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Displays the available memory, free disk space, software version and
programmers of RFAX.
RFAX Help File Version 3.1 Editor: JWS 1991
Read Me
This Read Me file is intended to supplement the manual and addendum.
OS Shell
Usage: [Enter]
Leaves RFAX temporarily and go to DOS prompt. To return to RFAX, type
'EXIT' and press ENTER at any dos prompt. Use this to run a DOS command
without quitting RFAX.
To perform the OS-Shell the COMMAND.COM is needed. If you can't use this
function you have to check the path setting and where is the file.
Simple Menu
Usage: [Enter]
You can switch to the Simple Menu by pressing Enter.
Modem Menu
Usage: [Enter]
You can enter to the MODEM menu.
RFAX will execute the modem program (RM.EXE) after invoked this menu.
Usage: [ENTER]
Ends the RFax program and return to DOS.
If the 'Resident' is switched on, the fax drive will keep in memory and
occupy about 110 Kbytes memory.
Fax Send
Usage: [Input File Name] / [Pick A File] / [Quick Letter] /
[File Queue] / [Scan A Paper]
Select one options using UP/DOWN keys and press Enter.
The Quick letter and File Queue was created by the EDIT session.
In the 'Input file name' menu, you can input the Wildcard characters [*] and
[?] Perform a group transmission.
The RFAX board and the FAX software allow any file that is in ASCII,
PCX, MSP, TIF, CUT, CAP, MAC or IMG format to be sent on the fly as a fax.
The Graphic file must be in fine resolution (200 dots per inch [dpi]),
even when the fax is standard resolution. If the Graphic file is in
standard resolution (100 dpi vertically), the graphic will be faxed at
half its intended height.
Manual Answer
Usage: [Enter]
When "Auto Answer" was switched off, select this function to answer a call
or receive fax.
Usage: [Input Number]/[Pick A Phone]/[Broadcast]/[Manual Dial]
Allows the system to call another and have it transmit documents by fax mode
or binary mode. The RFAX can poll other fax system since they do not
require a polling password.
You only need to input the phone number of the called station, everything
else is automatic.
Note: The polled party has prepared the documents for transmission to you.
Binary Send
Usage: [Input File Name]/[Pick A File]/[Quick Letter]/[File Queue]
Allows binary files to be sent through RFAX. This function only works
when the called station is the same RFAX card.
The CRC & NAK errors often occur on a poor telephone line. The program will
re-send the block that has errors. The default block size is 3000 bytes and
it will reduce the size on a poor line automatically.
New file
Usage: [ENTER]
Close the current file and Input a new file name as a captive file for the
printer CAPTURE. The CAPTURE will resume after the new filename was input.
Switch To Printer
Allows you to pause the CAPTURE function and restore the printer.
After switch to printer, you can print your documents to printer.
Capture Port
Select the port you want to capture under desired application.
The CAPTURE can be installed to LPT1,LPT2 or LPT3.
Fax Preview
Usage: [Input File Name]/[Pick A File]/[Quick Letter]/[File Queue]
To preview the file(s) that will be sent. It takes some time to create the
temporary file(s).
Before you send your fax, you can view the actual image of the fax pages in
graphics mode. You will see the actual font, sizes, left margin, tabs,time
& date, telephone no, sender's name, page no, page break, dot command,logo,
or any pictures exactly the way they will be received.
View function provides both Horizontal(F2) and Vertical(F3) compression
modes, rotate(F4) function provides for "Upside down".
You also can use (F5) & (F6) to view the previous & next page in the
multiple pages.
Usage: [Input File Name]/[Pick A File]/[Quick Letter]
View a single file in graphic mode.
View function provides both Horizontal(F2) and Vertical(F3) compression
modes. If the sender sends a page upside down, you can press (F4) to flip
the page so you can see it on the screen.
Usage: [Enter]
After every fax has been sent or received, RFAX will keep a record of the
party that was called/calling, error or ok status, duration of transmission,
type of file sent/received.
Calls are continuously appended to the journal as they are made and
received. The maximum size of the Journal is 200 records. If the journal
is full the first record will be deleted after added a new record.
Journal - allows you to print out multiple pages in a single session.
- Save to an ASCII file.
- many searching functions.
Scan & Save
Usage: [Save as]
Allows you to scan an image without having to quit RFAX.
