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Text File
88 lines
; ─────────────════■ General Section ■════──────────────
This is a sample of S-BANK control file.
any line not containing a keyword as a first word of the string
is considered as a comment
WARNING! Do not change that first line if you want the S-BANK
to work. Every next version of S-BANK may have differed
CTL file, so that line is used to recognize the version
this file apply on.
NOTE: ■ All the paths MUST be finished with a backslash
■ Keywords are case-independent, i.e. BBS and bBs
is the same
; The next line explains to S-BANK where to find LASTUSxx.BBS and
; the other shit needed for the bank to work.
; NOTE the trailing backslash!
; The next line tells the path to the Account List, etc.
; The next line shows the filename of the account list (Bank Path added)
Account List S-BANK.ACC
; Name of the S-BANK operations log file. (BBS Path added)
; You can make it equal to your board's log.
; ─────────────════■ Interface Section ■════──────────────
; In this section all the interface items are defined.
; Such as filenames for information interchange between the S-BANK
; and the BBS.
; The next line aims to neutralize MAX's time managment bug (or
; premediated code): As soon as you run an external program from
; any MAXIMUS' menu he adds doubled online time to the user's
; previous calls time. So if you have a cume of some level set
; to 60 minutes a day and the user that has that level after
; spending, say, 15 minutes online makes his mind to run, say,
; an online game... And after exiting the game he enters some
; other external program... Wow! MAX will add 30 min the 1st time
; and smth. about that the 2nd time, so the user who spent only
; ~15 minutes online will not be admited to the BBS anymore for
; today... So, specify the name of file containing the user's
; time on-line... (see CORRECT.MEC from the distribution pack)
;Time Correct CORRECT.XFR
; File name to be produced for most cases...
; For example, if any of the following errors has occured:
; I/O Error
; User wants to deposit/withdraw more than he actually can.
; User asks to transfer the time to an unexisting account
; etc.
; ...Or no error has occured at all
File Common COMMON.XFR
; File containing an amount of time the user can deposit/withdraw/transfer
; per day/account. This file must be produced by the BBS before each
; Deposit/Withdraw/Transfer call to the S-BANK
File Limit LIMIT.XFR
; File to be produced in an answer of the 'Check x' request
; (Cx option)
File Check CHECK.XFR
; Flag-file that is created if the user's account is frozen
Flag Frozen FROZEN.FLG
Flag No Account NOACC.FLG
; Text to be put into 'Common'
Text No Account Account does not exist
Text Not enough time You can't deposit more than you have in cash
Text Not enough acc Your request exceeds your balance
Text Frozen Account Your account is FROZEN
Text Large Balance Your balance is too large yet
Text Deposit Limit You have already deposited much today
Text Withdraw Limit You have already withdrawn much today
Text Deposit Ok Time successfully deposited
Text Withdraw Ok Time successfully withdrawn