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Assembly Source File
1,538 lines
TITLE fpu087.asm (C) 1989, Mark C. Peterson, CompuServe [70441,3353]
SUBTTL All rights reserved.
; Code may be used in any program provided the author is credited
; either during program execution or in the documentation. Source
; code may be distributed only in combination with public domain or
; shareware source code. Source code may be modified provided the
; copyright notice and this message is left unchanged and all
; modifications are clearly documented.
; I would appreciate a copy of any work which incorporates this code.
; Mark C. Peterson
; 405-C Queen St., Suite #181
; Southington, CT 06489
; (203) 276-9721
; References:
; The VNR Concise Encyclopedia of Mathematics
; by W. Gellert, H. Hustner, M. Hellwich, and H. Kastner
; Published by Van Nostrand Reinhold Comp, 1975
; 80386/80286 Assembly Language Programming
; by William H. Murray, III and Chris H. Pappas
; Published by Osborne McGraw-Hill, 1986
; History since Fractint 16.3:
; CJLT changed e2x and Log086 algorithms for more speed
; CJLT corrected SinCos086 for -ve angles in 2nd and 4th quadrants
; CJLT speeded up SinCos086 for angles >45 degrees in any quadrant
; (See comments containing the string `CJLT')
; 14 Aug 91 CJLT removed r16Mul - not called from anywhere
; 21 Aug 91 CJLT corrected Table[1] from 6 to b
; improved bx factors in Log086 for more accuracy
; corrected Exp086 overflow detection to 15 from 16 bits.
; 07 Sep 92 MP corrected problem in FPUcplxlog
; 07 Sep 92 MP added argument test for FPUcplxdiv
; 06 Nov 92 CAE made some varibles public for PARSERA.ASM
; 07 Dec 92 CAE sped up FPUsinhcosh function
; CJLT= Chris J Lusby Taylor
; 32 Turnpike Road
; Newbury, England (where's that?)
; Contactable via Compuserve user Stan Chelchowski [100016,351]
; or Tel 011 44 635 33270 (home)
; CAE= Chuck Ebbert CompuServe [76306,1226]
;PROCs in this module:
;FPUcplxmul PROC x:word, y:word, z:word
;FPUcplxdiv PROC x:word, y:word, z:word
;FPUcplxlog PROC x:word, z:word
;FPUsinhcosh PROC x:word, sinh:word, cosh:word
;FPUsincos PROC x:word, sinx:word, cosx:word
;r16Mul PROC uses si di, x1:word, x2:word, y1:word, y2:word
;RegFloat2Fg PROC x1:word, x2:word, Fudge:word
;RegFg2Float PROC x1:word, x2:word, FudgeFact:byte
;ExpFudged PROC uses si, x_low:word, x_high:word, Fudge:word
;LogFudged PROC uses si di, x_low:word, x_high:word, Fudge:word
;LogFloat14 PROC x1:word, x2:word
;RegSftFloat PROC x1:word, x2:word, Shift:byte
;RegDivFloat PROC uses si di, x1:word, x2:word, y1:word, y2:word
;SinCos086 PROC uses si di, LoNum:WORD, HiNum:WORD, SinAddr:WORD, \
;_e2xLT PROC ;argument in dx.ax (bitshift=16 is hard coded here)
;Exp086 PROC uses si di, LoNum:WORD, HiNum:WORD
;SinhCosh086 PROC uses si di, LoNum:WORD, HiNum:WORD, SinhAddr:WORD, \
;Log086 PROC uses si di, LoNum:WORD, HiNum:WORD, Fudge:WORD
IFDEF ??version
.model medium, c
extrn cos:far
extrn _Loaded387sincos:far
extrn compiled_by_turboc:word
extrn cpu:WORD
PUBLIC TrigLimit, TrigOverflow
; CAE 6Nov92 made these public for PARSERA.ASM */
PUBLIC _1_, _2_, PointFive, infinity
PiFg13 dw 6487h
InvPiFg33 dd 0a2f9836eh
InvPiFg16 dw 517ch
Ln2Fg16 dw 0b172h ;ln(2) * 2^16 . True value is b172.18
Ln2Fg15 dw 058b9h ;used by e2xLT. True value is 58b9.0C
TrigOverflow dw 0
TrigLimit dd 0
;Table of 2^(n/16) for n=0 to 15. All entries fg15.
;Used by e2xLT
Table dw 08000h,085abh,08b96h,091c4h
dw 09838h,09ef5h,0a5ffh,0ad58h
dw 0b505h,0bd09h,0c567h,0ce25h
dw 0d745h,0e0cdh,0eac1h,0f525h
one dw ?
expSign dw ?
a dw ?
