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321 lines
Use FILE for operations involving menu data files,
such as creating a new file, loading a different
file, getting a directory, changing file levels,
Use RECORDS for most operations on menu data re-
cords, such as deleting, adding, changing records.
Use MACROS to set up or print the macro strings to
be associated with the function keys.
Use SETUP to change the paramaters of the Menu-Matic
or this installation program.
Use AUTO EXEC to change or print the settings of the
the menu options you wish to have executed at desig-
nated times.
Use EXIT to quit the program and save all records
and settings, or to SHELL TO DOS.
To EXIT AND SAVE the changes you have made, use the
F4 key.
If you DO NOT WANT TO SAVE your changes, hit F5 key
and say that you are sure when prompted.
If you want to see a DIRECTORY, use the F2 key. You
can move through the directory with arrow keys.
Hit Esc to remove it.
In the FREQUENCY field, enter -D- for DAILY, -W- for
WEEKLY, -M- for MONTHLY, -O- for ONE TIME. Any other
character, or a blank space stops the AUTO Execute.
In the DAYS field, place a -Y- in the days of the
week that the function should execute. The first day
is Sunday. To execute on Sunday and Tuesday every
week, the field should look like this: YNYNNNN.
In the DATE field, enter the date upon which the
function should execute. If it is to execute monthly
then only the day of the month is relevant. If it is
to execute one time only, then the month and the year
are relevant also.
In the TIME field, enter the time of day that the
function should execute. This field must be com-
pleted or the function will not execute. Only the
hour and minute are necessary. Enter this field in
in 24 hr. format. For instance, 11:15 p.m. would be
entered as 23:15.
To MOVE OVER IN A ROW, use the -Enter- Key. TO MOVE
BACKWARDS IN A ROW, use the -Esc- Key.
OPEN loads a menu data file which has previously
created. A window opens with the names of all the
files in the current directory with the extension
".MNU". You choose one of these files to work with.
NEW creates a new, blank menu data file. Type in a
valid DOS file name of up to 8 characters. The
extension ".MNU" is automatically added to the file.
Use PRINT to print out your menu files. You may
print EVERYTHING, the LEVEL you are on, a sel-
ected RANGE, or an OVERVIEW, which shows you the
overall structure of your system. Output is
sent to the device you have chosen under SETUP
as the Output Device.
TOP LEVEL is the level of the menu choices which
are displayed on the first screen in the menu pro-
gram. These choices can either be executed them-
selves, or they can be LINKED OPTIONS, i.e.,
choices which bring up sub-menus. In order to
designate an option as a LINKED OPTION, place a
dash '-' as the first character of the name.
LINKED LEVEL is the level of the sub-menus. These
are attached or linked to top-level options.
These options are directly executed by the Menu-
Use DIRECTORY to see a directory of your disk. You
may specify wildcards and a path if you wish. The
default is to show all files (*.*).
ABOUT tells a little bit about the Menu-Matic.
Yet, it is not merely a vanity added for no good
reason. It also lists the size of the MENUMATC.EXE
file and the MENUINST.EXE file. If the sizes listed
do not match your copies, then the files may have
been tampered with.
Use ADD to add new choices to the main level or the
linked level. You may have up to 16 choices on the
main level, and 5 choices in each of the sub-menus.
Use CHANGE to change existing menu choices, at
either the main level or linked level.
Use DELETE to delete menu choices. This marks
records to be deleted at the end of the session. If
you do not exit normally, they will not be properly
deleted. After marking a record in this way, you may
go back and salvage it by restoring the original
name. Be careful when deleting linked options,
however, since this deletes all sub-menu options
also, and is irrevocable, once you confirm your
intent to do it.
Use XCHANGE to change the placement of the options
at the main or sub-menu level.
EDIT edits and PRINT prints to the device which you
have specified under SETUP as the Output Device.
C'est simple, n'est-ce pas?
RETURN TO specifies which menu data file should be
loaded upon return to Menu-Matic. By default, the
last data file in use is loaded, but you can return
to a different file if you wish.
OUTPUT TO is where you want the Menu Installation
program to output PRINT's. This parameter does not
affect the Menu-Matic main program (it doesn't print
MESSAGE is the text that you want to be displayed on
the third line of the Menu-Matic. The default
message is 'Copyright 1988-90, BC Enterprises'. You
might prefer to have your company name or some other
message. The message may be up to 50 characters in
PASSWORD sets a general password for the system. You
can set a password for each option but since this
would be tedious if you wanted to protect all
options, this one password will do the trick. Place
a '+' sign as the first character of the option
(second character if you already have the '-'
character to mark something as a linked option).
COLORS lets you choose pretty colors for the Menu-
Matic screens. Sorry, the Menu Installation Program
(the one you are using right now) colors are writ in
stone. But, if people express an interest, we may
allow you to set these colors in a later version.
You can force the program to run in monochrome by
adding 'mono' to the command line.
OTHER SETUPS lets you specify settings for a number
of other little options.
Shell to DOS puts you back out at the system prompt
while keeping the Menu Installatin program in memory.
Type EXIT at the prompt to return to the program.
EXIT PROGRAM writes all files and ends the program.
This is the proper way to exit this program.
Use arrow keys to move up and down between fields.
To EXIT AND SAVE the changes you have made, use the
F4 function key.
If you do NOT WANT TO SAVE your changes, hit F5
and say that you are sure when prompted.
To view a DIRECTORY, hit the F2 function key, then
give a path when prompted. Once the directory comes
up, you may use arrow keys to select a file. When
you hit -Enter- the file name will be copied into the
data entry screen. Otherwise, remove the directory
by hitting -Esc-.
AUTO-GENERATE searches for a file name which you
input. The file name you give must be complete, IN-
CLUDING EXTENSIONS such as '.EXE' or '.COM'. You
must then specify which drive the program is on (just
hit -Enter- if it is on the current drive). The pro-
gram then searches for your file. If it finds your
file it will write the data entry record for the Menu
Matic. It will include an Option Name if you used
the 'pick-from-list' function.
F6 will RUN THE BATCH FILE created by the cur-
rent data entry record. It should work properly if
Menu Installation program is in the same directory
as your Menu-Matic.
F7 DELETES THE CURRENT LINE and moves the following
'Command #' lines up. It does not affect the De-
scription line or the Password line. If entered from
the Option Name line, it deletes that line but does
not move the others up.