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633 lines
** ctl.h
** Structures for SETUP.FD
** Copyright 1989-1993 Joaquim Homrighausen; All rights reserved.
** Last revised: 93-06-23 FrontDoor 2.11+
** -------------------------------------------------------------------------
** This information is not necessarily final and is subject to change at any
** given time without further notice
** -------------------------------------------------------------------------
#ifndef __SETUPFD__
#define __SETUPFD__
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
** Mailer ------------------------------------------------------------------
/* Loglevels */
#define LOGFATAL 0x0001 /*'!' Fatal errors*/
#define LOGERROR 0x0002 /*'?' Errors*/
#define LOGBRIEF 0x0004 /*'+' Major changes in action*/
#define LOGACCT 0x0008 /*'$' Accounting information*/
#define LOGXFER 0x0010 /*'*' Sent/Received files*/
#define LOGTRIVIAL 0x0020 /*'-' Minor changes in action*/
#define LOGXFERMSG 0x0040 /*'%' Transfer messages*/
#define LOGMODEM 0x0080 /*'=' Modem activities/responses*/
#define LOGTRX 0x0100 /*':' Session transaction numbers*/
#define LOGSESSION 0x0200 /*'~' Session stuff, SysOp, etc.*/
#define LOGRMTAKAS 0x0400 /*'~' Remote system's AKAs*/
#define LOGRMTINFO 0x0800 /*'~' Remote system's information*/
#define LOGUNEXPECT 0x1000 /*'#' Unexpected password*/
#define LOGDEBUG 0x8000 /*All loglevels enabled*/
/* Miscellaneous flags (FLAGS) */
#define NOUNLISTED 0x00000001L /*Don't allow unlisted systems*/
#define CREATE_BATCH 0x00000002L /*Create batchfile when BBS caller*/
#define TERMONLY 0x00000004L /*Running as Terminal-Only*/
#define DTR_HANGUP 0x00000008L /*Use DTR to hangup*/
#define DTR_DIAL 0x00000010L /*Toggle DTR prior to dialing*/
#define DTR_BUSY 0x00000020L /*Use DTR to signal BUSY*/
#define MANUAL_ANSWER 0x00000040L /*Use manual answer*/
#define CONNECT_RESET 0x00000080L /*Reset modem to connect speed*/
#define MODEM_FIXED 0x00000100L /*Use constant speed against modem*/
#define NOMAIL_NOPWD 0x00000200L /*No mail from unsecured systems*/
#define DELAYFIRST 0x00000400L /*Delay before first call*/
#define CLOCK 0x00000800L /*Display clock*/
#define KILLNULL 0x00001000L /*Remove messages with no text*/
#define MAILONLY 0x00002000L /*Don't allow human callers*/
#define xxxxLIMITEDANSW 0x00004000L /*Limited hours to answer*/
#define EXIT_NETMAIL 0x00008000L /*Exit when netmail received*/
#define ZONE_ADAPTION 0x00010000L /*Adopt called/calling zone*/
#define PRINTNEWMSGS 0x00020000L /*Print received messages*/
#define NOUNKNOWNPOINTS 0x00040000L /*Don't accept unlisted points*/
#define FORCEDCARRIER 0x00080000L /*Carrier is forced. Ring required*/
#define NULLMODEM 0x00100000L /*Initiate session when CD high*/
#define MAILER43LINES 0x00200000L /*Use 43/50 line mode in mailer*/
#define SWAPTOEMSDISK 0x00400000L /*Swap file to LIM/EMS/DISK w/shell*/
#define MAILEREMSOK 0x00800000L /*If EMS can be used for swapping*/
#define PRESENTAKAS 0x01000000L /*Present AKAs during EMSI sessions*/
#define NOBLINKMAIL 0x02000000L /*Don't flash the waiting mail sign*/
#define EXITONANYFILE 0x04000000L /*Exit after ANY data has been rcvd*/
#define MAILERAUTOLINES 0x08000000L /*Use whatever screen mode is there*/
#define HONOR_RRQ 0x10000000L /*Honor RRQ*/
