Audio Version 4.94
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Assembly Source File
424 lines
; include file, with MACROS for Modules
; generate a random number in CX
random macro
local randz
mov cx,rseed ;; get next raw seed
test rhold,-1 ;; test for hold
jnz randz ;; do rand if not hold
add cx,9248H ;; /
ror cx,1 ;; /
ror cx,1 ;; /
ror cx,1 ;; /
randz: mov rseed,cx ;; /
; generate a random number in DX
randdx macro
local randz
mov dx,rseed ;; get next raw seed
test rhold,-1 ;; test for hold
jnz randz ;; do rand if not hold
add dx,9248H ;; /
ror dx,1 ;; /
ror dx,1 ;; /
ror dx,1 ;; /
randz: mov rseed,dx ;; /
; move value in first register to range specified by 2nd register
; locks up if 2nd register (max) = 0
range macro reg,max
local rang0,rangx ;; labels
rang0: cmp reg,max ;; within range?
jb rangx ;; yes, exit
sub reg,max ;; no, foldover
jmp short rang0 ;; check again
rangx: ;;
; normalize value in al to range 0 - 11 (octave)
; trashes dl, al; results in ah
normal macro reg
local normx
mov ah,0 ;; load for 0
or al,al ;; zero not allowed
jz normx ;; don't mod if 0
mov dl,12 ;; for octave
div dl ;; mod 12
normx: ;;
; sort byte values in al, ah, dl, dh, in acending order
sort4 macro
local sorta,sortb,sortc,sortd,sorte,sortf
cmp al,ah ;; sort al,ah,dl,dh
jbe sorta ;; \
xchg al,ah ;; \
sorta: cmp al,dl ;; \
jbe sortb ;; \
xchg al,dl ;; \
sortb: cmp al,dh ;; \
jbe sortc ;; \
xchg al,dh ;; \
sortc: cmp ah,dl ;; >
jbe sortd ;; /
xchg ah,dl ;; /
sortd: cmp ah,dh ;; /
jbe sorte ;; /
xchg ah,dh ;; /
sorte: cmp dl,dh ;; /
jbe sortf ;; /
xchg dl,dh ;; /
sortf: ;;
; initialize a variable to a number
initv macro vnum,inum
mov vnum[di],offset word ptr dgroup:@zero+(inum*2)
; fetch a variable to a register
getv macro reg,vnum
mov bx,vnum[di] ;; point to var addr
mov reg,[bx] ;; move the value to the register
; test variable against a byte
testv macro vnum,tnum
mov bx,vnum[di] ;; point to var addr
test byte ptr [bx],tnum
; test for hold by nz in variable, or by master hold flag
; returns nz if hold
hold macro vnum
mov bx,vnum[di] ;; point to var addr
mov bl,[bx] ;; get it
or bl,mprstf ;; check master reset
; store a register into the output byte
putn macro reg
mov outn[di],reg
; clock tick routine, exits cy set if tick, else cy clr
; uses bit 0 of hi byte of output as flag, other bits undistrubed
; call with 1st value the clock input, the 2nd value local storage
; identical to "TICK"
tick macro varx,varz
local tick1,tick2,tick3;; labels
mov bx,varx[di] ;; get clock variable
test byte ptr [bx],-1;; clock on or off
jz tick1 ;; branch if it was off
test byte ptr varz[di],1;; new one?
jnz tick2 ;; no, exit clock off
or byte ptr varz[di],1;; yes, set Last
stc ;; clock on
jmp short tick3 ;; branch
tick1: and byte ptr varz[di],0FEH;; clk off, clear Last
tick2: clc ;; clock off
tick3 = $
; clock tick routine, exits cy set if tick, else cy clr
; uses bit 1 of hi byte of output as flag, other bits undistrubed
; call with 1st value the clock input, the 2nd value local storage
; identical to "TICK", except bit 1 of 2nd variable is flag
tickb1 macro varx,varz
local tick1,tick2,tick3;; labels
mov bx,varx[di] ;; get clock variable
test byte ptr [bx],-1;; clock on or off
jz tick1 ;; branch if it was off
test byte ptr varz[di],2;; new one?
