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/******************* start of original comments ********************/
* Written by Douglas Thomson (1989/1990)
* This source code is released into the public domain.
* Name: dte - Doug's Text Editor program - block commands module
* Purpose: This file contains all the commands than manipulate blocks.
* File: block.c
* Author: Douglas Thomson
* System: this file is intended to be system-independent
* Date: October 1, 1989
/********************* end of original comments ********************/
* In the DTE editor, Doug only supported functions for STREAM blocks.
* The block routines have been EXTENSIVELY rewritten. This editor uses LINE,
* STREAM, and BOX blocks. That is, one may mark entire lines, streams of
* characters, or column blocks. Block operations are done in place. There
* are no paste and cut buffers. In limited memory situations, larger block
* operations can be carried out. Block operations can be done within or
* across files.
* In TDE, version 1.1, I separated the BOX and LINE actions.
* In TDE, version 1.3, I put STREAM blocks back in. Added block upper case,
* block lower case, and block strip high bit.
* In TDE, version 1.4, I added a block number function. Here at our lab,
* I often need to number samples, lines, etc..., comes in fairly useful.
* In TDE, version 2.0, I added a box block sort function.
* In TDE, version 2.0e, I added BlockFixUUE, and BlockEmailReply.
* In TDE, version 2.2, the big text buffer was changed to a double linked list.
* all characters in the line of each node must be accurately counted.
* New editor name: TDE, the Thomson-Davis Editor.
* Author: Frank Davis
* Date: June 5, 1991, version 1.0
* Date: July 29, 1991, version 1.1
* Date: October 5, 1991, version 1.2
* Date: January 20, 1992, version 1.3
* Date: February 17, 1992, version 1.4
* Date: April 1, 1992, version 1.5
* Date: June 5, 1992, version 2.0
* Date: October 31, 1992, version 2.1
* Date: April 1, 1993, version 2.2
* Date: June 5, 1993, version 3.0
* This modification of Douglas Thomson's code is released into the
* public domain, Frank Davis. You may distribute it freely.
#include "tdestr.h"
#include "common.h"
#include "tdefunc.h"
#include "define.h"
* Name: mark_block
* Class: primary editor function
* Purpose: To record the position of the start of the block in the file.
* Date: June 5, 1991
* Passed: window: pointer to current window
* Notes: Assume the user will mark begin and end of a block in either
* line, stream, or box mode. If the user mixes types, then block
* type defaults to current block type.
int mark_block( WINDOW *window )
int type;
int num;
long lnum;
register file_infos *file; /* temporary file variable */
register WINDOW *win; /* put window pointer in a register */
int rc;
win = window;
file = win->file_info;
if (win->rline > file->length || win->ll->len == EOF)
return( ERROR );
if (g_status.marked == FALSE) {
g_status.marked = TRUE;
g_status.marked_file = file;
if (g_status.command == MarkBox)
type = BOX;
else if (g_status.command == MarkLine)
type = LINE;
else if (g_status.command == MarkStream)
type = STREAM;
return( ERROR );
rc = OK;
* define blocks for only one file. it is ok to modify blocks in any window
* pointing to original marked file.
if (file == g_status.marked_file) {
* mark beginning and ending column regardless of block mode.
if (file->block_type == NOTMARKED) {
file->block_ec = file->block_bc = win->rcol;
file->block_er = file->block_br = win->rline;
} else {
if (file->block_br > win->rline) {
file->block_br = win->rline;
if (file->block_bc < win->rcol && type != STREAM)
file->block_ec = win->rcol;
file->block_bc = win->rcol;
} else {
if (type != STREAM) {
file->block_ec = win->rcol;
file->block_er = win->rline;
} else {
if (win->rline == file->block_br &&
win->rline == file->block_er) {
if (win->rcol < file->block_bc)
file->block_bc = win->rcol;
file->block_ec = win->rcol;
} else if (win->rline == file->block_br)
file->block_bc = win->rcol;
else {
file->block_ec = win->rcol;
file->block_er = win->rline;
* if user marks ending line less than beginning line then switch
if (file->block_er < file->block_br) {
lnum = file->block_er;
file->block_er = file->block_br;
file->block_br = lnum;
* if user marks ending column less than beginning column then switch
if ((file->block_ec < file->block_bc) && (type != STREAM ||
(type == STREAM && file->block_br == file->block_er))) {
num = file->block_ec;
file->block_ec = file->block_bc;
file->block_bc = num;
* block type in now defined. if user mixes block types then block
* is defined as current block type.
if (file->block_type != NOTMARKED) {
* if block type goes to BOX, check to make sure ec is greater than
* or equal to bc. ec can be less than bc in STREAM blocks.
if (type == BOX) {
if (file->block_ec < file->block_bc) {
num = file->block_ec;
file->block_ec = file->block_bc;
file->block_bc = num;
assert( file->block_er >= file->block_br );
file->block_type = type;
file->dirty = GLOBAL;
} else {
* block already defined
error( WARNING, win->bottom_line, block1 );
rc = ERROR;
return( rc );
* Name: unmark_block
* Class: primary editor function
* Purpose: To set all block information to NULL or 0
* Date: June 5, 1991
* Passed: arg_filler: variable to match array of function pointers prototype
* Notes: Reset all block variables if marked, otherwise return.
