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Text File | 1993-03-30 | 43.0 KB | 1,537 lines |
- ~001
- About
- =====
- Displays the available memory, free disk space, software version and
- programmers of RFAX.
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- ------------------------------------------------------------
- RFAX Help File Version 3.1 Editor: JWS 1991
- ------------------------------------------------------------
- ~002
- Read Me
- =======
- This Read Me file is intended to supplement the manual and addendum.
- ~003
- OS Shell
- ========
- Usage: [Enter]
- Leaves RFAX temporarily and go to DOS prompt. To return to RFAX, type
- 'EXIT' and press ENTER at any dos prompt. Use this to run a DOS command
- without quitting RFAX.
- To perform the OS-Shell the COMMAND.COM is needed. If you can't use this
- function you have to check the path setting and where is the file.
- ~004
- Simple Menu
- ===========
- Usage: [Enter]
- You can switch to the Simple Menu by pressing Enter.
- ~006
- Modem Menu
- ==========
- Usage: [Enter]
- You can enter to the MODEM menu.
- RFAX will execute the modem program (RM.EXE) after invoked this menu.
- ~005
- Quit
- ====
- Usage: [ENTER]
- Ends the RFax program and return to DOS.
- If the 'Resident' is switched on, the fax drive will keep in memory and
- occupy about 110 Kbytes memory.
- ~007
- ~008
- ~011
- Fax Send
- ========
- Usage: [Input File Name] / [Pick A File] / [Quick Letter] /
- [File Queue] / [Scan A Paper]
- Select one options using UP/DOWN keys and press Enter.
- The Quick letter and File Queue was created by the EDIT session.
- In the 'Input file name' menu, you can input the Wildcard characters [*] and
- [?] Perform a group transmission.
- The RFAX board and the FAX software allow any file that is in ASCII,
- PCX, MSP, TIF, CUT, CAP, MAC or IMG format to be sent on the fly as a fax.
- The Graphic file must be in fine resolution (200 dots per inch [dpi]),
- even when the fax is standard resolution. If the Graphic file is in
- standard resolution (100 dpi vertically), the graphic will be faxed at
- half its intended height.
- ~012
- Manual Answer
- =============
- Usage: [Enter]
- When "Auto Answer" was switched off, select this function to answer a call
- or receive fax.
- ~013
- Polling
- =======
- Usage: [Input Number]/[Pick A Phone]/[Broadcast]/[Manual Dial]
- Allows the system to call another and have it transmit documents by fax mode
- or binary mode. The RFAX can poll other fax system since they do not
- require a polling password.
- You only need to input the phone number of the called station, everything
- else is automatic.
- Note: The polled party has prepared the documents for transmission to you.
- ~014
- Binary Send
- ===========
- Usage: [Input File Name]/[Pick A File]/[Quick Letter]/[File Queue]
- Allows binary files to be sent through RFAX. This function only works
- when the called station is the same RFAX card.
- The CRC & NAK errors often occur on a poor telephone line. The program will
- re-send the block that has errors. The default block size is 3000 bytes and
- it will reduce the size on a poor line automatically.
- ~016
- New file
- ========
- Usage: [ENTER]
- Close the current file and Input a new file name as a captive file for the
- printer CAPTURE. The CAPTURE will resume after the new filename was input.
- ~017
- Switch To Printer
- =================
- Allows you to pause the CAPTURE function and restore the printer.
- After switch to printer, you can print your documents to printer.
- ~018
- Capture Port
- ============
- Select the port you want to capture under desired application.
- The CAPTURE can be installed to LPT1,LPT2 or LPT3.
- ~021
- Fax Preview
- ===========
- Usage: [Input File Name]/[Pick A File]/[Quick Letter]/[File Queue]
- To preview the file(s) that will be sent. It takes some time to create the
- temporary file(s).
- Before you send your fax, you can view the actual image of the fax pages in
- graphics mode. You will see the actual font, sizes, left margin, tabs,time
- & date, telephone no, sender's name, page no, page break, dot command,logo,
- or any pictures exactly the way they will be received.
- View function provides both Horizontal(F2) and Vertical(F3) compression
- modes, rotate(F4) function provides for "Upside down".
- You also can use (F5) & (F6) to view the previous & next page in the
- multiple pages.
- ~022
- File
- ====
- Usage: [Input File Name]/[Pick A File]/[Quick Letter]
- View a single file in graphic mode.
- View function provides both Horizontal(F2) and Vertical(F3) compression
- modes. If the sender sends a page upside down, you can press (F4) to flip
- the page so you can see it on the screen.
- ~023
- Journal
- =======
- Usage: [Enter]
- After every fax has been sent or received, RFAX will keep a record of the
- party that was called/calling, error or ok status, duration of transmission,
- type of file sent/received.
- Calls are continuously appended to the journal as they are made and
- received. The maximum size of the Journal is 200 records. If the journal
- is full the first record will be deleted after added a new record.
- Journal - allows you to print out multiple pages in a single session.
- - Save to an ASCII file.
- - many searching functions.
- ~024
- Scan & Save
- ===========
- Usage: [Save as]
- Allows you to scan an image without having to quit RFAX.
