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- Date: Mon, 20 Jun 1994 15:17:52 -0400 (EDT)
- From: Timothy Miller <millert@undergrad.csee.usf.edu>
- Subject: Re: How-To-Vote [ADMIN]
- To: gem-list@world.std.com
- In-Reply-To: <199406182223.AA12921@world.std.com>
- Message-Id: <Pine.3.87.9406201552.A20320-0100000@grad>
- Mime-Version: 1.0
- Precedence: bulk
- Nolte:
- )>But I don't think that Find/Replace is quite that important.
- )Wanna bet? To me it's very important. That's why I want:
- )CTRL-F find (search forward is default)
- )CTRL-G find next
- )Sh-CTRL-G find previous
- )CTRL-R replace (search forward is default)
- )CTRL-T replace next
- )Sh-CTRL-T replace previous
- )And maybe we could have Sh-CTRL-F for "find (search backwards is default)"
- )and Sh-CTRL-R for "replace (search backwards is default)".
- Find/Replace is important (I know, because I often use it), but it not so
- important that you need to use that many combinations for it. Not only
- is it over-done, but it's counter-productive. The user is NOT going to
- learn THAT MANY shortcuts for a relatively simple concept. He'll go to
- the menus and be even more frustrated. Your suggestion is not
- particularly easy to learn (it's intuitive alright, but there's too much
- of it), and it wastes keys that could be used for more important things
- (there ARE more important things than Find/Replace). On the other hand,
- what you have may be the best, but I oppose its complexity, and I want
- you to think about it in relation to that and relative to all the other
- things that we want to assign shortcuts to.
- )>Abandon is a bad translation from German first made by Pure Software.
- )>It should be 'Restore' or 'Reload'.
- )That's right. "Reload" sounds fine to me. Let's call CTRL-H "Reload"
- )instead of "Abandon".
- I think 'Revert' sounds more elegant.
- Le Fevre:
- )OK. Let's add a `Go Back' feature (and a shortcut). Mark shortcuts should
- )also be added, if supported. I suggest:
- )CTRL-0 - go back
- )CTRL-1 to CTRL-9 - go to mark 1 - 9
- )SHIFT-CTRL-1 to SHIFT-CTRL-9 - put a mark
- This is a good idea in its own right, regardless of the reason you came
- up with it. But now what do we do with the text styles (bold, italic,
- underline, etc.)? Alt-Number?
- )Evan K. Langlois:
- )> Now, how I feel about keyboard short-cuts and how others feel are
- different.
- )> The APP_DEFS.INF file is the best way. THAT is where the standard should
- )> be, and the default entries in APP-DEFS.INF can be decided by the list
- )> or by the programmer. You could even set the way block selection works,
- )> and what happens when you type something when a block is selected
- (overwrite
- )> or insert, or deselect).
- )I agree. The block-handling method should be stored in this file so that the
- )user could choose the method he prefers.
- Now, I REALLY disagree. I do not want to have to implement more than one
- block-handling system just because this standard says so. I will use
- these short-cuts insofar as they are applicable to my application, but I
- don't want to be FORCED to implement more than one. The big-cursor and
- the others are different enough that it becomes impractical to try to
- implement more than one in the same program some times. If my
- block-handling system is efficient and adequate enough, then there should
- be no need to add an inferior one. I will stick with the standard
- big-cursor. (Can we allow for use of the Right-Shift plus arrow-keys for
- the Windows method of selecting blocks from the keyboard... this is
- something that I miss on the Atari and in fact makes the big-cursor
- system slightly lacking in one area compared to the others if it's missing.)
- )> > That may be true for you, but generally it's the other way around.
- )If all the shortcuts are stored in a file (see above), it will solve these
- )problems.
- And the shortcuts file will also allow people to deviate so far from the
- standard that the standard becomes a moot point. We won't have a
- standard... we'll have everyone's different opinion, which is no better
- than the apps we have now.
- )The French word processor Le Redacteur 3/4/+ has a key (ESC) to invert the
- )last two characters. A shortcut for this function should be added.
- Sounds interesting. How about a short-cut to capitalize/uncapitalize the
- current block or character and move to the next character also?
- (toggle) But don't let these odds and ends interfere with more important
- short-cuts.
- Ofir,
- It would be nice if I could jump to the beginning and end of a line in a
- dialog. The amodal dialog system that I was working on also allows you
- to click anywhere in the edit line and it will move the cursor to that place.
- Ekl,
- I don't like your idea of using a capital or lower-case letter for
- shift. I like the up-arrow because it makes it obvious what needs to be
- pressed. I also don't like your distinction between single undo and
- multi-level undo. You're making things too complicated. Make this
- simple enough that the user will actually REMEMBER them. I DO, however,
- like your suggestions about which menus to put selections in. If those
- are standardized too, then the users will know where to expect to find
- them. Your Reserved, Required, etc categorization has merit. Ofir's
- proposal has things in it that I like which you seem to be deviating
- from. Again, I think redraw should be Ctrl-A. As I read through your
- list, your use of lower and caps to denote shift is really getting on my
- nerves. Use the up-arrow symbol for shift and always capital letters.
- Nolte:
- Ofir:
- )>How about Revert?
- )reLOAD tells me more than reVERT.
- Reload could mean to open a new window and load an old version... or
- could mean other things too. It's ambiguous. Revert is not. Eschew
- ambiguity.
- Ken:
- )Why describe when it was created? Just explain what the standards are, and
- )which level your program complies to? Why not make things *SIMPLE*? This
- )was the way that things were MEANT to be, right?
- It would be nice if this whole thing were simple, but NOOOOO.... people
- want a %)*&&^% config file to make our lives more complicated rather than
- making a good standard and telling people to stick with it.
- )Good idea, but make it simple. Follow the KISS method: Keep It Simple,
- )Stupid! :) (You'll find that I use alot of KISS stuff in LTMF... Which
- )is probably why it's so incompatible with MultiTOS... :)
- I wonder how many times I've said this myself. :)
- Ofir:
- )Shift+CTRL B Replace block start
- )Shift+CTRL E Replace block end
- What does this mean? To change the position of the start/end of an
- already existing block? If there are no discontinuous blocks, there is
- no need for this. If there ARE dicontinuous blocks, then this could be
- useful (although possibly getting a little overly complex), but how is
- the program to know WHICH block to extend/shrink?