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======================= COMPTEST 2.59 ============================
Release date: June 9, 1993
COMPTEST is a program that determines the system configuration and
performance characteristics of PC compatible computers. COMPTEST
was designed to be fast, so most parameters are determined during
program start-up and the first page of results will come up almost
immediately. Even for slow systems like the original IBM PC the
first page will be displayed within a few seconds. There are at
most three pages with results displayed sequentially, with some
tests occurring only when the appropriate page is displayed.
Usage: COMPTEST [file name] [/D] [/H]
[file name] is an optional parameter specifying a file in which
the results displayed by COMPTEST will be saved upon
termination of COMPTEST.
/D is an optional switch enabling additional messages
that aid in debugging COMPTEST if the program should
crash or fail to correctly determine the system
/H is a switch that prints a short help screen for COMPTEST.
COMPTEST 2.59 is Copyright (c) 1988-1993 by
Norbert Juffa
Wielandtstr. 14
7500 Karlsruhe 1
COMPTEST 2.59 is public domain software and is distributed with full
assembly language and Turbo Pascal 6.0 source code. You are free to
incorporate parts of the code into your own programs as long as you
don't use it in a commercial product. Please do others a favor and
always distribute the complete COMPTEST package, not only the binary.
If you want to notify me of bugs you discovered in COMPTEST or want
to comment on the program in any way, you can either contact me at the
address above or on Internet as JUFFA@IRA.UKA.DE
Revision history:
Changes since version 2.58
o Detection method for Cyrix 486DCL/SLC has been changed back to method
used in COMPTEST 2.57. The detection method used in version 2.58 that
was based on checking the value in the destination register of a BSF
instruction after executing it with a source register containing zero
seems to work only with very old versions of the Intel 80486. Newer
versions of the Intel 486DX/SX show exactly the same behavior as the
486DLC/SLC. Therefore, COMPTEST 2.58 reported most 486SX as 486DLC
and 486DX as RapidCAD. Thanks to Jian Liu and David Ruggiero for
reporting this bug.
o Experimental support to detect an Intel Pentium CPU has been added.
Detection is based on incomplete information, so Pentium detection
and measurements may not work correctly yet.
Changes since version 2.57:
o Detection method for Cyrix 486DLC/SLC has been changed. The new method
does not rely on timing anymore.
o Timing routine has been enhanced to work more reliable with fast machines.
o Documentation file have been enhanced and updated. Minor cosmetic changes
to COMPTEST and MEMMAP programs.
o New version of Turbo Pascal 6.0 run time library included.
Changes since version 2.56:
o COMPTEST 2.56 was compiled with the wrong library. Therefore, benchmark
results for the floating-point benchmarks (Whetstone, LLL) differ from
other versions of the program. Sorry about the mistake!
o A correction was added to the determination of coprocessor clock frequency
in the case a Cyrix 486DLC CPU is present. With a 486DLC present, the
block of FSQRTs that determines the coprocessor clock frequency is
executed faster than with the Intel 386DX as CPU, due to the improved
communication between CPU and coprocessor. The observed speedup is in
range between 4.7% and 9.7%. For simplicity, COMPTEST 2.59 uses a simple
correction that divides the computed frequency by 1.055.
Changes since version 2.55:
o COMPTEST 2.55 wouldn't detect a Cyrix EMC87 if it was installed and
reported it as a Cyrix 83D87 instead. This has been fixed.
o Correct detection of the presence and clock frequency of the Cyrix
486DLC has been tested. Note that presence of a Cyrix 486DLC may
lead to a higher clock frequency being displayed for a coprocessor,
if one is installed. Since the 486DLC has an improved handshaking
with the coprocessor, the block of FSQRT instructions used to measure
the coprocessor's clock is executed up to 10% faster and the reported
clock frequency of the coprocessor goes up accordingly.
Changes since version 2.54:
o Enhanced POPAD bug detection by testing POPAD execution using 31
different initial values in the EAX register. Previously, only one
value was used, which made correct detection of the bug somewhat
o Detection of the SuperMath 38700DX and 38700SX coprocessors from
Chips&Technologies have been added and successfully tested. Detection
for the Intel RapidCAD, Intel 387DX, and Cyrix 387+ has been changed
from tests depending on instruction timing to tests that rely on
certain small incompatibilities between the coprocessors.
o When called with a filename to store the results in, COMPTEST would
fail to print the final message "COMPTEST terminated - press any key"
if either there was a error in handling the file indicated or if no
hard disk results were stored. This has been fixed.
The following is a detailed explanation of the information provided
by COMPTEST 2.59 and the known limitations of the program.
o General limitations:
Correct execution of COMPTEST depends on certain hardware resources
provided by the hardware of PC compatibles. That a machine runs MS-DOS
is by itself no guarantee that COMPTEST can be run successfully, as
MS-DOS may run on machines that are not 100% compatible with industry
standard PCs. Since it directly accesses hardware components,
COMPTEST should not be run in the DOS-boxes supplied by Windows, OS/2
or similar programs. Even if it does run, some or all of the information
it provides may be wrong or misleading. For the same reason, it should
not be run on a PC emulator, e.g. SoftPC by Insignia, even if simpler
programs like the Landmark Speed Test run successfully in such an
o Computer type:
The specific type of an IBM compatible PC is coded into one or two
bytes in the last 16 bytes of the first MByte of the address range.
This memory is occupied by the BIOS ROM. Quiet a few values have
been defined by IBM for its PC, AT, and PS/2 computers. COMPTEST
decodes this information according to IBM's definitions and prints
the result. Ordinary 286, 386, and 486 based PCs with an ISA bus
are reported as AT compatibles.
o CPU Type:
COMPTEST is able to detect the following CPU types: Intel 8088,
Intel 8086, NEC V20, NEC V30, Intel 80188, Intel 80186, Intel
80286, Intel 80386DX, Intel 80386SX, Intel 80486DX, Intel 80486SX,
Intel RapidCAD, Chips&Technologies 38600DX, Cyrix 486DLC, Cyrix 486SLC.
The Intel 80186/80188 are CPUs with integrated peripherals that
have been used in only a few PCs that were manufactured around
1982/1983. It has an extended 8086 instruction set. The Intel
RapidCAD is a replacement for a 80386/80387 combination and is
basically a 80486DX without the internal cache and with a 386 pinout.
The Chips&Technologies 38600DX is a pin compatible replacement for
the 80386DX CPU that offers some performance improvements. The
Intel 486SX is a 80486 without the FPU (floating point unit).
The Cyrix 486DLC is a CPU that is software compatible with the
486SX, but is a replacement for the 80386DX CPU. Similarly, the
Cyrix 486SLC is for use in 386SX systems.
AMD's Am386DX, Am38DXL, Am386SX, and Am386SXL are 100% compatible
to the Intel 386DX and Intel 386SX CPUs, respectively, and are
reported as Intel 386DX and Intel 386SX, respectively, by COMPTEST.