RFAX communicates with the scanner shown in the Set Menu, then records
the scanned image data on disk under the name given.
Graphic Convert
Usage: [Input File Name]/[Pick A File]/[Quick Letter]
Automatic file conversion for fax and image file .
1. Input file can be TIFF, ASCII, PCX, MSP, CUT, IMG, MAC and FAX.
2. Output file can be TIFF, PCX, IMG and FAX.
You can adjust the left margin or inverse the image.
RFAX can detect the format of the source file automatically and convert
the file accordingly.
View This Page
Press [Enter] to view this page in graphic mode.
Print This Page
Print out this page.
Print All Pages
Print out multiple pages.
Convert This Page
Convert this page to another file format.
Convert All Pages
Convert multiple pages to another file format.
Usage: [Enter]
You can schedule to send a fax at night or any time when the phone charge
is less expensive. You can also schedule multiple batch of transmissions
(send by queue). After setting up your schedule, you can run other DOS
programs. This allows you to use your computer for other tasks, while
RFAX waits for the scheduled time to arrive. RFAX will create an
error schedule after an unsuccessful scheduled sending. The results of all
scheduled transmissions are recorded in the journal.
[Right/Left] - go to next field.
[Ctrl+Right/Left] - move the cursor in this filed.
[Ctrl+Backspace] - delete a schedule.
[F2] - Paste the current date and time.
[F3] - Input a global Date and time. You can use this option set all the schedules to be a same time.
[F4] - Find a string.
Phone Book
Usage: [Enter]
Creates a new phone book or edit an existing phone book.
Each record of the phone book has four items - Company Name, Fax Number,
Title and Remark. There are all in ASCII format.
If you set the 'Mail Merge' on, the RFAX regards the Company Name to be
the 'TO' message and the 'Title' be the 'ATTN' message.
[F3] - Sort the phone book.
[F4] - Find a string.
File Queue
Usage: [Enter]
You can combine more than one file to be sent to a fax machine.
For instance, you can perform the multiple fax transmission.
The file queue is saved in TEXT format. You can create the file queue by
using text editor and stores in the subdirectory - "EDIT\".
Quick Letter
Usage: [Enter]
Quick letter provides word wrap, left margin, dot command, typestyle,file
insert and extends to 200 lines in each letter. The program only read the
text file with LET extension from the subdirectory by named of 'LETTER\'.
You can mix any picture file with your text messages such as company logo
or letter header. You can easily include these files with a .FI dot command
in your text so it will be done every time you send the Letter.
Using the typestyle function, you can perform special font effects like
shading and underline add emphasis and variety to document.
For additional information about this menu, consult the User's Manual.
Korean Editor
Press [Enter] to invoke the Korean word processor.
RFAX will execute the file named "KIT.EXE".
How could you don't know "sort by name" ?!
Why ask me?
Just try it!
Don't press F1 #@$!
Usage: [Input File Name]/[Pick A File]
Select the file(s) to print. You can choose text file, image file or fax
file to print.
RFAX supports the ANSI character set. Besides the 128 standard
ASCII characters you can enter from your keyboard, you can enter extended or
international characters. Your printer might not be able to print these
characters. See your printer manual or contact your printer manufacturer
for more information about your printer's support of extended characters.
Usage: [Enter]
Choose the operating mode and ok/err journal to print.
You have to select the following options:
Journal mode >> Send & Receive , Send , Receive
Journal type >> Ok & ERR , ERR , OK
Usage: [Enter]
Choose the Schedule to print. The schedules of binary and fax are separated.
RFAX sets the printer by condensed mode to fit all the data in one
Phone Book
Choose the desired phone book to print. RFAX sets the printer by
condensed mode to fit all the data in one line.
When RFAX prints a file, each character you typed in your application is
translated from the ANSI character to the appropriate character on your
printer. If your printer supports the same character, it will be printed.
Otherwise, another character will print. You might see a period or other
filler character instead.
File Queue
Usage: [Enter]
Choose the File Queue to print.
Quick Letter
Usage: [Enter]
Choose the Quick Letter to print.
When RFAX prints a letter, each character you typed in your letter is
translated from the ANSI character to the appropriate character on your
printer excepts the dot commands and typestyle codes.