- RFAX communicates with the scanner shown in the Set Menu, then records
- the scanned image data on disk under the name given.
- ~025
- Graphic Convert
- ================
- Usage: [Input File Name]/[Pick A File]/[Quick Letter]
- Automatic file conversion for fax and image file .
- 1. Input file can be TIFF, ASCII, PCX, MSP, CUT, IMG, MAC and FAX.
- 2. Output file can be TIFF, PCX, IMG and FAX.
- You can adjust the left margin or inverse the image.
- RFAX can detect the format of the source file automatically and convert
- the file accordingly.
- ~026
- View This Page
- ==============
- Press [Enter] to view this page in graphic mode.
- ~027
- Print This Page
- ===============
- Print out this page.
- ~028
- Print All Pages
- ===============
- Print out multiple pages.
- ~029
- Convert This Page
- =================
- Convert this page to another file format.
- ~030
- Convert All Pages
- =================
- Convert multiple pages to another file format.
- ~031
- Schedule
- ========
- Usage: [Enter]
- You can schedule to send a fax at night or any time when the phone charge
- is less expensive. You can also schedule multiple batch of transmissions
- (send by queue). After setting up your schedule, you can run other DOS
- programs. This allows you to use your computer for other tasks, while
- RFAX waits for the scheduled time to arrive. RFAX will create an
- error schedule after an unsuccessful scheduled sending. The results of all
- scheduled transmissions are recorded in the journal.
- [Right/Left] - go to next field.
- [Ctrl+Right/Left] - move the cursor in this filed.
- [Ctrl+Backspace] - delete a schedule.
- [F2] - Paste the current date and time.
- [F3] - Input a global Date and time. You can use this option set all the schedules to be a same time.
- [F4] - Find a string.
- ~032
- Phone Book
- ==========
- Usage: [Enter]
- Creates a new phone book or edit an existing phone book.
- Each record of the phone book has four items - Company Name, Fax Number,
- Title and Remark. There are all in ASCII format.
- If you set the 'Mail Merge' on, the RFAX regards the Company Name to be
- the 'TO' message and the 'Title' be the 'ATTN' message.
- [F3] - Sort the phone book.
- [F4] - Find a string.
- ~033
- File Queue
- ==========
- Usage: [Enter]
- You can combine more than one file to be sent to a fax machine.
- For instance, you can perform the multiple fax transmission.
- The file queue is saved in TEXT format. You can create the file queue by
- using text editor and stores in the subdirectory - "EDIT\".
- ~034
- Quick Letter
- ============
- Usage: [Enter]
- Quick letter provides word wrap, left margin, dot command, typestyle,file
- insert and extends to 200 lines in each letter. The program only read the
- text file with LET extension from the subdirectory by named of 'LETTER\'.
- You can mix any picture file with your text messages such as company logo
- or letter header. You can easily include these files with a .FI dot command
- in your text so it will be done every time you send the Letter.
- Using the typestyle function, you can perform special font effects like
- shading and underline add emphasis and variety to document.
- For additional information about this menu, consult the User's Manual.
- ~035
- Korean Editor
- =============
- Press [Enter] to invoke the Korean word processor.
- RFAX will execute the file named "KIT.EXE".
- ~036
- How could you don't know "sort by name" ?!
- ~037
- Why ask me?
- ~038
- Just try it!
- ~039
- Don't press F1 #@$!
- ~041
- File
- ====
- Usage: [Input File Name]/[Pick A File]
- Select the file(s) to print. You can choose text file, image file or fax
- file to print.
- RFAX supports the ANSI character set. Besides the 128 standard
- ASCII characters you can enter from your keyboard, you can enter extended or
- international characters. Your printer might not be able to print these
- characters. See your printer manual or contact your printer manufacturer
- for more information about your printer's support of extended characters.
- ~042
- Journal
- =======
- Usage: [Enter]
- Choose the operating mode and ok/err journal to print.
- You have to select the following options:
- Journal mode >> Send & Receive , Send , Receive
- Journal type >> Ok & ERR , ERR , OK
- ~043
- Schedule
- ========
- Usage: [Enter]
- Choose the Schedule to print. The schedules of binary and fax are separated.
- RFAX sets the printer by condensed mode to fit all the data in one
- line.
- ~044
- Phone Book
- ==========
- Choose the desired phone book to print. RFAX sets the printer by
- condensed mode to fit all the data in one line.
- When RFAX prints a file, each character you typed in your application is
- translated from the ANSI character to the appropriate character on your
- printer. If your printer supports the same character, it will be printed.
- Otherwise, another character will print. You might see a period or other
- filler character instead.
- ~045
- File Queue
- ==========
- Usage: [Enter]
- Choose the File Queue to print.
- ~046
- Quick Letter
- ============
- Usage: [Enter]
- Choose the Quick Letter to print.
- When RFAX prints a letter, each character you typed in your letter is
- translated from the ANSI character to the appropriate character on your
- printer excepts the dot commands and typestyle codes.
