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MAGIC BUTTERFLY screen saver
If you give this story to anyone please include the screensaver.
the screensaver and story go hand in hand. There is also a game
called magic butterfly but is not included with this at this point in time.
This is the file for the magic butterfly screen saver I have included
this as a txt file and a wri file and I am working on a help file
together with other general improvements.
read the story first
The story of Imagination.
Once upon a time in a land near the edge of an emotional rainbow lived
a small blue butterfly called imagination. Imagination drew his daily
inspiration from his journey through the gardens of curiosity. Fluttering
gently on the breeze occasionally stopping on a flower to explore the
mystery of its beauty and to contemplate the secrets and other treasures
kept hidden in the depths of its core. Imagination held the keys of freedom
and could fly across the fields of creativity.
A bird called intellect would visit this garden of curiosity
occasionally and sing its song in the tree of knowledge. The
leaves would rustle and reveal the same truths in perhaps a slightly
different way. However intellect's song could never penetrate the silent
mystery of the flowers. Although intellect's vehicle was words , his journey
through the garden took him across the landscape of meaning and over the
horizons of thought and back past many fascinating ideas.
One day in the full sunlight, imagination went for a spin in the garden.
As he fluttered gently near the garden wall he noticed a tiny flower.
He floated down to rest on it and balance on its delicate petals.
The flower was called daydream and imagination found himself more and
more enchanted by daydream's silent secrets. Daydream could stir
imagination's passions and her beauty could engulf him in an
enchanting world of his own. He found he could transcend both time and
space and drift on the wind.
Although intellect could see that imagination was in a trance, wrapped
up in the power of daydream's spell he tried hard to measure the secret,
but in spite of the fact that intellect could move with more force and
fly both faster and with more precision he could not manoeuvre with the
same delicate passion that the butterfly could, neither could he navigate
a course so close to the flower's secrets. But worst of all he could never
touch the surface the way imagination could, without destroying daydream's
beauty and secrets.
Intellect decided to remain in the tree of knowledge and searched for new
branches and discovered the leaves of truth.
Curiosity was happy to have both imagination and intellect visiting her
and breathed a gentle breeze across a pond disturbing the thoughts
reflecting off it.
As a cloud drifted across the sky of the garden the pond became still
once again and held a mirror to the conscience of the person reading
this story. It is sometimes more important to notice the flower than
the tree, or the butterfly instead of the bird, Perhaps even the daydream
instead of intellectual thoughts.
Inspiration can come from the delicate threads that thoughts themselves
are woven out of.
Although extensive testing has been done on this software the author
of this program makes no warranties, implied or explicit regarding
the performance and/or quality of this screen saver and the game.
Furthermore, the author assumes no responsibility of any possible
consequential damages resulting from running this program.
By using this software you agree to these terms. The Ideas for this
program as well as the game come from the story of the magic
butterfly and all copyrights of the software and story belong to the
Stephen Liversidge
Feb 94 South Africa
include the screensaver.
the screensaver and story goÇ Å w ' s ¡ o ╟ k ╙ g H c ≤Γ[¢ ₧₧0g W"ÿ₧>ipΦîûh■Ü
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kept hidden in the depths of its core. Imagination held the keys of freedom
and could fly across