Your printer is connected to your computer through a port. The parallel
ports are LPT1,LPT2,LPT3. You can change the printer port in the RFAX. If you have a serial printer connected to COM1 or COM2, you
should add the following lines to RFAX.BAT using a text editor (Such as
EDLINE,PEII,etc.) before you can print a document on the serial printer.
MODE COM1:96,N,8,1,P
The commands shown above will set up the serial printer to LPT1 which is
connected to the COM1 port for 9600 baud,no parity,an eight bit word and
one stop bit. If you wish to use other settings, please refer to your DOS
manual for additional information on the MODE command.
Note: Using a serial printer, you cannot load SPOOL.
The SPOOLing only supports parallel ports!
Please refer the LPT1 help message!!!
Please refer the LPT1 help message!!!
System References
Usage: [Enter]
The System References sets the general operating environment and
characteristics of the RFAX system.
Fax References
Usage: [Enter]
The Fax References set the operating parameters for the fax transmission
and reception.
New Password
Usage: [Input password][New password]
Enter the old password before change to a new one.
To start the password security you have to switch the Password on in
system references menu.
Logo File
Usage: [Enter]
Set a file as a 'logo' for fax transmission. It only adds the top of
first page. You can choose a picture file with graphs as a logo file. This
option may be turned ON/OFF under the "Fax Reference" menu.
Signature File
Usage: [Enter]
Set a file as a 'signature' for fax transmission. It only adds the bottom
of last page. This option may be turned ON/OFF under the "Fax Reference"
Printer & Port
Use arrow keys to select one given printers that are connected, and
specifies their corresponding port.
Make sure you're using the correct printer port and that it's linked
properly. If your printer isn't listed here, you can try using the similar
RFAX supports the following printers:
HP Laser Jet, Epson 9 pin, Epson 24 pin, Canon BJ80,
Panasonic KX1080, Panasonic KXP1124, Fujitsu DL3400,
NEC P6/P7,Seiko SP1600, Super5 EP-1500
Use arrow keys to select one given scanners that are connected to
your system.
RFAX supports the following scanners:
Ripe Handy, Microtek series, DFI, Microscan
Mars 800 Handy, Chinon, A4 Handy, Muse-Tech
Usage: [Enter]
Toggles the screen display background. For a colour display there are 8
options. For a monochrome display, it provides a shaded background.
The SPOOLing is a background print manager. This allows you to use your
computer for other tasks, while RFAX prints the document. You also can
control the SPOOL under dos prompt.
You might experience erratic output while printing with some printers using
RFAX SPOOLing because SPOOL sometimes interrupts the flow of data while
printing. These printers cannot accommodate interruptions in data flow.
Don't run SPOOL causes the data to be sent in one continuous stream.
You have to re-boot your computer and execute the batch file by the name of
If you print without SPOOL, you cannot use the application that is printing
until the file finishes printing on your printer.
For additional information about this menu, consult the User's Manual.
Usage: [Enter]
Capture provides Epson FX, LQ series printer emulation program.
Under DOS prompt you can input the following options.
Options: /p:n - Capture printer port LPT1..LPT3
/s - Paused/active switch.
/u - remove CAPTURE.
File name - Captive filename, default is "NONAME.CAP".
After installing the memory resident printer CAPTURE, you can use any
application such as PC PAINTBRUSH or PAGE MAKER to print the document.
Instead of going to the printer, the CAPTURE will intercept the printout and
save it. You can then send the file as a fax message. If your application
program provides 'Print to File' function then you don't need to install the
CAPTURE. You only have to choose the EPSON printer and print you document.
RFAX can send or read the print file
Usage: [Enter]
Confirm the changing set-ups and return to previous menu.
All the changing parameters will saved to disk after you quit this
program. The parameters are stored in a file called RFAX.PAR
Password ON/OFF
This menu allows you to turn on or off Password security .
Please ensure that you have set the PASSWORD to the desired string before
you turn on the switch.
Speaker Control
Mn controls speaker on/off operation.
Parmeters: n= 0, 1, 2, 3
n = 0 Speaker off.
n = 1 Speaker on until carrier is detected.
n = 2 Speaker always on.
n = 3 Speaker on after dialling until carrier detected
You can monitor the calling during the transmission by set on the speaker. The sounds of a fax transmission are not pleasant to listen to, but
they are often useful in diagnosing malfunctions.
Auto Print ON/OFF
When Auto Print is On, incoming fax massages are automatically printed once
they are successful received. This option is disabled after you leave RFAX.
