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Scramble version 1.1
copyright (c) 1990 Diana Gruber
Hello, my friend, and welcome to the documentation for Scramble
version 1.1. I hope you will spend many happy hours enjoying this
game. If you registered Scramble 1.0 and got this version in the
mail, then thank you very much, and please ignore all further requests
for money. If you got this version of Scramble from PC-SIG, then you
have made a wise choice of shareware vendors. If you got this version
of Scramble from any other shareware distributor, then please write me
and tell me about it, because I want to know who is selling my program
without my permission. And if you downloaded this program from a
bulletin board, then you are one of those clever and privileged
people who owns a modem and knows how to use it, and a hearty
congratulations to you.
Before I get into the details of program functionality, which
is required by documentation critics, and hardly anybody else,
let me answer the most commonly asked Scramble question, so that
anybody who is looking for this bit of information can satisify
their curiosity and get back to playing Scramble:
Most Commonly Asked Scramble Question
Q. Why does the computer get to cheat and use words like "aa",
"ef", and "xu"?
A. Using all the available two-letter words is the key to winning
this game. The two-letter words in the Scramble dictionary come from
the book that is widely believed to be the final authority on legal
words in this type of word game. Here is a list of the two letter
words in the Scramble dictionary:
aa ad ae ah ai am an ar as at aw ax ay ba be bi bo by da de do ef
eh el em en er es et ex fa go ha he hi ho id if in is it jo ka la
li lo ma me mi mu my na no nu od oe of oh om on op or os ow ox oy
pa pe pi re si so ta ti to uh un up us ut we wo xi xu ya ye
If there are any of these words that you don't like, feel free to
remove them from the Scramble dictionary.
Hardware Requirements
Here is what you need to play Scramble: You need some kind of a DOS
compatible machine (XT, AT, 80386, etc) with an EGA or VGA card and
an EGA, VGA or multisync monitor. This program will not run on most
Tandy 1000 series computers. It will not run on a PS/2 model 30 or
below. It will not run on a system with CGA or monochrome graphics.
It will not run on an AT&T EGA system. It will only run on a
computer that is fully compatible with the IBM EGA standard.
If you have downloaded this program and tried to run it, and you
discovered to your dismay that it will not run on your system, all I
can say is I am sorry. This program will not be rewritten to work on
your system. It is an EGA game, and it will always be an EGA game.
Optional Hardware
Scramble was designed to work with a mouse, and it works best with a
mouse. A keyboard-only mode is also supported.
Important note: In most cases, pressing the RIGHT mouse button behaves
the same as pressing <Enter>.
Memory Requirements
If you use the default dictionary, Scramble should run without
problems in 512k. If you use a larger dictionary, you may see a
message: "Unable to allocate memory". If this happens, check that
you don't have any TSR's loaded. If you try to run Scramble from
a shell-type menu program, you may experience memory problems. You
may also have problems if you have one of those programs that
simultaneously runs a clock, calendar, appointment book, note pad
and screen saver. If you have any memory problems with Scramble,
try turning off all that stuff.
If Scramble runs out of near memory during a game, it may write a
message to a file called "errmsg.txt". This should never happen. But
it might. If it does, delete that file and try again without any TSR's
Installing Scramble
In general, to install Scramble, all you have to do is copy all the
files into the directory of your choice.
If you downloaded Scramble from a bulletin board (recommended
distribution method), you will probably find that it is in a
zipped format. You might find version 1.1 of Scramble in the file
SCRAM11.ZIP. Use the program PKUNZIP to unzip it. If you need
help with PKUNZIP, ask the sysop of the board where you downloaded
If Scramble was mailed to you by the author, you will receive it in
an unzipped format. Just copy the files onto your hard disk. You
can run Scramble on a floppy disk if you want to, but loading the
dictionary into memory will be kind of slow.
If you got Scramble from PC-Sig, you should be able to just copy
the files onto your hard disk and run the program. PC-Sig is the
only shareware distributor authorized to carry version 1.1 of Scramble.
Please do NOT call the author at home for help with installation.
Files Included in the Distribution
SCRAMBLE.DOC -- This file.
SCRAMBLE.EXE -- The program file.
SCRAMDIC.DCT -- The default dictionary.
SCRAMBLE.PBM -- All the artwork: the board, the tiles, etc.
FONT.BIN -- Font graphics.
ENDICT.EXE -- This program allows you to encode a dictionary.
ENDICT.DOC -- Description of dictionary encoding.
DEDICT.EXE -- This program allows you to decode a dictionary.
DEDICT.DOC -- Description of dictionary decoding.
Revision History
Version 1.0 11/1/90 first release.
Version 1.1 4/1/91 fixed the bugs.
Starting Scramble
There are two ways you can start playing Scramble. The recommended
method is to stop reading this documentation and start up the game
and figure it out by trial and error. For those of you who prefer
to read about a game before playing it, I will try to describe
everything that happens in detail.
Start up the game by typing:
After pressing return, wait patiently for a moment or two. Scramble
is loading the dictionary from disk. This takes a while because it
is a pretty big dictionary.
When the dictionary is finally loaded, Scramble will present an
exciting and tasteful intro screen with colorful animated tiles.
Whatever you do, don't press a key while this intro screen is in
progress! Pressing a key during the intro screen will interrupt
the display and put you immediately into the Scramble game. You
won't want to miss any of this exciting intro stuff, so resist
the temptation to press a key! Just wait patiently until the intro
is finished.
Following the spectacular intro screen, the Scramble board will
miraculously appear on the screen, and then it is immediately hidden
by a popup window. There is an important question in this window.
See Figure 1.
│ │
│ Who wants to play Scramble? │
│ │
│ │
│ ┌───────────┐ ┌───────────┐ │
│ │ 1 │ │ 2 │ │
│ │ │ │ │ │
│ │ Player │ │ Players │ │
│ └───────────┘ └───────────┘ │
│ │
│ │
│ ┌───────────┐ ┌───────────┐ │
│ │ 3 │ │ 4 │ │
│ │ │ │ │ │
│ │ Players │ │ Players │ │
│ └───────────┘ └───────────┘ │