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COMBI-Disk -
RAM disk & disk cache
- Why don't You use disk cache?
- I'd like, but memory constrains prevent me from using it:
I need more memory for RAM disk.
- Why don't You use RAM disk?
- I'd like, but memory constrains prevent me from using it:
I need more memory for disk cache.
If one of these answers is Yours then COMBI-Disk is for You!
You may hit two targets with a single shot - installing COMBI-Disk You
get a RAM disk and a Disk-Cache at the same time in the SAME area of
extended memory!
When You install COMBI-Disk You specify amount of extended memory for it
and You get a RAM disk of the specified size and a Disk-Cache of the
same size. Then when You work with Your PC, You enjoy Disk-Cache which
is not better but not worse than others. Suppose now that You start a
program which needs a disk buffer for temporary storage and tell it to
use RAM disk. Then the program may use the whole amount of the RAM disk's
space (though contracting the size of cache). When it terminates and
deletes temporary files You get back your cache buffer!
Some programs (e.g. compilers, word-processors etc.) need a buffer for
temporary storage, and if the storage is RAM disk then their performance
may be increased few times compared with the case of usage of hard disk
instead. That's why You may sometimes need a RAM disk. But if You use
standard RAM disk (Microsoft (C) RAMDRIVE.SYS or IBM (C) VDISK.SYS or any
other) it often comes out that it stays empty most of the time though
consuming Your extended (expanded) memory. That's why You may wish to
give up using RAM disk or make it less in order to have more memory
for Disk-Cache which is always useful.
Don't get disappointed!
is a great solution of this problem! It uses a bit more memory for RAM disk
than is needed to keep all files written into it while all the remaining
memory is used for cache. You need not bother to make this memory larger -
just WRITE Your file(s) into RAM disk, all the rest it does itself! You
need not bother as well to contract RAM disk's size and increase cache
size - just DELETE files from RAM disk and all the released memory will be
used for cache!
COMBI-Disk installation process is quite straightforward, although it
requires some tweaking with the contents of your CONFIG.SYS file.
Copy COMBI.SYS into Your hard-disk and place the following line into Your
DEVICE=[drive:][path]COMBI.SYS [size] [/V [sectsize [rootsize]]]
where the parameters mean:
"size" - the amount of extended memory (Kbytes) You want
to use for COMBI-Disk. Minimum is 128K, maximum is
32000K. If it is omitted then all available memory
is default.
"sectsize" - sector size of You RAM disk - 128, 256, 512 bytes
allowed, default is 512 bytes.
"rootsize" - number of files You want RAM disk to be capable
to keep in ROOT directory (default is 64). This
number may be adjusted by COMBI-Disk depending on
sector size.
System requirements.
1. 80x86 based machine with extended memory.
2. DOS 3.30+.
3. Extended memory manager which supports XMS 2.0 specifications
(Microsoft (C) HIMEM.SYS or Quarterdeck (C) QEMM.SYS will do).
Installation messages.
COMBI-Disk: Incorrect DOS version
- COMBI-Disk may work only under DOS 3.3 or higher.
COMBI-Disk is not installed.
COMBI-Disk: Extended Memory Manager not present
- COMBI-Disk needs XMM driver. Check that Your XMM driver
is installed before COMBI-Disk.
COMBI-Disk is not installed.
COMBI-Disk: Invalid parameter
- You have specified invalid parameter in command line.
Check Your CONFIG.SYS file.
COMBI-Disk is not installed.
COMBI-Disk: No hard drives on system
- COMBI-Disk's cache works only with hard-disks, so if
You have no hard-disks installed there is no reason in
using COMBI-Disk.
COMBI-Disk is not installed.
COMBI-Disk: No extended memory available
- All Your extended memory is used by some other programs
or less than 128K is available.
COMBI-Disk is not installed.
COMBI-Disk: Error in extended memory allocation
- An error encountered when COMBI-Disk tried to allocate
extended memory.
COMBI-Disk is not installed.
COMBI-Disk: RAM disk & disk cache
Copyright (C) by Vadim V. Vlasov, Moscow, 1991.
Version 0.20
- COMBI-Disk is installed and its parameters are following.
Creating virtual drive ?: - ? stands for drive letter of Your
RAM disk.
Total size: xxxxK in Extended Memory
- the size of RAM disk.
Number of root directory entries: xxx
- maximum number of files in root
Cluster size: xxx sectors - number of sectors in allocation unit.
Sector size : xxx bytes - sector size.
Cache: room for xxx tracks of xxx sectors each
- size of disk-cache.
Possible errors.
Sector not found - You tried to read a sector which does not
contain any valid data (You haven't written into it yet or have already
deleted the file that occupied this sector).
Warning! Once a file is deleted from RAM disk, it might not be correctly
unerased by any means. It's data is lost immediately.
Other errors indicate that either COMBI-Disk internal data tables
are corrupt (e.g. overwritten by other program) or error in XMM driver
General information.
Version 0.30 (08 Nov 1991):
Performance of delete from RAM disk operations increased compared to
previous versions.
For certain configuration parameters (e.g. 320 /v 128 256) COMBI-Disk
created FAT larger than really needed. However, it was O'K for DOS 5.0
but led to errors with DOS 3.30.
- Now it is fixed.
Version 0.20 (28 Oct 1991):
A bug has been discovered in version 0.10: RAM disk failed after an
attempt to write into boot sector and one or more sectors of FAT.
- Now it is fixed.
DOS 4.0+ CHKDSK did not work with version 0.10 due to simplified
format of boot sector of RAM disk.
- This is now corrected for MS-DOS 5.0 but some DOS versions need
a certain text be written into boot sector (e.g. for IBM-DOS 4.0
it is "RDV 1.20" at offset 3 of boot sector). If You are aware
what You are doing, You may correct this problem for Your DOS.
Version 0.10 (13 Aug 1991):
The very first beta version of COMBI-Disk was version 0.01 (24 Jun 1991).
In this version (0.10) two minor bugs have been fixed:
A. COMBI-Disk v.0.01 refused to work under DOS 3.30 - not
just it couldn't but only refused.
B. Device return codes were corrected.
No any serious bugs were discovered yet.
If You have any questions, comments or find out any problems with its
usage please contact:
Vadim V. Vlasov,
Inst. for Nuclear Research of the USSR Acad. Sci.,
60th October Anniversary prospect, 7a,
117312, Moscow, USSR
phone: 7-095-133-6533
Internet: vvlasov@inucres.msk.su
Future versions will include:
EMS support,
maybe faster performance,
other features depending on Your suggestions.