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714 lines
M a x C a t
Diskette Management System
Version 1.1
Copyright (c) 1990 by Max Burgstahler
User's Manual
Page 2
MaxCat is Shareware..............................3
MaxCat Registration Form ........................4
Running MaxCat...................................6
Using MaxCat.....................................7
MaxCat Keys......................................8
Process Diskettes................................9
Process Subdirectories..........................10
Database Search.................................11
Database Reports................................11
Index A Diskette................................12
Delete A Diskette...............................13
Label A Diskette................................13
Database Utilities..............................14
Database Statistics.............................15
Page 3
MaxCat is Shareware
MaxCat is the copyrighted property of Max Burgstahler. You are
granted a limited license to use, copy, and distribute MaxCat
provided the following conditions are met:
A. Copying and distribution fee may not exceed $10.00.
B. MaxCat may only be distributed in its original unmodified
This software is distributed under the user supported software
concept. Though MaxCat is copyrighted, you are encouraged to copy
and distribute this program to others. If you like this product and
find it useful, a registration fee of $20.00 is required for
continued use. Site licenses and commercial distribution licenses
are available. A program disk and printed documentation are
available for $30.00. See the registration and order form elsewhere
in this manual. All registered users receive technical support and
upgrade notices.
The author makes no representations or warranties with respect
to the contents hereof and specifically disclaims any implied
warranties of merchantability or fitness for any particular purpose.
Further, the author reserves the right to revise this publication
and to make changes from time to time in the content hereof without
obligation of the author to notify any person or organization of
such revision or changes.
MaxCat is user supported. This means that you may copy it
freely and give the copies away to anyone you wish. They are in
turn requested to send in a contribution if they decide to use it.
The user supported software concept (also known as "shareware")
is an attempt to provide quality software at low cost. Both the
user and author benefit from this plan. The user will benefit by
being able to "test drive" software thoroughly before purchasing it.
The author benefits by being able to enter the commercial software
market while avoiding the high cost of commercial distribution.
This concept helps many independent authors and small companies
that otherwise would be discouraged from developing and promoting
their ideas. It can only work with your support. If you obtain a
user supported program from a friend and are still using it after a
few weeks, then it is obviously worth something to you, and a
contribution should be sent.
For further information and registration, please send all
correspondence to:
Max Burgstahler
831 Jefferson Dr.
Decatur, IL 62521 U.S.A.
(217) 429-5146
Registered users of MaxCat receive telephone support. You pay
for the call.
Page 4
05 **** MaxCat Registration Form ****
Send to: Max Burgstahler
831 Jefferson Dr.
Decatur, IL Current version number ________
62521 U.S.A.
Register currently used MaxCat (no disk) $20 ________ ________
Latest release of MaxCat and
printed manual (indicate disk size).. $30 ________ ________
MaxCat Network License (per server) ... $100 ________ ________
MaxCat Site License (per site)..........$250 ________ ________
MaxCat Corporate License (unlimited) .. $500 ________ ________
Outside U.S. add $5 for shipping...... TOTAL ________ ________
Where did you hear about MaxCat_____________________________________
Make checks in U.S. currency from a U.S. bank or in your own
currency from a non-U.S. bank.
Page 5
MaxCat is a menu-driven diskette cataloging utility which
creates a searchable index of floppy disks. This catalog can reside
on your hard disk, or even on another floppy disk. With just one
keystroke diskettes are read and each file and subdirectory is
indexed automatically. Filenames are also extracted from both ARC
and ZIP files and added to the MaxCat database. This index can be
browsed on-screen by diskette or by individual subdirectory.
Searches by file name or extension are a snap to perform. Comments
can be attached to both diskettes AND subdirectories. Printed reports
include a listing of all diskettes, all subdirectories, all files,
all files on a selected diskette, or all files on a selected
subdirectory. Complete, helpful database statistics are always
available. The interface is window/menu oriented, and
context-sensitive help is never more than a keystroke away.
MaxCat indexes diskettes by volume label. Volume label is a
logical label which is recognized by DOS (and MaxCat) as the "name"
of the diskette. DOS provides the ability to add, change, or delete
volume labels on diskettes with the DOS LABEL command. MaxCat also
provides the ability to add or change volume labels with the LABEL A
DISKETTE option. Please refer to your DOS manual for more
information on volume labels and the LABEL command. A good
understanding of how volume labels work is helpful in understanding
the MaxCat system. It is important to keep in mind that volume
labels are the "key" by which diskettes are stored in the MaxCat
database and that each diskette MUST HAVE A UNIQUE VOLUME LABEL in
order to work with MaxCat.
The intent of the MaxCat system is simply this: once a unique
volume label has been added to a diskette, the user then writes the
volume label on the outside of the diskette and indexes the diskette
with MaxCat. Then, as files are added, changed, or deleted on the
diskette, one only needs to r