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- Subject: A Proposal For Everyone
- Date: Sun, 19 Jun 94 20:01:34 CDT
- From: ekl@sdf.lonestar.org
- Precedence: bulk
- In addition to keyboard short-cuts we need standardized panels (dialogs),
- standard menu positions, and other such guidelines, like how a block
- should be selected, how to select discontinous blocks, application data
- linkage (no GEM app currently supports this I believe), and what happens
- when you type and a block already exists. The only way to satify everyone
- is to make a standard that can easily be changed. The NeXT guide specifies
- that short-cuts can be changed. I submit the following based on 3 standards,
- in order - Atari Compendium, NeXT Guidelines (an extension of apples), and
- finally this list. You do NOT have to implement everything in here, and
- the guideline also specfifies how to NOT use the guideline! Also, the
- APP_DEFS.SYS file mentioned here and options such as the block=big-cursor
- and other weirdness, or country-specific options and such should be
- supplied in here. The user should be able to configure everything globally
- and should be be able to configure each app separately if he/she so desires.
- We also need to discuss mouse pointers and cursor types, and it is possible
- that these would be in the APP_DEFS.SYS too!
- Function Keys are app-dependant, normally used for macros or execution of
- external programs. Possible are normal, shift, control, alt, shift/control,
- shift/alt, but NOT any combination of with alt and control at once.
- ===========================================================================
- The following is based on the NeXTStep User Interface Guidelines 3.2
- Chapter 3: User Actions: The Keyboard and Mouse. It assumes that user
- preferences are stored in the APP_DEFS.SYS file which is searched for
- in the following directories, in order, "U:\etc", "C:\multitos", "C:\mint",
- "C:\system", "C:\", and finally the current working directory. "A:"
- should be substituted for "C:" if the user booted from floppy. Also, the
- current working directory will be searched even if the file is already
- found in another directory and these settings will over-ride settings
- previously found.
- Choosing Keyboard Alternatives
- Initially, until the user specifies a different preference, applications
- should follow the guidelines for keyboard alternatives described in this
- section. Users can use the Preferences application to alter the keyboard
- alternatives for every application at once. You're also encouraged to let
- the user choose and change keyboard alternatives using your application's
- Preferences panel.
- Some sort of "Preferences" application should be generated by the gem-list.
- To change the global preferences, run the app, and to change the preferences
- of a specific application, pass that application's name on the command line.
- This can be run from another GEM application, concurrently if your AES allows
- it to provide a consistent interface for editing the APP-DEFS.SYS file.
- A global usage "Install" application could also set paths and options in
- this file as well as copy the files to the proper destination, make
- directories, install icons in the desktop RSC file, and also de-install
- all these options and icons and delete the proper files when needed.
- By allowing the user to change keys globally he can conform best to the
- application/standards that he uses most, so if he want to have ^U close
- a window the user can change it himself (although he will have to find
- a new key for underline!)
- Code will also be provided (possibly a whole library) for parsing the file
- and for utilizing the information contained within.
- The guidelines place keyboard alternatives into three groups--reserved,
- required, and recommended. These groups are listed in the tables that fol-
- low along with the commands they perform and the menus where the commands
- are located.
- Note that "Command" is normally CONTROL, but the user may choose to use
- ALT instead by specifying such in the APP_DEFS.SYS file. Terminal programs
- should over-ride these settings in an application specific line so that
- ALT is used as the Command key by default. Capital letters denote holding
- SHIFT, the space in a menu is limited, and using an up-arrow is redundant.
- In menus, the caret "^" denotes CONTROL and the window closer should be used
- for ALT, and an equivalence character (ascii 240) in a boxchar object should
- be used for drop-down lists. The use of the word "panel" refers to a
- a standardized dialog which the gem-list should provide code and RSCs for.
- The right arrow shows a cascading menu, the delete character (the delta) is
- for the iconify/miniturize gadget and buttons that show >> expand the dialog
- while << shortens a dialog (for advanced and novice user options).
- Reserved Keyboard Alternatives
- Reserved keyboard alternatives must be used for the commands that follow,
- and cannot be used for any others. If your application implements the
- functionality that a command represents, it must provide both the command
- and the keyboard alternative.
- For example, if your application opens files, it must have an Open command
- with Command-o as the keyboard alternative. If your application doesn't
- allow the user to open files, it won't have an Open command and must not
- use Command-o as a keyboard alternative.