- ~047
- Port
- ====
- Your printer is connected to your computer through a port. The parallel
- ports are LPT1,LPT2,LPT3. You can change the printer port in the RFAX. If you have a serial printer connected to COM1 or COM2, you
- should add the following lines to RFAX.BAT using a text editor (Such as
- EDLINE,PEII,etc.) before you can print a document on the serial printer.
- MODE COM1:96,N,8,1,P
- The commands shown above will set up the serial printer to LPT1 which is
- connected to the COM1 port for 9600 baud,no parity,an eight bit word and
- one stop bit. If you wish to use other settings, please refer to your DOS
- manual for additional information on the MODE command.
- Note: Using a serial printer, you cannot load SPOOL.
- The SPOOLing only supports parallel ports!
- ~048
- Please refer the LPT1 help message!!!
- ~049
- Please refer the LPT1 help message!!!
- ~051
- System References
- =================
- Usage: [Enter]
- The System References sets the general operating environment and
- characteristics of the RFAX system.
- ~052
- Fax References
- ==============
- Usage: [Enter]
- The Fax References set the operating parameters for the fax transmission
- and reception.
- ~053
- New Password
- ============
- Usage: [Input password][New password]
- Enter the old password before change to a new one.
- To start the password security you have to switch the Password on in
- system references menu.
- ~056
- Logo File
- =========
- Usage: [Enter]
- Set a file as a 'logo' for fax transmission. It only adds the top of
- first page. You can choose a picture file with graphs as a logo file. This
- option may be turned ON/OFF under the "Fax Reference" menu.
- ~057
- Signature File
- ==============
- Usage: [Enter]
- Set a file as a 'signature' for fax transmission. It only adds the bottom
- of last page. This option may be turned ON/OFF under the "Fax Reference"
- menu.
- ~058
- Printer & Port
- ==============
- Use arrow keys to select one given printers that are connected, and
- specifies their corresponding port.
- Make sure you're using the correct printer port and that it's linked
- properly. If your printer isn't listed here, you can try using the similar
- printer.
- RFAX supports the following printers:
- HP Laser Jet, Epson 9 pin, Epson 24 pin, Canon BJ80,
- Panasonic KX1080, Panasonic KXP1124, Fujitsu DL3400,
- NEC P6/P7,Seiko SP1600, Super5 EP-1500
- ~059
- Scanner
- =======
- Use arrow keys to select one given scanners that are connected to
- your system.
- RFAX supports the following scanners:
- Ripe Handy, Microtek series, DFI, Microscan
- Mars 800 Handy, Chinon, A4 Handy, Muse-Tech
- ~060
- Screen
- ======
- Usage: [Enter]
- Toggles the screen display background. For a colour display there are 8
- options. For a monochrome display, it provides a shaded background.
- ~061
- The SPOOLing is a background print manager. This allows you to use your
- computer for other tasks, while RFAX prints the document. You also can
- control the SPOOL under dos prompt.
- You might experience erratic output while printing with some printers using
- RFAX SPOOLing because SPOOL sometimes interrupts the flow of data while
- printing. These printers cannot accommodate interruptions in data flow.
- Don't run SPOOL causes the data to be sent in one continuous stream.
- You have to re-boot your computer and execute the batch file by the name of
- If you print without SPOOL, you cannot use the application that is printing
- until the file finishes printing on your printer.
- For additional information about this menu, consult the User's Manual.
- ~062
- =======
- Usage: [Enter]
- Capture provides Epson FX, LQ series printer emulation program.
- Under DOS prompt you can input the following options.
- Options: /p:n - Capture printer port LPT1..LPT3
- /s - Paused/active switch.
- /u - remove CAPTURE.
- File name - Captive filename, default is "NONAME.CAP".
- After installing the memory resident printer CAPTURE, you can use any
- application such as PC PAINTBRUSH or PAGE MAKER to print the document.
- Instead of going to the printer, the CAPTURE will intercept the printout and
- save it. You can then send the file as a fax message. If your application
- program provides 'Print to File' function then you don't need to install the
- CAPTURE. You only have to choose the EPSON printer and print you document.
- RFAX can send or read the print file
- ~070
- ========
- Usage: [Enter]
- Confirm the changing set-ups and return to previous menu.
- All the changing parameters will saved to disk after you quit this
- program. The parameters are stored in a file called RFAX.PAR
- ~071
- Password ON/OFF
- ================
- This menu allows you to turn on or off Password security .
- Please ensure that you have set the PASSWORD to the desired string before
- you turn on the switch.
- ~072
- Speaker Control
- ===============
- Mn controls speaker on/off operation.
- Parmeters: n= 0, 1, 2, 3
- n = 0 Speaker off.
- n = 1 Speaker on until carrier is detected.
- n = 2 Speaker always on.
- n = 3 Speaker on after dialling until carrier detected
- You can monitor the calling during the transmission by set on the speaker. The sounds of a fax transmission are not pleasant to listen to, but
- they are often useful in diagnosing malfunctions.
- ~073
- Auto Print ON/OFF
- =================
- When Auto Print is On, incoming fax massages are automatically printed once
- they are successful received. This option is disabled after you leave RFAX.
- ~074
- Auto Answer OFF,FAX,F/M
- =======================
- This option set the RFAX to answer the call or not. An asterisk(*) will
- appear on the menu bar after you turn on Auto Answer.
