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A U D I O I I I version 1.1, March 1989
Copyright (c) 1988, 1989 Solutions By Design
Rod Whisnant, Author
7501 Donal Avenue
Liberty, Missouri 64068
To use this help facility, position the cursor on the desired help topic
using the cursor keys and press enter. Pressing PgDn from then on will
bring additional help screens or PgUp will go to the previous screen.
Pressing "M" will bring back this menu and pressing ESC will return to
the input screen.
C O N F I G U R A T I O N (General) Page 1 of 4
Invoked by pressing Alt-C.
There are five printer strings necessary to produce an audio insert.
They are initialization, normal font, condensed, bold enable and bold
disable. The defaults are set to the EPSON standard but, they may be
customized for your printer. For information about the codes specific
to your printer see your manual.
The two directory entries are set to the default path. They may be
changed if you wish to meet your needs. For example you may wish to
place all your saved inserts in a different directory. In order for
AUDIO III to retrieve these files are it must know where they are. For
this you would change the File Save/Retrieval Directory accordingly.
C O N F I G U R A T I O N (Printer Strings) Page 2 of 4
Printer strings are to be entered in the following manner:
1. control code (numbers) are enclosed in '<' and '>' and are
two positions in length.
2. control code (letters) are entered with no enclosure.
Ex. International character set 0 and normal font on an EPSON:
You may enter as many codes as you wish for a specific string up to
the length of the entry field.
C O N F I G U R A T I O N (Directories) Page 3 of 4
The save/retrieve and the program/help/config directories are entered
in the following format:
The directory must be valid or an error will occur and message displayed
when any file operation for that directory is invoked. Note that the
directories should not end in a "\" unless the directory is a disk
drive designation.
C O N F I G U R A T I O N (Tested Printers) Page 4 of 4
The following printers have used with AUDIO II and appeared to work fine:
Citizen MSP 50/55 IBM Graphic Printer
Epson MX/RX/FX 80/100 NEC Pinwriter P6
Epson LQ-1500 Okidata Microline 92
IBM Proprinter Panasonic 1901i
IBM Proprinter XL Toshiba 321SL
Other printers are also supported but, have not been tested. See your
printer manual for control codes and settings.
E D I T I N G (Quick Help) Page 1 of 3
C U R S O R M O V E M E N T:
Arrow Keys: Moves cursor one field or character respectively
Enter : Moves cursor to next logical field
Home : Moves cursor to the first artist field (top of column 1)
End : Moves cursor to the second artist field (top of column 2)
S P E C I A L F U N C T I O N S:
Alt-D : Delete current field
Alt-E : Erase all fields (clear for new insert)
Del : Delete character under cursor
Backspace: Delete previous character
Ins : Toggles insert mode (displayed in bottom right corner)
E D I T I N G (Field Explanations) Page 2 of 3
To enter a audio insert simply position the cursor on the desired field
and enter the appropriate data. The three types of fields use in
AUDIO III are as follows:
ART: Artist, for the performer, group or tape name.
HEAD: Heading, for the title of the works or other information.
1-12 Songs Side A and B, for the song or selection title.
There is a great deal of flexability in what you can enter into the
fields, you can experiment to find an insert suited to your needs.
AUDIO III will print the artist in bold on the end of the insert and
the headings and songs on the long face in condensed print.
E D I T I N G (Tape Specifications) Page 3 of 3
The tape specifications window (Alt-T) is used to specify the tape type
and noise reduction used in the recording. The specifications may be
flipped through by using the space bar and may be saved to the configu-
ration file using the End key. The following specs are available:
Tape Type: Type I (Normal Bias 120us), Type II (CrO2 High Bias 70us),
and Type IV (Metal)
Noise Reduction: None, dbx, Dolby B, Dolby C, and Dolby HxPro
The tape type and noise reduction can be printed on the short face of the
insert along with the current system date.
F I L E O P E R A T I O N S (Save) Page 1 of 2
To save a cassette insert press Alt-S, a window will appear in which
you may enter a 8 character file name. Pressing ESC will abort the
operation an return you to the editing window.
The DOS file name will have an extension of ".ADF".
It is advisable to place all your insert files in a separate directory
or disk. This may be done by changing the configuration option for the
Save/Retrieve Directory.
F I L E O P E R A T I O N S (Retrieve) Page 2 of 2
To retrieve an already saved file press Alt-R, a window will appear in
which you may enter the 8 character file name. After entering the
file name you will be returned to the editing window and the insert
data will be displayed. Pressing ESC will abort the operation.
An alternate method is to press F2. This will bring up a window
showing all the available inserts. The file name as well and the two
artists will be displayed. You may position the cursor using the up and
down arrows to the desired insert. Then pressing enter will retrieve
the insert data and you will be returned to the editing window.
Pressing ESC will abort the operation.
P R I N T I N G (Option Explanations Page 1) Page 1 of 3
The following options are available for printing cassette inserts:
Use EPSON non-ASCII Leader Bar: For EPSON compatible printers.
This option will allow the printing of a leader bar on the
short face of the insert.
Use ASCII Leader Bar: Same as above but, for non-EPSON printers.
Use ASCII Line Character: Allows printing of dividing lines with
the ASCII line characters. The printer must support these
characters to work properly.
Include Date: Allows printing of system date on short insert face.
P R I N T I N G (Option Explanations Page 2) Page 2 of 3
Include Tape Type: Allows printing of tape type on short insert face.
Include Noise Reduction: Allows printing of noise reduction type on
short insert face.
Number Song Titles - Allows printing of songs preceded by there
placement number.
Eject Paper After Printing - Sends form feed after insert is printed.
It is not necessary for options to be changed in the configuration if
the change is only needed temporarily. Modifying the options in the
print menu will not change the configuration.
P R I N T I N G (Trouble-Shooting) Page 3 of 3
If you have problems printing inserts or the inserts appear to have flaws
first check the configuration window to make sure the printer strings
are compatible with your printer. If you have an EPSON compatible
printer there should be no problem but, for other printers the strings
may need to be modified. Check your printer manual for printer strings
specific to your printer.
Also check the print window to make sure the options are compatible
with your printer. The ASCII line characters will only print on printers
that support them and the EPSON leader bar will only print on EPSON
compatible printers.
If you still have trouble please write and explain the problem.