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- SCROLLit 1.7 Advanced Scrollback Buffer May 30, 1993
- Introduction - What is SCROLLit? =======================================
- SCROLLit is a memory resident (TSR) program that captures, in full
- color, the lines of text that scroll off the top of the video screen and
- stores them in an XMS, EMS or conventional memory 'scrollback' buffer of
- a size specified by the user. A fast compression technique is used to
- store more than twice the number of lines in the available buffer space.
- SCROLLit can be activated or 'popped up' over any non-graphical program
- by pressing the Scroll Lock key. Once activated, SCROLLit will let you
- scroll back through this saved information, line by line or page by
- page. SCROLLit has a fast search capability as well as a block-write
- feature that allows you to mark a block of lines for writing to a disk
- file or sending to your printer.
- For details on how to use SCROLLit, please refer to the SCROLLIT.DOC
- documentation file.
- Requirements ===========================================================
- SCROLLit requires DOS 3.1 or above and supports all monitor/video
- combinations (monochrome or color; MDA/CGA/EGA/MCGA/VGA or Hercules).
- Quick Start ============================================================
- SCROLLit can be installed with a 100k buffer by typing:
- SCROLLit 100
- SCROLLit can then by activated by pressing the Scroll Lock key. Once
- activated, press the F1 key for a quick command summary. When SCROLLit
- is installed, the Scroll Lock key no longer toggles your Scroll Lock
- light on and off. Instead press Alt-Scroll Lock.
- SCROLLit can be removed from memory by typing:
- Refer to Appendix 3 in SCROLLIT.DOC for a command line summary, or type:
- SCROLLit /?
- Special Cases ==========================================================
- Qmodem/Telix users: You will need to configure your communications
- software to use the BIOS to perform screen scrolling. This will allow
- SCROLLit to intercept and save the lines that scroll off the top of the
- screen. If SCROLLit isn't capturing your scrolling lines, chances are
- you need to switch to BIOS screen scrolling. See Appendix 1 in
- SCROLLIT.DOC. Procomm Plus and Commo always uses the BIOS for screen
- scrolling so no reconfiguring is necessary.
- Desqview users: SCROLLit is Desqview aware. You will need to load
- SCROLLit in the Desqview window(s) where you want to capture scrolling.
- See Appendix 2 in SCROLLIT.DOC.
- The Last Byte Memory Manager users: Some versions of TLB's HIGHTSR
- program appear to have difficulty with TSR parameters beginning with a
- slash (/). SCROLLit accepts either slashes or dashes (-). For example,
- to install SCROLLit in high memory with a 100k EMS buffer, type:
- Registered users of older versions of SCROLLit: Please refer to
- WHATSNEW.DOC to see what has changed since your version of SCROLLit.
- Your registration key will work with this and all future versions of
- SCROLLit. Thank you for supporting the shareware concept.
- FILES in this archive ==================================================
- README.DOC this file
- SCROLLIT.EXE the SCROLLit program
- SCROLLIT.DOC the SCROLLit documentation
- WHATSNEW.DOC summary of changes since Version 1.0
- ORDERFRM.DOC an order form for registering SCROLLit
- SITE_LIC.DOC information on site licenses
- FILE_ID.DIZ bulletin board file description