* If a marked block is unmarked then redraw the screen(s).
int unmark_block( WINDOW *arg_filler )
register file_infos *marked_file;
if (g_status.marked == TRUE) {
marked_file = g_status.marked_file;
g_status.marked = FALSE;
g_status.marked_file = NULL;
marked_file->block_start = NULL;
marked_file->block_end = NULL;
marked_file->block_bc = marked_file->block_ec = 0;
marked_file->block_br = marked_file->block_er = 0l;
if (marked_file->block_type)
marked_file->dirty = GLOBAL;
marked_file->block_type = NOTMARKED;
return( OK );
* Name: restore_marked_block
* Class: helper function
* Purpose: To restore block beginning and ending row after an editing function
* Date: June 5, 1991
* Passed: window: pointer to current window
* net_change: number of bytes added or subtracted
* Notes: If a change has been made before the marked block then the
* beginning and ending row need to be adjusted by the number of
* lines added or subtracted from file.
void restore_marked_block( WINDOW *window, int net_change )
long length;
register file_infos *marked_file;
if (g_status.marked == TRUE && net_change != 0) {
marked_file = g_status.marked_file;
length = marked_file->length;
* restore is needed only if a block is defined and window->file_info is
* same as marked file and there was a net change in file length.
if (marked_file == window->file_info) {
* if cursor is before marked block then adjust block by net change.
if (marked_file->block_br > window->rline) {
marked_file->block_br += net_change;
marked_file->block_er += net_change;
marked_file->dirty = GLOBAL;
* if cursor is somewhere in marked block don't restore, do redisplay
} else if (marked_file->block_er >= window->rline)
marked_file->dirty = GLOBAL;
* check for lines of marked block beyond end of file
if (marked_file->block_br > length)
unmark_block( window );
else if (marked_file->block_er > length) {
marked_file->block_er = length;
marked_file->dirty = GLOBAL;
* Name: prepare_block
* Class: helper function
* Purpose: To prepare a window/file for a block read, move or copy.
* Date: June 5, 1991
* Passed: window: pointer to current window
* file: pointer to file information.
* text_line: pointer to line in file to prepare.
* lend: line length.
* bc: beginning column of BOX.
* Notes: The main complication is that the cursor may be beyond the end
* of the current line, in which case extra padding spaces have
* to be added before the block operation can take place.
* this only occurs in BOX and STREAM operations.
* since we are padding a line, do not trim trailing space.
int prepare_block( WINDOW *window, line_list_ptr ll, int bc )
register int pad = 0; /* amount of padding to be added */
register int len;
assert( bc >= 0 );
assert( bc < MAX_LINE_LENGTH );
assert( ll->len != EOF );
assert( g_status.copied == FALSE );
copy_line( ll );
detab_linebuff( );
len = g_status.line_buff_len;
pad = bc - len;
if (pad > 0) {
* insert the padding spaces
assert( pad >= 0 );
assert( pad < MAX_LINE_LENGTH );
memset( g_status.line_buff+len, ' ', pad );
g_status.line_buff_len += pad;
* if mode.inflate_tabs, let's don't entab the line until we get
* thru processing this line, e.g. copying, numbering....
return( un_copy_line( ll, window, FALSE ) );
* Name: pad_dest_line
* Class: helper function
* Purpose: To prepare a window/file for a block move or copy.
* Date: June 5, 1991
* Passed: window: pointer to current window
* dest_file: pointer to file information.
* dest_line: pointer to line in file to prepare.
* ll: pointer to linked list node to insert new node
* Notes: We are doing a BOX action (except DELETE). We have come
* to the end of the file and have no more lines. All this
* routine does is add a blank line to file.
int pad_dest_line( WINDOW *window, file_infos *dest_file, line_list_ptr ll )
int rc;
text_ptr l;
line_list_ptr new_node;
rc = OK;
l = NULL;
new_node = (line_list_ptr)my_malloc( sizeof(line_list_struc), &rc );
if (rc == OK) {
new_node->len = 0;
new_node->dirty = FALSE;
new_node->line = l;
if (ll->next != NULL) {
ll->next->prev = new_node;
new_node->next = ll->next;
ll->next = new_node;
new_node->prev = ll;
} else {
new_node->next = ll;
if (ll->prev != NULL)
ll->prev->next = new_node;
new_node->prev = ll->prev;
ll->prev = new_node;
if (new_node->prev == NULL)
window->file_info->line_list = new_node;
} else {
* file too big
error( WARNING, window->bottom_line, block4 );
if (new_node != NULL)
my_free( new_node );
rc = ERROR;
return( rc );
* Name: move_copy_delete_overlay_block
* Class: primary editor function
* Purpose: Master BOX, STREAM, or LINE routine.
* Date: June 5, 1991
* Passed: window: pointer to current window
* Notes: Operations on BOXs, STREAMs, or LINEs require several common
* operations. All require finding the beginning and ending marks.
* This routine will handle block operations across files. Since one
* must determine the relationship of source and destination blocks
* within a file, it is relatively easy to expand this relationship
* across files.
* This is probably the most complicated routine in the editor. It
* is not easy to understand.