jnz tick2 ;; no, exit clock off
or byte ptr varz[di],2;; yes, set Last
stc ;; clock on
jmp short tick3 ;; branch
tick1: and byte ptr varz[di],0FDH;; clk off, clear Last
tick2: clc ;; clock off
tick3 = $
; clock tick routine, exits cy set if tick, else cy clr
; uses bit 2 of hi byte of output as flag, other bits undistrubed
; call with 1st value the clock input, the 2nd value local storage
; identical to "TICK", except bit 2 of 2nd variable is flag
tickb2 macro varx,varz
local tick1,tick2,tick3;; labels
mov bx,varx[di] ;; get clock variable
test byte ptr [bx],-1;; clock on or off
jz tick1 ;; branch if it was off
test byte ptr varz[di],4;; new one?
jnz tick2 ;; no, exit clock off
or byte ptr varz[di],4;; yes, set Last
stc ;; clock on
jmp short tick3 ;; branch
tick1: and byte ptr varz[di],0FBH;; clk off, clear Last
tick2: clc ;; clock off
tick3 = $
; clock tick routine, exits cy set if tick, else cy clr
; uses bit 3 of hi byte of output as flag, other bits undistrubed
; call with 1st value the clock input, the 2nd value local storage
; identical to "TICK", except bit 3 of 2nd variable is flag
tickb3 macro varx,varz
local tick1,tick2,tick3;; labels
mov bx,varx[di] ;; get clock variable
test byte ptr [bx],-1;; clock on or off
jz tick1 ;; branch if it was off
test byte ptr varz[di],8;; new one?
jnz tick2 ;; no, exit clock off
or byte ptr varz[di],8;; yes, set Last
stc ;; clock on
jmp short tick3 ;; branch
tick1: and byte ptr varz[di],0F7H;; clk off, clear Last
tick2: clc ;; clock off
tick3 = $
; clock tick routine, exits cy set if tick, else cy clr
; uses bit 3 of hi byte of output as flag, other bits undistrubed
; call with 1st value the clock input, the 2nd value local storage
; identical to "TICK", except bit 3 of 2nd variable is flag
tickb4 macro varx,varz
local tick1,tick2,tick3;; labels
mov bx,varx[di] ;; get clock variable
test byte ptr [bx],-1;; clock on or off
jz tick1 ;; branch if it was off
test byte ptr varz[di],10h;; new one?
jnz tick2 ;; no, exit clock off
or byte ptr varz[di],10h;; yes, set Last
stc ;; clock on
jmp short tick3 ;; branch
tick1: and byte ptr varz[di],0EFH;; clk off, clear Last
tick2: clc ;; clock off
tick3 = $
; set es:bx to screen tag address
gettag macro
mov es,4[di] ;; get seg addr
mov bx,6[di] ;; get module screen address
; convert binary in al to hex in ax
tohex macro
rol al,1
rol al,1
rol al,1
rol al,1
mov ah,al
and al,0FH
add al,0F0H
adc al,040H
xchg al,ah
rol al,1
rol al,1
rol al,1
rol al,1
and al,00FH
add al,0F0H
adc al,040H
; get next byte from pass buffer and send to midi
; does nothing if midi output port is busy
; or if the buffer is empty
sendmb macro
call sendm
; set channel flag, strip ms channel information
mchan macro reg
mov midip,reg
and reg,0FH
; The normal exit routine for all modules.
; if the hi byte of the output variable is different from the
; low byte, the low byte is displayed on the screen, and put
; into the hi byte. Then the MIDI output routine is invoked,
; The module execution pointer (SI) is bumped, the variable
; list pointer (DI) for the next module is set up, and control
; is passed to next module on the execution list.
nextv macro
jmp _nextv ;; jump, rather copy the code
@nextv macro
local next1 ;; label
mov al,outn[di] ;; get low byte of output
cmp al,outn+1[di] ;; same as before ?
jz next1 ;; yes, branch
mov outn+1[di],al ;; no, set up "done"
mov es,4[di] ;; get seg addr
mov bx,6[di] ;; get module screen address
tohex ;; convert to hex word
mov es:320[bx],ah ;; put to the screen
mov es:322[bx],al ;; /
next1: sendmb ;; send next midi buffer byte
add si,4 ;; point to next module exe addr
mov di,2[si] ;; set di pointing to variable list
jmp [si] ;; go for it
; The "easy exit" routine for modules.
