
; LightGray │ 7 ║ White │ 15
db 15, 'Astral Plane'
db 08, ' ─── '
db 11, '(973) 733148' ; 31=end, <31=attribute, >31=text
db 08, ' ─── '
db 11, '24h v.32bis'
db 08, ' ─── '
db 09, 'SPO WHQ'
db 31
; currently supported letters:
; !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEF..XYZ[\]^_`abcdef..xyz
; the "v" marks are hardcoded to the code..
; v v v v v v v v v
texts db 'AstralPlane(973)733148-> SPOBBS <-24H14.4kPrgrmming'
; v v v
db 'DemosGamesAnd more'
infoclr db 25, 62 ; text color, bright blue
; hack these out :) (not a hard task..)
; (strt mod 3) = {0..2} = {R,G,B}
paldata dw 0021, 0017, 0000, 0128, 0072, 0032, 2048, 0059
dw 0115, 0101, 0000, 0032, 0418, 0053, 3328, 0013
dw 0005, 0007, 0384, 0042, 0026, 0016, 0640, 0ffd6h
dw 0563, 0069, 0000, 0059
dw 0168, 0199, 0063, 0577, 0063, 0063
counter dw 0000
cflag db 00
texto db 00 ; run postproc and get rid of
frame dw 4480 dup (0000) ; these unused zeros..
fmask db 4000 dup (00)
palette db 768 dup (00)
font db 91*8*16 dup (00)
old9_1 dw 0000
old9_2 dw 0000
Q_flag db 00
code ENDS
END start
comment /*******************************************************************
Contact us!
By mail : Johannes H. Heinonen
Touvitie 1
FIN-80160 Joensuu
E-mail : wihannes@pcb.mpoli.fi ( at least until summer/autumn -95 )
By modem : Astral Plane BBS
1200-14400bps, 24H