Auto Answer OFF,FAX,F/M
This option set the RFAX to answer the call or not. An asterisk(*) will
appear on the menu bar after you turn on Auto Answer.
OFF : Turn off auto answer.
FAX : Class 2 FAX mode.
F/M : Data/fax auto answering, when used with RFAX, will automatically
recognize whether an incoming call is a data or fax modem.
Ring 1..9
The setting determines the number of rings before the RFAX answers the
call. The following countries have a special ringing tone.
We suggest you set the Ring to be 1 or 2 while using RFAX in those
Dial Tone/Pulse
Specifies tone dialling for touch-tone phones or pulse dialling for
rotary phones.
When specifying a phone number, you can include not only the digits 0
through 9 and the characters # and *, but also the following special
A,B,C,D - Specifies keys in the additional column of keys (that is,
the 1633 Hz high-group frequency) on some telephones.
, - Causes the hardware to pause when dialling.
! - Signals a hook flash, for use with special PBX functions.
The ! command causes the hardware to go on-hook for half
a second (this is known as "flashing").
@ - Quite Answer: Wait for 5 seconds of silence before dialling.
All other characters are reserved.
Tone Delay: 50..250 ms
Change the delay time for tone dial.
Selectable dialling rate is provided for rapid dialling.
Pulse Ratio: USA/INTL
This option menu allows you select the Pulse mode.
To perform a pulse dial you need to select the Mark and Space ratio.
In USA the ratio is using 2:3, other countries are using 1:2 .
The dialling rate for the Pulse dial is 10pps.
Comma Delay: 1..9 second(s)
This option lets you input the number of seconds RFAX is to wait when it
encounters a comma in a telephone number you have instructed it to dial.
When you make a long distance call or an international call a comma is
needed to add between the area code and the local code.
Redial: 1..9 times
Sets the number of times to redial the same phone number.
If the fax machine you are calling is busy, RFAX will redial the phone
number for you as many as your setting. You can specify the amount of time to
wait between each redial form the 'Redial delay' option.
Redial Delay: 1..240 second(s)
Specify the amount of time to wait each redial.
Line Detect
Xn selects the result code set and selects dialling functions.
Parameters: n = 0, 1, 2, 3, 4
n = 0 CONNECT result codes are enabled. CONNECT XXXX result codes are
disabled. Busy signal and dial tone are not detected.
n = 1 The modem blind dials:CONNECT XXXX result codes are enabled.
Busy signal and dial tone are not detected.
n = 2 The modem waits for dial tone before dialling. CONNECT XXXX result
codes are enabled. Busy signal is not detected.
n = 3 The modem blind dials:CONNECT XXXX result codes are enabled. The
modem sends BUSY result code if busy signal is detected.
n = 4 The modem waits for dial tone before dialling. CONNECT XXXX result
codes are enabled. The modem sends BUSY result code if busy signal
is detected. (default)
The difficulty with any tone detection is because the tones provided
by the telephone network are not always according to specification. If the
line detect function is unable to detect the tone in your area, you should
turn off this option then RFAX will wait for an answer after it dials by
the request time.
Request Time: 15 to 255 second(s)
Lets you adjust the amount of time RFAX will wait for an answer after it
dials. The default setting is 35 seconds, if you often make a long distance
call, we suggest to set it to 40 seconds.
Resident ON/OFF
This option allows you to use your computer for other tasks, while RFAX
waits for the ring or scheduled time to arrive.
After you set on and exit the program, a string "Resident RFAX already
loaded!" will be displayed. You can unload the resident program by setting
this switch off or typing the flowing line under dos prompt.
If you load a TSR (Terminate, Stay Resident program) after RFAX, you get
an error if you try to uninstall RFAX. RFAX will not remove from
memory until the TSR is uninstalled. At that time, RFAX still activated.
Startup Menu: Extended/Simple
This option allows you to program the starting menu of RFAX.
By set it to extended menu, you can get into the Extended Menu in
RFAX directly.
DTMF Level: 0 .. -15.0 dB
EIA standard RS-496, paragraph 4.3.2, specifies requirements that ensure
proper DTMF (dual-tone multi-frequency) signaling through the PSTN. These
tones shown below.
digit codes
Low group 697 | 1 2 3 A
frequency (Hz) 770 | 4 5 6 B
852 | 7 8 9 C
941 | * 0 # D
High group | 1209 1336 1477 1633
The high frequency tone always be at a higher power level than the low
frequency tone by approximately 2 dB. You can specify the high frequency
tone level to the desired value.
