CONGRATULATIONS ADVENTURERGYou have found FireLock the Wizard and have beaten him in battle! By Greturning the Mage Orb to Tharn, the Protector of the township, you Ghave freed the township from the creatures that surrounded it. G GYou have done well in the struggle against the maze. Its twisty paths Gand dangers were difficult, and yet you conquered all to find the GMage Orb. GI hope you enjoyed this introductory game, MAZE QUEST. By completing Gthe quest, you have shown yourself to be a fan of sword & sorcery type Ggames. I hope you enjoyed the game as much as I did when play testing!GIf you enjoyed the game, please consider sending for the full blown Ggame, CITY QUEST. It is much expanded over MAZE QUEST and contains Gmany new features.
- Press Any Key -
CITY QUESTGThe expanded capabilities of the full scale game CITY QUEST are as Gfollows: G * Full story line G * Multiple quests G * Expanded geography G * Outdoors, city and underground encounters G * Multiple boards and levels G * Secret doors G * Locked and trapped doors G * Usable magic items (ie. potions, wands, etc) G * Scrolls to be used or read into spellbooks
CITY QUEST (Continued)GMore expanded capabilities of CITY QUEST: G * An Inn for safe resting. G * Up to 8th level characters G * Multi-class characters G * Up to 4th level spells G * 2nd level Magic-user spell OPEN allows all traps and locks G to be by-passed GThe cost of CITY QUEST is $15 (all orders must include $2 for Gshipping). To order, please send check or money order to:
Tom Sherwood
City Quest Game
725 Southshire Drive
St. Louis, MO 63125
- Press Any Key to Exit Game -
DEATH OF THARNGYou have killed Tharn, the Protector of this township. Tharn plays a Gpivotal role in the storyline of MAZE QUEST and should not be attacked!GPlease re-start the game of MAZE QUEST and try again. This time, Ginstead of attacking Tharn, try talking to him! There are plenty of Gwild creatures in the Maze that you can attack, rather than attacking Ga feeble old man who uses a cane! U
Each member receives
Select character
Must chose character
Press any key to continue
Character full
Character overloaded
Item taken
Some gold taken
Gold takenU
: Y^_
Press any key to continue
Your response:
Task complete!
Not correctU
Attacked by
Press any key to continue
Select party leader
Invalid choice
Must choose character
(I)gnore outraged
and attacks
is too busy
your offer politely
refuses your offer
Party already full
You must complete the
task first
your offer!!
v {
' 'x'
A World Quest Game
- Press Any Key -
Start Adventure
Other Games
INTRODUCTIONGWelcome to World Quest! You look like a hearty adventurer - come Gjoin the quest. GYou have travelled far to arrive at a world where swordsmanship Gand magic are necessary skills for survival. Many dire monsters Gand evil beings walk the land. The Maze itself is known to be Gfull of snakes and rats; and other creatures less Mundane. GBut be not disheartened by the threat of monsters, for treasures Gthere are aplenty. Gold can be used to buy supplies and to Gimprove your armor and weapons. It has even been rumored that Gmagical items are available in larger cities.
GENERAL DESCRIPTIONGThe World Quest games take place in a Medieval time where Gweapons, armor and magic are used to battle evil monsters. The Ggame system allows for up to eight characters to be included in Gthe party. GThe party is allowed to move around in a 3-D view of the world Gand to interact with the inhabitants. Combat is always a Gpossibility, but other encounters may give information or even a Gquest.
STARTING THE GAMEGThe game always starts in the Guild Hall. At this point the Gplayer is allowed to add and remove characters from the party and Gthe save disk, train characters, create new characters and exit Gto the game. GNOTE: This introductory game MAZE QUEST will only allow Gcharacters to obtain 2nd level. The full scale game CITY QUEST Gwill allow up to 8th level characters.
THE SCREENGThe screen displays information about the party and the world Garound the party: It is broken into three areas: G1) The upper left corner is the partys 3-D view of the world. G2) The upper right corner contains the menu choices and G displays information about actions taking place. All G possible key entries are shown. G3) The lower display always shows a summary of the party.
MAIN MENU CHOICESG[1..8] Display Character - Displays information about G character. From this display you G can access sub-menus for items, G money and spells. See SUB-MENU G CHOICES on later screens. G [Cursor Keys] Movement - Up arrow: move forward G Down arrow: move backward G Left arrow: turn left G Right arrow: turn right G [Space] Look at area - Verbal description of area. Note G that this description is G automatically displayed the first G time you enter an area. G (S)pell casting - Allows magic-users and clerics to G cast spells.
