The Party 1994: Try This At Home
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Assembly Source File
449 lines
; Dot tunnel
; -FT/SF
.model small
code segment para public
assume cs:code,ds:code
; This will compile as a .COM too
org 100h
start: jmp start1
; Uncomment this for 400 line mode
VGA400 equ 1
; Uncomment this for line-algo correction
; Define the rotational centers
ifdef VGA400
Y_CENTER equ 90
X_CENTER equ 100
Y_CENTER equ 45
X_CENTER equ 100
sin_inc equ 11 ;23
cos_inc equ 9 ;19
include sc256.dat
include w1.asm
include circles.asm
;democount dd 0
draw_page_offs dw 0A000h
disp_page_offs dw 0000h
;dpx dw 180,170,160,150,140,130,120
dotpos_x dw numtunnels dup(920)
dw 920
dotpos_y dw numtunnels dup(0)
dw 0
split_scan dw 12Ch
dotcolor label word
dw 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9,10
dw 11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20
dw 21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30
dw 31,32,33,34,35,36,37,38,39,40
dw 41,42,43,44,45,46,47,48,49,50
dw 51
dot_frac_x db numtunnels dup(0)
db 0
dot_frac_y db numtunnels dup(0)
db 0
dot_inc_x dw numtunnels dup(0)
db 0
dot_inc_y dw numtunnels dup(0)
db 0
dothome_x dw 0
dothome_y dw 0
currtun dw 0
curr_x dw 0
curr_y dw 0
curr_color dw 0
@swap_pages macro
mov ax,[draw_page_offs]
mov [disp_page_offs],ax
mov bx,0C000h
sub bx,ax
mov [draw_page_offs],bx
endm @swap_pages
wait_vrt: ;
mov dx,3dah ;
wvr02: in al,dx ;
test al,8 ;
jz wvr02 ;
wvr01: in al,dx ;
test al,8 ;
jnz wvr01 ;
ret ;
; Plot a point, Mode X
; CX = page number
; DI = planar address in page
; AL = color to plot
@plot_one macro
mov ah,1
shl ah,cl
mov al,02
mov dx,03C4h
out dx,ax
add di,[draw_page_offs]
mov byte ptr es:[di],bl
endm @plot_one
plotatunnel proc
push cx
push bx
mov ax,cs:[currtun]
add ax,ax
mov si,offset dotoffs
add si,ax
mov si,word ptr ds:[si]
mov bp,dots_per_tunnel
mov dx,03C4h
pt_05: ;push cx
mov bx,word ptr ds:[si]
mov ax,word ptr ds:[si+2]
add si,4
ifndef VGA400
sar ax,1
add bx,[curr_x]
add ax,[curr_y]
; compare bx to see if its onscreen
cmp bx,0
jl pt_nopoint
cmp bx,315
jg pt_nopoint
cmp ax,0
jl pt_nopoint
ifdef VGA400
cmp ax,299
cmp ax,149
jg pt_nopoint
mov di,ax
sal di,4
sal ax,6
add di,ax
mov cl,bl
and cl,3
sar bx,2
add di,bx
mov ah,1
shl ah,cl
mov al,02
out dx,ax
add di,[draw_page_offs]
mov bx,[curr_color]
mov byte ptr es:[di],bl
dec bp
jnz pt_05
pop bx
pop cx
plotatunnel endp
turn_em_on proc
mov cx,numtunnels
mov bx,cx
add bx,cx
sub bx,2
ton01: mov ax,word ptr ds:dotpos_x[bx]
mov [curr_x],ax
mov ax,word ptr ds:dotpos_y[bx]
mov [curr_y],ax
mov ax,word ptr ds:dotcolor[bx]
mov [curr_color],ax
mov ax,cx
dec ax
mov [currtun],ax
call plotatunnel
sub bx,2
loop ton01
turn_em_on endp
turn_em_off proc
mov dx,03C4h
mov ax,0F02h
out dx,ax
ifdef VGA400
mov cx,1800h;1A68h
mov cx,0C00h
xor eax,eax
mov di,[draw_page_offs]
rep stosd
turn_em_off endp
move_the_tunnel proc
mov cx,numtunnels
dec cx
mov bx,cx
add bx,bx
mt01: mov ax,word ptr dotpos_x[bx-2] ; More inward dot (x)