The Intel 486DX2-50, Intel 486DX2-66, and the Intel Overdrive
processors are 486DX chips that use a clock-doubler that drives
the CPU internally at twice the speed of all other system components.
The 486DX2-50 is a replacement for the 486DX-25, while the 486DX2-66
replaces the 486DX-33. The Overdrive goes into the 487SX socket
found in many 486SX systems. These processors are all reported as
80486 processors by COMPTEST.
To distinguish between the different CPUs and math coprocessors,
COMPTEST in most cases takes advantage of certain incompatibilities
between the chips that can be tested without using other system
resources. Only a few tests involve timing differences in the execution
of certain instructions. These depend on the correct operation of the
PC's timer chip.
To separate the 8086, 8088, V20, V30, 80186, and 80188 CPU from
newer CPUs, the behavior of the instruction sequence PUSH SP,
POP AX is used. While after the execution of these instructions,
AX=SP on the newer processors, AX=SP-2 for the 8086..80188.
To distinguish among the CPUs in the first group (8086..80188),
the following properties of the processors are used. The 80186/
80188 (like all newer Intel CPUs) mask off shift counts MOD 32
in shift and rotate instructions so that no more than 31 shift
steps are performed. The V20, V30, 8088, and 8008 do not mask off
shift counts and perform up to the 255 shift steps allowed by the
8-bit counter used. If a register with a non-zero contents is
shifted left with a shift count of 32, it will be cleared after
the operation on the 8086/8088 and V20/V30, while nothing will
happen on the 80186/80188, since 32 MOD 32 = 0, that is, no shifting
takes place. V20 and V30 (just like the 80186/80188 and newer CPUs
from Intel) have a PUSHA instruction that saves all general registers
on the stack. The 8086/8088 don't have this instruction, but the
execution of the PUSHA opcode acts like a JMP skipping the next
code byte. COMPTEST uses this code byte to set a flag so that
the flag is only set on V20/V30 processors. If the flag is not
set, an 8086/8086 must be present. This is verified by an additional
test that checks if the highest nibble in the flag register can be set.
This nibble is always cleared on the 8086/8088 and can not be set.
The 8086, V30, and 80186, which have a 16-bit data bus, can be
distinguished from the 8088, V20, and 80188, which have an 8-bit data
bus through the use of self modifying code that works differently due
to the different length of the instruction prefetch queue, which has
a length of 4 bytes for the CPUs with 8-bit busses, but a length of
6 bytes for the CPUs with 16-bit busses. Modifying an instruction
five bytes ahead in the instruction stream will cause the modified
instruction to be executed by the 8-bit CPU versions, while the
original instruction will be executed on the 16-bit CPU versions,
since it was already in the prefetch queue by the time the instruction
was modified in memory.
To tell apart the 80286 from the 80386 and 80486, an attempt is made
to change certain bits in the flag register of the CPU. While they can
be modified in the 80386 and 80486, the 80286 will not allow that to
be done. The 80486 has a new bit in its flag register that is not defined
in the 80386 and is always clear there. By attempting to toggle this
bit, it can be decided whether a 80386 or 80486 is present. The 486SX
is a 80486 without the FPU (floating point unit ~ integrated coprocessor),
so if a 486 CPU has been detected but the test for a coprocessor or
FPU fails, it can be concluded that a 486SX is present. The 80386SX
has a 16-bit data bus as compared to the 32-bit data bus of the otherwise
(almost) identical 80386DX, so 32-bit memory accesses on the 80386SX
are slower than 16-bit memory accesses since they have to be split into
two 16-bit accesses. On the 386DX, both 16-bit and 32-bit memory
accesses have the same speed, if memory operands on addresses divisible
by four are accessed. By measuring and comparing the speed of 16-bit
and 32-bit memory accesses, COMPTEST determines if a 386SX is present.
Intel and AMD both make 386DX and 386SX processors that are functionally
totally identical. However, AMD makes 386DXs that are rated for 40 MHz
and 386SXs that are rated for 33 MHz, which Intel doesn't make. So
COMPTEST could make an educated guess on what manufacturer's CPU is
used based on the clock frequency it determines. COMPTEST does without
this guess, though, and reports all AMD 386 CPUs as Intel 386DX or Intel
Chips and Technologies has introduced CPUs that are compatible with
the 386DX and 386SX, which are called the 83600DX and 83600SX. Also,
an 83600DX with a small internal cache has been announced called the
83605DX. While AMD uses Intel's microcode in their 386 CPUs, C&T uses
its own microcode. Therefore, the CPUs from C&T do not possess a well
known bug present in the Intel 80386. This so called POPAD bug causes
the EAX register to be trashed for a certain instruction sequence
involving the POPAD instruction. COMPTEST checks for this bug to
distinguish the C&T CPUs from Intel's 386 processors. Since I have
found that the POPAD bug can not be reliably reproduced on Intel 386SX
CPUs, COMPTEST reports all 386SX CPUs as Intel 386SX, whether a POPAD
failure occurs or not. Since C&T will not offer the 38600SX before
late in 1993, this doesn't make the CPU detection by COMPTEST less
reliable. COMPTEST will not recognize the 83605DX, but will report
it as an 83600DX. Since the reproducibility of the POPAD bug depends
somewhat on the initial value of the EAX register, COMPTEST uses 31
different values.
The Intel RapidCAD is basically a 486 without the internal cache
that is an end user replacement for a 80386DX/80387 combination.
It is 100% software compatible with this combination and can be
detected by checking the speed of store operations from the FPU
to memory, which are executed much faster on the RapidCAD than in
any 386/387 system, regardless of the coprocessor used.
Cyrix now offers the 486DLC and the 486SLC that are designed for
386/386SX systems. However, they are software compatible with the
Intel 486SX. Cyrix has implemented a fast array multiplier on these
chips to speed up integer multiplications, making the MUL instruction
faster than on any other CPU found in PC compatible computers.