Transmit Level: 0 .. -15.0 dB
You can program the output level to an allowed range. Please contact your
local distributor asked the signal range. For most of countries, The signals
transmitted to telephone line (PSTN) shall be nominally confined to the
frequency range of 300 to 3400 Hz and the power lever during any 10 second
period shall not exceed -5 dBm when measured with 600-ohm termination.
Com Port Setup
This option allows you to configure the communications ports.
RFAX supports 4 comm ports are defined to the standards for COM1 through
COM4. For each port you may define the interrupt request number (irq) to use.
Unless you are absolutely sure about your information, do not play around
with these values! Wrong values could cause unexpected and possibly
disruptive results. The following table lists the default base port and
interrupt levels assigned for COM1 - COM4.
COM1 | 3F8 IRQ 4
COM2 | 2F8 IRQ 3
COM3 | 3E8 IRQ 4
COM4 | 2E8 IRQ 3
If your system has COM1 and COM2 installed, I recommend you to select COM3
or COM4 with IRQ5.
Usage: [Enter]
Confirm the changing set-ups and return to previous menu.
All the changing parameters will saved to disk after you quit this
program. The parameters are stored in a file called RFAX.PAR
Fax Quality: Standard / Fine
The group 3 fax provides sampling densities of 200 spots per inch
horizontally across the paper and 100 or 200 lines per inch vertically down
the page. This option allows you to change the vertical resolution to 100
(standard) or 200 (fine) lines per inch. The most picture files are in fine
mode, so you can use this option to send those files in a right resolution.
When set this option to standard/fine, a character S/F is displayed on the
right side of the menu bar.
Text Margin: 0..20 cm
Sets a new text left margin.
The margins in a document specify the limits of the fax area. By using the
margins, you can adjust you document to a suitable location.
RFAX has two independent margins.
text left margin 3 cm 0..20 cm
graphic left margin 0 cm 0..200mm
Graph Margin: 0..200 mm
Sets a new graphic left margin. The value unit is millimeter.
Retry Delay: 1..60 minute(s)
Specify the amount of time to wait each re-send. RFAX creates an error
schedule after an unsuccessful scheduled sending. The time of error schedule
is according to the retry delay.
Min. Fax Speed
This optional parameter limits the lowest negotiable speed for a session.
This parameter is useful for limiting the cost of a transmission, by
requiring a minimum transmission speed. If a facsimile cannot negotiate to
a minimum speed, it shall perform an orderly disconnect.
This option lets you turn on or off logo.
When turn on this option, a symbol() is displayed on the right side of the
menu bar.
Signature ON/OFF
This option lets you turn on or off signature.
When turn on this option, a symbol() is displayed on the right side of the
menu bar.
Date Format
Usage: [Left/Right]
Select the order of the month (M), day (D) and year (Y).
RFAX provides three date formats they are M/D/Y, D/M/Y and Y/M/D .
Mail Merge
Switch ON or OFF the Mail Merge function.
The Mail Merge lets you fax customized letters to several people with their
company or name information merged into it with a form letter.
The information used in the form letter is pulled from the phone book
database that is in an ASCII type format. You can create a phone book with
Editor for the fax mail merge feature. Doing so will save your time and get
the receiver be impressed.
The result of mail merge will be :
<top of the fax>
TO :Company Name
ATTN:Attention Message
Usage: [Enter]
Confirm the set-up and start to scan the paper at this point.
Usage: [Enter]
Abort this menu! Be sure you will cancel this function.
Paper Length 1..14 inches
When scanning short document, setting the proper paper length helps save
time and data storage space.
Resolution 100..300 dpi
The resolution controls the periodicity of scanned data transmitted to the
host computer, i.e., the number of dots transmitted out of the total scanned.
Note: The resolution of a fax is 200 dpi.
Fax Quality Standard/Fine
This option allows you to change the vertical resolution to 100 (standard)
or 200 (fine) lines per inch. The most picture files are in fine mode, so
you can use this option to send those files in a right resolution.