MAIN MENU CHOICES (Continued)G (M)ap display - Show overhead map of area. Only G areas that have been walked through G are displayed. All objects are G shown in miniature. G (R)est - Rest party to regain hit points and G spell points. G (O)rder change - Re-order characters within party. G The first 4 characters can only use G melee weapons, the last 4 G characters can only use long G distance weapons. G (Q)uest - Display present quest. G (L)oad game - Load a saved game from disk. G (K)eep game - Save a game to disk. G (E)xit - Quit game.
SUB-MENU CHOICESGItems selection: G (R)eady - Pick items to ready. All weapons, armor and usable G items must be readied before they are used. G (T)rade - Trade an item between characters. G (D)rop - Drop an item. Caution: the item is lost forever. G (E)xit - Leave Item sub-menu GMoney selection: G (T)rade - Trade gold pieces between characters. G (D)rop - Drop gold pieces. Caution: gold pieces are lost G forever. G (P)ool - Collect up all party money to the maximum weight limits G of a characters strength. G (E)xit - Leave Money sub-menu.
SUB-MENU CHOICES (Continued)GSpells selection: G (C)leric spells - Display Cleric spellbook G (M)agic-user spells - Display Magic-user spellbook. G [return] Exit - Leave Spells sub-menu GNOTE: The Spells sub-menu always displays the characters present G spell points.
GENERAL PLACESG Guild Hall - The Guild Hall allows the same functions as at the G start of the game (ie. adding and removing G characters, etc). G Store - Items may be purchased, sold and identified. G Healer - The healers can fix any injury (even death), but G bring plenty of gold pieces.
CHARACTER CLASSESG Fighter - This class receives the most hit points and has G the best fighting ability. G Thief - This class has decent combat abilities, but is the G only class that has good ability to disarm traps G and pick locks. Some limitations on weapons. G Cleric - This class has good combat abilities and can cast G strong, mostly defensive, spells. Edged weapons G are not usable by this class. GMagic-user - This class is very weak in combat, but has G powerful offensive and defensive spells. Very G limited choice of armor and weapons.
ENCOUNTERSGMost monsters will attack immediately when the party moves close Genough. Most human type encounters, however, allow the player to Gchoose a party leader. The party leader should be a character Gwith good leadership qualities (ie. high Charisma). G GIf succesful, the party will be given the following choices: G (T)alk - Talk to encounter to get information. G (A)ttack - Attack with the intent to destroy. G (S)teal - Attempt to steal items and gold from the G encounter. E (J)oin - Ask the encounter to join the party. G (I)gnore - Leave the encounter.
ENCOUNTERS (Continued)GOnce in combat, the characters will each be given the Gfollowing action choices: G (A)ttack - Use readied weapon to attack creature. G (P)ass - Do nothing this round. G (S)pell casting - Cast a spell from the characters spell book. G This uses up a spell point of magical energy that G must be replenished by resting.
TREASUREGWhen a treasure box is found, the OPEN BOX menu is displayed. GThe following choices are available: G (I)nspect - Inspect treasure box for locks and traps. G (O)pen - Boldly open box. Will not work on locked G boxes. Will set off any traps that were not G disarmed. G (B)reak open - Use strength to break open a locked box. G Will set off any traps that were not disarmed. G (P)ick lock - Use Thieving ability to pick open a locked box. G (D)isarm trap - Use Thieving ability to disarm traps. G [Return] Exit - Leave the box for later opening. The box G will be shown on the map for easy later G retrieval.
1st LEVEL CLERIC SPELLSG Cure light wounds - Heal from 1-8 hit points on any G character. G Remove stun - Remove stun result from player during G combat. Note that stun is automatically G removed once an encounter is complete. GResist electricity - Resist electrical type magic attacks. G Protect I - Lower the armor class of the party by 1. G Bless I - Increase the probability of a character G hitting a monster by 5%, and lower the G probability of a monster hitting a G character by 5%.
