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PKZip Archive  |  1993-08-25  |  2KB

This file was processed as: PKZip Archive (archive/zip).

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File Comment
This file was obtained from:
                                                    T h e   T o o l   S h o p
Samuel H. Smith                                Specializing in Software Tools
                                      P.O. Box 4808 ■ Panorama City, CA 91412
                                                       6 Nodes (818) 891-1344
The Tool Shop specializes in Software Tools and is the home of HS/Link and
many other utilities.

Program Identifications
ConfidenceProgramIdentificationMatch Type
100% dexvert PKZip Archive (zip) magic
100% file Zip archive data, at least v1.0 to extract, compression method=store default
99% file data default
80% TrID ZIP compressed archive default
20% TrID PrintFox/Pagefox bitmap (640x800) default
100% siegfried x-fmt/263 ZIP Format default