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$Title{Red-Breasted Snipe}
$Subject{Scolopacinae; Scolopax; Limnodromus; Noveboracensis; griseus;
Red-Breasted Snipe; Short-Billed Dowitcher}
$Journal{Birds of America: Volume VI}
$Volume{Vol. 6:10-14}
$Genus{Scolopax; Limnodromus}
$Species{Noveboracensis; griseus}
$Common_Name{Red-Breasted Snipe; Short-Billed Dowitcher}
Plate CCCLI*00601P1.scf
Portions copyright (c) Creative Multimedia Corp., 1990-91, 1992
B I R D S O F A M E R I C A .
By John James Audubon, F. R. SS. L. & E.
[Short-Billed Dowitcher.]
[Limnodromus griseus.]
On our arrival at the mouths of the Mississippi, on the first of April,
1837, I observed large flocks of this species on their way eastward. They were
still in their winter plumage, and it was pleasing to see in how short a period
that garb was changed, as we had opportunities of observing during our progress.
At Grande Terre, on the 4th, several having reddish feathers scattered over
their lower parts were procured. On the 13th, at Cayo Island, the change of
colour was very considerable in some specimens, which I found to be old birds,
while the younger were quite grey above, and white beneath. At Derniere Isle on
the 16th, several were shot in as fine plumage as that represented in my plate,
and few, even of the younger birds, were without some of the markings peculiar
to the summer dress. Their numbers were exceedingly great, and continued
without diminution until we reached Galveston Bay in Texas, on the 26th of the
same month. How far they proceed beyond that place to spend the winter I am
unable to say; but their range over North America is known to be very extensive,
as they have been found on the Columbia river on the western coast, on the
borders of the great northern lakes, and over the whole extent of the Fur
Countries, from the time of their appearance in spring until that of their
return southward in autumn.
Although much more abundant along the coast, and in its vicinity, the
Red-breasted Snipe is not uncommon in many parts of the interior, especially in
autumn, and I have procured many individuals along the muddy margins of lakes,
more than three hundred miles in a direct line from the sea. Its migratory
movements are performed with uncommon celerity, as many are observed along the
coast of New Jersey early in April, and afterwards on the borders of the arctic
sea, in time to rear young, and return to our Eastern and Middle Districts
before the end of August.
This bird exhibits at times a manner of feeding which appeared to me
singular, and which I repeatedly witnessed while at Grande Terre in Louisiana.
While watching their manner of walking and wading along sand-bars and muddy
flats, I saw that as long as the water was not deeper than the length of their
bills, they probed the ground beneath them precisely in the manner of the
American Snipe, Scolopax Wilsoni; but when the water reached their bodies, they
immersed the head and a portion of the neck, and remained thus sufficiently long
to satisfy me that, while in this position, they probed several spots before
raising their head to breathe. On such grounds as are yet soft, although not
covered with water, they bore boles as deep as the soil will admit, and this
with surprising rapidity, occupying but a few moments in one spot, and probing
as they advance. I have watched some dozens at this work for half an hour at a
time, when I was completely concealed from their view. Godwits, which are also
borers, probe the mud or moist earth often in an oblique direction, whilst the
Woodcock, the Common Snipe, and the present species, thrust in their bills
perpendicularly. The latter bird also seizes many sorts of insects, and at
times small fry, as well as the seeds of plants that have dropped into the
water. Dr. RICHARDSON informs us that "individuals killed on the Saskatchewan
plains had the crops filled with leeches and fragments of coleoptera."
The flight of this bird is rapid, strong, and remarkably well-sustained.
When rising in large numbers, which they usually do simultaneously, they crowd
together, are apt to launch upwards in the air for awhile, and after performing
several evolutions in contrary directions, glide towards the ground, and wend
their way close to it, until finding a suitable place, they alight in a very
compact body, and stand for a moment. Sometimes, as if alarmed, they recommence
their meandering flight, and after awhile return to the same spot, alighting in
the same manner. Then is the time when the gunner may carry havoc amongst them;
but in two or three minutes they separate and search for food, when you must
either put them up to have a good shot, or wait the arrival of another flock at
the same place, which often happens, for these birds seldom suffer any of their
species to pass without sending them a note of invitation. It is not at all
uncommon to shoot twenty or thirty of them at once. I have been present when
127 were killed by discharging three barrels, and have heard of many dozens
having been procured at a shot. When wounded and brought to the water, they try
in vain to dive, and on reaching the nearest part of the shore, they usually run
a few steps and squat among the grass, when it becomes difficult to find them.
Those which have escaped unhurt often remain looking upon their dead companions,
sometimes waiting until shot at a second time. When they are fat, they afford
good eating, but their flesh is at no time so savoury as that of the common
American Snipe.
The cry of this species when on wing is a single and rather mellow weet.
When on the ground I have heard them emit a continued guttural rolling sound,
such as is on certain occasions given out by the species last mentioned. Their
call-note resembles the soft and pleasing sound of a whistle; but I have never
heard them emit it while travelling. Nothing is known respecting their
breeding, and yet there can be little doubt that many of them must rear young
within the limits of the Union.
By the Creoles of Louisiana the Red-breasted Snipe is named "Becassine de
Mer," as well as "Carouk." In South Carolina it is more abundant in the
autumnal months than in spring, when I should think they fly directly across
from the Floridas toward Cape Hatteras, as my friend Dr. BACHMAN informs me that
he never saw one of them in spring in the vicinity of Charleston.
RED-BREASTED SNIPE:, Scolopax noveboracensis, Wils. Amer. Orn., vol. vii.
p. 48.
SCOLOPAX GRISEA, Bonap. Syn., p. 330.
SCOLOPAX NOVEBORACENSIS, New York Godwit, Swains. and Rich. F. Bor. Amer.,
vol. ii. p. 398.
BROWN or RED-BREASTED SNIPE, Nutt. Man., vol. ii. p. 181.
RED-BREASTED SNIPE, Scolopax noveboracensis, Aud. Orn. Biog., vol. iv.
p. 285.
Adult, 10 1/4, 18 1/2.
Passes in immense numbers from Texas eastward and northward to the highest
latitudes, where it breeds, and returns in autumn. Occasionally seen in groups
through the interior. Columbia river.
Adult Male in summer.
Bill twice as long as the head, subulate, straight, compressed for more
than half its length, depressed towards the end. Upper mandible with the dorsal
line declinate at the base, then straight, at the end slightly arched, that part
being considerably enlarged, the ridge convex, towards the end flattened, the
sides with a narrow groove extending to near the tip, the edges soft and obtuse
or flattened, the tip narrowed but blunt.