- OFF : Turn off auto answer.
- FAX : Class 2 FAX mode.
- F/M : Data/fax auto answering, when used with RFAX, will automatically
- recognize whether an incoming call is a data or fax modem.
- ~075
- Ring 1..9
- ==========
- The setting determines the number of rings before the RFAX answers the
- call. The following countries have a special ringing tone.
- We suggest you set the Ring to be 1 or 2 while using RFAX in those
- ~076
- Dial Tone/Pulse
- ================
- Specifies tone dialling for touch-tone phones or pulse dialling for
- rotary phones.
- When specifying a phone number, you can include not only the digits 0
- through 9 and the characters # and *, but also the following special
- characters:
- A,B,C,D - Specifies keys in the additional column of keys (that is,
- the 1633 Hz high-group frequency) on some telephones.
- , - Causes the hardware to pause when dialling.
- ! - Signals a hook flash, for use with special PBX functions.
- The ! command causes the hardware to go on-hook for half
- a second (this is known as "flashing").
- @ - Quite Answer: Wait for 5 seconds of silence before dialling.
- All other characters are reserved.
- ~077
- Tone Delay: 50..250 ms
- =======================
- Change the delay time for tone dial.
- Selectable dialling rate is provided for rapid dialling.
- ~078
- Pulse Ratio: USA/INTL
- =====================
- This option menu allows you select the Pulse mode.
- To perform a pulse dial you need to select the Mark and Space ratio.
- In USA the ratio is using 2:3, other countries are using 1:2 .
- The dialling rate for the Pulse dial is 10pps.
- ~079
- Comma Delay: 1..9 second(s)
- ===========================
- This option lets you input the number of seconds RFAX is to wait when it
- encounters a comma in a telephone number you have instructed it to dial.
- When you make a long distance call or an international call a comma is
- needed to add between the area code and the local code.
- ~080
- Redial: 1..9 times
- ==================
- Sets the number of times to redial the same phone number.
- If the fax machine you are calling is busy, RFAX will redial the phone
- number for you as many as your setting. You can specify the amount of time to
- wait between each redial form the 'Redial delay' option.
- ~081
- Redial Delay: 1..240 second(s)
- ==============================
- Specify the amount of time to wait each redial.
- ~082
- Line Detect
- ===========
- Xn selects the result code set and selects dialling functions.
- Parameters: n = 0, 1, 2, 3, 4
- n = 0 CONNECT result codes are enabled. CONNECT XXXX result codes are
- disabled. Busy signal and dial tone are not detected.
- n = 1 The modem blind dials:CONNECT XXXX result codes are enabled.
- Busy signal and dial tone are not detected.
- n = 2 The modem waits for dial tone before dialling. CONNECT XXXX result
- codes are enabled. Busy signal is not detected.
- n = 3 The modem blind dials:CONNECT XXXX result codes are enabled. The
- modem sends BUSY result code if busy signal is detected.
- n = 4 The modem waits for dial tone before dialling. CONNECT XXXX result
- codes are enabled. The modem sends BUSY result code if busy signal
- is detected. (default)
- The difficulty with any tone detection is because the tones provided
- by the telephone network are not always according to specification. If the
- line detect function is unable to detect the tone in your area, you should
- turn off this option then RFAX will wait for an answer after it dials by
- the request time.
- ~083
- Request Time: 15 to 255 second(s)
- ================================
- Lets you adjust the amount of time RFAX will wait for an answer after it
- dials. The default setting is 35 seconds, if you often make a long distance
- call, we suggest to set it to 40 seconds.
- ~084
- Resident ON/OFF
- =================
- This option allows you to use your computer for other tasks, while RFAX
- waits for the ring or scheduled time to arrive.
- After you set on and exit the program, a string "Resident RFAX already
- loaded!" will be displayed. You can unload the resident program by setting
- this switch off or typing the flowing line under dos prompt.
- If you load a TSR (Terminate, Stay Resident program) after RFAX, you get
- an error if you try to uninstall RFAX. RFAX will not remove from
- memory until the TSR is uninstalled. At that time, RFAX still activated.
- ~085
- Startup Menu: Extended/Simple
- =============================
- This option allows you to program the starting menu of RFAX.
- By set it to extended menu, you can get into the Extended Menu in
- RFAX directly.
- ~086
- DTMF Level: 0 .. -15.0 dB
- ============================
- EIA standard RS-496, paragraph 4.3.2, specifies requirements that ensure
- proper DTMF (dual-tone multi-frequency) signaling through the PSTN. These
- tones shown below.
- digit codes
- Low group 697 | 1 2 3 A
- frequency (Hz) 770 | 4 5 6 B
- 852 | 7 8 9 C
- 941 | * 0 # D
- --------------------+--------------------------
- High group | 1209 1336 1477 1633
- The high frequency tone always be at a higher power level than the low
- frequency tone by approximately 2 dB. You can specify the high frequency
- tone level to the desired value.
