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Date: Wed, 8 Feb 1995 11:16:48 -0600
From: BITNET list server at UA1VM (1.8a) <LISTSERV@UA1VM.UA.EDU>
Subject: File: "MAP25 LESSON"
"A man without an address is a vagabond; a man with two
addresses is a libertine." -- George Bernard Shaw
I have *four* account addresses. What does that make me? (1)
My *main* address is PCRISPE1@UA1VM.UA.EDU (stop laughing ... it's NOT
funny). I also have a UNIX account address (PCRISPE1@UA1IX.UA.EDU), a
P-MAIL address (PCRISPE1@SSS.CBA.UA.EDU), and I even have an address on
America Online (CRISPEN@AOL.COM).
The *only* address that I use regularly is PCRISPE1@UA1VM.UA.EDU
When I was writing the lesson plans for last week's Gopher lessons,
I logged on to my UNIX account (PCRISPE1@UA1IX.UA.EDU) just to brush
up on some commands. I had not used my UNIX account in over two
years (I personally do not like UNIX, and I try to avoid using it
as much as is humanly possible) (2)
Sitting in my UNIX account's mailbox were three letters. Each letter
was written by someone who said they found my address using an e-mail
address search. One of the letters was SIX MONTHS old.
As you can see from the above story, e-mail address searches may not be
100% accurate. You may get a working e-mail address, but there is no
guarantee that the address that you get will be on a system that the
person that you want to talk to still uses.
The moral of my story is this: while it would be great if you could just
type a few commands on your screen and get the e-mail address of
anyone in the world, the *BEST* way to find someone's e-mail address
is to call them on the telephone and ASK them for it.
However, it would be cruel for me to tell you that it is possible
for you to do an e-mail address search (however flawed such a search
might be) and then not show you how to do one of these searches :)
There are several different e-mail address search tools. I am going to
show you one of them -- whois.
The "whois" directory is one of the most popular e-mail search tools.
'The whois directory provides names, e-mail and postal mail addresses
and often phone numbers for people listed in it. To use it, telnet to
No log-on is needed (you can also use whois through Gopher -- check out
the University of Minnesota's gopher server in the "phone books" menu).
Once you have accessed the telnet site, the quickest way to conduct a
whois address search is to type
whois <name>
at the prompt, replacing <name> with the last name or organization name
that you are looking for.' (3)
Let's check-up on the President of the United States! I type
whois Clinton
and the following appears on my screen:
Whois: whois Clinton
Clinton Cadillac (NET-C106755) C106755
Clinton Central School (AGCC-DOM) AGCC.COM
Clinton, Tom J. (TJC2) tjclinton@PIPTRONIX.COM 416 289 1895
Bummer ... No "Bill."
However, I did get some neat information. Let's take a closer look at two
of these entries:
Clinton, Tom J. (TJC2) tjclinton@PIPTRONIX.COM 416 289 1895
The first entry is an entry for a site. "Clinton Group, Inc." is the
real-life name of this particular site. The "CLINTON-DOM" part is
just a "handle" that the whois database uses to identify this entry.
The last part is the site's Internet address (in other words, the
e-mail address for someone who works for the Clinton Group would be
USER@CLINTON.COM (where USER is replaced with the person's login id)).
The second entry is for a person named Tom J. Clinton. Again, the entry
has a handle (TJC2). This entry also has two new items: Tom's e-mail
address, and his telephone number (btw, this is just an example -- the
e-mail address and telephone number listed above will not work).
Let's keep looking for the President. I can use an e-mail address as
a search keyword, so I type
Whois president@whitehouse.gov
and the following appears on my screen:
Whois president@whitehouse.gov
No match for mailbox "PRESIDENT@WHITEHOUSE.GOV"
Gee ... that's odd. I *know* that president@whitehouse.gov is the
correct e-mail address. What happened?
To add to the problem of "inaccurate" addresses that we discussed
a few minutes ago, most e-mail address databases are far from complete.
Heck, this whois directory does not even have an entry for *ME*!
Again, if you want to find someone's e-mail address, the best way to
get it is to ASK that person for their address!!
"Finger is a handy little program which lets you find out more about
people on the Net -- and lets you tell others on the Net more about
Finger uses the same concept as telnet or FTP, but it works with only
one file, called .plan (yes, with a period in front). This is a text
file an Internet user creates with a text editor in his home directory.
(If you local Internet service provider allows it), you can put your
phone number in there, tell a little bit about yourself, or write
almost anything at all." (3)
If you local Internet service provider allows you to use finger -- and
a lot don't, for reasons we will soon see -- all you need to do to
read someone else's plan is type
finger <user@address>
replacing <user@address> with the e-mail address of the person that you
want to finger.
For example, if I type
finger pcrispe1@ua1ix.ua.edu
(my UNIX account address), the following appears on my screen:
Login name: pcrispe1@ua1ix.ua.edu In real life: Patrick Crispen
Directory: /u/as/econ/pcrispe1 Shell: /bin/sh
On since Nov 09 06:27:38 on ttyp0 at ua1ix from ua1vm.ua.edu ...
No plan.
Let's finger someone else. I type
finger coke@cs.cmu.edu
and the following appears on my screen:
Login: coke Name: Drink Coke
Directory: /usr/coke Shell: /usr/local/bin/tcsh
Last login Wed Oct 12 14:27 (EDT) on ttyp1 from PTERO.SOAR.CS.CMU.EDU
Mail came on Tue Nov 8 13:35, last read on Tue Nov 8 13:35
Thu Sep 29 17:33:39 1994
M&M validity: 0 Coke validity: 0 (e.g. data interface is down)
Exact change required for coke machine.
M & M Buttons
| | C: CCCCCCCCCCCC...........
|** | C: CCCCCC...... D: CCCCCC......
|*****| C: CCCCCC...... D: CCCCCC......
|*****| C: CCCCCC...... D: CCCCCC......
\-----/ C: CCCCCC......
| S: CCCCCC......
| Key:
| 0 = warm; 9 = 90% cold; C = cold; . = empty
| Leftmost soda/pop will be dispensed next
Huh?? The story, as best as I can remember it, is that the people who
worked at the Computer Science department at Carnegie-Mellon University
in Pittsburgh were sick and tired of having to go down several flights
of stairs only to discover that their Coke machine was empty. So, they
hooked the Coke machine up to the Internet.
Using a finger command, they could tell how many Cokes were in the machine,
and they could even tell if the Cokes were cold or not (the M&M machine
came later).
The neat thing about this is that ANYONE with access to finger can finger
the CMU Coke machine and discover how many Cokes there are in this one
vending machine in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania :)
While this is funny -- and there are a lot of other neat things that you
can find using finger -- there is a problem. According to the C