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You can get part of the following documentation by invoking the program with
the switches -v, -h, or -H . See README.TXT for more information.
----------------------------------- -v ------------------------------------
DCAT v1.0 -- Disk Cataloger
Copr (c) 1993 Richard Breuer. DCAT is freeware. No warranties.
This is DCAT v1.0 (from RUTILS 4).
Author: Richard Breuer
Brunssumstrasse 6
5100 Aachen
(after Jul 1, 1993: 52074 Aachen)
Phone: +49/241/85605
Fax: +49/241/8021329
Email: ricki@pool.informatik.rwth-aachen.de (Preferred!)
----------------------------------- -h ------------------------------------
DCAT v1.0 -- Disk Cataloger
Copr (c) 1993 Richard Breuer. DCAT is freeware. No warranties.
Usage: DCAT [-acf:hHnqv*] command [parameter]
Commands (default d: is A:):
Add/Update [d:] Read the diskette in drive d: and update the catalog
Cat/Volumes [vol] Display a list of all catalogued diskettes named vol*
Dir/List [vol] List all diskettes with a label vol*
Find str Find *str* in Filenames or comments (case insensitive)
Multi [d:] Do a multiple "DCAT Add", asking for disk changes
Remove vol Remove all diskettes with label vol* from the catalog
Sum Some statistics
Options (default is -fC:\RUTILS\NEWUTILS\DCAT.DAT):
-a Find/Dir give as much info as possible (instead of a nice format)
-c Check all files for archive comments, regardless of extensions
-f<catf> Use catf as catalog file
-h,-H Display a help screen (-h: this) (-H: notes and examples)
-n Don't extract comments from archive files or DESCRIPT.ION
-q Be quiet. Supress informative messages
-v Display version info and information about the author
-* Display internal information (for debugging purposes)
----------------------------------- -H ------------------------------------
DCAT v1.0 -- Disk Cataloger
Copr (c) 1993 Richard Breuer. DCAT is freeware. No warranties.
The output is always directed to stdout. Each diskette which shall be
cataloged, must have a label. DCAT automagically extracts comments from
some archive files (currently ARJ, ZIP, ZOO). Besides, it scans 4DOS
DESCRIPT.ION files. The errorlevel is set to 1 if help has been displayed.
It is set to 255 in case of an error and 0 on normal completion. The
commands may be abbreviated, as long as they are not ambiguous. 'Remove' may
not be abbreviated. Only drives A: and B: are supported. The maximum number
of files per disk is 512.
Add A: to the catalog.
DCAT dir uTiL
Show all diskettes whose label starts with UTIL, ie. UTIL1, UTILITIES...
DCAT Multi B:
Add several disks to the catalog, starting with drive B:. You may inter-
actively change the drive whenever the disk must be changed.
List all diskettes which names begin with 'A'.
Additional information:
It was Jari Kokko (jkokko@snakemail.hut.fi) who inspired me to write DCAT.
He sent me his public domain FLOP program, which has a similar commands. I
used his ideas of an ASCII catalog file and a command driven interface and
rewrote the program from scratch, mainly for these reasons:
- it was fun
- I extended the catalog file format by the following data:
disk size, used bytes on a disk, free bytes, number of files,
file size, file date, file attributes, archive file comments
- I was able to use my basic programming layer containing the
user interface modules, so that DCAT behaves like every other
RUTILS program
- I extended the program by the archive file comment extraction
and the DESCRIPT.ION file scanning (thanks to Jouni Miettunen
(jon@stekt.oulu.fi) for the latter suggestion)
Comment extraction:
DCAT has the ability to find comments for files which are catalogued. It
can handle two different comment types:
- Some archive formats allow so-called "archive file comments", as
there are ZIP, ZOO, and ARJ archives (others are currently not
supported - if you got information on how to extract comments from
other file types, feel free to contact me). DCAT reads these files
and tries to extract the archive file comment, unless the -n option
is given. If this is successful, the comment is stored in the
catalog file and can be used to DCAT FIND strings.
- Another possibility for file comments is the 4DOS DESCRIPT.ION file,
which is (optionally) created in a directory and contains information
about all the files in it. If DCAT locates such a file on a diskette
directory, it reads it and assigns the comments contained in it to
the files. NOTE, that the DESCRIPT.ION comments OVERRIDE the archive
file comments (since they are definitly placed there on purpose
whereas the archive file comments may be put there by someone else).
Using more than one catalog file:
There are two ways of using different catalog files. The first is to use
the -f option to specify it (this should be clear).
The second way is based on the fact that DCAT always uses the catalog file
which (1) stands on the same directory as DCAT.EXE and (2) has the same file
name as the executable, ie. DCAT by default. Now consider the following: You
rename C:\BIN\DCAT.EXE (which uses the catalog file C:\BIN\DCAT.DAT) to, say,
D:\SYS\CATALOG.EXE. The 'new' executable does now expect its catalog file
to be D:\SYS\CATALOG.DAT. Therefore C:\BIN\DCAT.DAT should be renamed in the
appropriate way, ie. to D:\SYS\CATALOG.DAT.
The consequences of this be behaviour are the following
- <name>.EXE and <name>.DAT do always belong together (which I
find is a nice feature)
- You can use several catalog files by duplicating DCAT.EXE to eg.
DCUTIL.EXE, DCGAMES.EXE, and DCMISC.EXE, which will then use
the catalog files DCUTIL.DAT, DCGAMES.DAT, and DCMISC.DAT
- If you doubt which catalog file is used if you invoke DCAT, simply
call DCAT SUM, which tells you the name
Trouble shooting:
- DCAT creates temporary files for certain commands. If you interrupt
it, eg. with CTRL/C, these files may remain on your harddisk. You
should delete them. They are named xxxxxxxx.TMP, where x are randomly
chosen decimal digits.
- If you want to find out which catalog file is currently used by the
EXE file you start, type DCAT SUM, and you will see.
An example session:
The following example session will show you DCATs features. We assume that
you have not used DCAT before. In this case you start without having a
catalog file. We assume further that you have 2 diskettes, one 5,25"
diskette for disk drive A:, and one 3,5" disk for drive B: (That's my
current configuration, BTW). We want to catalog two diskettes, which have
labels 'MISC 003' and 'UTILS 001':
C:> DCAT Add A:
The catalog C:\RUTILS\NEWUTILS\DCAT.DAT does not exist!
Ok to create a new catalog file ? [Yes No!] Yep
Scanning Disk a