- ~087
- Transmit Level: 0 .. -15.0 dB
- ================================
- You can program the output level to an allowed range. Please contact your
- local distributor asked the signal range. For most of countries, The signals
- transmitted to telephone line (PSTN) shall be nominally confined to the
- frequency range of 300 to 3400 Hz and the power lever during any 10 second
- period shall not exceed -5 dBm when measured with 600-ohm termination.
- ~088
- Com Port Setup
- ==============
- This option allows you to configure the communications ports.
- RFAX supports 4 comm ports are defined to the standards for COM1 through
- COM4. For each port you may define the interrupt request number (irq) to use.
- Unless you are absolutely sure about your information, do not play around
- with these values! Wrong values could cause unexpected and possibly
- disruptive results. The following table lists the default base port and
- interrupt levels assigned for COM1 - COM4.
- --------+--------------------------------
- COM1 | 3F8 IRQ 4
- COM2 | 2F8 IRQ 3
- COM3 | 3E8 IRQ 4
- COM4 | 2E8 IRQ 3
- If your system has COM1 and COM2 installed, I recommend you to select COM3
- or COM4 with IRQ5.
- ~089
- ========
- Usage: [Enter]
- Confirm the changing set-ups and return to previous menu.
- All the changing parameters will saved to disk after you quit this
- program. The parameters are stored in a file called RFAX.PAR
- ~090
- Fax Quality: Standard / Fine
- ============================
- The group 3 fax provides sampling densities of 200 spots per inch
- horizontally across the paper and 100 or 200 lines per inch vertically down
- the page. This option allows you to change the vertical resolution to 100
- (standard) or 200 (fine) lines per inch. The most picture files are in fine
- mode, so you can use this option to send those files in a right resolution.
- When set this option to standard/fine, a character S/F is displayed on the
- right side of the menu bar.
- ~091
- Text Margin: 0..20 cm
- =====================
- Sets a new text left margin.
- The margins in a document specify the limits of the fax area. By using the
- margins, you can adjust you document to a suitable location.
- RFAX has two independent margins.
- text left margin 3 cm 0..20 cm
- graphic left margin 0 cm 0..200mm
- ~092
- Graph Margin: 0..200 mm
- =======================
- Sets a new graphic left margin. The value unit is millimeter.
- ~093
- Retry Delay: 1..60 minute(s)
- ============================
- Specify the amount of time to wait each re-send. RFAX creates an error
- schedule after an unsuccessful scheduled sending. The time of error schedule
- is according to the retry delay.
- ~094
- Min. Fax Speed
- ==============
- This optional parameter limits the lowest negotiable speed for a session.
- This parameter is useful for limiting the cost of a transmission, by
- requiring a minimum transmission speed. If a facsimile cannot negotiate to
- a minimum speed, it shall perform an orderly disconnect.
- ~095
- Logo ON/OFF
- ============
- This option lets you turn on or off logo.
- When turn on this option, a symbol() is displayed on the right side of the
- menu bar.
- ~096
- Signature ON/OFF
- ================
- This option lets you turn on or off signature.
- When turn on this option, a symbol() is displayed on the right side of the
- menu bar.
- ~097
- Date Format
- ===========
- Usage: [Left/Right]
- Select the order of the month (M), day (D) and year (Y).
- RFAX provides three date formats they are M/D/Y, D/M/Y and Y/M/D .
- ~098
- Mail Merge
- ==========
- Switch ON or OFF the Mail Merge function.
- The Mail Merge lets you fax customized letters to several people with their
- company or name information merged into it with a form letter.
- The information used in the form letter is pulled from the phone book
- database that is in an ASCII type format. You can create a phone book with
- Editor for the fax mail merge feature. Doing so will save your time and get
- the receiver be impressed.
- The result of mail merge will be :
- <top of the fax>
- TO :Company Name
- ATTN:Attention Message
- ~100
- ========
- Usage: [Enter]
- Confirm the set-up and start to scan the paper at this point.
- ~101
- ===
- Usage: [Enter]
- Abort this menu! Be sure you will cancel this function.
- ~102
- Paper Length 1..14 inches
- ==========================
- When scanning short document, setting the proper paper length helps save
- time and data storage space.
- ~103
- Resolution 100..300 dpi
- ========================
- The resolution controls the periodicity of scanned data transmitted to the
- host computer, i.e., the number of dots transmitted out of the total scanned.
- Note: The resolution of a fax is 200 dpi.
- ~104
- Fax Quality Standard/Fine
- ===========================
- This option allows you to change the vertical resolution to 100 (standard)
- or 200 (fine) lines per inch. The most picture files are in fine mode, so
- you can use this option to send those files in a right resolution.
- ~105
- Brightness From 1(dark) - 14(light)
- ====================================
- This option adjusts the thresholding value used to determine whether a spot
- will be rendered as a black dot or a white dot. It affects material scanned
- in either line art mode or halftone.
- ~106
- Contrast From 1(low) - 14(high)
- ===============================
- This option adjusts the thresholding value used to determine whether each
- scanned spot will be rendered as a black dot or a white dot.
- ~107
- Background
- ==========
- Halftone - A halftone background is used for documents that consist
- mostly of photographs or artwork with varied shading.
- Line Art - Documents with both shaded and pure black-and-white areas
- may be scanned in mixed mode by defining windows for areas
- within the frame, should be scanned in line art mode.