; No screen update. The MIDI output routine is invoked,
; The module execution pointer (SI) is bumped, the variable
; list pointer (DI) for the next module is set up, and control
; is passed to next module on the execution list.
nextx macro
jmp _nextx ;; jump, rather copy the code
@nextx macro
sendmb ;; send next midi buffer byte
add si,4 ;; point to next module exe addr
mov di,2[si] ;; set di pointing to variable list
jmp [si] ;; go for it
; This is the same as NEXTV, but it also sets the red led
; If the hi byte of the output variable is different from the
; low byte, the low byte is displayed on the screen, and put
; into the hi byte. Next, the low byte is tested; if NZ, the
; LED is turned on, else it is turned on.
; Then the MIDI output routine is invoked.
; The module execution pointer (SI) is bumped, the variable
; list pointer (DI) for the next module is set up, and control
; is passed to next module on the execution list.
nextl macro
jmp _nextl ;; jump, rather copy the code
@nextl macro
local next1,next2 ;; labels
mov al,outn[di] ;; get low byte of output
cmp al,outn+1[di] ;; same as before ?
jz next1 ;; yes, branch
mov outn+1[di],al ;; no, set up "done"
mov es,4[di] ;; get seg addr
mov bx,6[di] ;; get module screen address
mov dl,al ;; save in dl
tohex ;; convert to hex word
mov es:320[bx],ah ;; put to the screen
mov es:322[bx],al ;; /
dec bx ;; point to led
or dl,dl ;; test for z
mov al,red ;; set up for z
jz next2 ;; branch if z
mov al,red+hi ;; else set up for nz
next2: mov es:[bx],al ;; set the led
next1: sendmb ;; send next midi buffer byte
add si,4 ;; point to next module exe addr
mov di,2[si] ;; set di pointing to variable list
jmp [si] ;; go for it
; This NEXT is used when the output is to be a one-shot, only
; set hi for one cycle.
; If the output is low when the routine is called, it does nothing.
; If the output is hi, it displays & sends to MIDI, upon the next
; cycle, the output will be set to low.
nextt macro
jmp _nextt ;; jump, rather copy the code
@nextt macro
local next1,next2,next3 ;; labels
mov ax,outn[di] ;; get hi & low byte of output
or al,ah ;; anything there
jz next1 ;; no, easy exit
test ah,-1 ;; 2nd time around?
mov ah,al ;; (set up)
jz next3 ;; no, branch
mov ax,0 ;; yes, zip it
next3: mov outn[di],ax ;; /
mov es,4[di] ;; get seg addr
mov bx,6[di] ;; get module screen address
mov dl,al ;; save in dl
tohex ;; convert to hex word
mov es:320[bx],ah ;; put to the screen
mov es:322[bx],al ;; /
dec bx ;; point to led
or dl,dl ;; test for z
mov al,red ;; set up for z
jz next2 ;; branch if z
mov al,red+hi ;; else set up for nz
next2: mov es:[bx],al ;; set the led
next1: sendmb ;; send next midi buffer byte
add si,4 ;; point to next module exe addr
mov di,2[si] ;; set di pointing to variable list
jmp [si] ;; go for it
; macro to display a magenta input value
; displays ls byte at value location
; assumes si = 6[di], es = 4[di]
showpv macro value
mov al,((value*2)+var0)[di] ;; get the binary value
tohex ;; convert to hex in ax
mov es:((value*160)+480)[si],ah;; put it to the screen
mov es:((value*160)+482)[si],al;; put it to the screen
; macro to display a magenta input value
; displays ms byte at value location + 1
; assumes si = 6[di], es = 4[di]
showpp macro value
mov al,((value*2)+var0+1)[di] ;; get the binary value
tohex ;; convert to hex in ax
mov es:((value*160)+480)[si],ah;; put it to the screen
mov es:((value*160)+482)[si],al;; put it to the screen
; macro to display a magenta input value, only if value <> value+1
; displays ls byte at value location, sets value = value+1
; assumes si = 6[di], es = 4[di]
showpq macro value
local boogie ;; label for exit
mov al,((value*2)+var0)[di] ;; get the binary value
cmp al,((value*2)+var0+1)[di] ;; changed?
jz boogie ;; no, split
mov ((value*2)+var0+1)[di],al ;; set value+1 <-- value
tohex ;; convert to hex in ax
mov es:((value*160)+480)[si],ah;; put it to the screen
mov es:((value*160)+482)[si],al;; put it to the screen
boogie = $