Exploring and Building Virtual Worlds on the Internet,
by Bruce Damer.
Published by Peachpit Press.
On this CD-ROM you will find many valuable resources designed to enrich your experience with Avatars!
Here is a brief list:
1. A graphical interface to the CD-ROM created in Adobe Acrobat format.
See the instructions below on installing the Acrobat 3.0.1 Reader to be able to run this interface. Once the reader is installed you will be able to open the file Avatars.pdf and start the interface. You can also directly browse the contents of the folders on the CD-ROM. The chapter in the book devoted to the CD-ROM has a guide to both the interface and the contents.
2. Installers for virtual worlds for the Macintosh and Windows PCs.
These files are contained in folders and may be started by browsing to them and opening them. You can also start these installers from the CD-ROM Acrobat interface. In addition to virtual worlds you will find tools for building virtual worlds and designing avatars.
Note: If you have difficulty with, or just any questions about, any software you install from this CD, you must contact the individual software vendor for more information or for technical support. Peachpit Press cannot provide technical support for individual products on the CD-ROM.
3. The whole book (text and images) in HTML (Web pages).
Just go to the folder "BOOK" and open the file "INDEX.HTM" in your Web browser (In the browser, use the "File, Open File..." command). This version of the book contains some bonus sections including "An Advanced Course at Avatar University" and "Visions of Avatar Cyberspace." These sections, as well as having extra text and images, are not found in the printed book.
1. Installing the Acrobat Reader
If you are running Windows 3.1, double-click on the file WIN31ACR.EXE at the root level of the CD-ROM.
If you are running Windows 95 or NT, double-click on the file WIN95ACR.EXE.
Follow the installer's instructions. You don't need to restart your computer when installation is complete.
2. Starting the Acrobat Interface to the CD-ROM
Now return to the CD-ROM and open the file Avatars.pdf; this should launch Acrobat Reader 3.0 and display the opening screen.
The interface is fairly straightforward to use. Note that when you click on a link that references an HTML (World Wide Web) document, you may be prompted to select which Web browser to use. You may have to tell the program where your Web browers can be found (often in a folder called Netscape or Program Files/Netscape or Internet Explorer, depending on the broswer you are using).
Some hints:
If you get tired of the interface taking up the whole screen, press the Esc key to get back to the desktop and menu bar. This comes in handy if you want to tell Acrobat to use a different web browser. To do this, pull down the File menu to Preferences, then select "Weblink..." from the popout menu. You will be presented with a dialog box which allows you to specify your Acrobat-ic web browser.
Don't click on a whole lot of weblinks in the interface right in a row--if you click on one link while the Web browser is still processing your last click, it can get confused.
Occasionally, the first time you open a book chapter you won't see any images. Just click on the "Load Images" button in your Web browser's toolbar and the pictures will come flooding in!
Sometimes when you use the Acrobat interface to access the book chapters, a separate instance of your Web browser will start up each time you click on a link to the book. It's probably best to close your Netscape window when you're through reading the book chapter, rather than switching to the Acrobat Reader and leaving it in the background.
Remember, the World Wide Web is a dynamic environment--which is to say, don't get mad at us if, a few months from now, some of the links from the interface to virtual world websites are broken. Things change! You can always go to the book companion website for the latest links to all the sites mentioned in the book.
Don't forget to visit the companion book website at:
That's all folks!
Enjoy your new life as an avatar inside virtual worlds!
See you in the worlds,
Bruce Damer and the Peachpit Team
⌐Bruce Damer 1997, All rights reserved
DigitalSpace Corporation
343 Soquel Avenue
Suite 70
Santa Cruz CA 95062 USA
(408) 338-9400
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Individual programs on this CD-ROM are copyrighted by their manufacturers.
Adobe and Acrobat are trademarks of Adobe Systems Incorporated or its subsidiaries and may be registered in certain jurisdictions.
Onlive! Traveler is a trademark of Onlive! Technologies.
Active Worlds and Worlds Chat are trademarks of Worlds, Inc.
The Palace is a trademark of The Palace, Inc.
Black Sun Passport is a trademark of Black Sun Interactive, Inc.
OZ Virtual is a trademark of OZ Interactive, Inc.
WorldsAway is a trademark of Fujitsu Software Corporation.
Virtual Places is a trademark of Ubique.
3D Assistant is a trademark of 3D Planet.
AvatarMaker is a trademark of Sven Technologies, Inc.Internet3D Space Builder is a trademark of ParaGraph International.