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WOWII V1.2b Copyright (c) 1992 Jan Ole Suhr
WOWII Version 1.2b
Module Player for the PC
"Introduction to the World Of Music"
I. What the hell IS WOWII?
II. What do I need to use WOWII properly?
III. I want to know how it sounds like!!!
IV. More information for the uninterested... (Or: How It Works)
1.) Commandline Options
2.) WOWII.INI - Optionsfile
3.) Keyboardcommands
V. Basic Information
1.) "Communication between WOWII and SoundBlaster" - The Audio DMA
2.) "WOWII looks cool!!" - The 'Tweaked' Video Mode
3.) "WOWII does not like managers" - Why you should not use EMM
4.) "Lovelife of Modules" - Portrait of a well-known format
VI. 'Hostile' Environments or "What WOWII can cope with"
1.) Windows 3.0, 3.1
2.) Desqview 2.31
3.) OS/2 2.0
VII. Copyright, Copyright and ... Copyright!
1.) The Shareware Idea
2.) CrippleWare? What is that?
3.) What am I allowed to do exactly?
4.) What could I do more?
5.) "Do I WANT to do more?" - Philosophical Excursions
6.) Copyrights and Restrictions in short!
Translation: T. Meyer Page 1 July 19, 1992
WOWII V1.2b Copyright (c) 1992 Jan Ole Suhr
VIII. How To Register Easily
IX. Other things
1.) The All Important Address
2.) Acknowledgments
3.) Some history, sources and other blah
X. Afterword
All mentioned Trademarks and Copyrights are
registered by their respective owners.
This manual was formatted with PROFF written by
Ozan S. Yigit & Steven Tress
Translation: T. Meyer Page 2 July 19, 1992
WOWII V1.2b Copyright (c) 1992 Jan Ole Suhr
I. What the hell IS WOWII?
WOWII is a program that plays four-voice musicfiles on an
IBM PC (or compatible).
With WOWII it is possible to play any Soundtracker or
ProTracker "Module" on the PC. These so-called "Modfiles"
originate on the Commodore Amiga homecomputer and serve
mostly as background or title tunes for games or demos. The
modules owe their popularity to their excellent sound that
is achieved by four independant digital channels. WOWII can
only play modules through the Soundblaster or Soundblaster
Pro soundcard.
II. What do I need to use WOWII properly?
A Soundblaster (Pro) card is absolutely necessary in order
for WOWII to work. On the Soundblasters 1.0, 1.5 and 2.0 the
music is being played in mono, but WOWII uses the
Soundblaster Pro's stereo mode for even better sound
Because the output of four digitized voices requires lots
of processing power, the minimal configuration is a 80286
AT. You will be able to customize WOWII to the computing
capacities of your specific computer. Additionally, a
Standard-VGA graphics card is necessary.
And last, but not least, you will need some modules.
Soundtracker and ProTracker modules are available on many
BBSes and at Public Domain dealers. "Modfiles" are very
popular, so it should be no problem for you to put your
hands on a few.
If you still have problems getting them, you can also
contact me. For a few bucks I will search my collection of
around 600 modules and copy a few of them for you.
III. I want to know how it sounds like!!!
If all requirements mentioned under II. are fulfilled, you
are absolutely ready to enjoy the pleasure of digitally
reproduced music.
The following recommendations should be followed:
- The files WOWII.EXE and WOWII.PIC must be in the same
- The parameter /I:x must be the interrupt number of your
Soundblaster (Pro) card.
Translation: T. Meyer Page 3 July 19, 1992
WOWII V1.2b Copyright (c) 1992 Jan Ole Suhr
If you do not specify the IRQ number and your
Soundblaster is configured to any other IRQ than IRQ
5, WOWII will refuse to work. If this happens, you
will possibly have to reset your computer (switch it
off, if necessary). Do this, if WOWII still refuses
to play the module, even when you specified the
correct IRQ this time.
Example: You want to play the module "AXEL-F.MOD" and the
Soundblaster is configured to use interrupt number 7
(factory setting). You should start WOWII on the DOS
commandline as follows:
WOWII /I:7 axel-f
The ".MOD" extension will be automatically appended; the
order of the parameters "/I:7" and "axel-f" is not
When you press the [Return]-key the screen blanks and
after a brief moment you will see a display with 4
oscilloscopes and 4 peakmeters. If you do not see this, your
system has no VGA compatible graphics card installed or the
parameters were incorrect.
To quit the program, you will have to press the [Esc]-key.
A few informational texts appear and you will be returned to
the DOS commandprompt.
Translation: T. Meyer Page 4 July 19, 1992
WOWII V1.2b Copyright (c) 1992 Jan Ole Suhr
IV. More information for the uninterested... (Or: How It Works)
1.) Commandline Options
WOWII has lots of commandline options and will interpret
them correctly (most of the time). The order of them is not
important, WOWII tries very hard to figure out what you
A quick reference of all options WOWII understands is
printed when you call WOWII *without* any option.
WOWII Version 1.2b SOUNDBLASTER(PRO) MODPlayer Copyright (c) ...
Usage: WOWII MODFile[.MOD] [/H:xxxx] [/I:x] [/B:xxxxx] [/PRO] ..
/H:xxxxx defines the output frequency.
/I:x specifies the IRQ of the SOUNDBLASTER.
/B:xxxxx defines the size of the DMA-Buffer (1000-31000).
/PRO enforces the SOUNDBLASTER Pro.
/SB enforces the normal SOUNDBLASTER.
/FLT enables the output filter of the SOUNDBLASTER PRO.
/S start program with unRealtime Spectrum Analyzer.
This reference can be displayed anytime this way, to ease
the usage of WOWII.
a.) Short reference of commandline options
/H:xxxxx specifies the output frequency. Allowed values
are betw