COMPTEST detects the Cyrix 486DLC/SLC by comparing the speed of the
MUL and AAM instructions. On the 80486, the execution time for the
MUL instruction ranges from 13 to 26 clock cycles for a 16 bit
operand, while the AAM instruction executes in 15 clock cycles. So
multiplication is never significantly faster than AAM. On the Cyrix
processors, MUL takes 3 cycles with a 16 bit operand, and AAM takes
16 cylces. So on these processors MUL is several times faster than
o Clock frequency:
Measuring the clock frequency of the CPU is based on repeated execution
of the AAM (ASCII adjust after multiply) instruction. This instruction
takes more than 10 clock cycles to execute on all CPUs that are supported,
so there is enough time for the CPU to always keep its prefetch queue
filled, resulting in very stable timings since there is no additional
penalty for filling up the prefetch queue. Also the AAM instruction has
the advantage to execute in a fixed number of clock cycles, as opposed
to some instructions like DIV that take even longer to execute than AAM,
but whose timing depends on the input arguments. To report the clock
frequency accurately, it is absolutely important to use the correct
execution time for the AAM instruction in COMPTEST. Note that the AAM
execution time stated in the Intel manual for the 8088/8086 is not
correct. Depending on the accuracy of the oscillator that drives the
PCs timer, the reported CPU clock frequency should be accurate to within
+/- 2%. Note that for CPUs that use internal clock doubler circuits
(e.g. Intel 486DX2-50), the clock frequency displayed by COMPTEST is
the frequency at which the CPU runs internally (50 MHz in the example
o Bus width:
The width of the CPU data bus. This is determined by the type of the
CPU, so this is actually redundant information.
o Cache size:
COMPTEST is one of very few test programs that correctly determine
the cache size of first and second level CPU caches. This is very useful
if you are not sure whether the CPU cache in your computer is enabled
or functional at all. COMPTEST moves memory blocks of increasing size
and watches for sharp drops in memory throughput to determine the cache
sizes. Since the largest blocks tested have a size of 512 KB, COMPTEST
is limited in that it can *not* correctly detect CPU caches that are
bigger than 256 KB. The smallest cache size COMPTEST can determine
is 1 KB, which is the size of the internal cache on the Cyrix 486SLC
and 486DLC chips. COMPTEST's cache test strategy may be defeated if
you have defined non-cacheable areas in the first 512 KB of base memory.
Non-cacheable areas can usually be defined in the extended BIOS setups
of 386 and 486 based machines and are only necessary if you have a
write-back cache and have to ensure correct operation of memory mapped
peripherals (e.g. video memory of graphics card, Weitek coprocessor).
Usually there is no need to define a non-cacheable area in the first
512 KB of base memory. COMPTEST's cache detection usually is very
reliable, only once did it indicate a cache on a system with no CPU
cache, probably due to the mixture of page/interleave access modes
used by that system's memory. The technique used by COMPTEST to
determine cache size basically works as follows: Assume you have a
machine with a n KB CPU cache. If you read a memory block of n KB or
less twice, it will be read almost completely from the cache the
second time it is read (some data may have been thrown out by accesses
to the code of the test program, as the caches in the Intel 486 and
comptible CPUs is a unified code and data cache). However, if you
linearly read a block of 2n KB data twice, the second half of the
data block will throw out the first half of the data block that is
already in the cache. On the second pass through, accesses to the
first half of the block will result in a miss for every cache line
accessed, as the cache now contains the data from the first n KBytes
of the block. If the times to read data blocks of 2^i KBytes are
recorded, one sees a sharp increase in read time as soon as a data
block larger than the cache size is read. COMPTEST uses block moves
instead of the block reads in the example, as I have found this to
be somewhat more reliable.
o Maximum RAM throughput (without cache):
This is a measure of the quality of the main memory system of the
machine tested. As with all throughput numbers, higher numbers are
better. Maximum throughput is determined by executing block move
instructions moving blocks on addresses divisble by four. For processors
up to and including the 80286, 16 bit transfers are used to move the
data. For the 80386 and newer processors, 32 bit transfers are used to
correctly reflect the higher memory throughput that is possible using
instructions that can handle 32 bit data. By moving memory blocks
that are bigger than CPU caches that may be present, COMPTEST tries
to defeat the cache strategy and to measure the true speed of system
RAM as if no cache(s) were present. However, this technique can back-
fire so the values given by COMPTEST for RAM throughput without cache
may be different from those that COMPTEST determines if the cache(s)
are physically disabled (usually possible through the BIOS setup). The
value reported by COMPTEST for RAM throughput without cache is really
the memory throughput with the maximum possible number of cache misses.
With a decent cache controller, the memory access speed in case of
a cache miss is the same as if no cache were present at all. However,
some cache controllers impose an additional overhead on such a memory
access that may be as large as 40 clock cycles per cache line loaded,
as opposed to 3-4 clocks for a good cache controller. In these cases,
COMPTEST reports up to 6 wait states or even more for RAM access
without cache. Even if COMPTEST does not report the correct value
for the RAM throughput in these cases, it is still a valuable indicator
of the quality of the cache/memory subsystem implementation. The
higher the throughput reported the better does the system perform. On
systems with no CPU cache, COMPTEST reliably measures the true throughput
of the system RAM. Based on the measured throughput as compared to
the maximum throughput for the detected CPU, COMPTEST also computes
the equivalent number of wait states. This is not an integral number
due to the fact that the number of wait states is usually not the
same for every memory access. COMPTEST reports the *average* number
of wait states needed. With wait states, lower numbers are better.
Older 80286 based systems going faster than 10 MHz usually have at
least 0.6-0.7 wait states but on a recently tested 80286 system running
at 16 MHz, COMPTEST reported 0.1 wait states, which reflects the state
of the art in memory system design. 80386DX and 80486 based systems
typically have no less than 1.6 wait states. A brand-new 386SX system
based on the Am386SX-33 had only 0.3 wait states, though. There are
machines that use fast SRAM for the 640 KB base memory that doesn't
force the CPU to insert wait states when accessing this memory. Please
note that systems using clock doubled chips will often report more
wait states than systems in which the CPU runs at the same speed as
the other system components including the memory subsystem. In systems
with a clock doubled CPU, memory always looks slow to the CPU, as one
clock cycle on the memory data bus equals two internal CPU clock cycles.
Since COMPTEST reports waits states measured in CPU clock cycles, one
will see the wait states reported double when changing from a 486DX-33
to a 486DX2-66 on the same motherboard. For example, a board for which
COMPTEST reported 2.6 wait states when run with a 486-33 CPU will have
5.2 wait states reported after changing to a 486DX2-66 CPU. Reporting
the wait states measured in internal CPU clock cycles is well justified,
as the number of wait states tell the user something about the relative
speed of the memory compared to the speed of the CPU. Clearly, a memory
subsystem running at 33 MHz is more adequate for a CPU running at 33 MHz
than for one running at 66 MHz. The RAM throughput measured by COMPTEST
refers only to base memory (first 640 KB of memory or less).
o Cache Throughput:
This information is only reported if COMPTEST has found a CPU cache
in the machine. As with memory throughput, higher numbers are better.
Cache throughput is determined by performing block moves on addresses
divisible by four within the cache memory using the CPU's MOVS
instruction with the maximum data width available. If two levels of
cache are present in the system (e.g. a 80486 system with an external
cache of 256 KB and the 8 KB of internal cache in the 80486), the
throughput for both is reported. You will see a performance drop
going down the memory hierarchy. First level caches usually run with
no wait states, that is with the full speed supported by the CPU.
