1. Choose "Galaxy Configuration..." in Setups menu and click "Install..." button. Choose the file "Roland GR-1" in the standard file dialog. I wrote and tested this module on Galaxy version 1.2.5, but it'll probably work on slightly earlier or later versions.
2. The Galaxy module calls the DoAlert PCmd (External Put Command), borrowed from the GP-16 module (I discovered it because I also have a GP-16 and had that module installed :-). See Galaxy manual for how to move it into Galaxy using ResEdit. Or, if you don't know how to do this, simply install the GP-16 library module (which came with 1.2.2 and 1.2.5). The GR-1 doesn't seem to respond to Roland RQ1 sys ex messages (can anyone verify this?) so the user needs to push buttons on it to send bulk dumps (for Get Bank). Also, the GR-1 needs to be in receive mode to receive bulk dumps, so the user is prompted to set it in receive mode (more buttons) for Send Patch and Send Bank. Despite this, the librarian module is still useful because it can be used to save/load patches to/from the Mac and reorganize them into banks using the Mac/Galaxy interface.
A GR-1 bundle consists of a GR-1 patches bank and a GR-1 songs bank. Songs are just implemented as bulk dumps. Here's a description of each command in the Load/Send menu for patch banks.
Get Patch from Device
Since the GR-1 doesn't seem to respond to Roland RQ1 sys ex messages, I decided not to implement this script because the user need to push a number of buttons on the GR-1 just to send one patch. Use Get Bank from Device instead.
Get Bank from Device
This works as expected (retrieve the 64 patches from the GR-1). Some symbols may appear funny in the bank window because Roland uses a different coding scheme. Spaces, digits, (uppercase) letters, and a few other symbols should appear correctly though. (I tested another version which maps each character to a better approximation but it runs very slowly.) Anyway, the characters will be restored to their correct values when transferred back to the GR-1.
Send Patch to Device
The patch selected in the patch bank is always sent to location 284 on the GR-1.
Send Bank to Device
This should work as expected too.
This code is free and you can do anything you want with it. I don't retain any rights to it. I'm not responsible for any damage it causes.