#define NO_TIMESTAMP 0x20000000L /*Don't show timestamp in window-1*/
#define MAILERCUSTOMCRT 0x40000000L /*User-defined screen size*/
/* Miscellaneous flags (FLAGS2) */
#define FAXAUTORECEIVE 0x00000001L /*Handle inbound fax calls*/
#define MAILERLOGDFRS 0x00000002L /*Log data following RING signal*/
#define MEXTFREQS 0x00000004L /*Use external file ReqServer*/
#define MEXTFREQNOSWAP 0x00000008L /*Don't swap when calling ReqServer*/
#define FAXAUTOPRINT 0x00000010L /*Auto print faxes (internal only)*/
/* Audio flags */
#define CLOCKNOISE 0x0001 /*Tic-tac-tic-tac-tic-tac*/
#define INMAILNOISE 0x0002 /*Unpacked any mail*/
#define INCRASHNOISE 0x0004 /*Unpacked crash or immediate mail*/
#define INCONNECTNOISE 0x0008 /*Incoming MAIL call (connect)*/
#define INCALLERNOISE 0x0010 /*Incoming human caller passed >BBS*/
#define MAILWAITING 0x0020 /*Mail is waiting*/
#define OUTMAILNOISE 0x0040 /*Sent mail (after session)*/
#define OUTCONNECTNOISE 0x0080 /*Outgoing MAIL call (connect)*/
#define ERRORNOISE 0x0100 /*S.O.S.*/
/* Request types */
#define REQALL 0x01 /*Anybody can request*/
#define REQNONE 0x02 /*No one can request*/
#define REQLISTED 0x04 /*Only listed systems*/
#define REQLIMITED 0x08 /*Limited hours*/
#define REQONLYONEMATCH 0x80 /*Stop searching after one match*/
typedef struct
char log[71]; /*Log filename*/
unsigned short int loglevel; /*See Loglevels*/
char prefix[31]; /*Always added*/
char hidden[10][31]; /*Strip these if they are in #*/
char postfix[31]; /*Always appended*/
long flags; /*See Miscellaneous flags*/
long flags2; /*See Miscellaneous flags*/
unsigned short int audio; /*See Audio flags*/
unsigned char synchtimer; /*Number of seconds before drop to BBS*/
unsigned char crashexit; /*Mail exit*/
unsigned char bbs300; /*Human caller 300 BPS*/
unsigned char bbs1200; /*Human caller 1200 BPS*/
unsigned char bbs1275; /*Human caller 12/75 BPS*/
unsigned char bbs2400; /*Human caller 2400 BPS*/
unsigned char bbs4800; /*Human caller 4800 BPS*/
unsigned char bbs9600; /*Human caller 9600 BPS*/
unsigned char bbs19200; /*Human caller 19200 BPS*/
unsigned char bbs38400; /*Human caller 38400 BPS*/
unsigned short int modembaud; /*30=300, 24=2400, etc.*/
unsigned char modemport; /*1-255 (COM1=1, COM2=2, etc.)*/
unsigned char modemdelay; /*1/10 seconds delay / line sent*/
char b300msg[16]; /*CONNECT 300*/
char b1200msg[16]; /*CONNECT 1200*/
char b1275msg[16]; /*CONNECT 1275*/
char b2400msg[16]; /*CONNECT 2400*/
char b4800msg[16]; /*CONNECT 4800*/
char b9600msg[16]; /*CONNECT 9600*/
char b19200msg[16]; /*CONNECT 19200*/
char b38400msg[16]; /*CONNECT 38400*/
char errormsg[16]; /*ERROR*/
char busymsg[16]; /*BUSY*/
char carriermsg[16]; /*NO CARRIER*/
char okmsg[16]; /*OK*/
char ringmsg[16]; /*RING*/
char nodialmsg[16]; /*NO DIALTONE*/
char noanswmsg[16]; /*NO ANSWER*/
char voicemsg[16]; /*VOICE*/
char escapestr[11]; /*Return to command mode*/
char offhookstr[11]; /*Busy line*/
char reconnectstr[11]; /*Return to data mode*/
char init1[50]; /*Initialization-1*/
char init2[50]; /*Initialization-2*/
char init3[50]; /*Initialization-3*/
char resetstr[50]; /*Force "OK" response*/
char downstr[50]; /*Sent upon shutdown*/
char hangupstr[11]; /*On hook*/
char dialstr[11]; /*Dial*/
char oldmodemanswer[11]; /*!!Not used!!*/
unsigned char answerdelay; /*1/10s delay before answering*/
