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- MAILLIST: An easy-to-use mailing list manager handles up to 99 separate
- lists. Prints labels (1- or 3-across), has automatic duplicate checking,
- search by any field, "sound alike" search, extra fields for user coding,
- quick find, pop-up notepad for each record, compare and combine lists,
- optional password protection, restore deleted records, change program
- defaults, and more. Simplicity and flexibility make MAILLIST perfect for
- both small businesses and personal use. (archived) Version 5.11 requires:
- DOS 2.0 or later, 460K RAM. Hard disk very strongly recommended.
- Registration at $39.00 includes both MAILLIST and M-LABEL, MAILLIST's Clip-
- per source code, and a printed manual.
- M-LABEL: Works with mailing lists created by MAILLIST to customize labels,
- index cards, continuous-feed envelopes, etc. Choose from 1 to 4 across, 1
- to 100 lines, width up to 250 characters, top and left margin padding, dis-
- tance between labels. Pick exactly which fields will go on which line.
- "User-defined fields" let you insert any text into the printed output.
- (archived) Version 3.11 requires: MAILLIST, DOS 2.0 or later, 360K RAM.
- Hard disk recommended. This is part of MAILLIST (see description above).
- CREATIVITY PACKAGE: 3-disk set. Disk #1 is Thomas A. Easton's complete
- book, "Think Thunder! And Unleash Your Creativity", a straightforward ex-
- planation of the nature of creativity and how to develop it. Disk #2 has
- the program "Thunder Thought", a proven tool for computer-aided brainstor-
- ming, developing and refining ideas, particularly in the fields of creative
- writing, advertising and inventing. Disk #3 is "Versifier", Rosemary West's
- fascinating poetry writing program that works with your vocabulary to
- create free-verse or haiku poetry. This program was featured in Scientific
- American, Analog, Pulpsmith and Factsheet Five. (May be archived) Version
- 3.0 requires: DOS 2.0 or later, 400K RAM. Registration at $34.00 includes
- Clipper and BASIC source code for "Thunder Thought", and a printed manual.
- FORTUNE TELLER: A potpourri of divination and fortune telling techniques
- offers 3 playing-card methods, dice, short Numerology reading, and Runes.
- Includes history and explanation of each method. Also includes an ESP test.
- (archived) Version 2.7 requires: DOS 2.0 or later, 400K RAM, hard disk OR
- dual-floppy system. $29
- BY THE NUMBERS: A complete personality report uses the philosophy of
- Numerology to analyze your name and birthdate for their symbolic meaning
- and metaphysical vibrations. Pythagorean system takes name changes into ac-
- count, analyzes 10 separate personality elements, provides forecast for co-
- ming year. Professional-quality reports can be saved and edited for a truly
- personalized reading. This program is used by many mail-order numer-
- ologists. This has been our most popular program for nearly three years!
- (archived) Version 4.4 requires: DOS 2.0 or later, 420K, hard disk OR dual-
- floppy system. $29 ** Price will go up in 1991 - Register Now!
- BOOK OF CHANGES: The I Ching, a classic of Chinese literature, is a book of
- divinations originating in antiquity. Its poetic messages are used both for
- fortune-telling and for insight into humanity's role in the world. By
- tossing coins or sticks, you create a pattern of lines to form the hexagram
- to be interpreted. The "yin and yang" philosophy of the I Ching is ideally
- suited to the "0 and 1" mentality of the computer. This customizable pro-
- gram lets you edit the text and add comments. Readings can be printed and
- saved. (archived) Version 1.31 requires: DOS 2.0 or later, 420K RAM, hard
- disk OR 2-floppy system. $24. (Price will go up in June 1991.) Registration
- includes printed manual.
- CLICHE FINDER: Helps you avoid trite and overused words and phrases. Checks
- a document for the presence of any of several hundred cliches and produces
- a report. Comes with a utility program so you can edit the cliche list. A
- must for writers! "Cliche Finder meets a real need." -- Robert M. Monaghan,
- North Texas PC News. (archived) Version 1.5 requires: DOS 2.0 or later,
- 360K. $10
- CRYSTAL BALL: Welcome to the world of the psychic computer! This program
- makes predictions and answers questions with a sometimes enigmatic style
- reminiscent of the ancient Greek oracles. You can select subject matter for
- predictions of personal interest. (archived) Version 2.5 requires: DOS 2.0
- or newer, 360K RAM. $19
- POETRY GENERATOR: Turn your computer into a poet! With a 20,000-word
- vocabulary, create free-verse poems at the touch of a key. Using the
- structure of actual poems as models, the program randomly combines words
- and phrases into verses four to nine lines long, with fascinating results.
- Some of these poems have actually been published in a national magazine!
- Featured in the Los Angeles Times, Scientific American and Writer's Digest.
