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;If TRUE will autopan when cursor goes off active window, if FALSE the
;scroll bars must be used to pan.
AutoPan TRUE
;If TRUE then in multi part devices the package element is tagged onto
;the device ident.
SubName TRUE
;TRUE if names are to be displayed with the windows (Takes more screen space).
WindowName TRUE
;Set to TRUE if this is AT system (assumes At style keyboard bios calls).
;This will allow usage if F11/F12 for example.
ATKeyboard TRUE
;Control sensitivity of the mouse. The bigger this number is, the lesser
;sensitive the mouse is.
MouseSensitivity 5
;If TRUE draw only horizontal and vertical lines.
;Snap distance - all drawings are snapped to this boundary in DRAWING space.
;Lots of staff depends on this value, so dont modify it unless you really
;know what you are doing.
SnapDistance 16
;If FALSE, colors will be the same as for VGA/EGA in 16 colors modes even
;for BGI drivers supporting 256 colors.
;If your BGI driver supports 256 colors you can turn this to TRUE and four
;color intensities for each of the eight colors below will be supported.
;Colors will differ somewhat from the VGA/EGA 16 colors simply because 16
;colors allows 2 intensity levels for each of the eight colors only.
Allow256Colors FALSE
;If TRUE events may be handled async. - while current event is handled.
AllowAsyncEvents FALSE
;Where the save the background (back save) when something should be poped
;up (like pop up menus and queries). Four options are currently available.
; 0 - allocate space in conventional memory.
; 1 - allocate space in expanded memory.
; 2 - allocate space in extended memory (XMS) - not implemented yet.
; 3 - save to disk (better be a ram disk...). See SaveBackPath below.
SaveBackMethod 0
;Where to back save (full path with postfix '/') on disk if
;SaveBackMethod = 3 (to disk).
SaveBackPath "f:/"
;Directory where the BGI device driver should be looked for.
;If commented out only current directory is looked at.
BGIDriverPath "C:\usr\eedraw"
;Defines the name and mode for the driver to use in SVGA (select 999 for
;GraphDriver below), in the form "Name.Mode". For example to use the BGI
;driver named ATI.BGI in mode 2, set this string to be "ATI.2".
;This extension driver is assumed to be 800 by 600 in resolution but any
;other driver of 4:3 aspect ratio should work o.k.
;This variable MUST be commented out regular Borland drivers are to be used.
;SVGANameMode "ATI.2"
;Graphic driver can be one of:
; 0 - Autodetect (same as no default at all in this file)
; 1 - CGA (Hires two colors mode)
; 3 - EGA
; 4 - EGA64
; 7 - Hercules
; 8 - ATT
; 9 - VGA
; 999 - SVGA (super VGA) user installed driver. See SVGANameMode above.
GraphDriver 0
;Mouse should be set to TRUE if has mouse, FALSE otherwise
Mouse TRUE
;Joystick should be set to TRUE if has joystick (and should be supported
;by the program), or FALSE otherwise.
Joystick FALSE
;List all the libraries you want to load on start up, seperated by commas.
Libraries "EPROM,ttl1ls,diagram,general"
;Full path where libraries from LoadLibraries routine should be searched for.
;Note libraries loaded automatically will be searched in all path dirs.
LibrariesPath "a:\lib\"
;Frame width. All windows/menus frames are drawn with this width in pixels.
FrameWidth 1
;Colors control. Each of the colors below can be one of the eight color as
;defined here:
; 0 - WHITE
; 1 - BLACK
; 2 - RED
; 3 - GREEN
; 4 - BLUE
; 5 - YELLOW
; 6 - CYAN
;Root window - the backgound.
RootFrameolor 0
RootForeColor 0
RootBackColor 1
RootXorColor 6
;Pop up menus/queries.
PopUpFrameColor 2
PopUpForeColor 5
PopUpBackColor 5
PopUpXorColor 6
;The currently active file/window if any.
ActvFrameColor 2
ActvForeColor 5
ActvBackColor 1
;All other passive files/windows if any.
PsvFrameColor 3
PsvForeColor 5
PsvBackColor 4
;High light color - selected items.
HighLightColor 2
; Primary Layer Colors to be used by the program, can be changed by
; change layer in the Draw Menu.
; see the documentation for a description of what each layer is
; to be used for, all user defined layers and system layers are
; save in the database, so any changes to layer colour will be
; represented right after a save and load.
LayerWire 0
LayerBus 5
LayerGate 3
LayerIEEE 2
LayerPinFun 4
LayerPinNum 4
LayerPinNam 4
LayerRefDes 2
LayerAttr 6
LayerDevice 7
LayerNotes 6
LayerNetNam 3
LayerPin 3