int move_copy_delete_overlay_block( WINDOW *window )
int action;
WINDOW *source_window; /* source window for block moves */
line_list_ptr source; /* source for block moves */
line_list_ptr dest; /* destination for block moves */
long number; /* number of characters for block moves */
int lens; /* length of source line */
int lend; /* length of destination line */
int add; /* characters being added from another line */
int block_len; /* length of the block */
line_list_ptr block_start; /* start of block in file */
line_list_ptr block_end; /* end of block in file - not same for LINE or BOX */
int prompt_line;
int same; /* are dest and source files the same file? */
int source_first; /* is source file lower in memory than dest */
file_infos *source_file;
file_infos *dest_file;
int rcol, bc, ec; /* temporary column variables */
long rline; /* temporary real line variable */
long br, er; /* temporary line variables */
long block_num; /* starting number for block number */
long block_inc; /* increment to use for block number */
int block_just; /* left or right justify numbers? */
int block_type;
int fill_char;
int rc;
* initialize block variables
entab_linebuff( );
rc = un_copy_line( window->ll, window, TRUE );
if (g_status.marked == FALSE || rc == ERROR)
return( ERROR );
switch (g_status.command) {
case MoveBlock :
action = MOVE;
case DeleteBlock :
action = DELETE;
case CopyBlock :
action = COPY;
case KopyBlock :
action = KOPY;
case FillBlock :
action = FILL;
case OverlayBlock :
action = OVERLAY;
case NumberBlock :
action = NUMBER;
case SwapBlock :
action = SWAP;
default :
return( ERROR );
source_file = g_status.marked_file;
source_window = g_status.window_list;
for (; ptoul( source_window->file_info ) != ptoul( source_file );)
source_window = source_window->next;
prompt_line = window->bottom_line;
dest_file = window->file_info;
check_block( );
if (g_status.marked == FALSE)
return( ERROR );
block_start = source_file->block_start;
block_end = source_file->block_end;
if (block_start == NULL || block_end == NULL)
return( ERROR );
block_type = source_file->block_type;
if (block_type != LINE && block_type != STREAM && block_type != BOX)
return( ERROR );
dest = window->ll;
rline = window->rline;
if (dest->len == EOF)
return( ERROR );
rc = OK;
* set up Beginning Column, Ending Column, Beginning Row, Ending Row
bc = source_file->block_bc;
ec = source_file->block_ec;
br = source_file->block_br;
er = source_file->block_er;
* if we are BOX FILLing or BOX NUMBERing, beginning column is bc,
* not the column of cursor
rcol = (action == FILL || action == NUMBER) ? bc : window->rcol;
* must find out if source and destination file are the same.
* it don't matter with FILL and DELETE - those actions only modify the
* source file.
source_first = same = FALSE;
if (action == FILL) {
if (block_type == BOX) {
if (get_block_fill_char( window, &fill_char ) == ERROR)
return( ERROR );
dest = block_start;
same = TRUE;
} else {
* can only fill box blocks.
error( WARNING, prompt_line, block2 );
return( ERROR );
block_inc = 1;
if (action == NUMBER) {
if (block_type == BOX) {
if (get_block_numbers( window, &block_num, &block_inc, &block_just )
return( ERROR );
dest = block_start;
same = TRUE;
} else {
* can only number box blocks.
error( WARNING, prompt_line, block3a );
return( ERROR );
if (action == SWAP) {
if (block_type != BOX) {
* can only swap box blocks.
error( WARNING, prompt_line, block3b );
return( ERROR );
if (source_file == dest_file && action != DELETE && action != FILL) {
same = TRUE;
if (block_type == BOX && action == MOVE) {
if (rline == br && (rcol >= bc && rcol <= ec))
* a block moved to within the block itself has no effect
return( ERROR );
} else if (block_type == LINE || block_type == STREAM) {
if (rline >= br && rline <= er) {
if (block_type == LINE) {
* if COPYing or KOPYing within the block itself, reposition the
* destination to the next line after the block (if it exists)
if (action == COPY || action == KOPY)
dest = block_end;
* a block moved to within the block itself has no effect
else if (action == MOVE)
return( ERROR );
} else {
* to find out if cursor is in a STREAM block we have to do
* a few more tests. if cursor is on the beginning row or
* ending row, then check the beginning and ending column.
if ((rline > br && rline < er) ||
(br == er && rcol >= bc && rcol <= ec) ||
(br != er && ((rline == br && rcol >= bc) ||
(rline == er && rcol <= ec)))) {
* if the cursor is in middle of STREAM, make destination
* the last character following the STREAM block.
if (action == COPY || action == KOPY) {
dest = block_end;
rcol = ec + 1;
rline = er;
} else if (action == MOVE)
return( ERROR );
if (br < rline)
source_first = TRUE;
* 1. can't create lines greater than g_display.line_length
* 2. if we are FILLing a BOX - fill block buff once right here
* 3. only allow overlaying BOXs
block_len = (ec+1) - bc;
if (block_type == BOX) {
if (action != DELETE && action != FILL) {
if (rcol + block_len > MAX_LINE_LENGTH) {
* line too long
error( WARNING, prompt_line, ltol );
return( ERROR );
} else if (block_type == LINE) {
block_len = 0;
if (action == OVERLAY) {
* can only overlay box blocks
error( WARNING, prompt_line, block5 );
return( ERROR );
} else if (block_type == STREAM) {
if (action == OVERLAY) {
* can only overlay box blocks
error( WARNING, prompt_line, block5 );
return( ERROR );
lend = block_end->len;
if (action == DELETE || action == MOVE) {
* Is what's left on start of STREAM block line plus what's left at
* end of STREAM block line too long?
if (lend > ec)
lend -= ec;
lend = 0;
if (bc + lend > MAX_LINE_LENGTH) {
* line too long
error( WARNING, prompt_line, ltol );
return( ERROR );
if (action != DELETE) {
* We are doing a MOVE, COPY, or KOPY. Find out if what's on the
* current line plus the start of the STREAM line are too long.