unsigned char begin_hour; /*!!Not used!!*/
unsigned char begin_minute; /*!!Not used!!*/
unsigned char end_hour; /*!!Not used!!*/
unsigned char end_minute; /*!!Not used!!*/
unsigned char retrybusy; /*Retry attempts when BUSY*/
unsigned char retryresend; /*Retry attemps on failure*/
unsigned char retrydelay; /*Seconds between calls*/
char reqlist[71]; /*List to scan for reqable dirs*/
char reqalias[71]; /*Magic filenames*/
char reqmessage[71]; /*Appended to FAILED REQUEST message*/
unsigned char reqtype; /*See below*/
unsigned char reqmaxfiles; /*Max number of files to send on 1 req*/
unsigned short int reqmaxtime; /*Maximum number of minutes for req*/
unsigned short int reqmaxsize; /*Maximum size (in KB) for req*/
unsigned short int OLDreqminbaud; /*!!Not used!!*/
unsigned char reqstarthr; /*Start time for file requests, can be*/
unsigned char reqstartmin; /*..combined with the reqdays field*/
unsigned char reqendhr; /*End time for file requests*/
unsigned char reqendmin;
unsigned char reqdays; /* 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0x80=All days
_ _ _ _ _ _ _
: : : : : : :
: : : : : : +--- Saturday
: : : : : +----- Friday
: : : : +------- Thursday
: : : +--------- Wednesday
: : +----------- Tuesday
: +------------- Monday
+--------------- Sunday */
char bbsname[11]; /*Press <Esc> for "bbsname"*/
char beforebbsbanner[71]; /*File sent before drop to BBS*/
struct /*Mailer function keys*/
char cmd[61]; /*Program to execute*/
char title[26]; /*Title to appear on screen*/
unsigned char behavior; /*0x01-Pause, 0x02-Rescan, 0x04-NoSwap*/
key[24]; /*F1-F12, Shift F1-F12*/
unsigned char color[11]; /*Header
Data entry
Normal text
Window text
Window frame
Window select
Window highlight*/
unsigned char keep_history; /*Days to keep entries in mail history*/
char slavepwd[21]; /*FDServer password, empty=inactive*/
char ineventfile[71]; /*Displayed to users when no users*/
char mailonlyfile[71];/*Displayed to users when mail-only*/
struct /*External mail interface*/
char wakeupstr[39]; /*String to trigger exit*/
unsigned char flags; /*0x01=Leave FOSSIL hot*/
unsigned char errorlevel; /*Errorlevel to exit with*/
unsigned char audio_begin_hour; /*Start and end of audio allowed*/
unsigned char audio_begin_minute; /*If all four fields are zero,*/
unsigned char audio_end_hour; /*..audio is allowed at all times*/
unsigned char audio_end_minute;
unsigned short int min_undial_cost; /*Minimum undialable cost*/
unsigned char CDMASK; /*Carrier detect mask (C)*/
unsigned short int FOSSIL_OUTBS, FOSSIL_INBS; /*!!Not used!!*/
char reqseclist[71]; /*List to scan for reqable dirs*/
/*...during SECURE sessions (C)*/
unsigned char bbs7200; /*Human caller 7200 BPS*/
unsigned char bbs12000; /*Human caller 12000 BPS*/
unsigned char bbs14400; /*Human caller 14400 BPS*/
unsigned short int SETcustomcrt_AX, /*INT 10H register values to*/
SETcustomcrt_BX, /*set CUSTOM screen mode (C)*/
unsigned short int RESETcustomcrt_AX, /*INT 10H register values to*/
RESETcustomcrt_BX, /*reset CUSTOM screen mode (C)*/
char reqsecalias[71]; /*Magic filenames for SECURE*/
/*sessions (C)*/
char modemanswer[41]; /*Instruct modem to answer*/
char b7200msg[16]; /*CONNECT 7200*/
char b12000msg[16]; /*CONNECT 12000*/
char b14400msg[16]; /*CONNECT 14400*/
char b16800msg[16]; /*CONNECT 16800*/
char bfaxmsg[16]; /*CONNECT FAX*/
