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- Programming:
- 0index ?? this thingamabob you are currently purusing
- ams++lib.zoo 178 Warwick Allison's C++ game library "AMS" v 0.8
- 68k_crib.arc 10 Pictures to help with 68k assembly programming
- abztos.arc 18 Abzmon monitor
- achlib.arc 16 ???
- aicons.zip 1053 High res icons in IMG and GIF format
- argv.txt.akp.Z 9 Allan Pratts discussion of argument passing 5/91
- arp68-book.zoo 469 Big huge 'book' on ST assembly programming..
- arp68-pix.zoo 430 All of the .img and post script files for the above.
- batch.arc 18 ???
- big.zip 209 Library functions enhance GEM, use with Pure C.
- cdbind01.zoo 6 Bindings for MetaDOS and CD-ROMs
- cdecl.zoo 46 Translates C declarations to English and vice-versa
- cled122s.lzh 84 An example of gem programming, binaries and sources.
- compiler.zip 16 Shell for GFA 3.x compiler. Replace internal one.
- cpp112.zoo 72 Stand alone C preprocessor
- curses.arc 33 ST version of portable text screen managing library
- dasmblr.arc 20 Disassembler
- degaspic.lzh 4 C routines for use with DEGAS paint files.
- disasm2.arc 15 Another dissasembler
- disasmb1.arc 17 Yes another disassembler
- disasmld.lzh 7 Disassembles DSP 56000 .LOD files
- distomwc.arc 37 Dissasembles to Mark William C
- dlibs12.arc 108 Sozobon C library, also usable with alcyon C
- dlibsrc.arc 78 sources for dlibs
- dspbind.lzh 2 Binadings for Falcon's DSP
- extra.zip 32 STOS extensions
- f68kans.zip 432 680x0 implementation of ANSI Forth
- fcc.arc 58 Mark's flow chart compiler, with rsc file now. :)
- fixtree3.arc 24 ???
- fldlib.zip 38 Lattice C lib controls multiple windowed dialog
- flinker.arc 26 ???
- fortran.zip 165 BC-FORTRAN 77, v1.3c; byAndre Koestli
- fpupatch.lzh 58 patch for libraries for Turbo-C (greater ver1.1)
- funnel.zoo 793 FunnelWeb - language independent version of Web
- gdos.arc 14 Info on gdos/assign.sys
- gem++19.zoo 298 GEM++ library: GNU C++ GEM classes.
- gemdos.arc 32 GEMDOS document
- gemenv.lzh 22 Set up environment variables for GEM desktop
- gfabas09.lzh 72 Hints and tips on coding in GFA basic
- graphx11.zoo 148 Ken's graphics library for turbo, lattice and sozobon C
- gso22st.zoo 83 GNU SuperOptimizer. Optimizes assembly (68000 & 68020).
- indnt16b.zoo 48 Indent, makes c programs look good by showing levels
- jagdem_s.zip 698 "Jag Demo" require GenST 3
- joshua.lzh 16 Utility for programmers.
- joveexe.arc 75 Version of emacs
- keyclick.arc 2 ???
- kr2ansi.zoo 28 KR standard to ansi converter for c
- ldon_src.zip 472 Source code for "Left Donut" demo
- libscsi1.zoo 36 C Library front-end for Atari SCSI devices
- lineah.arc 11 Line A call documentation
- linkdem2.zoo 289 demo files for Missing Link STOS extension
- linkkdemo.zoo 386 demo files for Missing Link STOS extension
- linkinst.zoo 168 Installer for Missing Link STOS extension
- lynxlib.zoo 165 Various lib routines
- m2gem106.lzh 656 Crystal Modula-2 GEM bindings of Ulrich Kaiser
- m2posx10.zoo 323 Experimental POSIX bindings for Modula-2
- manview.zoo 58 GEM based man page viewer
- memmap.arc 3 Memory map for the st.
- misty.lzh 796 MISTY - STOS extension and demos
- mit2mot101.zoo 24 Converts GAS-syntax assembly code to Motorola syntax
- mnilu.lzh 43 Shareware compiler for GFA Basic v2 code.
- nutshsrc.arc 8 Source for nut shell.
- orcs.lzh 148 Otto's resource contruction set
- outtolod.lzh 8 Convert .OUT --> .LOD
- passmsrc.arc 17 ???
- pbug1_19.zip 208 Version 1.19 of the Peace debugger
- pdmake.arc 57 PD make (so you wanna be a unix box, eh?)
- pexec.arc 5 Scaled down pexec.
- pexeccbk.txt 39 Pexec cook book.
- popup.zoo 86 Pop up menu editor/handler
- prgemdvi.lzh 199 Pr gem series dvi files
- prgemtex.lzh 167 TeX Pro Gem Series
- progtl02.tos 130 Programming tools for Pure C (cc driver, etc)
- progem.arc 173 Professional Gem series of programming articles
- prosrc.arc 54 Source from progem series
- pt_src3t.lzh 15 ProTracker source code (?)
- ratfor.arc 22 Converts rational fortran to true fortran
- rcs56.zoo 847 RCS ver 5.6, complete with source.
- rcs5ap1b.lzh 310 Binaries for apratt's revision control system.
- rsc5ap1m.lzh ?? Bug fix for the above.
- rcs5ap1s.lzh 230 Sources for the above.
- readme12.arc 16 ???
- relmod.arc 7 Converts CP/M to ST executables. Needs Alycon compiler
- rs2lang.zoo 42 Converts .rsc files to C or ASM
- rsc_view.lzh 7 Displays contents of GEM's .RSC files
- rsctoc1.arc 17 Converts .rsc files to C structures
- rsctoc2.arc 9 Source code for above
- sources.arc 234 Source code for all the Dangimere RPG series
- spin3d.lzh 12 C sources teach basic 3d graphic programming
- srw.zip 117 STOS Rewriter - create surreal prose & poetry
- stosgame.zip 150 STOS Gamecomposer - generate weird game ideas
- stosshow.zip 96 STOS Slideshow - DEGAS/NEO slideshow with effects
- strings.lzh 6 Extract strings from binaries
- strip3sr.arc 3 ???
- superh.arc 1 ???
- szadb1_4.zoo 155 Low level debugger, ver1.4 ST & TT, also GST format
- szadbbin.arc 29 Sozobon C debugger
- tempcall.arc 10 Use tempus as an editor for Personal pascal
- termcap.arc 52 ST version of portable generic terminal sequence lib
- timecode.arc 3 Calculate the time needed for a machine code routine
- timecsrc.arc 5 Source for above
- tmpl201c.lzh 112 TempleMon Debugger
- tom.arc 19 ???
- tostrace.arc 30 Traces tos system calls
- ufsl.lzh 18 Programmer's utility "provides standard font selector."
- varlnsrc.arc 7 Checks printf and scanf for matching arguments.
- vbl.zoo 2 Place a user defined routine in the VBL queue (asm src)
- vbi.arc 14 VBI doc and example
- vdit.arc 8 Partial VDI interface
- vmsource.zip 518 Source code for Falcon game "Vertical Mayhem"
- xaes.zip 42 test version of eXtended AES library
- xhdi-110.zoo 32 XHDI specification docs
- xlib.arc 7 Experimental shared library handler for MWC.
- xrf.arc 15 ???
- /end of Programming directory/