1st LEVEL MAGIC-USER SPELLSG Shield I - Lower the armor class of the party by 1. GStatic charge - Generate an electric charge to use G on a single monster to do 10-30 damage. G Stun - Stun one monster. G Flame strike - Produce a flame to cast on a G single monster to do 10-30 damage. G Ice arrow - Make an ice arrow to hurl at a
Programming &
Game Design:
Tom Sherwood
Graphic Art &
Play Testing:
Marty Mattlage
OTHER GAMESGThis game MAZE QUEST is a shareware game distributed freely. PLEASE GDISTRIBUTE TO OTHER BOARDS. GCITY QUEST is a NON-shareware, fully expanded game using the WORLD GQUEST gaming system. Its enhancements are as follows: G * Full story line G * Multiple quests G * Expanded geography G * Outdoors, city and underground encounters G * Multiple boards and levels G * Secret doors G * Locked and trapped doors G * Usable magic items (ie. potions, wands, etc) G * Scrolls to be used or read into spellbooks
OTHER GAMES (Continued)GMore expanded capabilities of CITY QUEST: G * An Inn for safe resting. G * Up to 8th level characters G * Multi-class characters G * Up to 4th level spells G * 2nd level Magic-user spell OPEN allows all traps and locks G to be by-passed GThe cost of CITY QUEST is $15 (all orders must include $2 for Gshipping). To order, please send check or money order to:
Tom Sherwood
City Quest Game
725 Southshire Drive
St. Louis, MO 63125GAnother game that is available is CASTLE SIEGE GThis game is a re-creation of the battles that took place during the GDark Ages. The Lords of the keep were masters of all they surveyed, Gbut often had to defend against rival neighbors for land and position. GThe game is a one or two player game of strategy and tactics. The Gdefender creates a castle using a menu system, and then purchases Gand places playing pieces - Swordsmen, Cavalry, Longbowmen, Boiling Goil to name a few. The attacker then chooses a force for himself - GLadder carriers, Catapults and Rams just to name a few. And then the Gsiege begins!!! GPlayers take turns firing, moving and meleeing. GThis game is a cross between chess and full blown strategy games. It Ghas rules that are easy to master, with a user friendly front end that Gkeeps you from making rule errors. GThe game can be played person against person, or person against GComputer or even Computer against Computer! GThe cost of CASTLE SIEGE - Enhanced Version is $15 (all orders must Ginclude $2 for shipping). To order, please send check or money order Gto:
Castle Siege Game U
Rest party
Are you sure (Y/N)?
Rested: hours
Rest interrupted!!!
Party refreshed!U
Cast spell
Select character
On Who?
No spells available
Press any key to continueU
Change marching order
Select character to move
Must choose character
Cannot move dead character
Press any key to continue
Select place to insertU
Select Character
Empty slot
Must chose character
Press any key to continueU
attempts to Turn
is turned!!
[1..8] Display character
(S)pell casting
(T)urn undead
Must use melee weapon
Press any key to continue
Must use distance weapon
No spells available
Creature is not Undead
Not a cleric
still paralyzed
still stunned
stands by attacks
but misses!
and hits for
is slain!!! slain!!!
Item breaks
and becomes useless
All party members are slain!!!
Please restart with saved party
Press any key to leave game
All monsters slain!!
Each member gains
: Y^_
: RP1
: Y^_
Open Chest
Select Character
Invalid choice
Must chose character
Press any key to continueU
Unknown item
Select Character
Invalid choice
Must chose character
Press any key to continue
Character full
Character overloaded
Some gold taken
Unable to carry U
Open Chest
[1..8] Display character
(B)reak open
(P)ick lock
(D)isarm trap
[return] Exit
Inspect Chest
Disarm: Easy
Disarm: Moderate
Disarm: Difficult
Disarm: Complex
No trap
No lock
Lock: Easy
Lock: Moderate
Lock: Difficult
Lock: Complex
Press any key to continue
You set off the trap!!
The chest is locked
Not able to break lock Pick Lock
Not able to pick lock
Disarm Trap
Not able to disarm trap
Luckily no trap present
No trap present!!U
Press any key to continueU
" ; J c u
File error
- Press any key -U
Game1.dat Party.dat
File error
- Press any key -U
Party.dat Game1.dat
Level: U
Cleric Spellbook
Choose Spell
All level
are known
Press any key to continueU
Magic User SpellBook
Choose Spell
All level
are known
Press any key to continueU
Create Character
Enter Name
Name: Pick Race
Pick Class
Save Character?
Class: +Disk full - please "Delete Character" first
Press any key to continue
Save? (Y/N)U
Must "Create Character" first
Press any key to continue
Character already in party+Party full - must "Remove from Party" firstU
!Empty slot - must chose character
Press any key to continue)Disk full - must "Delete Character" firstU
Train Character
Select character to train!Empty slot - must chose character
Press any key to continue
Character already at maximum
level for MAZE QUEST See instructions for information