The second level cache has less throughput than the first level cache,
but is several times larger. The system memory is even slower than
the second level cache but much bigger. The cache throughput rates
reported by COMPTEST usually are accurate indicators of the cache
performance. Write-back caches may have higher throughput rates
reported than write-through caches, as the block move performs reads
and writes. However, write-back caches also show higher performance
when used with real applications, so the higher performance indicated
by COMPTEST is probably justified.
o System memory:
System memory here refers to the base memory within the first megabyte
of the address space and below the start of a graphics adapter's
display memory. COMPTEST searches for RAM in small steps from the
bottom to the top of the address space until it reaches a graphics
adapter or no more contiguous RAM is found. Note that this value
can be larger than the usual 640 KB. For example, on systems that
have only a CGA, system memory could be expanded up to address B8000h
for a total of 736 KBytes of system memory. Similarly, system memory
could be expanded to 704 KBytes on a system using a monochrome
Hercules card. There are special memory cards that allow such extensions.
Also, utilities such as the VIDRAM program included with Quarterdeck's
QEMM memory manager can expand the base memory by either using part
of a VGA's or EGA's display memory as system memory or mapping
extended memory into this range, and disabling part of the EGA/VGA's
capabilities to make basically a CGA out of them.
o Memory available to DOS:
This is the amount of system memory (base memory) that the BIOS
reports to DOS. The BIOS determines the amount of system memory
during a cold boot and stores the result in its data block which
starts at address 400h. Several utility programs that extend the
system memory above 640 KB, such as the VIDRAM program that comes
with Quarterdeck's QEMM memory manager, manipulate this value to
reflect the greater amount of memory now available to DOS. Note
that the value reported by COMPTEST does not include DOS memory
in UMBs created by MS-DOS 5.0 or similar programs. This test is
a bit out of date and could be updated to support the new features
of the latest DOS versions.
o Memory permanently used by DOS and TSRs:
As the previous test, this one is outdated in that it doesn't take
into consideration the state of the art with regard to DOS memory
management. All memory below the address at which COMPTEST is loaded
is assumed to be unavailable to DOS. Device drivers and TSRs that are
loaded high are not included into the amount of memory reported. Use
the program MEMMAP also included in the COMPTEST archive file to get
a detailed list of memory blocks allocated to DOS and TSRs.
o Extended memory (INT 15h throughput):
Extended memory is that part of a PC's memory that is above the
first megabyte of the CPU's address space. It can be available only
on those computers that have an 80286 or newer CPU. Except for the
first 64 KB block of extended memory, which is called HMA (high
memory area), it can only be accessed in the protected mode of
these processors. COMPTEST reports the amount of extended memory
as determined by the system BIOS during a cold boot. This value is
stored in the CMOS RAM of the real time clock of AT type machines.
On newer PCs, this CMOS has been physically incorporated into the
chip set that contains most of the discrete logic of older PCs in
two or three chips. COMPTEST reads the amount of extended memory
directly from the CMOS RAM. Note that the sum of base memory
and extended memory may not add up to the total memory installed
in the machine, as some of this memory may be used to shadow the
BIOS ROM and/or ROM extensions (e.g. VGA BIOS) and is therefore
unavailable for other purposes. Shadowing means that the code in
the ROMs is copied to RAM during a cold boot and that this RAM is
mapped to the same address as the shadowed ROM. Since ROMs are slow,
code in the ROMs (e.g. BIOS) executes slowly and can be sped up a
lot by shadowing. Extended memory can be accessed in several ways.
One way is to use the services of a XMS (extended memory specification)
driver such as HIMEM.SYS. This, however, requires such a driver to
be loaded. There are also functions provided by the BIOS via INT 15h
to access extended memory. COMPTEST uses these to copy a block of
memory from extended memory to the base memory below 640 KB and
determines the transfer rate (throughput) by measuring the time it takes
to copy the block. Using a memory manager such as QEMM usually causes
the INT 15h functions to be mapped to the appropriate XMS calls, so
the INT 15h throughput value may differ significantly depending on
whether a memory manager is loaded or not. Not all BIOSes use 32-bit
transfers for block copies from/to extended memory when it is
possible (that is, on 386 and 486 based machines), so the INT 15h
throughput from extended memory may be only half of the normal system
memory throughput. Also, access to extended memory usually requires the
CPU to be switched to protected mode and back, which causes considerable
overhead when it is not done via the fast methods provided by most
386 and 486 chip sets, but uses the traditional method which involves
using the keyboard controller.
o Expanded Memory:
Expanded Memory, specified in the EMS (expanded memory specification),
was originally designed to provide 8086 and 8088 based computers, which
have only a one MByte address space, with up to 32 MBytes of memory.
The LIM (Lotus, Intel, Microsoft)-EMS is a standardized application
interface that permits several implementation techniques. Memory cards
which support expanded memory in hardware use sort of a bank switching
technique. Up to four blocks of 16 KBytes each can be mapped into a
contiguous 64 KB region in the address range C8000h-E0000h. This region
is called the EMS page frame. The memory on such EMS cards can not be
accessed as fast as the system memory on the motherboard in most
computers, since the data has to travel over the relatively slow ISA
bus. On the 386 and 486 based computers mostly used nowadays, expanded
memory is usually provided by a memory manager like 386MAX, QEMM, or
EMM386 that manages part of the extended memory (memory above the first
MByte of the address space) as expanded memory. These programs use the
MMU (memory management unit) built into these CPUs to map memory blocks
from the extended memory to the EMS page frame. There are also programs
that use the hard disk to provide the storage for expanded memory.
COMPTEST tries to detect an EMS driver in the system. If it finds one,
it will question the driver for the total EMS memory provided by it,
the start address of the EMS page frame and the EMS version number with
which the EMS driver complies. The current version of EMS is 4.0, which
defines additional services over the previous version 3.2. COMPTEST does
not detect a memory card with hardware support for EMS if the EMS driver
for the card has not been loaded. COMPTEST determines the throughput from
EMS memory by reserving a EMS-page, mapping it into the page frame and
doing a block copy from the mapped-in page.
Note that the total amount of memory available to programs that can
make use of expanded and extended memory may well be lower than the
sum of the extended memory and the expanded memory, as some of the
extended memory physically present in the machine and reported by
COMPTEST may have been logically converted to EMS memory by an EMS
driver. For example, the QEMM 6.0 memory manager provides extended
memory according to XMS and expanded memory via a built-in EMS driver,
and satisfies memory allocation request from a common pool for both
types of memory. So for a machine with 8 MBytes of physical memory it
may report 7 MBytes of EMS and 7 Mbytes of extended memory.
o other RAM:
COMPTEST tries to find additional RAM between the end of the graphics
card's display memory and the start of the BIOS ROM. This RAM may be
provided by special memory cards or by some chips sets like NEAT that
can map memory to this region physically. It can also be provided by
386 memory managers, that use the processor's MMU (memory management unit)
to logically map memory to this region. The latest DOS versions (e.g.