- ~108
- I/O Port
- ========
- Refers to the I/O address of the scanner interface card.
- Check it from hardware and installation manual.
- ~109
- Card Model
- ==========
- It refers to the type of scanner interface card that connected with the
- system. Four options are provided :
- 1.MS-PCX
- 2.MS-PCY
- 3.BONUS card with DAM channel 1
- 4.BONUS card with DAM channel 3
- ~110
- Send Fax File
- =============
- Input a file to send.
- ~111
- Quick Letter
- ============
- Edit the default letter by the named "RFAX.LET".
- After the letter is completed, RFAX asks the fax number and sends the
- letter.
- ~112
- Fax
- ===
- Usage: [Enter]
- Edit the general FAX schedule.
- Within this schedule, only image fax files can be sent.
- ~113
- Binary File
- ===========
- Usage: [Enter]
- Edit the Binary File schedule.
- Within this schedule, only binary files can be sent.
- ~114
- Normal View
- ===========
- Usage: [Enter]
- View an exact dot-to-pixel representation.
- You can scroll around while in this mode, but you cannot see the entire fax
- page.
- ~115
- Compressed View
- ===============
- Usage: [Enter]
- To view a X-axis compressed display.
- This means that a fuller view of the page will be available.
- ~116
- ~117
- ~118
- Update Yes
- ==========
- Confirm the changing and save it.
- ~119
- Update No
- =========
- Do not write to file, all changes are cancel.
- ~120
- Input File Name
- ===============
- Usage: [Enter]
- If the file is on a different driver or directory, include the driver letter
- or directory path. You can input the Wildcard characters [*] and [?]
- perform a group selection.
- ~121
- Pick a File
- ===========
- Usage: [Enter]
- After press Enter key, a pick-up window is displayed. It will display the
- contents of current directory that is sorted by name. Use the [Left/Right]
- arrow keys to change the directory. Use [Up/Down] keys to highlight the file
- and press [Enter] to confirm the selection.
- To search for the directory listing by press [F2].
- Use [Space] to mark the file(s) and delete them by press [Delete].
- Use [R] to rename the file.
- ~122
- Quick Letter
- ============
- Usage: [Enter]
- Select a quick letter to send. If you need to modify the letter, go to the
- Edit menu and pick it to modify.
- ~123
- File Queue
- ==========
- Usage: [Enter]
- Choose a file queue to perform a group sending.
- ~124
- Scan A Paper
- ============
- Usage: [Enter]
- This option allows you to scan an image and transmit it. RFAX scans the
- document and stores to a PCX image file. After the scanning was done then
- RFAX will ask the fax number of the destination and send the image file.
- Be sure that you have set the scanner to the right model.
- ~125
- Abort This Printing
- ===================
- Usage: [ENTER]
- Press [Enter] to cancel the printing.
- If you cancel the printing of a file that is printing in a graphics mode,
- you may have to reset the printer by turning it off and then on again.
- ~126
- Abort Print Queue
- =================
- Usage: [ENTER]
- This option allows you to cancel the print queue and the spooling file.
- ~127
- Pause Printing
- ==============
- Usage: [ENTER]
- Interrupt printing temporarily.
- The printer will pause at this moment.
- ~128
- Resume Printing
- ===============
- Usage: [ENTER]
- To resume printing after you pause the printing.
- ~129
- Edit Print Queue
- ================
- Usage: [ENTER]
- In the print queue, you can cancel the file that has not started printing.
- To cancel the file:
- (1) Select the file by press [Up/Down] key.
- (2) Press [Delete] to delete it.
- ~019
- Edit Print Queue
- ================
- The SPOOL creates the temporary file by the named of original name and
- replaces it's extension by the page counter.
- To cancel the file:
- (1) Select the file by press [Up/Down] key.
- (2) Press [Delete] to delete it.
- ~130
- Input Number
- ============
- Usage: [Fax Number]
- Enter the phone number of the destination.
- ~131
- Pick A Number
- ============
- Usage: [Enter]
- You can get the phone number from a phone book.
- If you set the 'Mail Merge' on, the RFAX regards the Company Name to be
- the 'TO' message and the 'Title' be the 'ATTN' message.
- ~132
- Broadcast
- =========
- Usage: [Choose A PhoneBook]
- Performs a group transmission. RFAX will send the message one by one form
- the given phone book.
- You can also assign remark into distribution groups and just send to
- selected groups without having to key in or select their numbers each time
- you send. For example, you can set all the people in the sales department
- into a same remark and just send to that group.
- ~133
- Manual Dial
- ===========
- Usage: [Enter]
- Allows you to dial the phone number by using your own telephone.
- When the called fax system answers, press a key to start transmission.