Brightness From 1(dark) - 14(light)
This option adjusts the thresholding value used to determine whether a spot
will be rendered as a black dot or a white dot. It affects material scanned
in either line art mode or halftone.
Contrast From 1(low) - 14(high)
This option adjusts the thresholding value used to determine whether each
scanned spot will be rendered as a black dot or a white dot.
Halftone - A halftone background is used for documents that consist
mostly of photographs or artwork with varied shading.
Line Art - Documents with both shaded and pure black-and-white areas
may be scanned in mixed mode by defining windows for areas
within the frame, should be scanned in line art mode.
I/O Port
Refers to the I/O address of the scanner interface card.
Check it from hardware and installation manual.
Card Model
It refers to the type of scanner interface card that connected with the
system. Four options are provided :
3.BONUS card with DAM channel 1
4.BONUS card with DAM channel 3
Send Fax File
Input a file to send.
Quick Letter
Edit the default letter by the named "RFAX.LET".
After the letter is completed, RFAX asks the fax number and sends the
Usage: [Enter]
Edit the general FAX schedule.
Within this schedule, only image fax files can be sent.
Binary File
Usage: [Enter]
Edit the Binary File schedule.
Within this schedule, only binary files can be sent.
Normal View
Usage: [Enter]
View an exact dot-to-pixel representation.
You can scroll around while in this mode, but you cannot see the entire fax
Compressed View
Usage: [Enter]
To view a X-axis compressed display.
This means that a fuller view of the page will be available.
Update Yes
Confirm the changing and save it.
Update No
Do not write to file, all changes are cancel.
Input File Name
Usage: [Enter]
If the file is on a different driver or directory, include the driver letter
or directory path. You can input the Wildcard characters [*] and [?]
perform a group selection.
Pick a File
Usage: [Enter]
After press Enter key, a pick-up window is displayed. It will display the
contents of current directory that is sorted by name. Use the [Left/Right]
arrow keys to change the directory. Use [Up/Down] keys to highlight the file
and press [Enter] to confirm the selection.
To search for the directory listing by press [F2].
Use [Space] to mark the file(s) and delete them by press [Delete].
Use [R] to rename the file.
Quick Letter
Usage: [Enter]
Select a quick letter to send. If you need to modify the letter, go to the
Edit menu and pick it to modify.
File Queue
Usage: [Enter]
Choose a file queue to perform a group sending.
Scan A Paper
Usage: [Enter]
This option allows you to scan an image and transmit it. RFAX scans the
document and stores to a PCX image file. After the scanning was done then
RFAX will ask the fax number of the destination and send the image file.
Be sure that you have set the scanner to the right model.
Abort This Printing
Usage: [ENTER]
Press [Enter] to cancel the printing.
If you cancel the printing of a file that is printing in a graphics mode,
you may have to reset the printer by turning it off and then on again.
Abort Print Queue
Usage: [ENTER]
This option allows you to cancel the print queue and the spooling file.
Pause Printing
Usage: [ENTER]
Interrupt printing temporarily.
The printer will pause at this moment.
Resume Printing
Usage: [ENTER]
To resume printing after you pause the printing.
Edit Print Queue
Usage: [ENTER]
In the print queue, you can cancel the file that has not started printing.
To cancel the file:
(1) Select the file by press [Up/Down] key.
(2) Press [Delete] to delete it.
Edit Print Queue
The SPOOL creates the temporary file by the named of original name and
replaces it's extension by the page counter.
To cancel the file:
(1) Select the file by press [Up/Down] key.
(2) Press [Delete] to delete it.
Input Number
Usage: [Fax Number]
Enter the phone number of the destination.
Pick A Number
Usage: [Enter]
You can get the phone number from a phone book.
If you set the 'Mail Merge' on, the RFAX regards the Company Name to be
the 'TO' message and the 'Title' be the 'ATTN' message.
Usage: [Choose A PhoneBook]
Performs a group transmission. RFAX will send the message one by one form
the given phone book.
You can also assign remark into distribution groups and just send to
selected groups without having to key in or select their numbers each time
you send. For example, you can set all the people in the sales department
into a same remark and just send to that group.
Manual Dial
Usage: [Enter]
Allows you to dial the phone number by using your own telephone.
When the called fax system answers, press a key to start transmission.