* Then find out if end of the STREAM line plus what's left of
* the current line are too long.
lens = block_start->len;
* if we had to move the destination of the STREAM COPY or KOPY
* to the end of the STREAM block, then dest and window->ll->line
* will not be the same. In this case, set length to length of
* first line in STREAM block. Then we can add the residue of
* the first line in block plus residue of the last line of block.
if (dest->line == window->ll->line)
add = dest->len;
add = lens;
* Is current line plus start of STREAM block line too long?
if (lens > bc)
lens -= bc;
lens = 0;
if (rcol + lens > MAX_LINE_LENGTH) {
* line too long
error( WARNING, prompt_line, ltol );
return( ERROR );
* Is residue of current line plus residue of STREAM block line
* too long?
if (add > bc)
add -= bc;
add = 0;
if (lend > ec)
lend -= ec;
lend = 0;
if (add + lend > MAX_LINE_LENGTH) {
* line too long
error( WARNING, prompt_line, ltol );
return( ERROR );
if (ptoul( block_start ) == ptoul( block_end )) {
block_type = BOX;
block_len = (ec+1) - bc;
if (mode.do_backups == TRUE) {
switch (action) {
case MOVE :
case DELETE :
case COPY :
case KOPY :
case SWAP :
window->file_info->modified = TRUE;
rc = backup_file( window );
switch (action) {
case MOVE :
case DELETE :
case FILL :
case NUMBER :
case SWAP :
source_window->file_info->modified = TRUE;
if (rc != ERROR)
rc = backup_file( source_window );
source = block_start;
assert( block_start != NULL );
assert( block_start->len != EOF );
assert( block_end != NULL );
assert( block_end->len != EOF );
if (block_type == LINE)
do_line_block( window, source_window, action,
source_file, dest_file, block_start, block_end,
source, dest, br, er, &rc );
else if (block_type == STREAM)
do_stream_block( window, source_window, action,
source_file, dest_file, block_start, block_end,
source, dest, rline, br, er, bc, ec, rcol, &rc );
do_box_block( window, source_window, action,
source_file, dest_file, source, dest, br, er,
block_inc, rline, block_num, block_just, fill_char,
same, block_len, bc, ec, rcol, &rc );
dest_file->modified = TRUE;
dest_file->dirty = GLOBAL;
if (action == MOVE || action == DELETE || action == FILL || action==NUMBER) {
source_file->modified = TRUE;
source_file->dirty = GLOBAL;
* unless we are doing a KOPY, FILL, NUMBER, or OVERLAY we need to unmark
* the block. if we just did a KOPY, the beginning and ending may have
* changed. so, we must readjust beginning and ending rows.
if (action == KOPY) {
if (same && !source_first && block_type == LINE && rc != ERROR) {
number = (er+1) - br;
source_file->block_br += number;
source_file->block_er += number;
} else if (action != FILL && action != OVERLAY && action != NUMBER)
unmark_block( window );
show_avail_mem( );
g_status.copied = FALSE;
return( rc );
* Name: do_line_block
* Purpose: delete, move, copy, or kopy a LINE block
* Date: April 1, 1993
* Passed: window: pointer to current window
* Passed: window: pointer to destination window (current window)
* source_window: pointer to source window
* action: block action -- KOPY, MOVE, etc...
* source_file: pointer to source file structure
* dest_file: pointer to destination file
* block_start: pointer to first node in block
* block_end: pointer to last node in block
* source: pointer to source node
* dest: pointer to destination node
* br: beginning line number in marked block
* er: ending line number in marked block
* rc: return code
void do_line_block( WINDOW *window, WINDOW *source_window, int action,
file_infos *source_file, file_infos *dest_file,
line_list_ptr block_start, line_list_ptr block_end,
line_list_ptr source, line_list_ptr dest,
long br, long er, int *rc )
line_list_ptr temp_ll; /* temporary list pointer */
text_ptr l;
int lens; /* length of source line */
long li; /* temporary line variables */
long diff;
if (action == COPY || action == KOPY) {
assert( br >= 1 );
assert( br <= source_file->length );
assert( er >= br );
assert( er <= source_file->length );
for (li=br; li <= er && *rc == OK; li++) {
lens = source->len;
assert( lens * sizeof(char) < MAX_LINE_LENGTH );
l = (text_ptr)my_malloc( lens * sizeof(char), rc );
temp_ll = (line_list_ptr)my_malloc( sizeof(line_list_struc), rc );
if (*rc == OK) {
if (lens > 0)
_fmemcpy( l, source->line, lens );
temp_ll->line = l;
temp_ll->len = lens;
temp_ll->dirty = TRUE;
if (dest->next != NULL) {
dest->next->prev = temp_ll;
temp_ll->next = dest->next;
dest->next = temp_ll;
temp_ll->prev = dest;
} else {
temp_ll->next = dest;
if (dest->prev != NULL)
dest->prev->next = temp_ll;
temp_ll->prev = dest->prev;
dest->prev = temp_ll;
if (temp_ll->prev == NULL)
window->file_info->line_list = temp_ll;
dest = temp_ll;
source = source->next;
} else {
* file too big
error( WARNING, window->bottom_line, dir3 );
if (l != NULL)
my_free( l );
if (temp_ll != NULL)
my_free( temp_ll );
*rc = ERROR;
er = li - 1;
} else if (action == MOVE) {
if (dest->len != EOF && dest->next != NULL) {
temp_ll = block_start;
for (li=br; li <= er && *rc == OK; li++) {
temp_ll->dirty = TRUE;
temp_ll = temp_ll->next;
if (block_start->prev == NULL)
source_file->line_list = block_end->next;
if (block_start->prev != NULL)
block_start->prev->next = block_end->next;
block_end->next->prev = block_start->prev;
dest->next->prev = block_end;
block_start->prev = dest;
block_end->next = dest->next;
dest->next = block_start;
} else if (action == DELETE) {
block_end->next->prev = block_start->prev;
if (block_start->prev == NULL)
source_file->line_list = block_end->next;
block_start->prev->next = block_end->next;
block_end->next = NULL;
while (block_start != NULL) {
temp_ll = block_start;
block_start = block_start->next;
if (temp_ll->line != NULL)
my_free( temp_ll->line );
my_free( temp_ll );
diff = er + 1L - br;
if (action == COPY || action == KOPY || action == MOVE)
dest_file->length += diff;
if (action == DELETE || action == MOVE)
source_file->length -= diff;
if (action == DELETE && source_window->rline >= br) {
source_window->rline -= diff;
if (source_window->rline < br)
source_window->rline = br;
* restore all cursors in all windows
restore_cursors( dest_file );
if (dest_file != source_file)
restore_cursors( source_file );
show_avail_mem( );
* Name: do_stream_block
* Purpose: delete, move, copy, or kopy a STREAM block
* Date: June 5, 1991
* Passed: window: pointer to destination window (current window)
* source_window: pointer to source window
* action: block action -- KOPY, MOVE, etc...