MS-DOS 5.0) can use such memory in the form of UMBs (upper memory
blocks). COMPTEST may also find RAM that is present on network adapters
or certain hard disk controllers. In such cases, COMPTEST may report
numerous very short RAM blocks. If the length of these blocks is below
one KByte, COMPTEST prints the size as 0 KB. The memory found on network
adapters and hard disk controllers is of course not available to DOS.
Rather, these adapters use the RAM for buffers or to hold certain
variables. COMPTEST does not scan the address space above the display
memory byte by byte to find RAM. Rather it tests every 256th byte if
it is in RAM. The byte is tested by writing two different values to
it and checking if both can be reliably read back.
o BIOS-extensions:
COMPTEST searches for BIOS-extensions such as a VGA-BIOS or hard disk
BIOS between the end of the graphic adapter's display memory and the
start of the main BIOS-ROM. COMPTEST checks in steps of 256 bytes if
the next two bytes read 55h, AAh, which is the common ID with which
all BIOS extensions start. If the sequence 55h, AAh is found, COMPTEST
reads the next byte, which stores the length of the BIOS-ROM measured
in 0.5 KByte blocks, if a BIOS-extension is indeed present. All bytes
in the memory region specified by the length byte are summed up. If
the 8 lowest bits of the sum are found to be all zero, a valid BIOS
extension has been found. COMPTEST then tries to determine if the BIOS
extension found is a hard disk BIOS or an EGA/VGA BIOS and displays
that additional information where applicable. Note that the same block
of memory can be displayed as both, a BIOS extension and extra RAM.
This usually indicates that BIOS shadowing is being used and that
the shadowed BIOS has not been write protected.
o parallel ports:
COMPTEST prints the number of parallel ports as reported in the
BIOS's equipment byte.
o serial ports:
PCs are commonly prepared to manage up to four serial ports in the
system. The BIOS checks for serial ports installed during a cold
boot and stores the number of serial ports found in the BIOS' data
area (starting at address 400h). It also determines the start address
for the block of IO-ports each serial port occupies. COMPTEST evaluates
this information. It also tests for serial ports (UARTs = universal
asynchronous receiver transmitter) itself, searching the four
standardized IO starting addresses used in PCs (3F8h, 2F8h, 3E8h, 2E8h).
First it tries to establish whether a UART is present at the specified
address by trying to switch on the loop back feature of the UART and
then transferring a byte through the loop. If this test passes, COMPTEST
assumes that a UART is present, since it is highly unlikely that any
other device would correspond to the same sequence of instructions in
the same manner. COMPTEST then tries to find out whether the UART chip
used is a 8250, 16450, 16550, or 16550A. The 8250 is the UART chip used
in PC compatibles. The 16450 is the successor to the 8250 chip. It
supports transfers at higher baud rates than the 8250. It also features
a scratch register that the 8250 does not have. By trying to store
values in the scratch register and read them back, COMPTEST determines
whether a 8250 or 16450 is in the system. The 82450 is the same chip
as the 16450 produced by a different manufacturer and is reported as
a 16450 by COMPTEST. The 16550 is a 16450 with added send and receive
FIFO buffers. This makes for more reliable communication and higher
effective transfer rates in interrupt driven serial communication. The
original 16550 had a bug that was fixed in the 16550A. The 16550 has
two status bits that reflect the status of the send/receive FIFOs. On
the 16550 only one of these bits works correctly, while on the 16550A,
both of them perform as expected. This is used by COMPTEST to distinguish
between the two chips.
o mathematical coprocessor:
COMPTEST checks if a 80x87 mathematical coprocessor is present. If
one is found, it does a detailed check on the type of coprocessor
installed. It can determine the presence of the Intel 8087, Intel
80187, Intel 80287, Intel 287XL, Intel 80387, Intel 387DX, Intel
387SX, Intel RapidCAD, Cyrix 82S87, Cyrix 83S87, Cyrix 83D87, Cyrix
387+, Cyrix EMC87, IIT 2C87, IIT 3C87, IIT 3C87SX, ULSI 83S87, ULSI
83C87, C&T 38700DX, C&T 38700SX and coprocessor emulators using INT 7
for emulation. The Cyrix EMC87 is a 387DX compatible coprocessor that
also provides a memory mapped mode and goes into the EMC socket (found
in most 386 based machines) that was originally designed for the Weitek
coprocessors. Correct detection of most, but not all, of the chips
mentioned has been tested. COMPTEST also tries to determine the presence
of a Weitek Abacus 3167 or 4167 coprocessor by checking the BIOS'
equipment status for a set Weitek bit. However, on most systems, this
bit is only set if the Weitek coprocessor has been registered in the
BIOS extended setup by the user, so it is not very reliable. COMPTEST
does not check for physical presence of a Weitek coprocessor.
COMPTEST takes advantage of the fact that 80x87 coprocessor instructions
are ignored in systems with no coprocessor. It executes instructions
that store the default status and control words of a coprocessor to
memory. If no coprocessor is present, nothing gets stored in these
memory locations. If the expected values are stored in these locations
COMPTEST knows that a coprocessor is present.
If a coprocessor has been found, COMPTEST tries to detect into which
of the following four groups it belongs: emulator via INT 7, 80486,
8087/80287, all other coprocessors. If the emulation bit in the
machine status word of a 286 or 386 CPU is set, COMPTEST assumes that
the 'coprocessor' found is actually an emulator that emulates coprocessor
instructions via the INT 7 trap. If the CPU was found to be an Intel
80486, COMPTEST knows that the coprocessor found is the FPU on this
chip. The Intel 8087 and 80287 were designed before the IEEE-754 Standard
for Binary Floating-Point Arithmetic was finally accepted in 1985. As
opposed to all newer coprocessors, they implemented certain features
no longer supported in the final form of the standard. One of these
features was that they had two modes for handling infinities. In one
mode, infinities were signed, in the other, all infinities did not
carry a sign and were the same. COMPTEST uses this to separate the 8087
and 80287 from other coprocessors. It generates an infinity by means
of a division by zero, duplicates that infinity, changes the sign of
the infinity and then compared the two values. On the 8087 and 80287,
they will be reported to be identical, while on all other coprocessors,
the are reported as different due to the different sign. This enables
COMPTEST to distinguish the Intel 80287 from the 287XL and coprocessors
compatible with the latter, such as Cyrix 82S87 and IIT 2C87. It also
makes it possible to find out whether a 386 based system uses the 287
or a 387 as the coprocessor.
The 287 and 387 compatible coprocessors from different manufacturers
can be told apart by certain incompatibilities:
The IIT coprocessors do not support denormal numbers in the coprocessor's
internal format, while all other coprocessors do. COMPTEST tests for
the IIT coprocessors by loading an extended precision denormal and
adding that number to itself. On all coprocessors except the ones
from IIT, this causes the denormal exception to be raised. Since the
result is flushed to zero on the IIT coprocessors, the denormal exception
is not raised.