- Keyboard Command Menu
- ------------------------------------------------------
- help Access Help Help
- HELP Context-senstive Help Help
- undo Undo last command Edit
- UNDO Redo last command Edit
- Command-undo Multi-level undo Edit
- Command-UNDO Step-wise undo Edit
- Command-a Select All Edit
- Command-A De-select All Edit
- Command-c Copy Edit
- Command-h Hide File
- Command-n New File
- Command-o Open File
- Command-p Print File
- Command-q Quit File
- Command-s Save File
- Command-v Paste Edit
- Command-w Close File
- Command-W Abandon + Reload File
- Command-x Cut Edit
- ALT-tab Cycle Apps <<reserved in MultiTOS>>
- ^ tab Cycle Object Selection <<no menu>>
- SHIFT-tab Cycle Windows Window
- tab type-writer style tab <<no menu>>
- ^ ALT \ Emergeny Kill App! <<reserved in MiNT/MultiTOS>>
- << note multi-level undo will undo each command in the buffer for each
- press of the hot-key. step-wise undo will let you undo a specific
- command in the buffer. >>
- Required Keyboard Alternatives
- These keyboard alternatives must be used if the application implements the
- command. For example, if your application has a Find panel, you must pro-
- vide Command-f as a way of bringing the panel up.
- However, if an application doesn't implement the particular functionality
- of an item (if it doesn't have a Find panel, for example), it can use the
- keyboard alternative (Command-f) for something else. Nevertheless, to pre-
- serve interapplication consistency, it's strongly recommended that you
- first try to use characters that don't overlap with those on this list.
- Keyboard Command Menu
- ------------------------------------------------------
- Command-= Define in Dictionary Text
- Command-; Check Spelling Text
- Command-b Bold (Unbold) Style
- Command-d Find Previous Edit
- Command-e Enter Selection Edit
- Command-f Find Panel Edit
- Command-g Find Next Edit
- Command-i Italic (Unitalic) Style
- Command-t Font Panel Style
- Command-u Underline (un-underline) Style
- Command-C Append to Clipboard Edit
- Command-I Show Info File
- Command-V Insert File Edit
- Command-K Colors Style
- Command-F Find & Replace Edit
- Command-bksp Delete word to left <<none>>
- Command-del Delete word to right <<none>>
- ^ arrow Move left/right one word <<none>>
- ^ clrhome Move to start of doc. <<none>>
- SHIFT-left Move to begin. of line <<none>>
- SHIFT-right Move to end of line <<none>>
- SHIFT-up Move up one page <<none>>
- SHIFT-down Move down one page <<none>>
- SHIFT-del Delete line <<none>>
- SHIFT-clrhome Move to end of document <none>>
- arrow Move one char left/right <<none>>
- clrhome Move to top of window <<none>>
- bksp Delete to left of cursor <<none>>
- del Delete right of cursor <<none>>
- insert Toggle insert/overwrite <<none>>
- << note find next and find previous are also replace next and replace
- previous if you used find & replace instead of find. >>
- Recommended Keyboard Alternatives
- These keyboard alternatives must be used for a command if the command has a
- keyboard alternative. If not, the key can be used for some other command.
- For example, if the Copy Ruler command has no keyboard alternative, Com-
- mand-1 can be used as a keyboard alternative for another command.
- Keyboard Command Menu
- ------------------------------------------------------
- Command-1 Copy Ruler Text
- Command-2 Paste Ruler Text
- Command-3 Copy Font Style
- Command-4 Paste Font Style
- Command-j Jump to Selection Edit
- Command-l Redraw Screen Window
- Command-m Miniaturize Window Window
- Command-r Show Ruler Text
- Command-B Set Block-Start Edit
- Command-E Set Block-End Edit
- Command-P Page Layout File
- Command-S Save As File
- Command-L Paste and Link Link
- Command-M Miniturize All Windows Window
- <<note if redraw screen is supported, just turn on and off your menu with
- the menu bar command and then call form_dial for the whole screen
- and the AES will send all the proper redraw messages >>
- In Dialog Boxes
- ---------------
- Return - OK, Yes, etc...
- Undo - Cancel, Abort, etc...
- Other buttons should be available via ALT+<x> as in Let 'em Fly. Editable
- text fields should follow the standard as above.