* source_file: pointer to source file structure
* dest_file: pointer to destination file
* block_start: pointer to first node in block
* block_end: pointer to last node in block
* source: pointer to source node
* dest: pointer to destination node
* rline: current line number in destination file
* br: beginning line number in marked block
* er: ending line number in marked block
* bc: beginning column of block
* ec: ending column of block
* rcol: current column of cursor
* rc: return code
void do_stream_block( WINDOW *window, WINDOW *source_window, int action,
file_infos *source_file, file_infos *dest_file,
line_list_ptr block_start, line_list_ptr block_end,
line_list_ptr source, line_list_ptr dest, long rline,
long br, long er, int bc, int ec, int rcol, int *rc )
line_list_ptr temp_ll; /* temporary list pointer */
text_ptr l;
int lens; /* length of source line */
int lend; /* length of destination line */
long li; /* temporary line variables */
long diff;
WINDOW s_w, d_w; /* a couple of temporary WINDOWs */
dup_window_info( &s_w, source_window );
dup_window_info( &d_w, window );
s_w.rline = br;
s_w.ll = block_start;
s_w.visible = FALSE;
d_w.rline = rline;
d_w.ll = dest;
d_w.visible = FALSE;
* pad the start of the STREAM block if needed.
lens = block_start->len;
detab_a_line( block_start->line, &lens );
if (lens < bc || mode.inflate_tabs)
*rc = prepare_block( &s_w, block_start, bc );
* pad the end of the STREAM block if needed.
lens = block_end->len;
detab_a_line( block_end->line, &lens );
if (*rc == OK && (lens < ec+1 || mode.inflate_tabs))
*rc = prepare_block( &s_w, block_end, ec+1 );
* pad the destination line if necessary
copy_line( dest );
detab_linebuff( );
*rc = un_copy_line( dest, &d_w, FALSE );
lend = dest->len;
if (*rc == OK && (action==MOVE || action==COPY || action==KOPY)) {
if (lend < rcol || mode.inflate_tabs)
*rc = prepare_block( &d_w, dest, rcol );
if ((action == COPY || action == KOPY) && *rc == OK) {
* concatenate the end of the STREAM block with the end of the
* destination line.
lens = dest->len - rcol;
assert( lens >= 0 );
assert( lens <= MAX_LINE_LENGTH );
assert( ec + 1 >= 0 );
assert( ec + 1 <= MAX_LINE_LENGTH );
assert( rcol >= 0 );
_fmemcpy( g_status.line_buff, block_end->line, ec+1 );
_fmemcpy( g_status.line_buff+ec+1, dest->line+rcol, lens );
lens += ec + 1;
g_status.line_buff_len = lens;
temp_ll = (line_list_ptr)my_malloc( sizeof(line_list_struc), rc );
if (*rc == OK) {
temp_ll->line = NULL;
temp_ll->len = 0;
temp_ll->dirty = FALSE;
g_status.copied = TRUE;
*rc = un_copy_line( temp_ll, &d_w, TRUE );
if (*rc == OK) {
dest->next->prev = temp_ll;
temp_ll->next = dest->next;
dest->next = temp_ll;
temp_ll->prev = dest;
} else
if (temp_ll != NULL)
my_free( temp_ll );
} else {
if (temp_ll != NULL)
my_free( temp_ll );
* file too big
if (*rc != OK)
error( WARNING, window->bottom_line, dir3 );
if (*rc == OK) {
g_status.copied = FALSE;
copy_line( dest );
lens = block_start->len - bc;
assert( lens >= 0 );
assert( lens <= MAX_LINE_LENGTH );
assert( bc >= 0 );
assert( bc <= MAX_LINE_LENGTH );
assert( rcol >= 0 );
_fmemcpy( g_status.line_buff+rcol, block_start->line+bc, lens );
lens = rcol + lens;
g_status.line_buff_len = lens;
*rc = un_copy_line( dest, &d_w, TRUE );
source = block_start->next;
for (li=br+1; li < er && *rc == OK; li++) {
lens = source->len;
temp_ll = (line_list_ptr)my_malloc( sizeof(line_list_struc), rc );
assert( lens >= 0 );
assert( lens <= MAX_LINE_LENGTH );
l = (text_ptr)my_malloc( lens * sizeof(char), rc );
if (*rc == OK) {
if (lens > 0)
_fmemcpy( l, source->line, lens );
temp_ll->line = l;
temp_ll->len = lens;
temp_ll->dirty = TRUE;
if (dest->next != NULL) {
dest->next->prev = temp_ll;
temp_ll->next = dest->next;
dest->next = temp_ll;
temp_ll->prev = dest;
} else {
temp_ll->next = dest;
if (dest->prev != NULL)
dest->prev->next = temp_ll;
temp_ll->prev = dest->prev;
dest->prev = temp_ll;
if (temp_ll->prev == NULL)
window->file_info->line_list = temp_ll;
dest = temp_ll;
source = source->next;
} else {
* file too big
error( WARNING, window->bottom_line, dir3 );
if (l != NULL)
my_free( l );
if (temp_ll != NULL)
my_free( temp_ll );
*rc = WARNING;
} else if (action == MOVE) {
* is the dest on the same line as the block_start?