- (archived) Version 2.1 requires: DOS 2.1 or later, 256K RAM, HARD DISK. $29
- CURSES!: A humorous and creative "insult generator" with a different twist.
- A single keystroke switches from insults to compliments! Phrases are
- randomly generated based on your vivid vocabulary! You control the con-
- tents, so the program can be used to generate descriptive phrases on any
- subject. (Not archived) Version 1.5 requires: DOS 2.0 or later, 360K. $10
- PERSONAL TAROT: The Tarot is a method of divination used and adapted around
- the world throughout history. The symbolism displayed in the cards' designs
- reveals the ancient wisdom and folklore of many cultures. Now you can enjoy
- professional-quality Tarot card readings on your PC! Personal Tarot auto-
- mates shuffling and dealing, builds a ten-card layout, displays card
- descriptions and meanings. This customizable program lets you edit the text
- and add comments for truly personalized readings. (archived) Version 2.1
- requires: DOS 2.0 or later, 420K RAM, hard disk OR 2-floppy system. $24.
- (Price will go up in June 1991.) Registration includes printed manual.
- MAYAN CALENDAR: Use the astronomical knowledge of the ancient Mayans to
- convert a modern calendar date to its Mayan equivalent and get the Mayan
- astrological interpretation. Easy-to-understand documentation and history
- of the Mayan calendar included on disk. Allows Julian period dates, and
- will convert Mayan date to modern date. Chart of Mayan and Aztec day and
- month names. (Not archived) Version 3.32 requires: DOS 2.0 or later, 360K
- RAM. $29
- RICHARD WEBSTER PROGRAMS: Based on the work and research of
- internationally-known psychic entertainer Richard Webster, "Aura Reading"
- helps you learn what to look for when attempting to see the human aura.
- "Quick Numerology" uses a special method of Numerology, popular in
- Australia and New Zealand, to give a quick but pointed personality profile.
- (archived) Version 1.1 requires: DOS 2.0 or later, 360K RAM, hard disk OR
- 2-floppy system. $29
- WORKBASE: Designed with the serious database developer in mind, WORKBASE
- provides an interactive environment for "dBASE language" commands,
- including some that may be new to you. Create a DBF; append, edit and
- browse records; restore from and save to MEM files; display memory; display
- structure, modify structure; and many other commands necessary for
- development, troubleshooting and support. Current version includes a simple
- PRG interpreter. If your applications use dBASE-compatible DBF files,
- you'll love this handy utility. Unlike other "dot prompt" programs, this
- one works! "Everything you need to create and manipulate dBASE III data,
- memo and index files is here without the $700 price tag." -- Public Brand
- Software. (archived) Version 3.2 requires: DOS 2.0 or later, 512K. Some
- knowledge of Clipper or dBASE commands recommended. $49
- GEOMANCY: An ancient system of divination, sometimes associated with black
- magic, creates Astro-Geomantic chart based on your area of inquiry.
- Readings can be printed or saved for study. Includes explanation of Geo-
- mantic figures and chart, "boss" button. (Not archived) Version 3.0
- requires: DOS 2.0 or later, 360K RAM. $29
- NEWSLETTER: First-time registration includes a three-issue subscription to
- our newsletter. Unregistered users or renewing readers may subscribe for
- $5/four issues in the USA; $6 US in Canada and Mexico; $8 international.
- Published irregularly, shares information for home and business PC user,
- emphasizing help for beginners.
- We are not the authors of these programs, nor are we associated with the
- authors other than as a distributor of the programs in accordance with the
- authors' terms of distribution. Some of these programs require a shareware
- registration fee from satisfied users. Our $3.00 fee per disk is a payment
- for copying and distributing the disks; it is not the registration fee.
- Please direct registration payments and specific questions about these
- programs to the authors whose names appear in the documentation.
- Most of the files on these disks have been archived in order to fit more
- files on a single disk. Archiving creates a file with the extension ARC or
- ZIP. The archive file may contain several related files. To use these
- files, you must un-archive them. An un-archiving utility is included on
- each disk for your convenience. (Un-archived versions of Bonus Disks are
- not available.)
- These programs have been tested, but due to the many possible hardware and
- software configurations, we cannot guarantee that any program will run on
- your system. We do not warrant these programs in any way. If we provide you
- with an unreadable disk, you may return it for a replacement copy of the
- same disk. Read the file descriptions carefully; some of these programs
- have special requirements.