unsigned char bbs16800; /*Human caller 16800 BPS*/
unsigned char bbsfax; /*FAX call errorlevel*/
char InboundFaxPath[71]; /*Inbound fax path (C)*/
char FReqServer[71]; /*External file request server*/
char b57600msg[16]; /*CONNECT 57600*/
char b64000msg[16]; /*CONNECT 64000*/
char b115200msg[16]; /*CONNECT 115200*/
unsigned char bbs57600; /*Human caller 57600 BPS*/
unsigned char bbs64000; /*Human caller 64000 BPS*/
unsigned char bbs115200; /*Human caller 115200 BPS*/
char ModemCustomMsg[16]; /*Custom CONNECT message (C)*/
long ModemCustomBaud; /*Actual baudrate of above (C)*/
unsigned char bbsCustom; /*Human caller Custom BPS (C)*/
unsigned long reqminbaud; /*Minimum baudrate for file request*/
char MailExitSemaphore[71]; /*Touched/created when mail*/
/*has been received (C)*/
char FaxPrinter[71]; /*Program to invoke to print*/
/*a received fax (C)*/
** Editor ------------------------------------------------------------------
/* Miscellaneous flags (FLAGS) */
#define EDITOR43LINES 0x00000001L /*Use 43/50-line mode*/
#define SHOWHARDCRS 0x00000002L /*Display paragraph (hard CR) char*/
#define EDITORSWAP 0x00000004L /*Swap to LIM/EMS/DISK when shell*/
#define EDITOREMSOK 0x00000008L /*EMS OK for swap image*/
#define EDITORAUTOLINES 0x00000010L /*Use whatever screen mode is there*/
#define HONOR_CFM 0x00000020L /*Honor CFM*/
#define EDITORCUSTOMCRT 0x00000040L /*User-defined screen size*/
#define RKILL_NEVER_E 0x00000080L /*Never ask "Delete Original?"-E*/
#define RKILL_NEVER_L 0x00000100L /*Never ask "Delete Original?"-L*/
#define RKILL_NEVER_N 0x00000200L /*Never ask "Delete Original?"-N*/
#define USEZONEGATE_YES 0x00000400L /*Always use zone gate if OK*/
#define USEZONEGATE_NO 0x00000800L /*Never use zone gate, even if OK*/
#define NEWMSGSEM 0x00001000L /*Semaphores when new msgs are created*/
#define FAXAUTOVIEW 0x00002000L /*View fax documents automatically*/
#define FAXAUTOKILL 0x00004000L /*Remove fax document with cover message*/
/* Netmail folder behavior */
#define RESTRICTED 0x00000001L /*See FOLDER.H*/
#define EXPORTOK 0x00000004L
#define USEXLATTABLES 0x00000008L
#define EDREADONLY 0x00000020L
typedef struct
char macrokey[24][61]; /*F1-F12, Shift F1-F12*/
unsigned char margin; /*Wordwrap margin, default=60*/
unsigned short int msgbits; /*Default NetMail message status*/
long flags; /*See above*/
char origin[20][61]; /*Origin lines*/
unsigned char color[15]; /*Top line
Status line
Message text
Quoted message text
Reverse message text
Hard <CR>s
Message header
Message header data
Header data highlight
Input fields
Window frame
Window text
Window select
Window highlight*/
long netfolderflags; /*NetMail folder flags*/
unsigned char translate_in[256]; /*Translation table (reading)*/
unsigned char translate_out[256]; /*Translation table (writing)*/
char qbase[71]; /*Path to Hudson Message Base (HMB)*/
unsigned short int SETcustomcrt_AX, /*INT 10H register values to*/
SETcustomcrt_BX, /*set CUSTOM screen mode (C)*/
unsigned short int RESETcustomcrt_AX, /*INT 10H register values to*/
RESETcustomcrt_BX, /*reset CUSTOM screen mode (C)*/
char FaxViewer[71]; /*Program invoked by <Ctrl-F3> (C)*/
** Shared data -------------------------------------------------------------
/* Miscellaneous flags (FLAGS) */
#define FASTKEY 0x00000001L /*Set/reset typematic rate*/