if (ptoul( dest ) == ptoul( block_start )) {
* move the text between rcol and bc in block_start->line
* to block_end->line + ec.
lens = bc - rcol;
lend = block_end->len - (ec + 1);
g_status.copied = FALSE;
copy_line( block_end );
assert( lens >= 0 );
assert( lens <= MAX_LINE_LENGTH );
assert( lend >= 0 );
assert( lend <= MAX_LINE_LENGTH );
assert( ec + lens + 1 <= MAX_LINE_LENGTH );
assert( rcol >= 0 );
_fmemmove( g_status.line_buff + ec + lens + 1,
g_status.line_buff + ec + 1, lend );
_fmemcpy( g_status.line_buff+ec+1, block_start->line+rcol, lens );
g_status.line_buff_len = block_end->len + lens;
*rc = un_copy_line( block_end, &d_w, TRUE );
* now, remove the text between rcol and bc on block_start->line
if (*rc == OK) {
lend = block_start->len - bc;
copy_line( block_start );
assert( lend >= 0 );
assert( lend < MAX_LINE_LENGTH );
_fmemmove( g_status.line_buff + rcol,
g_status.line_buff + bc, lend );
assert( block_start->len - (bc - rcol) >= 0 );
assert( block_start->len - (bc - rcol) <= MAX_LINE_LENGTH );
g_status.line_buff_len = block_start->len - (bc - rcol);
*rc = un_copy_line( block_start, &d_w, TRUE );
* is the dest on the same line as the block_end?
} else if (ptoul( dest ) == ptoul( block_end )) {
* move the text between rcol and ec on block_end->line to
* block_start->line + bc.
lens = rcol - ec;
lend = block_start->len - bc;
g_status.copied = FALSE;
copy_line( block_start );
assert( lens >= 0 );
assert( lens <= MAX_LINE_LENGTH );
assert( lend >= 0 );
assert( lend <= MAX_LINE_LENGTH );
assert( bc + lens <= MAX_LINE_LENGTH );
assert( ec + 1 >= 0 );
_fmemmove( g_status.line_buff + bc + lens,
g_status.line_buff + bc, lend );
_fmemcpy( g_status.line_buff+bc, block_end->line+ec+1, lens );
assert( block_start->len + lens >= 0 );
assert( block_start->len + lens <= MAX_LINE_LENGTH );
g_status.line_buff_len = block_start->len + lens;
*rc = un_copy_line( block_start, &d_w, TRUE );
* now, remove the text on block_end->line between rcol and ec
if (*rc == OK) {
lend = block_end->len - (rcol + 1);
copy_line( block_end );
assert( lend >= 0 );
assert( lend <= MAX_LINE_LENGTH );
assert( ec + 1 >= 0 );
assert( rcol + 1 >= 0 );
assert( ec + 1 <= MAX_LINE_LENGTH );
assert( rcol + 1 <= MAX_LINE_LENGTH );
assert( block_end->len - (rcol - ec) >= 0 );
assert( block_end->len - (rcol - ec) <= MAX_LINE_LENGTH );
_fmemmove( g_status.line_buff + ec + 1,
g_status.line_buff + rcol + 1, lend );
g_status.line_buff_len = block_end->len - (rcol - ec);
*rc = un_copy_line( block_end, &d_w, TRUE );
} else {
lens = dest->len - rcol;
assert( ec + 1 >= 0 );
assert( ec + 1 <= MAX_LINE_LENGTH );
assert( lens >= 0 );
assert( lens <= MAX_LINE_LENGTH );
assert( rcol >= 0 );
assert( rcol <= MAX_LINE_LENGTH );
_fmemcpy( g_status.line_buff, block_end->line, ec+1 );
_fmemcpy( g_status.line_buff+ec+1, dest->line+rcol, lens );
lens += ec + 1;
g_status.line_buff_len = lens;
temp_ll = (line_list_ptr)my_malloc( sizeof(line_list_struc), rc );
if (*rc == OK) {
temp_ll->line = NULL;
temp_ll->len = 0;
temp_ll->dirty = FALSE;
g_status.copied = TRUE;
*rc = un_copy_line( temp_ll, &d_w, TRUE );
if (*rc != ERROR) {
dest->next->prev = temp_ll;
temp_ll->next = dest->next;
dest->next = temp_ll;
temp_ll->prev = dest;
} else
if (temp_ll != NULL)
my_free( temp_ll );
} else {
if (temp_ll != NULL)
my_free( temp_ll );
* file too big
if (*rc != OK)
error( WARNING, window->bottom_line, dir3 );
if (*rc == OK) {
copy_line( dest );
lens = block_start->len - bc;
assert( bc >= 0 );
assert( bc <= MAX_LINE_LENGTH );
assert( lens >= 0 );
assert( lens <= MAX_LINE_LENGTH );
assert( rcol >= 0 );
assert( rcol <= MAX_LINE_LENGTH );
_fmemcpy( g_status.line_buff+rcol, block_start->line+bc, lens );
g_status.line_buff_len = lens + rcol;
*rc = un_copy_line( dest, &d_w, TRUE );
dest->dirty = TRUE;
if (*rc == OK && ptoul( block_start->next ) != ptoul( block_end )) {
block_start->next->prev = dest;
temp_ll->prev = block_end->prev;
block_end->prev->next = temp_ll;
dest->next = block_start->next;
if (*rc == OK) {
copy_line( block_start );
detab_linebuff( );
lend = bc;
lens = block_end->len - (ec + 1);
assert( bc >= 0 );
assert( bc <= MAX_LINE_LENGTH );
assert( lens >= 0 );
assert( lens <= MAX_LINE_LENGTH );
assert( lend >= 0 );
assert( lend <= MAX_LINE_LENGTH );
assert( ec + 1 >= 0 );
assert( ec + 1 <= MAX_LINE_LENGTH );
assert( lens + lend >= 0 );
assert( lens + lend <= MAX_LINE_LENGTH );
_fmemcpy( g_status.line_buff+bc, block_end->line+ec+1, lens );
g_status.line_buff_len = lend + lens;