- Good biorhythm program; offbeat haiku writer; cute palm reading (needs
- BASIC and graphics); Jewish calendar; learn to read runes; "performance
- art" (needs CGA)
- Screen crumbler; person trapped in computer; words fall apart on screen;
- splashy patterns (needs EGA); computer gets rude; computer falls in love;
- duck smashes computer (needs CGA)
- Good printer controller and spooler; writers find character names; control
- Citizen printers; send print-screen to disk; silencer for beeping programs;
- capture screen in editable file
- BONUS DISK #4: No longer available
- Tuning and sheet music for lap dulcimer (needs CGA); learning guitar
- fingering and scales; learn the art of origami (needs CGA)
- Over 30 different sets of vocabulary lists for the "Thunder Thought"
- portion of "Creativity Package". Vocabularies classified by subject matter.
- Great fun! Almanac, astronomy tables, lunar calendar, hunting & fishing
- tables, metric conversion, astrology, action graphs, predictions, assorted
- oracles, lotto numbers.
- Program keeps computer busy while you take a break; TXT displays any text
- file in huge, moving letters; character analysis with handwriting; bugs
- gobble screen; sweep screen clear to right or left; could there be water in
- the A drive?
- Utilities to compress, un-compress, and create self-extracting archive
- files.
- Seventeen different programs in a surprise mix of games, disk utilities,
- and entertainment.
- By popular request, more vocabulary files for "Thunder Thought". These are
- organized to match various literary sources.
- Twenty children's drawings and paintings converted to graphics files. Files
- in BMP format (16-color bitmapped) are suitable for Windows 3.0 Wallpaper.
- Files in PCX format can be used with Paintbrush or any application which
- uses this format. This is not great art, but it could be fun. Best with
- color. Requires: appropriate software and hardware for use of BMP or PCX
- format.
- If you've just spent the afternoon entering data, and then realize it's in
- all uppercase when it should have been in lowercase -- or vice-versa --
- then RECAP is for you. It simply changes the case on selected fields in
- any dBase-III compatible data file.
- PARTYDOT is an art-generating program with lots of options. Requires color
- graphics.
- All our "Unusual Software" (TM) products are sold as Shareware.
- Shareware is a term used to describe a system for distribution of software.
- Under this concept, software may be copied and passed along to others, or
- distributed through bulletin board systems, disk copying services, etc. As
- a recipient of a shareware program, you may use the software for a short
- trial period to determine if it meets your needs. If it does, you pay the
- registration fee. By paying the fee, you are granted the right to retain
- the software for your use. Otherwise, if the software is not suitable, you
- may discard it or pass it along for someone else to try. Shareware provides
- substantial benefits to the computing community: * You get to try out the
- software before you pay for it so you know exactly what you're buying. *
- You get access to a much broader base of available programs. Thousands of
- excellent programs are written by experts who would never consider
- marketing through conventional commercial channels. Through shareware,
- these people make their programs available to the community. Usually, all
- they ask in return is a small fee to reward them for the time and effort
- they've put into the program. * Shareware is substantially less expensive
- than most commercial programs. You don't pay for expensive advertising
- campaigns and fancy packages. * The shareware concept is based entirely on
- the honor system, and generally works well. Most people are honest and
- wouldn't violate the trust placed in them by the author of the software.
- You may obtain the trial version of any of our products from
- ASP-approved vendors who include them in their libraries, or by downloading
- them from CompuServe. [One such vendor is Public (Software) Library, P.O.
- Box 35705, Houston, TX 77235-5705; 800-242-4775, 713-524-6394. Another is
- Public Brand Software, P.O. Box 51351, Indianapolis, IN 46251;
- 800-426-34475, 317-856-7571] Of course, you may register a program without
- ordering the trial version first. Registered users receive technical
- support, a newsletter, and upgrade notifications, as well as discounts on
- registrations of other programs, and occasional bonus offers.
- We also distribute a small selection of programs from other authors.
- The fee paid to us for these "Bonus Disks" is for our copying and
- distribution service. It is not paid to the authors and is not part of the
- registration fee. See the Bonus Disk section.
- Note that some programs are "archived". This means that in order to fit
- several large files on a single disk, a special archiving (compressing)
- process has been used. The files must be un-compressed before use. We
- provide the un-compressing program.
- Before ordering software, read the description carefully, paying
- special attention to system requirements. Some programs require a hard
- disk, graphics capability, or additional memory. As far as we know, our
- software will run on most "IBM compatible" personal computers. However,
- since equipment configurations vary greatly, we cannot guarantee correct
- results for everyone. If you have a problem, please let us know.
- REGISTRATION fees are listed with the description of each program.
- If you are already a registered user of one or more products from our
- "Unusual Software" (tm) catalog (not Bonus Disks), take $5 off your
- registration of any new $29.00+ program. (Discount does not apply to
- CREATIVITY PACKAGE, and may not be combined with any other discount offer.)
- BONUS DISKS: $3 for each disk. Add a $3 shipping fee to your total order.
- (Shipping fee applies only when Bonus Disks are ordered.) This is not
- registration, just a copying fee. Registration should be paid to the
- authors of the programs.