HP Laser Jet
HP LaserJet+, LaserJet Series II
Desk Write, DeskJet 500
Epson 9 pin
Epson FX-80,85,100
Epson JX-80,LX-80,800
Epson 24 pin
Epson LQ-1500/2500/1000/800
Canon BJ-80
Panasonic KX-1080
Fujitsu DL-3400
Seiko SP-1600
Panasonic KX-P1124
Super5 EP-1500
Not Available
Microtek MS300C,MS400G
Ripe Handy
DFI Handy
Microscan Handy
Mars 800 handy
Pick a file
Usage: [Enter]
This window displays the files that are in the current subdirectory and that
match the file searching argument (default *.*). To make RFAX run faster,
it will not reread the file list information, but will instead display this
information from the last time it was changed. You can force a reread by
pressing [F2]. The contents in the directory are sorted by name. You also may
select a different directory by pressing the [Left/Right] keys.
Select file : moving the cursor to a file name and pressing enter.
Rename : by pressing 'R'
By using [Space] to mark the file(s) and delete them by press [Delete].
Phone Book
The phone book is used to select destination phone number records to send
your fax messages. To select a record, press the up or down arrow keys until
the desired record is highlighted.
Press [Enter] to select it.
Search for a record by name by pressing [F4].
If you set the 'Mail Merge' on, the RFAX regards the Company Name to be
the 'TO' message and the 'Title' be the 'ATTN' message.
[Functions of Quick Letter]
Ctrl+Backspace-Delete one line.
Ctrl+Y -Delete all the text in the current document.
Ctrl+Home/End -Go to top/bottom of the letter.
Home/End -Go to front/end of the line.
PgUp/PgDn -Page up/Page down.
F2 -Include a file. (same as the .FI dot command)
F3 -File insert,read a disk file into the document at the cursor.
F4 -Find a string.
Example : Practice adding underline to some characters.
1. Press 'Insert' key, move the cursor to "u" in "underline".
2. Press 'Ctrl+W'. Notice that Quick Letter puts a symbol on the screen
shows where the underline begins the text that follows.
3. Move the cursor to the space following "underline".
4. Press 'Ctrl+W' again. The symbol on the screen shows where the
underline ends. Quick Letter knows that the symbol is not part of your
text and will not fax or print them.
The journal includes the following items of information:
Date - depends on Date Format setting.
Time - 24-hour clock.
Duration - Total connection time.
Mode - Receive(R)/Send(S)/Poll(p)/Binary(b)
Page - Number of pages transmitted or received.
Result - OK(successful receive/send) / ERR(failure)
Identity - The called/calling station's phone number.
Speed - The communication speed (BPS).
Advanced Functions:
* ENTER - view a incoming fax messages.
* SPACE - mark journal entry for deletion.
* DELETE - delete the marked entry and incoming fax.
* F2 - Save the journal to an ASCII file.
* F3 - Search journal by mode.
* F10 - view the error message.
No further information!
Source file name
Please input the file name. If the file is on a different driver or
directory, include the driver letter or directory path.
You can input the Wildcard characters [*] and [?] perform a group
Fax Number
Enter the phone number of the destination.
RFAX will select the phone number with the given remark.
While edit a phone book, you can assign remark into distribution groups.
The program just sends to selected groups without having to key in or select
their numbers each time you send. For example, you can set all the people in
the sales department into a same remark and just send to that group.
Sender's Name
Usage: [Sender's name]
Enter sender's name. Name will appear on the heading of the fax.
Sender's Name
Enter sender's name. Name will appear on the heading of the fax.
Sender's Fax No
Usage: [Sender's Fax No.]
Enter sender's phone. Number will appear on the heading of the fax.
The phone number named CSI (Calling Subscriber Identification) was defined
in fax negotiation. This field shall consist of no more than 20 numeric
digits. It will be sent to called/calling station as an ID.
Sender's Fax No
Enter sender's phone. Number will appear on the heading of the fax.
Queue Name
Input the queue name or press [Enter] to select an existing queue to modify.
Book Name
Input the phone book name or press [Enter] to select an existing phone book
to modify.
New Password
Please input character string for which to be the Password.
The password is case-sensitive and any space is not allowed.
Input Password
Please input the system password to enter RFAX system.
The password is case-sensitive and any space is not allowed.
Enter a string or characters to find. The string can be up to 20 characters
long. The cursor moves to the occurrence in your text.
Old password
Enter the old password before change to a new one.
