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207 lines
/* This code is designed to be inserted into a TURBO-C source. */
/* Variable __TURBOC__ is defined by the turbo-c compiler. */
/* Usage: Call mousereset(). Call mousehook(). Mouse setup done!
If you enter a menu, where mouse action should be slower,
then call menumouse(1). On menu exit call menumouse(0).
Upon program exit call mousereset(). This resets the
mouse driver (either a device or tsr from mouse manufacturer)
interrupt service routine [warning: REQUIRED!].
#ifdef __TURBOC__
#pragma inline
* MOUSE SENSITIVITY. A curious feature in mouse code is sensitivity to
* movement: settling down on a character is subject to much error. In the
* code below this problem is attacked.
* Ideally, the cursor should lock onto a line and not be bumped off
* easily as the cursor scans left and right. Further, up and down
* motion should lock the cursor onto a column. I should like to scan
* up and down columns of numbers with the mouse exactly as I do with
* the cursor keys. The code below is an attempt to realize these
* features that falls short of perfection.
* MOUSE DRIVER DEFAULTS. The TSR resets the mouse driver and but sets no
* defaults for the mouse controls: X,Y sensitivity, doubler.
#define leftkey 4b00h
#define rightkey 4d00h
#define upkey 4800h
#define downkey 5000h
#define retkey 1c0dh
#define esckey 011bh
#define mouse 51 /* interrupt 33h */
#define resetmousedriver 0 /* reset mouse driver */
#define pressmouse 5 /* mouse button press status */
#define mousemotion 11 /* mouse cursor motion */
#define seteventhandler 12 /* set mask and event handler */
#define eventmask 0000000000001011b
/* evenmask bits 0,1,4: movement, left & right press */
Mouse driver resets to 8 and 16 respectively with function 00h.
Znix and Merit both worked well with settings 8/16.
int hsens=8,vsens=16;
static int hpos=0; /* store mouse cursor position X */
static int vpos=0; /* store mouse cursor position Y */
asm cli /* Prevent interrupts from stuffing buffer */
asm push es /* typeahead buffer start at *[0040:0080] */
asm push bx /* and end at *[0040:0082]. */
/* At segment 40h and offset 01ah is */
asm mov di,40h /* the offset into the typeahead buffer */
asm mov es,di /* for the character at the head. At */
asm mov bx,es:[1ch] /* segment 40h and offset 01ch is the */
asm mov si,bx /* offset into the typeahead buffer for */
asm add bx,2 /* the last character. The buffer is full */
asm cmp bx,es:[1ah] /* if *[01ch]+2 == *[01ah]. */
asm je quit /* Full? Then don't add any more chars */
asm cmp bx,es:[82h] /* Offset less than end of buffer? */
asm jl isroom /* Yes. Then go ahead and stuff it. */
asm mov bx,es:[80h] /* Else wrap around to buffer start */
asm mov es:[si],cx /* CX=scan code to be stuffed */
asm mov es:[1ch],bx /* BX=new offset to last buffer character */
asm pop bx
asm pop es
asm sti /* let other routines stuff the buffer */
/* AX=amount in mickeys mouse cursor has moved. */
/* BX=sensitivity in mickeys */
/* CX=key scan code to stuff into keyboard buffer */
asm call stuffbuffer
asm sub ax,bx
asm cmp ax,bx
asm jge manyloop
far mouseeventhandler() {
asm sti
asm push ax
asm push bx
asm push cx
asm push dx
asm push ds /* ds=mouse driver data segment */
asm cld
asm mov ax, SEG _DATA /* Get data segment for our data */
asm mov ds,ax /* Set data segment */
Press Mouse supplies: BX=button status, CX=X mickeys, DX=Y mickeys
The signed integers CX, DX measure UP==+, RIGHT==+
Clears all button counts on each call.
asm mov ax,pressmouse /* get status of button press */
asm mov bx,0 /* for left button */
asm int mouse
asm and ax,1 /* Press left button? */
asm jz check_rightbutton /* No? Then check right button. */
asm mov cx,retkey /* Yes. Then plug in RETURN key. */
asm call stuffbuffer /* near function call */
asm mov ax,pressmouse /* get status of button press */
asm mov bx,2 /* for right button */
asm int mouse
asm and ax,2 /* press right button? */
asm jz checkcursor /* No? Then check cursor keys. */
asm mov cx,esckey /* Yes. Then plug in ESC key. */
asm call stuffbuffer /* near function call */
asm mov ax,mousemotion /* Has the mouse cursor moved? */
asm int mouse
asm mov ax,ds:hpos /* save new horizontal position */
asm add ax,cx /* cx=X coord supplied by mouse driver */
asm mov ds:hpos,ax
asm cmp ax,0 /* Has the mouse cursor moved? */
asm je motionvertical /* No change, then check vertical */
asm jg motionhorizontal /* Make positive */
asm not ax
asm mov bx,ds:hsens
asm cmp ax,bx
asm jl motionvertical /* didn't move enough for a change */
asm cmp ds:hpos,0
asm mov cx,rightkey
asm jg stuffit1 /* If positive, then stuff cursor Right */
asm mov cx,leftkey
asm jmp stuffit2
asm mov ax,ds:vpos /* save new vertical position */
asm add ax,dx /* dx=Y coord supplied by mouse driver */
asm mov ds:vpos,ax
asm cmp ax,0
asm je eventreturn /* no change, all done */
asm jg testvertsens /* If positive, then stuff cursor Up */
asm not ax
asm mov bx,ds:vsens
asm cmp ax,bx
asm jl eventreturn /* didn't move enough for a change */
asm cmp ds:vpos,0
asm mov cx,downkey
asm jg stuffit2
asm mov cx,upkey
asm call manystuffbuffer /* stuff key CX into keyboard buffer */
asm mov ds:vpos,0 /* reset vertical saved position */
asm mov ds:hpos,0 /* reset horizontal saved position */
asm pop ds
asm pop dx
asm pop cx
asm pop bx
asm pop ax
/* Returns 1 if it worked, 0 if it didn't */
asm mov ax,hsens /* Don't hookup mouse if hsens==0 */
asm cmp ax,0 /* hsens,vsens set in PI.SET */
asm je nomouse
asm mov ax,resetmousedriver /* reset mouse driver to defaults */
asm int mouse
asm cmp ax,0 /* bx=number of buttons, not used yet */
asm mov ax,0
asm je nomouse /* exit if no mouse driver loaded */
asm mov ax,1
asm mov ax,cs /* Hook mouse driver to event handler */
asm mov es,ax /* es=segment of event handler */
asm mov dx,offset mouseeventhandler
asm mov ax,seteventhandler /* mouse driver function code */
asm mov cx,eventmask /* signal mask for interrupt */
asm int mouse
static int vsensx,hsensx;
/* Slow down the mouse in menus */
menumouse(flag) int flag; {
vsensx=vsens; hsensx=hsens;
vsens= 2*vsens; hsens= 8*hsens;
} else {
vsens=vsensx; hsens=hsensx;