The ULSI coprocessors do not support the rounding control feature of
the other coprocessors. They compute all results in extended precision.
To test for ULSI coprocessors, COMPTEST sets the precision control
to 53 bits and then multiplies two numbers whose product can be
represented exactly in the 64 mantissa bits of the extended precision
format, but not in 53 mantissa bits. Therefore, the precision exception
is raised on all coprocessors except the ones from ULSI.
In the Cyrix coprocessors, several small bugs present in the Intel
coprocessors have been fixed. One of them deals with the operation
on NaNs. Intel's requirements state that an instruction that operates
on two NaNs should return the larger of the two NaNs. However, if both
NaNs have the same absolute value but different sign, Intel's coprocessors
erroneously return the negative (and therefore smaller) NaN. The Cyrix
coprocessors return the correct result in these cases. COMPTEST uses
the FPATAN instruction to perform the test described. The successor
to the 83D87 from Cyrix is the 387+. This is a "Europe-only" name, in
other parts of the world, the new coprocessor is sold under the old
name 83D87. The 387+ can be told apart from the 83D87 because of its
extended argument range for the FYL2XP1 instruction. While the range
for this instruction is restricted to -sqrt(2)/2..sqrt(2)/2 on all
other 80x87 compatibles, it is unrestricted in the 387+. COMPTEST
computes FYL2XP1 (1.0) and tests if the correct result (1.0) is returned.
The Cyrix EMC87 can be told apart from other Cyrix coprocessors since
the most significant bit of its control word can be written.
The Intel 80387 exists in two versions. The newer one is called 387DX
and provides about 20% more performance. One difference between these
chips is what they get for the exponent when doing an FXTRACT of -1.0.
While the older 80387 gets -0.0 as the answer, the newer 387DX gets
+0.0. This difference is used by COMPTEST to decide which Intel 80387
is in the machine.
The coprocessors from Chips and Technologies are detected by the result
they return for F2XM1 (pi). Note that F2XM1 is only defined for arguments
in the interval -1..1. The C&T 38700 coprocessor returns pi/2 when F2XM1
is called with an argument of pi. The Cyrix coprocessors return the same
result, but are never submitted to the test for the C&T coprocessors.
The Intel RapidCAD behaves like a 386/387 combination. One of the few
differences is the way in which the value BCD INDEFINITE is stored.
While the Intel 80387 and 387DX store it as FFFF 8000000000000000, the
RapidCAD and the Intel 80486 store it as FFFF C000000000000000. This
difference is used by COMPTEST to detect the RapidCAD chip.
COMPTEST measures the clock speed of the coprocessor by measuring the
time it takes to execute a block of FSQRT instructions. This instruction
was picked since it has a very stable execution time that varies
only minimally and has a sufficiently high execution time. However,
the execution time of coprocessor instructions in 286 and 386 systems
may vary by a few clock cycles, depending on the chip set used. Also,
in some systems, the CPU and the coprocessor run asynchronously,
causing the execution time of coprocessor instructions to vary even
more, since in 286 and 386 systems the CPU has to fetch the instructions
and operands for the coprocessor.
o mouse:
COMPTEST tries to detect the presence of a mouse driver, not if a
mouse if physically hooked up to the PC. It calls a specific mouse
driver function that returns the information which mouse button has
been pressed. This has the advantage that the mouse driver's status
is not changed.
o games adapter:
COMPTEST tries to determine the presence of a games adapter (used
to hook up up to two analog joysticks to the PC). This test has two
stages: In the first stage COMPTEST asks the BIOS if a games adapter
is present, in the second stage it tries to access the games adapters
registers. Unfortunately, both methods seem to be highly unreliable,
as COMPTEST usually reports that no games adapter could be found,
even if one is installed.
o DOS drives:
COMPTEST determines the number of DOS drives by trying to set the
default drive to DOS drives 0 to 8, and returns all those drives
as valid DOS drives that can be used as DOS default drive. Note
that this limits the number of DOS drives that COMPTEST recognizes
to a maximum of nine drives. This can easily be expanded by some
changes to the source code.
o floppy drives:
COMPTEST reports the number of floppy drives as reported in the BIOS
equipment flag. In AT compatible systems, the type of each floppy
drive is taken from the drive information found in the CMOS RAM in
the real time clock. In modern system, this RAM is now part of the
system's chip set.
o hard disks:
COMPTEST recognizes up to four hard disks. For each drive, it calls
the 'drive ready' status function of the BIOS. Every drive that
returns the 'ready' condition is included into the final tally.
Some removable hard disks, such as Tandon's data packs, that require
special drivers to hook into the DOS file system, are not recognized
as hard disks by COMPTEST.
o graphics card:
COMPTEST reports only one graphics card in the system, even if two
are installed (e.g. EGA and Hercules). It recognizes MDA and CGA
(found in the original IBM-PC), EGA (introduced with the IBM-AT),
MCGA and VGA (introduced with IBM's PS/2), also the monochrome
Hercules card and IBM's PGA. No attempt is made to distinguish
between the many different chip sets used in today's VGAs (e.g.
TVGA, Tseng ET4000, Video 7). COMPTEST will also not recognize the
Hercules RAMFont and Hercules InColor cards, 8514/A, Tiga cards or
other accelerated graphics cards. COMPTEST detects most of the
graphics cards it recognizes by making call's to certain functions
in their BIOS. For EGA cards, it also reports the amount of memory
on the adapter as reported by the EGA-BIOS.
o Video-RAM wait states:
The CPU usually can not access the display memory on a graphics card
at full speed due to a number of reasons. As the CRT controller on the
graphics adapter has to read out the display memory to generate the
CRT signals and the DRAM found on most graphics cards does not allow
simultaneous access from the CPU and the CRT controller, the CPU may
have to wait until the CRT controller has finished its access to a
particular part of display memory. Second, data transferred to/from
a graphics card has to travel over the PCs system bus, which has a
limited throughput that is much smaller than the memory bandwidth of
the CPU, thus slowing down the average memory access over the bus. The
ISA bus found in most PCs is particularly slow, while the MCA and
EISA busses provide more bandwidth. To overcome this problem, some
manufacturers have chosen to integrate the graphics adapter on the
mother board or couple the graphics adapter more closely to the CPU
using a technique called local bus. Local busses are direct extensions
of the CPU's busses. They usually run at the full speed of the system
and provide high bandwidth, but can only drive a limited number of
cards. A popular form of the local bus concept is the VESA local bus
(VLB), for which numerous graphics cards are now available. Third,
for fast machines, the speed of the DRAM chips on many graphics card
(60-70 ns at best) is to slow to allow zero wait state operation of
video memory accesses. This is the same problem that affects memory
accesses to the system RAM in these machines. Use of VRAM eases the
problem somewhat, so all fast graphics cards now use VRAM. Fourth,
the bus interface used by the graphic card's chip set may introduce
additional slow down due to the physical organization of the display
memory (e.g. remapping word accesses to byte accesses). End users can
influence the raw video throughput (and thereby the number of wait
states) by selecting a graphics card with a fast chip set and by
configuring their system to use as high a bus speed as possible.