*rc = un_copy_line( block_start, &s_w, TRUE );
block_start->dirty = TRUE;
block_start->next = block_end->next;
block_end->next->prev = block_start;
if (block_end->line != NULL)
my_free( block_end->line );
my_free( block_end );
} else if (action == DELETE) {
copy_line( block_start );
lens = block_end->len - (ec + 1);
assert( bc >= 0 );
assert( bc <= MAX_LINE_LENGTH );
assert( lens >= 0 );
assert( lens <= MAX_LINE_LENGTH );
assert( ec + 1 >= 0 );
assert( ec + 1 <= MAX_LINE_LENGTH );
assert( bc + lens >= 0 );
assert( bc + lens <= MAX_LINE_LENGTH );
_fmemcpy( g_status.line_buff+bc, block_end->line + ec+1, lens );
g_status.line_buff_len = bc + lens;
*rc = un_copy_line( block_start, &s_w, TRUE );
block_start->dirty = TRUE;
source = block_start->next;
block_start->next = block_end->next;
block_end->next->prev = block_start;
block_end->next = NULL;
while (source != NULL) {
temp_ll = source;
source = source->next;
if (temp_ll->line != NULL)
my_free( temp_ll->line );
my_free( temp_ll );
if (*rc == OK) {
diff = er - br;
if (action == COPY || action == KOPY || action == MOVE)
dest_file->length += diff;
if (action == DELETE || action == MOVE)
source_file->length -= diff;
if (action == DELETE && source_window->rline >= br) {
source_window->rline -= diff;
if (source_window->rline < br)
source_window->rline = br;
* restore all cursors in all windows
restore_cursors( dest_file );
if (dest_file != source_file)
restore_cursors( source_file );
show_avail_mem( );
* Name: do_box_block
* Purpose: delete, move, copy, or kopy a BOX block
* Date: June 5, 1991
* Passed: window: pointer to destination window (current window)
* source_window: pointer to source window
* action: block action -- OVERLAY, FILL, etc...
* source_file: pointer to source file structure
* dest_file: pointer to destination file
* source: pointer to source node
* dest: pointer to destination node
* br: beginning line number in marked block
* er: ending line number in marked block
* block_inc: increment used to number a block
* rline: current line number in destination file
* block_num: starting number when numbering a block
* block_just: LEFT or RIGHT justified numbers in block
* fill_char: character to fill a block
* same: are source and destination files same? T or F
* block_len: width of box block
* bc: beginning column of block
* ec: ending column of block
* rcol: current column of cursor
* rc: return code
void do_box_block( WINDOW *window, WINDOW *source_window, int action,
file_infos *source_file, file_infos *dest_file,
line_list_ptr source, line_list_ptr dest, long br,
long er, long block_inc,
long rline, long block_num, int block_just, int fill_char,
int same, int block_len, int bc, int ec, int rcol, int *rc )
line_list_ptr p; /* temporary list pointer */
int lens; /* length of source line */
int lend; /* length of destination line */
int add; /* characters being added from another line */
char *block_buff;
char *swap_buff;
int xbc, xec; /* temporary column variables */
long li; /* temporary line variables */
long dest_add; /* number of bytes added to destination file */
WINDOW s_w, d_w; /* a couple of temporary WINDOWs for BOX stuff */
int padded_file;
padded_file = FALSE;
dup_window_info( &s_w, source_window );
dup_window_info( &d_w, window );
s_w.rline = br;
s_w.ll = source;
s_w.visible = FALSE;
d_w.rline = rline;
d_w.ll = dest;
d_w.visible = FALSE;
block_buff = (char *)calloc( BUFF_SIZE + 2, sizeof(char) );
swap_buff = (char *)calloc( BUFF_SIZE + 2, sizeof(char) );
if (block_buff == NULL || swap_buff == NULL) {
error( WARNING, window->bottom_line, block4 );
*rc = ERROR;
* special case for block actions. since block actions always
* move forward thru the file, overlapping text in an OVERLAY
* action don't do right. make the operation start at the end
* of the block and work backwards.
if (*rc == OK && (action == OVERLAY || action == SWAP) &&
same && rline > br && rline <= er) {
* see if we need to add padd lines at eof.
dest_add = rline - br;
if (dest_add + er > window->file_info->length) {
dest_add = dest_add - (window->file_info->length - er);
p = dest_file->line_list_end->prev;
for (; dest_add > 0 && *rc == OK; dest_add--)
*rc = pad_dest_line( window, dest_file, p );
padded_file = TRUE;
* move source and dest pointers to the end of the OVERLAY
for (li=er-br; li > 0; li--) {
load_undo_buffer( dest_file, dest->line, dest->len );
dest = dest->next;
source = source->next;
* work backwards so the overlapped OVERLAY block don't use
* overlayed text to fill the block. same for SWAPPing blocks.
