The Best Internet Programs
Text File
151 lines
AutoWinNet automatically gets NEW FILES from the Internet, downloads them
for you, allows posting USENET messages, getting and sending your E-Mail,
obtaining World Wide Web pages, all without being home!
He adds onto to your CURRENT Internet software, allowing you more free
time to do the things you really want.
Quit wasting time!
Works on a SLIP/PPP accounts - He'll be up and running in two minutes.
Our goal is to help YOU obtain more free time and enjoyment from the
Internet, rather than being imprisoned at your computer for hours.
========== INSTANT FTP ACCESS ================================
I like getting new files, so I created AutoWinNet to get new
files listings from various sites, then I can choose them
from a convenient Windows listbox, and wala - he downloads them for me!
He goes and gets all the files I want.
I also HATE it when a FTP site is busy, and I have to re-click
on the FTP icon OVER AND OVER AND OVER AND OVER until I get on.
I have better things to do.
Therefore, AutoWinNet hammers at the site until he gets on
(you can configure how many times to hammer, and the pause between retries)
========== MAIL ALL YOUR FRIENDS ==============================
You can keep hundreds of mailing lists (customers, friends, associates)
and automate messages to any of these.
Edit your messages, SPELL CHECK them offline. Even include binary and
text attachments! You can also automate monthly mail, getting personal mail,
sending out regular stuff, and more.
========== USENET NEWS READING/POSTING =======================
Instead of wandering through a newsreader, choosing, reading/writing,
wouldn't it be great to post usenet messages automatically?
So I invented posting to groups without ever logging onto the Internet!
If you need help with MICROSOFT WORD 6.0 problems, or just like to chat,
you can post "HELP ME WITH MS-WORD!" along with all your software problems to a
couple of word-processing newsgroups. If anyone can help ya, they can.
Edit your posts, then SPELL CHECK them offline.
Plus - include binary/text attachments.
In turn, the people can respond to your questions by E-Mail.
========== DAILY STOCK REPORTS ===============================
Yes, yes. You can subscribe to daily stock reports, White house updates,
Yanoff's Internet list, plus tons more. Just click the button and
Automated Internet takes care of the rest.
You will receive these great things almost daily, and be updated on the
world events...
========== WWW PAGES =========================================
I thought it would be great to get WWW pages off-line.
(no graphics! I ain't a graphics programmer!)
I hate waiting for the screen to update when trying out new WWW pages.
Wouldn't it be better to simply download all that junk off-line?
Then you could read it without the hassle.
========== INTERNAL FILE MANAGER =============================
AutoWinNet includes an Internet PKZIP/LHA/ZOO/ARC/ARJ file manager.
Add, delete, extract, comment files, view files, etc.
Also creates charts/graphs of your Internet file lists and
advanced reporting capabilities.
No more shelling to DOS for archive management!
========== FULL DATABASE INSIDE ==============================
Your files are kept in a database for easy management. Export
to EXCEL's .XLS, Microsoft's .MDB, Borland's .DB, or Dbase's.DBF format,
query the database for new files, delete files older than XX days/months/years,
alter files per site, find files with any text string.
Holds up to 50 MILLION file entries, so visit all the sites you want!
1:124/5134 (214) 638-1187
1:124/8014 (214) 638-1186
1:105/330 (503) 681-8324
1:105/317 (503) 640-0278
1:105/314 (503) 681-0543
World Wide Web:
or Download AUTOWN14.ZIP from:
ftp.computek.net /incoming
ftp.iadfw.net /pub/windows
wuarchive.wustl.edu /pub/MSDOS_UPLOADS/autownet
wuarchive.wustl.edu /pub/MSDOS_UPLOADS/winsock
oak.oakland.edu /SimTel/win3/winsock
ftp.demon.co.uk /simtel20/win3/winsock
ftp.technion.ac.il /pub/unsupported/simtel/win3/winsock
micros.hensa.ac.uk /mirrors/simtel/win3/winsock
ftp.iij.ad.jp /pub/win3/winsock
ftp.sunet.se /pub/pc/mirror/SimTel/win3/winsock
ftp.switch/ch /mirror/simtel/win3/winsock
ftp.uni-marburg.de /mirror1/simtel/winsock
ftp.unicamp.br /pub/simtel20/win3/winsock
ntuix.ntu.ac.sg /.2/win3/winsock
pereiii.uji.es /pub/mirror/win3/winsock
plaza.aarnet.edu.au /micros/pc/oak/winsock
bunsen.hrz.uni-marburg.de /mirror1/simtel/winsock
info.nic.surfnet.nl /mirror-archive/software/simtel-win3/winsock
terra.stack.urc.tue.nl /pub/simtel/winsock
wrzx02.rz.uni-wuerzburg.de /pub/pc/simtel/winsock
sun0.urz.uni-heidelberg.de /pub/simtel/winsock
ftp.computek.net /incoming