- 3 1/5" DISKS: We normally provide 5 1/4" disks. If you must have 3 1/5"
- disks, please include an extra $1.00 per disk.
- FOREIGN ORDERS: Please add $6.00 for special postage and handling. Unfortu-
- nately, we are unable to handle foreign funds. The most convenient method
- for overseas customers is to pay by credit card (instructions below), or
- U.S. currency by registered mail. Checks must be in U.S. dollars, drawn on
- a U.S. bank. Canadian postal money orders in U.S. funds are also accept-
- able.
- IN AUSTRALIA: You can pay your registration fee through Spearwood Shareware
- Service, 22 Sitwell Close, Spearwood 6163, Western Australia. Phone 09 418
- 5721 (Perth Metro only), 008 999877 (Australia Wide - Free Call).
- CREDIT CARDS: For your convenience, you may register by credit card through
- the Public (Software) Library. In the U.S. call toll free, 800-242-4775.
- Others, call 713/524-6394. You can Fax your credit card order to PSL at
- 713-524-6398; or mail it to them at P.O. Box 35705, Houston, TX 77235; or
- send it via CompuServe at 71355,470. American Express, Visa, MasterCard,
- Discover. Please do not mail credit card orders to R.K. West Consulting
- (and do not mail checks to PsL). Minimum credit card order is $15.00.
- SPECIAL HANDLING: Please do not request special handling, such as Express
- Mail, Federal Express delivery, UPS service, registered or insured mail,
- etc. We get excellent results from First Class and regular Air Mail
- delivery. The additional mileage and labor involved in providing special
- services are prohibitive. (Exceptions may be made for certain foreign users
- living under corrupt regimes who cannot receive mail unless it is
- registered.)
- NOTE: Some users have reported compatibility problems with the utility used
- to un-arc large files (this is rare). If you prefer to receive un-arced
- programs, please include an extra $3 per disk to cover special handling and
- materials. Un-arced Bonus disks are not available.
- All prices and discounts listed in this bulletin expire 12/31/91. Prices
- will go up in 1991, so order now! We reserve the right to change product
- descriptions, system requirements and other information without notice, and
- to modify or rescind any discounts or special offers at any time. ORDER FORM
- To: R.K. West Consulting Your Name:______________________________
- P.O. Box 8059
- Mission Hills, CA 91346, USA Address: ______________________________
- Please include your phone ______________________________
- number in case we have a
- question about your order. Phone: ______________________________
- _______________________________ __________ _________ ___________
- _______________________________ __________ _________ ___________
- _______________________________ __________ _________ ___________
- _______________________________ __________ _________ ___________
- _______________________________ __________ _________ ___________
- _______________________________ __________ _________ ___________
- _______________________________ __________ _________ ___________
- _______________________________ __________ _________ ___________
- _______________________________ __________ _________ ___________
- _______________________________ __________ _________ ___________
- Please pay by check or money order. For your SUBTOTAL: ___________
- convenience, you may pay be credit card
- through the Public Software Library. Minimum Foreign
- credit card order is $15. In the USA, call Shipping: ___________
- 800-242-4775. Others call 714-524-6394. You ($6.00)
- can fax a credit card order to PsL at 713-524- Bonus Disk
- 6398 or mail it to P.O. Box 35705, Houston, TX Shipping: ___________
- 77235, or send it via CompuServe at 71355,470. ($3.00)
- Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Discover. 3.5" disks
- Do not mail credit card orders to R.K. West, ($1 each) ___________
- and do not mail checks to PsL.
- TOTAL: ___________
- All prices are in U.S. dollars, and checks must be drawn on a U.S. bank.
- Canadian postal money orders in U.S. dollars are also acceptable.
- Unfortunately, we cannot accept payments drawn on foreign banks. The most
- convenient way for overseas customers to order is by credit card, through
- the Public Software Library, as described above.
- Corporate users and others who need to register more than 5 copies of the
- same program, please contact us for site licensing information. REGISTRATION BONUS!
- CompuServe is the world's largest on-line information service. With your
- computer and modem, you can tap into hundreds of databases and services:
- stock market quotes, mutual fund information, home banking, support groups
- for popular hardware systems and software programs, hobby and special
- interest groups, games, shopping, electronic mail, and more, available 24
- hours a day. CompuServe charges a monthly support fee of only $1.50 plus
- usage time.
- Try CompuServe with our compliments. As a registered user of one
- or more of our products, you will be entitled to a free introductory
- membership, including: A $15 introductory usage credit, a
- complimentary subscription to CompuServe Magazine, a private user
- I.D. and password. (This is normally a $39.95 value.)
- When you register for our software, you'll receive information on how
- to take advantage of this offer, along with the latest version of the
- software, and a three-issue subscription to our newsletter.
- Increased postage costs in 1991
- will force a price increase, so