- ~140
- HP Laser Jet
- ============
- HP LaserJet+, LaserJet Series II
- Desk Write, DeskJet 500
- ~141
- Epson 9 pin
- ===========
- Epson FX-80,85,100
- Epson JX-80,LX-80,800
- ~142
- Epson 24 pin
- ============
- Epson LQ-1500/2500/1000/800
- ~143
- Canon BJ-80
- ===========
- ~144
- Panasonic KX-1080
- ~145
- Fujitsu DL-3400
- ~146
- NEC P6/P7
- ~147
- Seiko SP-1600
- ~148
- Panasonic KX-P1124
- ~149
- Super5 EP-1500
- ~152
- Not Available
- ~153
- Microtek
- ========
- Microtek MS300C,MS400G
- ~154
- Ripe Handy
- ~155
- DFI Handy
- ==========
- ~156
- Microscan Handy
- ~157
- Mars 800 handy
- ~161
- Pick a file
- ===========
- Usage: [Enter]
- This window displays the files that are in the current subdirectory and that
- match the file searching argument (default *.*). To make RFAX run faster,
- it will not reread the file list information, but will instead display this
- information from the last time it was changed. You can force a reread by
- pressing [F2]. The contents in the directory are sorted by name. You also may
- select a different directory by pressing the [Left/Right] keys.
- Select file : moving the cursor to a file name and pressing enter.
- Rename : by pressing 'R'
- By using [Space] to mark the file(s) and delete them by press [Delete].
- ~162
- Phone Book
- ==========
- The phone book is used to select destination phone number records to send
- your fax messages. To select a record, press the up or down arrow keys until
- the desired record is highlighted.
- Press [Enter] to select it.
- Search for a record by name by pressing [F4].
- If you set the 'Mail Merge' on, the RFAX regards the Company Name to be
- the 'TO' message and the 'Title' be the 'ATTN' message.
- ~165
- [Functions of Quick Letter]
- Ctrl+Backspace-Delete one line.
- Ctrl+Y -Delete all the text in the current document.
- Ctrl+Home/End -Go to top/bottom of the letter.
- Home/End -Go to front/end of the line.
- PgUp/PgDn -Page up/Page down.
- F2 -Include a file. (same as the .FI dot command)
- F3 -File insert,read a disk file into the document at the cursor.
- F4 -Find a string.
- Example : Practice adding underline to some characters.
- 1. Press 'Insert' key, move the cursor to "u" in "underline".
- 2. Press 'Ctrl+W'. Notice that Quick Letter puts a symbol on the screen
- shows where the underline begins the text that follows.
- 3. Move the cursor to the space following "underline".
- 4. Press 'Ctrl+W' again. The symbol on the screen shows where the
- underline ends. Quick Letter knows that the symbol is not part of your
- text and will not fax or print them.
- ~166
- The journal includes the following items of information:
- Date - depends on Date Format setting.
- Time - 24-hour clock.
- Duration - Total connection time.
- Mode - Receive(R)/Send(S)/Poll(p)/Binary(b)
- Page - Number of pages transmitted or received.
- Result - OK(successful receive/send) / ERR(failure)
- Identity - The called/calling station's phone number.
- Speed - The communication speed (BPS).
- Advanced Functions:
- * ENTER - view a incoming fax messages.
- * SPACE - mark journal entry for deletion.
- * DELETE - delete the marked entry and incoming fax.
- * F2 - Save the journal to an ASCII file.
- * F3 - Search journal by mode.
- * F10 - view the error message.
- ~167
- No further information!
- ~170
- Source file name
- ================
- Please input the file name. If the file is on a different driver or
- directory, include the driver letter or directory path.
- You can input the Wildcard characters [*] and [?] perform a group
- selection.
- ~171
- Fax Number
- ==========
- Enter the phone number of the destination.
- ~172
- Remark
- ======
- RFAX will select the phone number with the given remark.
- While edit a phone book, you can assign remark into distribution groups.
- The program just sends to selected groups without having to key in or select
- their numbers each time you send. For example, you can set all the people in
- the sales department into a same remark and just send to that group.
- ~054
- Sender's Name
- =============
- Usage: [Sender's name]
- Enter sender's name. Name will appear on the heading of the fax.
- ~173
- Sender's Name
- =============
- Enter sender's name. Name will appear on the heading of the fax.
- ~055
- Sender's Fax No
- ===============
- Usage: [Sender's Fax No.]
- Enter sender's phone. Number will appear on the heading of the fax.
- The phone number named CSI (Calling Subscriber Identification) was defined
- in fax negotiation. This field shall consist of no more than 20 numeric
- digits. It will be sent to called/calling station as an ID.
- ~174
- Sender's Fax No
- ===============
- Enter sender's phone. Number will appear on the heading of the fax.
- ~175
- Queue Name
- ==========
- Input the queue name or press [Enter] to select an existing queue to modify.
- ~176
- Book Name
- =========
- Input the phone book name or press [Enter] to select an existing phone book
- to modify.
- ~177
- New Password
- ============
- Please input character string for which to be the Password.
- The password is case-sensitive and any space is not allowed.
- ~178
- Input Password
- ==============
- Please input the system password to enter RFAX system.
- The password is case-sensitive and any space is not allowed.
- ~179
- Find
- ====
- Enter a string or characters to find. The string can be up to 20 characters
- long. The cursor moves to the occurrence in your text.
- ~180
- Old password
- ============
- Enter the old password before change to a new one.
- The password is case-sensitive and any space is not allowed.