Typical numbers for video-RAM wait states are 1 wait state per MHz
CPU clock frequency for Hercules cards, ~15 wait states for EGA cards,
and as low as 7 wait states for fast VGA cards (e.g. those using the
ET4000 chip set). Note that on 486-DX2 system, the number of wait
states is usually higher since the whole system runs at half the
speed of the CPU. To measure wait states for video-RAM accesses,
COMPTEST stores a block of data to the video adapter and measures
the time to do that. This time is then compared to the time it would
take to store this data in zero wait state memory. From these values
the number of wait states is computed. COMPTEST uses the memory at
address B0000h for monochrome modes and B8000h for color modes for
this test. On some graphics cards, the memory access at these addresses
may have a higher number of wait states than in other parts of the
screen memory (e.g. the memory at A0000h used by high resolution
graphics modes of EGA/VGA cards). There is also a PD program
called VIDSPEED that uses a technique similar to COMPTEST's to
report video-RAM throughput and vertical and horizontal retrace
frequencies. Note that for graphics cards with accelerator chips,
the speed with which the CPU can access the RAM on the graphics card
is not a good indicator of the Windows, OS/2, or X-Windows performance,
as many operations on the cards are performed on the card itself.
o Speed of video output via BIOS:
The speed is given in characters output per second as measured for
function #9 of the video BIOS (write character with attribute). Note
that there are other video-BIOS functions that write characters
to the screen, that may be faster or slower than the function to
be chosen for COMPTEST. For these reasons, it is hard to compare
the output speed determined by COMPTEST with other system diagnostic
programs such as DiagSoft's PowerMeter. As this test heavily exercises
code in the video-BIOS, there may be huge performance differences
between a shadowed and a non-shadowed BIOS. BIOS shadowing means
that the BIOS code is copied from slow ROMs to fast RAM for faster
execution at system start up. This is an option in most 286/386/486
based systems that operate at more than 10 MHz. BIOS throughput drops
due to the use of the 386 memory managers, since these programs
intercept all interrupts and therefore introduce a considerable
overhead into the execution of BIOS interrupts. There may also be
TSRs that hook the video BIOS interrupt and cause BIOS throughput to
drop even further. The typical BIOS throughput in fast 386 and 486
systems usually exceeds 100,000 characters per second. Due to the
trend to GUIs (graphical user interfaces), the output speed of the
BIOS has lost its earlier importance. Most programs do not even
use the BIOS for character based output, but rather write to the
screen directly. Note that scrolling may reduce the output speed
significantly and is not included in the BIOS throughput test by
o Speed of video output via DOS:
The speed is given in characters output per second as measured for
the DOS functions #9 (print string). Note that the DOS file functions
can also be used to print to the screen and that the output speed
for these function may differ from the output speed reported. Also,
the output speed may depend on the string length of the string to
be printed due to varying amount of overhead while calling DOS. Since
an ANSI driver usually causes a much slower DOS video output due to
the need of the driver to check the output stream for interpretable
sequences, COMPTEST states if the speed shown refers to the output
speed with or without an ANSI driver present. To check for an ANSI
driver, COMPTEST prints an ANSI ESC sequence that causes an ANSI
driver to report the cursor position by inserting the result string
into the keyboard buffer. COMPTEST then checks if this information
has arrived in the keyboard buffer and assumes the presence of an
ANSI device driver if it finds the information in the keyboard buffer.
Besides the use of an ANSI or similar terminal driver (e.g. EANSI,
NANSI), the use of a 386 memory manager such a 386MAX, QEMM, or EMM386
can slow down DOS video throughput as the use of these programs causes
a higher overhead in the interrupt calls used in the code that prints
to the screen.
o DOS version:
Shows the DOS version as reported by a call to the DOSGetVersion
function of MS-DOS. For version 5.0 or later, this may not be
the true DOS version, since the DOS version number reported to
an application can be manipulated using the SETVER utility of DOS.
o Standard benchmarks:
COMPTEST uses three widely known standard benchmarks to provide some
measurements of system performance. Since results for these benchmarks
depend not only on the speed of the hardware, but also on the code
quality of the compiler, only the relative performance to the original
IBM PC displayed by COMPTEST is really significant. The reference
numbers used in COMPTEST were determined using my own fast replacement
for Turbo Pascal 6.0's run-time library (available as TPL60N19.ZIP
from garbo.uwasa.fi and additional ftp sites). The compiler switch
settings were the same as those found in the source code of COMPTEST
2.59. If you use another compiler, e.g. Stony Brook Pascal+, which is
an optimizing compiler mostly compatible with TP 6.0, or use other
switch settings, you *must* determine new reference values for the
IBM PC if the PC relative performance numbers are to be of any use.
o Dhrystones:
The results of running the Dhrystone benchmark, a synthetic benchmark
that is supposedly representative of integer applications. Note that
Dhrystone performance depends on the hardware as much as on the
compiler. Therefore, Dhrystone numbers by other system test programs
may be higher or lower as those reported by COMPTEST, depending on
whether or not they were compiled with an optimizing compiler or run
as a 16-bit or a 32-bit program. There are different versions of
Dhrystone, the version used here (2.1) is the latest available from
the author of the benchmark, Reinhold Weicker. The Dhrystone code
fits well into a rather small cache (8 KB will be sufficient), so
for systems with CPU caches it tests only CPU performance, *not*
the performance of the memory system. To make the Dhrystone performance
as determined by COMPTEST useful, the relative performance as
compared to the original IBM-PC is given.
o Whetstones:
The results of running the Whetstone benchmark, a synthetic benchmark
that stresses mainly floating point performance, including trans-
cendental functions like Sin or Exp. As the Dhrystone numbers, the
results of the Whetstone benchmark depend as much on the hardware
as on the code quality of the compiler (whether optimizing or not),
although the compiler dependency is usually somewhat less than with
the Dhrystone benchmark. Therefore, Whetstone numbers as determined
by COMPTEST should not be compared to those determined by other programs.
To make Whetstone results useful, the performance is also rated in
comparison with the original IBM-PC. Note that the test uses software
emulation of the coprocessor if the machine tested does not have
an 80x87 mathematical coprocessor, and that in this case the performance
is compared to the equivalent PC configuration, that is a PC without
an 8087. There are two versions of the Whetstone benchmark, an older
version derived from the original article published in 1976 and a newer
version that includes sanity checks. The latest available version
acquired from one of the original authors (Brian Wichmann) is used here.