SinNeg dw ? ;CJLT - not now needed by SinCos086, but by
CosNeg dw ? ; ArcTan086
Ans dq ?
fake_es dw ? ; <BDT> Windows can't use ES for storage
TaylorTerm MACRO
add Factorial, one
jnc SHORT Ratio
rcr Factorial, 1
shr Num, 1
shr one, 1
mul Num
div Factorial
_4_ dq 4.0
_2_ dq 2.0
_1_ dq 1.0
PointFive dq 0.5
temp dq ?
Sign dw ?
extrn fpu:word
FPUcplxmul PROC x:word, y:word, z:word
mov bx, x
fld QWORD PTR [bx] ; x.x
fld QWORD PTR [bx+8] ; x.y, x.x
mov bx, y
fld QWORD PTR [bx] ; y.x, x.y, x.x
fld QWORD PTR [bx+8] ; y.y, y.x, x.y, x.x
mov bx, z
fld st ; y.y, y.y, y.x, x.y, x.x
fmul st, st(3) ; y.y*x.y, y.y. y.x, x.y, x.x
fld st(2) ; y.x, y.y*x.y, y.y, y.x, x.y, x.x
fmul st, st(5) ; y.x*x.x, y.y*x.y, y.y, y.x, x.y, x.x
fsubr ; y.x*x.x - y.y*x.y, y.y, y.x, x.y, x.x
fstp QWORD PTR [bx] ; y.y, y.x, x.y, x.x
fmulp st(3), st ; y.x, x.y, x.x*y.y
fmul ; y.x*x.y, x.x*y.y
fadd ; y.x*x.y + x.x*y.y
fstp QWORD PTR [bx+8]
FPUcplxmul ENDP
infinity dq 1.0E+300
PUBLIC DivideOverflow
DivideOverflow dw 0
FPUcplxdiv PROC x:word, y:word, z:word
mov bx, x
fld QWORD PTR [bx] ; x.x
fld QWORD PTR [bx+8] ; x.y, x.x
mov bx, y
fld QWORD PTR [bx] ; y.x, x.y, x.x
fld QWORD PTR [bx+8] ; y.y, y.x, x.y, x.x
fld st ; y.y, y.y, y.x, x.y, x.x
fmul st, st ; y.y*y.y, y.y, y.x, x.y, x.x
fld st(2) ; y.x, y.y*y.y, y.y, y.x, x.y, x.x
fmul st, st ; y.x*y.x, y.y*y.y, y.y, y.x, x.y, x.x
fadd ; mod, y.y, y.x, x.y, x.x
ftst ; test whether mod is (0,0)
fstsw Status
mov ax, Status
and ah, 01000101b
cmp ah, 01000000b
jne NotZero
fstp st
fstp st
fstp st
fstp st
fstp st
fld infinity
fld st
mov bx, z
fstp QWORD PTR [bx]
fstp QWORD PTR [bx+8]
inc DivideOverflow
jmp ExitDiv
fdiv st(1), st ; mod, y.y=y.y/mod, y.x, x.y, x.x
fdivp st(2), st ; y.y, y.x=y.x/mod, x.y, x.x
mov bx, z
fld st ; y.y, y.y, y.x, x.y, x.x
fmul st, st(3) ; y.y*x.y, y.y. y.x, x.y, x.x
fld st(2) ; y.x, y.y*x.y, y.y, y.x, x.y, x.x
fmul st, st(5) ; y.x*x.x, y.y*x.y, y.y, y.x, x.y, x.x
fadd ; y.x*x.x - y.y*x.y, y.y, y.x, x.y, x.x
fstp QWORD PTR [bx] ; y.y, y.x, x.y, x.x
fmulp st(3), st ; y.x, x.y, x.x*y.y
fmul ; y.x*x.y, x.x*y.y
fsubr ; y.x*x.y + x.x*y.y
fstp QWORD PTR [bx+8]
FPUcplxdiv ENDP
FPUcplxlog PROC x:word, z:word
LOCAL Status:word, ImagZero:WORD
mov bx, x
mov ax, WORD PTR [bx+8+6]
mov ImagZero, ax
or ax, WORD PTR [bx+6]
jnz NotBothZero
jmp StoreZX
fld QWORD PTR [bx+8] ; x.y
fld QWORD PTR [bx] ; x.x, x.y
mov bx, z
fldln2 ; ln2, x.x, x.y
fdiv _2_ ; ln2/2, x.x, x.y
fld st(2) ; x.y, ln2/2, x.x, x.y
fmul st, st ; sqr(x.y), ln2/2, x.x, x.y
fld st(2) ; x.x, sqr(x.y), ln2/2, x.x, x.y
fmul st, st ; sqr(x.x), sqr(x.y), ln2/2, x.x, x.y
fadd ; mod, ln2/2, x.x, x.y
fyl2x ; z.x, x.x, x.y
fxch st(2) ; x.y, x.x, z.x