Mercantilism State regulated economy Absolutism Sovereignty resides in king Totalitarianism Gov't controls everything Republicanism Representative government Constitutionalism Gov't by law, not decree Cabinet Began with Chas II's cabal French classicism Poussin, Moliere, Racine Sovereignty (power) The right to rule Quixotic Ridiculously romantic Commonwealth Type of gov't Cromwell set up Treaty if Utrecht Forbade French/Spanish union Versailles Symbolized French absolutism Intendants Royal administrators Dutch Estates General Legislative body Puritans English Calvinists English Bill of Rights, 1689 Parliamentary sovereignty Test Act No Catholics in English gov't Huguenots French Protestants Oliver Cromwell Lord Protector, 1649-1660 Cardinal Richelieu Designer of French absolutism Louis XIV of France Model of absolute monarchy James II of England Fled a/o Glorious Revolution Philip II of Spain Built "invincible armada" Thonas Hobbes Power rests with the people John Locke Doctrine of natural rights Sully Henry IV's financial minister Colbert Louis XIV's finance minister John Churchill Defeated Louis XIV, Blenheim Archbishop Laud Scots/English Anglican unity Charles I of England Ruled w/o Parliament 7 yrs William and Mary Ruled England after James II Cardinal Mazarin Policies led to the Fronde Henry IV Issued Edict of Nantes Stuart Enlish ruling house, 17th c Habsburg Spanish ruling house, 17th c Bourbon French ruling house, 17th c