The password is case-sensitive and any space is not allowed.
Target File Name
Usage: [File Name]
Enter the file name as the target file. If you want the file to store on a
different driver or directory, please include the driver letter or directory
Letter Name
Input the quick letter name or press [Enter] to select an existing quick
letter to modify.
Global Time
Input a global Date and time. You can use this option set all the
schedules to be a same time.
Enter the name and/or extension to be used as a search argument for the
directory listing. A question mark (?) is a "WILDCARD" which will always
match any character found in that position. An asterisk in the name or
extension will match that position and all remaining positions.
Rename to:
Enter the new file and extension names.
Date & Time
Set the date and time to send.
[Right/Left] - go to next field.
[Ctrl+Right/Left] - move the cursor in this filed.
[Ctrl+Backspace] - delete a schedule.
[F2] - Paste the current date and time.
[F3] - Input a global Date and time. You can use this option set all the schedules to be a same time.
[F4] - Search a string.
Fax Number
Please type the fax number as the destination..
[F2] - Pick a fax number or broadcast.
RFAX will select the phone number with the given remark.
Sets the number of times to retry the same phone number.
After a page sent, the receiver should response a confirmation signalling to
indicate good or poor reception. If the receiver response the poor reception
,RFAX will re-send the schedule and decrease 'Retry' by one after a few
minutes(depend on the retry delay) until the 'Retry' be zero.
File Name
Input the file name to send.
[F2] - Pick file(s). (quick letter, file queue ...)
Company Name
Enter the name as the Company Name, no more than 60 characters.
Fax Number
Enter the desired fax number, no more than 20 numeric digits.
Usage: String / Character
You can assign remark into distribution groups. The program just sends to
selected groups without having to key in or select their numbers each time
you send.
Title (ATTN:)
As the attention field, no more than 60 characters.
File Queue
Select the file name and path you wish to save in the queue.
Press [Insert] and use arrow key to highlight file to be added to the group.
Delete a record by press [Delete].
This menu allows you to sort all the records in the journal file by one of
seven options.
Usage: [Enter]
Confirm the set-up and convert the file at this point.
Usage: [Enter]
Abort this menu! Be sure you will cancel this function.
Left Margin
Usage: [LEFT/RIGHT ] : -1/+1
[Ctrl+Left/Right] : -10/+10
Set the left margin for the output file from 0 to 200 mm.
This option lets you adjust the source file as you desire.
Skip Line
Usage: [LEFT/RIGHT ] : -1/+1
[Ctrl+Left/Right] : -10/+10
You can skip the source file from 0 to 999 lines.
This option lets you adjust the source file as you desire.
It's often necessary to cut off the fax header for further application.
Usage : [Fine/Standard]
Fax file has two types, 100 and 200 lines per inch vertically down the page.
Normally, you have to select 'Fine' to convert a bitmap file to fax format.
If you want to convert a text file, we suggest you to select 'Standard' to
save the transmission time.
Inverse Image
Usage : [ON/OFF]
You can exchange the black dot and white dot for further application.
Input format
Usage: [LEFT/RIGHT arrow key]
Input file can be TIFF, ASCII, PCX, MSP, CUT, MAC, IMG and FAX.
The extension of the files are:
TXT - Normal(ASCII) text file, creates by any word processor or editor.
PCC,PCX - PAINTBRUSH+'s single-bit B&W image.
MSP - WINDOWS 1.01 or 2.03 PAINT file.
IMG - GEM/IMG files
MAC - MacPaint files
CUT - Dr.HALO cut file.
TIF - TIFF (scanner) Bi-level and Pack-Bit files.
CAP - Printer captive file, with EPSON graphics command.
FAX - RFAX fax files.
Output format
Usage: [LEFT/RIGHT arrow key]
Output file can be TIFF, PCX, IMG and FAX.
The TIFF files created by the program are as simple as possible, so that
they may be read by as many TIFF reading applications as possible. The
TIFF files created by RFAX are intended to be compatible with the major
desktop publishing programs, primarily PC Pagemaker and Ventura Publisher.
They do not contain colour mapping (palette setting) tags, and they are
always uncompressed.
The PCX file supported by the program is all B & W modes.
THe IMG file is the format used by Ventura for its monochrome image.
Select the based address of comm port.
Select the interrupt number for the comm port.