#define FLICKER 0x00000002L /*Prevent flicker on CGA monitors*/
#define BLACKOUT 0x00000004L /*Screen blanker active*/
#define HAVEEXTKBD 0x00000008L /*Use extended INT 16H keyboard calls*/
#define FORCE24HOUR 0x00000010L /*Force 24-hour time format*/
#define MONOMODE 0x00000020L /*Monochrome mode for FDSETUP*/
/* User flags */
#define SUPERUSER 0x00000001L
#define ADMINUSER 0x00000002L
#define USER 0x00000004L
#define BYPASSRO 0x00010000L /*Bypass Read-only restriction*/
#define BYPASSEXP 0x00020000L /*Bypass Export restriction*/
/* Protection flags */
#define PROTECT_MEXIT 0x00000001L /*Mailer Protect Alt-Q (C)*/
#define PROTECT_MSHELL 0x00000002L /*Mailer Protect Alt-Z (C)*/
#define PROTECT_MKEYS 0x00000004L /*Mailer Protect function keys (C)*/
#define PROTECT_MFREQ 0x00000008L /*Mailer Protect file requests (C)*/
#define PROTECT_MXMIT 0x00000010L /*Mailer Protect transmit (C)*/
#define PROTECT_MSEND 0x00000020L /*Mailer Protect send mail (C)*/
#define PROTECT_MPOLL 0x00000040L /*Mailer Protect poll (C)*/
#define PROTECT_MNCOMP 0x00000080L /*Mailer Protect FDNC (C)*/
#define PROTECT_MQUEUE 0x00000100L /*Mailer Protect mail queue (C)*/
#define PROTECT_MPRN 0x00000200L /*Mailer Protect printer toggle (C)*/
/* FTN-Domain structure */
typedef struct
unsigned short int zone, /* Zone for domain*/
char name[28]; /*Name of domain*/
/* AKA matching structure */
typedef struct
unsigned short int zone, /*Zone to match*/
net, /*Net to match*/
akanum; /*AKA to use, 0=Primary AKA*/
typedef struct
char systempath[71]; /*SYSTEM path*/
char mailpath[71]; /*System NetMail folder*/
char swap_path[71]; /*Path for swap files*/
char rescanpath[71]; /*Semaphore files (C)*/
char infilesecpath[71]; /*Rcvd files, SECURE sessions*/
char infilepath[71]; /*Rcvd files*/
char packetpath[71]; /*Path for outbound .PKT files*/
char nodelistpath[71]; /*Path for nodelist database*/
unsigned short int countrycode; /*Country code for tel.no. translation*/
struct /*One primary address and ten AKAs*/
unsigned short int
long flags; /*See above*/
unsigned char blackout_time; /*Screen blanker timer in seconds*/
/* --- User record */
struct /*Users*/
char name[37]; /*Username*/
long pwdcrc; /*CRC-32 of user password, -1L No pwd*/
unsigned long flags; /*User flags, see above*/
unsigned long exitpwdcrc;/*Password for DOS shell, exits, etc. (C)*/
unsigned long exitflags; /*Which flags should be protected (C)*/
_ZMATCH zmatch[20]; /*AKA matching table*/
_DOMAIN domain[20]; /*FTN domain table*/
struct /*Site information*/
char name[50], /*Name of system*/
location[40], /*Location of system*/
phone[26]; /*Phone number or '-Unpublished-'*/
unsigned long baud; /*Baud rate (300-115200)*/
char flags[50]; /*Capability flags of system*/
short int FaxRecipient; /*Fax recipient (0-based) (C)*/
** Terminal ----------------------------------------------------------------
/* Miscellaneous flags (FLAGS) */
#define CONNECT_NOISE 0x00000001L /*Make noise on connect*/
#define TRANSFER_NOISE 0x00000002L /*Make noise after transfer*/
#define USE_TRANSLATE 0x00000004L /*Use translation tables*/
#define USE_43LINES 0x00000008L /*Use 43/50-line mode*/
#define AUTOZMODEM 0x00000010L /*Allow auto-Zmodem downloads*/
#define NOWRAPAROUND 0x00000020L /*Disable automatic wrapping*/
#define LOCALECHO 0x00000040L /*Echo local input to CRT*/