This benchmark result tells you how many millions of basic floating
point operations (add, subtract, multiply) the tested machine is able
to execute per second. This number is determined by running an older
version of the Lawrence Livermoore Loops, a set of 14 kernels taken
from *real* number crunching programs and computing the average MFLOPS
(Millions of FLoating-point OPerations per Second). There is a newer
suite of LLL out that uses 24 kernels and provides more detailed
diagnostics of the floating point performance. Due to its size, it
could not easily be integrated into COMPTEST, so the older (and simpler)
version was used. The LLL benchmark uses about 60 KB of RAM, so results
may be influenced by the size of the CPU cache, if any is installed.
For reference, the MFLOPS are compared to the performance of an IBM-PC
with 8087 (if the tested machine also has a coprocessor) or to a plain
IBM-PC using the software emulator (if the machine tested does *not*
have a coprocessor). As with the other benchmarks, the LLL performance
depends not only on the hardware, but also on the compiler used. Highly
optimizing compilers that make use of 32-bit instructions where possible
would give an MFLOPS rating that is about 50% higher.
o Hard disk data:
COMPTEST usually is able to test all hard disks in your system, regard-
less of whether they use the ST506, IDE, ESDI, or SCSI interface. How-
ever, it may fail to detect some special types of hard disks like the
removable data packs found on some Tandon computers that use special
drivers to hook into the DOS file system.
o Hard disk geometry (# cylinders, # read/write heads, sectors per track):
These disk parameters are given as reported by the BIOS. The parameters
given may not reflect the physical geometry of the disk. For example,
if a disks uses the zone bit recording technique, there is no
fixed ratio of sectors per track, rather the number of sectors per
track is greater in the outer zones and smaller in the inner zones.
So the parameters given reflect the logical layout of the disk as
seen by the BIOS, which may or may not coincide with the physical
layout of the disk.
o Hard disk storage capacity:
The *formatted* capacity of the disk is given in bytes and MB. Note
that a MB contains 1024x1024 = 1,048,576 bytes if computed correctly.
Some disk manufacturers (e.g. Quantum) state the storage capacity in
MBs consisting of only 1,000,000 bytes. Therefore, the capacity in MB
as reported by COMPTEST may be lower than the capacity the manufacturer
claims for the disk. Also, the capacity you can use using DOS may be
even smaller, since DOS allocates some disk memory to build allocation
structures like partition tables or FATs.
o Track-to-track seek time:
The time it takes to move the read/write heads of your hard disks
from one cylinder to an adjacent cylinder. The time reported may
be zero when using certain disk cache programs (e.g. HyperDisk),
as these suppress unnecessary head movements if no data is read
or written in the process (as happens when COMPTEST does this
test). Also, COMPTEST may be fooled by the so called translation
modes mainly used by certain hard disks using the IDE interface
to overcome limitations to the maximum number of cylinders set
by the BIOS or to accommodate the fixed sectors/track scheme of
PCs to the modern zone bit recording technique. With translation
mode enabled, two logical tracks can reside on the same physical
track, essentially nullifying the time to move between the logical
tracks. COMPTEST moves the read/write heads over all tracks in single
track steps and divides the total time by the number of tracks moved.
This provides an average time, since movements between adjacent tracks
may take different times depending on the absolute location of the
o Average seek time:
The time needed on the *average* to position the read/write heads
over an arbitrarily selected cylinder on the disk. This time is
roughly equal to the time it takes the heads to travel over one
third the total numbers of tracks. It can be shown that, if tracks
are selected at random from a uniform distribution on [0..MaxTrack]
the average difference between any pair of track numbers is equal
to one third the total numbers of tracks. Note however, that the
assumption of a uniform distribution in track access patterns
usually does *not* hold for practical file systems. Also, the
average number of tracks traveled by read/write heads varies
for the different zones of a disk using zone bit recording or
using read/write queuing. For most disks however, the number
reported by COMPTEST should be close to the number stated by the
disk's manufacturer. When using certain disk cache programs, you
will see very small times due to the fact that these programs
suppress all unnecessary head movements. Note also that the
average access time by definition is not equal to the tine needed
on the average to access a specific sector on the disk. For this
you have to add at least the rotational latency (the time needed
until the read/write head reaches the designated sector on the
track after having moved to the correct cylinder). This takes
half of the time required for a full revolution of the disk in the
average case, that is 8 ms for a disk spinning at 3600 rpm. Newer
disks often spin at a higher speed of 4400 rpm or more to reduce
rotational latency.
o maximum throughput:
COMPTEST determines the maximum throughput of a disk similar to the
well known CORETEST disk test program by repeatedly reading the
same block from disk. It uses the low level functions provided by
the BIOS to maximize performance. The amount of data read is the
data on one cylinder or 63 KBytes, whichever is smaller. Therefore,
no movement of the read/write heads occurs during the read test.
The disk's read throughput is determined for the first and the last
cylinder on the disk. For hard disks using the zone bit recording
technique, the throughput on the outermost cylinder can be about 50%
higher than on the innermost cylinder, since more data is recorded
on the outer cylinders. Since COMPTEST reports the maximum throughput,
it always reports the higher of the two transfer rates it determines.
The transfer rate in real applications is usually much lower than
the maximum transfer rate reported by COMPTEST. By repeatedly reading
the same block from disk, COMPTEST causes the block to be read into
the track buffers and on-disk hardware caches present on most modern
disks or the cache memory of a caching controller. If the block fits
completely into such a cache, the transfer rate measured is actually
the transfer rate between the buffer/cache and the system memory. A
more realistic transfer rate could be determined by completely reading
the data on several adjacent tracks. Since every data item is read
only once, a cache will not inflate the transfer rate. The transfer
rate determined by this process is called the linear read rate. It
is used to measure disk performance in programs such as PCTOOLS 7.1's
SI. The linear read rate can be useful to determine disk performance
for operations on large files that are contiguous and are read
sequentially with only a small amount of head movement. Many applications
use random access files, though, and files may not be stored in
contiguous form on the disk. In these circumstances, there is a
considerable amount of head movement and the seek time and rotational
latency cause overhead that further reduces the effective transfer
rate available to applications. Note that COMPTEST uses the BIOS to
access the disk, while applications make use of an operating system's
file system that introduces additional overhead. Also, write access
to a disk may be significantly slower than read accesses. Hardware
caches on the disk or on the disk controller and software caches
like HYPERDISK and SMARTDRV can provide better disk performance
by storing frequently used data in cache memory that can be accessed
faster than the disk itself. COMPTEST tries to determine the presence
of a disk cache by repeatedly reading a small amount of data from
different (non-adjacent) tracks. If no cache is present, the head
movement to access the different tracks is the reason that the read
time can not fall below a certain level due to the physical limits
that prevent a reduction in average seek times below about 12 ms.
If a cache is present, all data can be hold in the cache memory
after the first read access and no additional head movements take
place, thereby causing fast execution of COMPTEST's test to determine
presence of a disk cache. COMPTEST does not differentiate between
hardware and software caches.