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$Title{Genus V.--Sula, Briss. Gannet.}
$Subject{Pelecaninae; Sula; Gannet}
$Journal{Birds of America: Volume VII}
$Volume{Vol. 7:43}
Portions copyright (c) Creative Multimedia Corp., 1990-91, 1992
B I R D S O F A M E R I C A .
By John James Audubon, F. R. SS. L. & E.
GENUS V.--SULA, Briss. Gannet.
Bill longer than the head, opening beyond the eyes, straight, elongated,
conical, moderately compressed; upper mandible with the dorsal line straight and
declinate, at the end convex and a little decurved; the ridge very broad,
convex, with a slight median carina, and separated on each side from the sides,
which are perpendicular, slightly convex, and have an additional narrow-jointed
piece below the eye; edges sharp, direct, irregularly serrate, with numerous
slender cuts directed backwards, tip compressed, a little decurved, rather
acute; lower mandible with the angle extremely long and narrow, the dorsal line
straight, ascending, the sides erect, convex, the edges sharp and serrated, the
tip compressed, acute. No external nostrils. Head large, neck of moderate
length, and very thick; body of moderate bulk, rather elongated. Feet short,
strong, placed rather far behind; tibias concealed; tarsus very short, rounded
before, sharp behind, scaly, with three lines of small transversely oblong
scutella, which run down the toes, the latter long and slender, all united by
membranes having their margins straight; first toe rather small, directed
inwards and forwards; middle toe longest, the outer almost equal. Claws of
moderate size, slightly arched, that of the third toe pectinate. Plumage
generally close, rather compact, on the head and neck blended. Wings very long,
narrow, acute; first quill longest. Tail rather long, cuneate, of twelve or
fourteen feathers. Gular sac small, with a small median portion bare; tongue
extremely small, blunt; oesophagus extremely wide; proventricular glands forming
a broad belt partially divided by intervals; stomach extremely small, its
muscular coat thin, the inner soft; intestine of moderate length, slender; coeca
very small; cloaca globular.