Assembly 1994 - The 3rd Phase
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Text File
139 lines
Date: 21.03.1993
By: =ABYSS- / FC
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This is the application form for becoming an official
Future Crew distribution site. By filling up this form,
you agree to comply with the following rules:
- Your BBS MUST have every single one production
FC or any member of FC has ever released
- Your BBS has to call StarPort (FC WHQ) at least
twice a month, and keep in contact with the FC
- Your BBS has to also be a voting place for
the possibly coming FC diskmag (voting door)
- Your BBS has to be absolutely DEMO-ORIENTED, NOT
some gigantic all-around BBS. YOU yourself have to
be very interested about demos and the PC demo scene
- Your BBS should join the Creativity Demo Net, if
by any means possible
- Your BBS would also be a Future Crew information
forum. You would have to answer questions about
the FC and our production and help people who have
problems with our software
- Your BBS should be operated on a PC compatible,
with at least a 14400 BPS modem, with at least 300 MB
of diskspace and the BBS should be open 24 hours a day
and 365 days / year
Please read the above rules carefully and think twice before
sending in this application.
And now to the *fun* (:)) part, fill up the following form, please.
BBS name :______________________________________
BBS phonumber(s) :______________________________________
BBS modem(s) :______________________________________
Modem speeds supported : [ ] 1200 [ ] 2400 [ ] 9600 (V32)
(place X on appropriate : [ ] 14.4k (V32bis) [ ] 16.8k
box) : [ ] MNP [ ] V42bis
BBS net adress(es) :______________________________________
List networks you are in :______________________________________
Would you be willing to join the Creativity Demo Net if you aren't yet
in? : (Yes / No)
If necessary would you be willing to become a Host / Hub for The
Creativity Demo Net? : (Yes / No)
BBS software :______________________________________
Mailer software :______________________________________
Is your board any other groups dist.site or member board: (Yes/No)
If yes, please list them :______________________________________
How many lines/nodes does your system have :____________
How many users does your system have :__________________
How large (in mb's) is your system :__________________
Is your BBS very demo-oriented : (Yes / No)
In what country do you live :___________________________________
SysOp alias / group :______________________________________
SysOp real name :______________________________________
SysOp voice phone number :______________________________________
SysOp age :___
SysOp full address :______________________________________
Anything special we should be aware of?:
Thank you for filling up this form. Please rename this file to
BBSNAME.APP (for example, if your bbs'es name is THEBBS,
rename the file to THEBBS.APP) and send it to StarPort:
- StarPort * The Future Crew World HQ * -
- +358-0-804-4626 -
- Creativity Demo Net Finland Host -
- Net addr: 94:61/0 and 2:220/630 -
- W/ USR HST DS V32Bis -
- SysOp: Abyss / Future Crew -
=ABYSS- / Future Crew
P.S. Filling up this form doesn't mean that you will automatically
become an FC distribution site!