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$Title{American Ring Plover}
$Subject{Charadriinae; Charadrius; semipalmatus; American Ring Plover;
Semipalmated Plover}
$Journal{Birds of America: Volume V}
$Volume{Vol. 5:218-223}
$Common_Name{American Ring Plover; Semipalmated Plover}
Plate CCCXX*00555p1.scf,30530028.aud
Bird Call*30530028.aud
(C) (P) Library of Natural Sounds; Cornell Laboratory
of Ornithology 1990-91, 1992; Ithaca, N.Y., All rights reserved.
Portions copyright (c) Creative Multimedia Corp., 1990-91, 1992
B I R D S O F A M E R I C A .
By John James Audubon, F. R. SS. L. & E.
[Semipalmated Plover.]
[Charadrius semipalmatus.]
I have had great pleasure in observing the migrations of this species,
particularly in early spring, when great numbers enter the southern portions of
the United States, on their way northward, where it is now well known to breed.
At that period, whatever attempts you may make to prevent their progress, they
always endeavour to advance eastward; whereas in early autumn, they will rove in
any direction, as if perfectly aware that the task imposed upon them by Nature
having been accomplished, they may enjoy their leisure. Those which pass the
winter within the limits of the Union, are mostly found along the shores of
South Carolina, Georgia, the Floridas, and as far south as the mouths of the
Mississippi; there being no doubt that many remain on the coasts of the Gulf of
Mexico, as I have found some there early in spring, before observing those which
I knew by their manners to be recently arrived. In the course of my late visit
to Texas, I found them on Galveston Bay, where I observed some arriving from the
During their polar migration, they proceed rather swiftly, for although
they appear to touch at every place likely to afford them food and repose, they
seldom tarry long. Thus, many individuals, which may have been in Texas early
in April, not unfrequently reach Labrador by the middle of May; although some
are a month later in reaching the ultimate point of their journey, which,
according to Dr. RICHARDSON, sometimes extends as far as the Arctic Regions.
While with us in spring, they confine themselves to the sandy beaches of
our sea-coasts, whether on the mainland or on islands; but when they arrive at
their breeding stations, they abandon their maritime life, and resort to
mountainous mossy lands, as is also the custom with several other species. On
my way to Labrador, I saw some of them in almost every place at which we landed;
and when I reached Nastasguan Bay, they were breeding in all the spots that were
adapted for that purpose. Their manners formed an agreeable subject of
observation to all the members of my party. As soon as one of us was noticed by
a Ring Plover, it would at once stand still and become silent. If we did the
same, it continued, and seldom failed to wear out our patience. If we advanced,
it would lower itself and squat on the moss or bare rock until approached, when
it would suddenly rise on its feet, droop its wings, depress its head, and run
with great speed to a considerable distance, uttering all the while a low
rolling and querulous cry, very pleasing to the ear. On being surprised when in
charge of their young, they would open their wings to the full extent, and beat
the ground with their extremities, as if unable to rise. If pursued, they
allowed us to come within a few feet, then took flight, and attempted to decoy
us away from their young, which lay so close that we very seldom discovered
them, but which, on being traced, ran swiftly off, uttering a plaintive peep
often repeated, that never failed to bring their parents to their aid. At
Labrador, the Ring Plover begins to breed in the beginning of June. On the 2nd
of July, I procured several young birds apparently about a week old; they ran
briskly to avoid us, and concealed themselves so closely by squatting, that it
was very difficult to discover them even when only a few feet distant.
This species, like the Piping Plover, Charadrius melodus, forms no nest;
and whilst the latter scoops a place in the sand for its eggs, the Ring Plover
forms a similar cavity in the moss, in a place sheltered from the north winds,
and exposed to the full rays of the sun, usually near the margins of small ponds
formed by the melting of the snow, and surrounded by short grass. Some of these
pools are found on the tops of the highest rocks of that country. The eggs,
like those of all the family, are four, and placed with the small ends together.
They are broad at the larger end, rather sharp at the other, measure 1 1/4
inches in length, 7 1/8 inches in their greatest breadth, are of a dull
yellowish colour, irregularly blotched and spotted all over with dark brown of
different tints. The young are at first of a yellowish-grey colour, prettily
marked with darker spots on the shoulders and rump. As soon as their parents
dismissed them, they were observed searching for food among the drying cod-fish,
and along the beaches.
By the 12th of August, all the individuals which had bred in Labrador and
Newfoundland, had taken their departure, migrating southward in company with the
Phalaropes and Schintz's Sandpipers. Many of these birds proceed by our great
lakes and rivers, they being sometimes seen in September along the shores of the
Ohio and Mississippi. At this period they are now and then observed on ploughed
lands, where they appear to procure different species of seeds and insects.
Along the whole extent of our Atlantic shores they are numerous at this season,
and great numbers are killed, the flesh of the young birds especially being
juicy and tender.
The flight of this species is swift and sustained. They are fond of
associating with other birds of similar habits, and are generally unsuspicious,
so that they are easily approached. When on wing, their notes are sharp,
sonorous, and frequently repeated. The young members of my party were often
much amused by witnessing our pointer chasing the old birds, whilst the latter,
as if perfectly aware of the superiority in speed, would seem to coax him on,
and never failed to exhaust him by flying along the declivities of the rocks up
to their summits, and afterwards plunging downwards to the base, thus forming
great circuits over a limited range. Their food consists of small crustacea,
mollusca, and the eggs of various marine animals, The old males are very
pugnacious in the breeding season, and engage in obstinate conflicts, drooping
their wings, and trailing their tail fully spread out in the manner of some
species of Grouse on similar occasions.
RING PLOVER, Tringa Hiaticula, Wils. Amer. Orn., vol. vii. p. 65.
AMERICAN RING PLOVER, Charadrius semipalmatus, Swains. and Rich. F. Bor.
Amer. vol. ii. p. 367.
SEMIPALMATED RINGED PLOVER, Nutt. Man., vol. ii. p. 21.
AMERICAN RINGED PLOVER, Charadrius semipalmatus, Aud. Orn. Biog., vol.
iv. P. 256; vol. v. p. 579.
Male, 7 1/4, 14.
From Texas to the Arctic Regions, after passing through the interior, as
well as along the Atlantic shores. Breeds in Labrador and the Fur Countries.
Many spend the winter in the Floridas.
Adult Male.
Bill shorter than the head, straight, somewhat cylindrical. Upper mandible
with the dorsal line straight for half its length, then bulging a little and
curving to the t