sub ax,word ptr dotstep[bx] ; Add the dot step
movsx edx,word ptr dot_inc_x[bx]
movsx eax,ax
sal eax,8
push bx
sar bx,1
mov al,byte ptr dot_frac_x[bx-1]
add eax,edx
mov byte ptr dot_frac_x[bx],al
pop bx
sar eax,8
mov word ptr dotpos_x[bx],ax ; store outward
mov ax,word ptr dotpos_y[bx-2] ; More inward dot (y)
mov dx,word ptr dotstep[bx] ; add dot step /2
ifndef VGA400
sar dx,1 ;
sub ax,dx ;
movsx eax,ax
sal eax,8
push bx
sar bx,1
mov al,byte ptr dot_frac_y[bx-1]
pop bx
movsx edx,word ptr dot_inc_y[bx]
add eax,edx
push bx
sar bx,1
mov byte ptr dot_frac_y[bx],al
pop bx
sar eax,8
mov word ptr dotpos_y[bx],ax ; store outward
mov ax,word ptr dot_inc_x[bx-2]
mov word ptr dot_inc_x[bx],ax
mov ax,word ptr dot_inc_y[bx-2]
mov word ptr dot_inc_y[bx],ax
sub bx,2 ;
dec cx
je mtrd
jmp mt01
mtrd: mov bx,[dothome_x]
add bx,sin_inc
cmp bx,1024
jl mt02
sub bx,1024
mt02: mov [dothome_x],bx
movsx ax,byte ptr sin256[bx]
add ax,X_CENTER
mov [dotpos_x],ax
mov bx,X_CENTER
sub bx,ax
movsx eax,bx
sal eax,8
or eax,eax
jl @@01
xor edx,edx
jmp short @@02
@@01: mov edx,-1
@@02: mov ecx,numtunnels
idiv ecx
mov [dot_inc_x],ax
mov bx,[dothome_y]
add bx,cos_inc
cmp bx,1024
jl mt03
sub bx,1024
mt03: mov [dothome_y],bx
movsx ax,byte ptr cos256[bx]
ifndef VGA400
sar ax,1
add ax,Y_CENTER
mov [dotpos_y],ax
mov bx,Y_CENTER
sub bx,ax
movsx eax,bx
sal eax,8
or eax,eax
jl @@03
xor edx,edx
jmp short @@04
@@03: mov edx,-1
@@04: mov ecx,numtunnels
idiv ecx
mov [dot_inc_y],ax
mov cx,numtunnels
mt04: mov bx,numtunnels
sub bx,cx
inc bx
mov eax,[democount]
and eax,7
mov dx,bx
sub dx,ax
xor ax,ax
and dx,4
je mt04b
mov dx,03C8h
mov al,bl
out dx,al
inc dx
sal ax,2
cmp ax,64
jl mt05a
mov al,63
mt05a: out dx,al
out dx,al
out dx,al
jmp short mt04c
mt04b: mov dx,03C8h
mov al,bl
out dx,al
inc dx
sal ax,1
cmp ax,32
jl mt05b
mov ax,31
mt05b: out dx,al
out dx,al
out dx,al
mt04c: loop mt04
mov [dot_frac_x],0
mov [dot_frac_y],0
move_the_tunnel endp
mov ax,cs
mov ds,ax
mov ax,0013h
int 10h
mov ax,0A000h
mov es,ax
; unchain the video mode
mov dx,03C4h
mov ax,0604h
out dx,ax
mov ax,0E317h
mov dx,03D4h
out dx,ax
mov ax,0014h
out dx,ax
mov al,09h
out dx,al
inc dx
in al,dx
and al,010100001b
ifdef VGA400
and al,0FEh ; for 400-line mode
mov ah,al
mov al,09h
dec dx
out dx,ax
mov dx,03D4h
mov al,07h
out dx,al
inc dx
in al,dx
mov ah,al
mov bx,[split_scan]
and bx,100h
jz @@06
or ah,10h
jmp short @@07
@@06: and ah,0EFh
@@07: mov al,07h
dec dx
out dx,ax
mov al,18h
mov ah,byte ptr ds:[split_scan]
out dx,ax
mov dx,03C4h
mov ax,0F02h
out dx,ax
mov cx,04000h
xor eax,eax
xor di,di
rep stosd
mov [draw_page_offs],0h
mov [disp_page_offs],0h
call writer_init
mov [disp_page_offs],02000h
mov [draw_page_offs],0A000h
; Set the video page
mov dx,03D4h
mov bx,[disp_page_offs]
mov ah,bh
mov al,0Ch
out dx,ax
mov ah,bl
mov al,0Dh
out dx,ax
call wait_vrt
call move_the_tunnel
call turn_em_off
call turn_em_on
call do_writing
inc [democount]
mov ah,01
int 16h
jz cont
mov ax,0003h
int 10h
mov ax,4C00h
int 21h
code ends
end start