Assembly 1994 - The 3rd Phase
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Text File
86 lines
Date: 20.3.1993
By: =ABYSS- / Future Crew
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The Future Crew is now looking for distribution sites
around the world. We are looking for demo-oriented
BBS'es that are interested in becoming part of FC's
growing number of BBS'es.
So, what does it take to become an FC dist site?
In fact, it is not easy, we require a lot, but
before giving up, take a look at the following list:
- Your BBS MUST have every single one production
FC or any member of FC has ever RELEASED
- Your BBS has to call StarPort (FC WHQ) at least
twice a month, and keep in contact with the FC
- Your BBS also has to be a voting place for
the possibly coming FC diskmag (voting door)
- Your BBS has to be absolutely DEMO-ORIENTED, NOT
some gigantic BBS all-around. YOU yourself have
to be very interested about demos and the PC demo
- Your BBS should join the Creativity Demo Net, if
by any means possible
- Your BBS would also be a Future Crew information
forum. You would have to answer questions concerning
FC and our production, and help people who have
problems with our production
- Your BBS should be operated on a PC compatible,
with at least a 14400 BPS modem, with atleast 300 MB
of diskspace and the BBS should be open 24 hours a day,
and 365 days / year
So what do you get in exchange? Well, these things we can
- Your BBS will be mentioned in every FC production
in the dist site BBS list
- You have a chance to get all FC's future production
first hand
- You will get some FC inner circle information
What we can't guarantee, but what is likely to happen, is that
your BBS will become more and more popular and it's quality
will improve dramatically.
So don't hesitate, get the DISTSITE.APP from StarPort and fill
it up, IF you are ready to agree with the requirements mentioned
(At first, only one BBS / country is accepted, so hurry!)
Contact info to StarPort:
- StarPort * The Future Crew World HQ * -
- +358-0-804-4626 -
- Creativity Demo Net Finland Host -
- Net addr: 94:61/0 and 2:220/630 -
- W/ USR HST DS V32Bis -
- SysOp: Abyss / Future Crew -
You can also FREQ the DISTSITE.APP from StarPort. Contact us NOW!
=ABYSS- / Future Crew