#define NOAVATAR 0x00000080L /*Disable AVATAR/0+ support*/
#define USE_AUTOLINES 0x00000100L /*Use whatever screen mode is active*/
#define NOCLRONFF 0x00000200L /*Don't clear screen on form feeds*/
#define IEMSIACTIVE 0x00000400L /*Interactive EMSI Support*/
#define TERMCUSTOMCRT 0x00000800L /*User-defined screen size (C)*/
#define TERMLOG 0x00001000L /*Logging in Terminal (C)*/
typedef struct
char initstring[41]; /*Modem initialization*/
unsigned short int scrollsize; /*Maximum memory (kb) for scroll buffer*/
unsigned char emulation; /*0=TTY, 1=ANSI, 2=VT52, 3=VT100*/
unsigned char protocol; /*Default file transfer protocol*/
char shiftkey[12][31]; /*Shift F1-F12*/
char ctrlkey[12][31]; /*Ctrl F1-F12*/
char downloadpath[60]; /*Default download path*/
char uploadpath[60]; /*Default upload path*/
unsigned char translate_in[256]; /*Inbound translation table*/
unsigned char translate_out[256]; /*Outbound translation table*/
unsigned char retrywait; /*Seconds to wait before next dial*/
unsigned long flags; /*See above*/
unsigned long directorypwd;/*CRC-32 of password to enter phone dir*/
char editor[60]; /*Program to invoke on <Alt-I>*/
char profile[94]; /*Default profile, see TERMINAL.H*/
unsigned short int SETcustomcrt_AX, /*INT 10H register values to*/
SETcustomcrt_BX, /*set CUSTOM screen mode (C)*/
unsigned short int RESETcustomcrt_AX, /*INT 10H register values to*/
RESETcustomcrt_BX, /*reset CUSTOM screen mode (C)*/
** Printer (C) -------------------------------------------------------------
/* Miscellaneous flags (BEHAVIOR) */
#define PAGE_FORMAT 0x00000001L
#define PAGE_FFEED 0x00000002L
#define EJECT 0x00000004L
#define MANUAL_PAPER 0x00000008L
#define HIDE_KLUDGE 0x00000010L
#define CONTINOUS 0x00000020L
typedef struct
char port; /*0=LPT1, 1=LPT2, 2=LPT3, 3=COM1, 4=COM2*/
char baud; /*0=9600, 1=4800, 2=2400, 3=1200*/
unsigned char stopbits; /*0=1, 1=2*/
unsigned char wordlength; /*0=7, 1=8*/
unsigned char parity; /*0=Even, 1=Odd, 2=None*/
unsigned char pagelen; /*Number of lines on one page*/
long behavior; /*See above*/
char init[71]; /*Initialization*/
char reset[71]; /*Deinitialization*/
char bold_on[31];
char bold_off[31];
char under_on[31];
char under_off[31];
char italic_on[31];
char italic_off[31];
unsigned char pagewidth; /*Width in columns of a page*/
unsigned char leftmargin; /*Left margin*/
unsigned char footer; /*Footer margin, ie. leave nn lines*/
unsigned char header; /*Header margin, ie. skip nn lines*/
unsigned char translate_out[256]; /*Translation table*/
char RESERVED[100]; /*RESERVED*/
** SETUP.FD ----------------------------------------------------------------
** Don't use ANY of the data in the file if the CRC values are NOT correct.
** Check the fingerprint[] field before assuming 1.99b and higher. Your
** software should also check the sysrev field to make sure it's compatible
** with the data listed in SETUP.FD
/* Current system file revision level */
#define FD_THISREV 0x0100
struct _ctl
char fingerprint[5]; /*Must contain "JoHo<NUL>"*/
unsigned short int sysrev; /*Must contain THISREV above*/
unsigned long ctlcrc; /*CRC-32 of _ctl excluding 1st 11 bytes*/
_mailer m;
_editor e;
_shared s;
_terminal t;
_printer p;
unsigned long ctlcrc2; /*CRC-32 of all the above*/
#ifdef __cplusplus
/* end of file "ctl.h" */