- ~181
- Target File Name
- ================
- Usage: [File Name]
- Enter the file name as the target file. If you want the file to store on a
- different driver or directory, please include the driver letter or directory
- path.
- ~182
- Letter Name
- ===========
- Input the quick letter name or press [Enter] to select an existing quick
- letter to modify.
- ~183
- Global Time
- ===========
- Input a global Date and time. You can use this option set all the
- schedules to be a same time.
- ~184
- Search
- ======
- Enter the name and/or extension to be used as a search argument for the
- directory listing. A question mark (?) is a "WILDCARD" which will always
- match any character found in that position. An asterisk in the name or
- extension will match that position and all remaining positions.
- ~185
- Rename to:
- ==========
- Enter the new file and extension names.
- ~190
- Date & Time
- ==============
- Set the date and time to send.
- [Right/Left] - go to next field.
- [Ctrl+Right/Left] - move the cursor in this filed.
- [Ctrl+Backspace] - delete a schedule.
- [F2] - Paste the current date and time.
- [F3] - Input a global Date and time. You can use this option set all the schedules to be a same time.
- [F4] - Search a string.
- ~191
- Fax Number
- ==========
- Please type the fax number as the destination..
- [F2] - Pick a fax number or broadcast.
- ~192
- Remark
- ======
- RFAX will select the phone number with the given remark.
- ~193
- Retry
- =====
- Sets the number of times to retry the same phone number.
- After a page sent, the receiver should response a confirmation signalling to
- indicate good or poor reception. If the receiver response the poor reception
- ,RFAX will re-send the schedule and decrease 'Retry' by one after a few
- minutes(depend on the retry delay) until the 'Retry' be zero.
- ~194
- File Name
- =========
- Input the file name to send.
- [F2] - Pick file(s). (quick letter, file queue ...)
- ~195
- Company Name
- ============
- Enter the name as the Company Name, no more than 60 characters.
- ~196
- Fax Number
- ==========
- Enter the desired fax number, no more than 20 numeric digits.
- ~197
- Remark
- ======
- Usage: String / Character
- You can assign remark into distribution groups. The program just sends to
- selected groups without having to key in or select their numbers each time
- you send.
- ~198
- Title (ATTN:)
- =============
- As the attention field, no more than 60 characters.
- ~199
- File Queue
- ==========
- Select the file name and path you wish to save in the queue.
- Press [Insert] and use arrow key to highlight file to be added to the group.
- Delete a record by press [Delete].
- ~200
- Search
- ======
- This menu allows you to sort all the records in the journal file by one of
- seven options.
- ~210
- ========
- Usage: [Enter]
- Confirm the set-up and convert the file at this point.
- ~211
- ===
- Usage: [Enter]
- Abort this menu! Be sure you will cancel this function.
- ~212
- Left Margin
- ===========
- Usage: [LEFT/RIGHT ] : -1/+1
- [Ctrl+Left/Right] : -10/+10
- Set the left margin for the output file from 0 to 200 mm.
- This option lets you adjust the source file as you desire.
- ~213
- Skip Line
- =========
- Usage: [LEFT/RIGHT ] : -1/+1
- [Ctrl+Left/Right] : -10/+10
- You can skip the source file from 0 to 999 lines.
- This option lets you adjust the source file as you desire.
- It's often necessary to cut off the fax header for further application.
- ~214
- Quality
- =======
- Usage : [Fine/Standard]
- Fax file has two types, 100 and 200 lines per inch vertically down the page.
- Normally, you have to select 'Fine' to convert a bitmap file to fax format.
- If you want to convert a text file, we suggest you to select 'Standard' to
- save the transmission time.
- ~215
- Inverse Image
- =============
- Usage : [ON/OFF]
- You can exchange the black dot and white dot for further application.
- ~216
- Input format
- ============
- Usage: [LEFT/RIGHT arrow key]
- Input file can be TIFF, ASCII, PCX, MSP, CUT, MAC, IMG and FAX.
- The extension of the files are:
- TXT - Normal(ASCII) text file, creates by any word processor or editor.
- PCC,PCX - PAINTBRUSH+'s single-bit B&W image.
- MSP - WINDOWS 1.01 or 2.03 PAINT file.
- IMG - GEM/IMG files
- MAC - MacPaint files
- CUT - Dr.HALO cut file.
- TIF - TIFF (scanner) Bi-level and Pack-Bit files.
- CAP - Printer captive file, with EPSON graphics command.
- FAX - RFAX fax files.
- ~217
- Output format
- =============
- Usage: [LEFT/RIGHT arrow key]
- Output file can be TIFF, PCX, IMG and FAX.
- The TIFF files created by the program are as simple as possible, so that
- they may be read by as many TIFF reading applications as possible. The
- TIFF files created by RFAX are intended to be compatible with the major
- desktop publishing programs, primarily PC Pagemaker and Ventura Publisher.
- They do not contain colour mapping (palette setting) tags, and they are
- always uncompressed.
- The PCX file supported by the program is all B & W modes.
- THe IMG file is the format used by Ventura for its monochrome image.
- ~220
- Select the based address of comm port.
- ~221
- Select the interrupt number for the comm port.