for (li=er; *rc == OK && li >= br && !g_status.control_break;
li--, s_w.rline--, d_w.rline--) {
lens = find_end( source->line, source->len );
lend = find_end( dest->line, dest->len );
if (lens != 0 || lend != 0) {
load_box_buff( block_buff, source, bc, ec, ' ' );
if (action == SWAP)
load_box_buff( swap_buff, dest, rcol, rcol+block_len, ' ' );
*rc = copy_buff_2file( &d_w, block_buff, dest, rcol,
block_len, action );
dest->dirty = TRUE;
if (action == SWAP) {
add = 0;
*rc = copy_buff_2file( &s_w, swap_buff, source, bc,
block_len, action );
source->dirty = TRUE;
source = source->prev;
dest = dest->prev;
} else {
if (action == FILL)
block_fill( block_buff, fill_char, block_len );
for (li=br; *rc == OK && li <= er && !g_status.control_break;
li++, s_w.rline++, d_w.rline++) {
lens = find_end( source->line, source->len );
lend = find_end( dest->line, dest->len );
switch (action) {
case FILL :
case NUMBER :
case DELETE :
case MOVE :
load_undo_buffer( source_file, source->line, source->len );
case COPY :
case KOPY :
case OVERLAY :
load_undo_buffer( dest_file, dest->line, dest->len );
* with FILL and NUMBER operations, we're just adding chars
* to the file at the source location. we don't have to
* worry about bookkeeping.
if (action == FILL || action == NUMBER) {
if (action == NUMBER) {
number_block_buff( block_buff, block_len, block_num, block_just );
block_num += block_inc;
*rc = copy_buff_2file( &s_w, block_buff, source, rcol,
block_len, action );
source->dirty = TRUE;
* if we are doing a BOX action and both the source and
* destination are 0 then we have nothing to do.
} else if (lens != 0 || lend != 0) {
* do actions that may require adding to file
if (action == MOVE || action == COPY || action == KOPY ||
action == OVERLAY || action == SWAP) {
xbc = bc;
xec = ec;
if (action != OVERLAY && action != SWAP && same) {
if (rcol < bc && rline > br && rline <=er)
if (li >= rline) {
xbc = bc + block_len;
xec = ec + block_len;
load_box_buff( block_buff, source, xbc, xec, ' ' );
if (action == SWAP)
load_box_buff( swap_buff, dest, rcol, rcol+block_len, ' ' );
*rc = copy_buff_2file( &d_w, block_buff, dest, rcol,
block_len, action );
dest->dirty = TRUE;
if (action == SWAP && *rc == OK) {
*rc = copy_buff_2file( &s_w, swap_buff, source, xbc,
block_len, action );
source->dirty = TRUE;
* do actions that may require deleting from file
if (action == MOVE || action == DELETE) {
lens = find_end( source->line, source->len );
if (lens >= (bc + 1)) {
source->dirty = TRUE;
add = block_len;
xbc = bc;
if (lens <= (ec + 1))
add = lens - bc;
if (same && action == MOVE) {
if (rcol < bc && rline >= br && rline <=er)
if (li >= rline) {
xbc = bc + block_len;
if (lens <= (ec + block_len + 1))
add = lens - xbc;
if (add > 0)
*rc = delete_box_block( &s_w, source, xbc, add );
* if we are doing any BOX action we need to move the source pointer
* to the next line.
source = source->next;
* if we are doing any action other than DELETE, we need to move
* the destination to the next line in marked block.
* In BOX mode, we may need to pad the end of the file
* with a blank line before we process the next line.
if (action != DELETE && action != FILL && action != NUMBER) {
p = dest->next;
if (p->len != EOF)
dest = p;
else if (li < er) {
padded_file = TRUE;
pad_dest_line( window, dest_file, p );
dest = dest->next;
if (block_buff != NULL)
free( block_buff );
if (swap_buff != NULL)
free( swap_buff );
if (padded_file) {
w = g_status.window_list;
while (w != NULL) {
if (w->file_info == dest_file && w->visible)
show_size( w );
w = w->next;
show_avail_mem( );
* Name: load_box_buff
* Class: helper function
* Purpose: copy the contents of a BOX to a block buffer.
* Date: June 5, 1991
* Passed: block_buff: local buffer for block moves
* ll: node to source line in file to load
* bc: beginning column of BOX. used only in BOX operations.
* ec: ending column of BOX. used only in BOX operations.
* filler: character to fill boxes that end past eol
* Notes: For BOX blocks, there are several things to take care of:
* 1) The BOX begins and ends within a line - just copy the blocked
* characters to the block buff. 2) the BOX begins within a line
* but ends past the eol - copy all the characters within the line
* to the block buff then fill with padding. 3) the BOX begins and
* ends past eol - fill entire block buff with padding (filler).
* the fill character varies with the block operation. for sorting
* a box block, the fill character is '\0'. for adding text to
* the file, the fill character is a space.
void load_box_buff( char *block_buff, line_list_ptr ll, int bc, int ec,
char filler )
int len;
int avlen;
register int i;
register char *bb;
text_ptr s;
assert( bc >= 0 );
assert( ec >= bc );
assert( ec < MAX_LINE_LENGTH );
bb = block_buff;
len = ll->len;
s = detab_a_line( ll->line, &len );
* block start may be past eol
if (len < ec + 1) {
* does block start past eol? - fill with pad
assert( ec + 1 - bc >= 0 );
memset( block_buff, filler, (ec + 1) - bc );
if (len >= bc) {
* block ends past eol - fill with pad
avlen = len - bc;
s += bc;
for (i=avlen; i>0; i--)
*bb++ = *s++;
} else {
* block is within line - copy block to buffer
avlen = (ec + 1) - bc;
s = s + bc;
for (i=avlen; i>0; i--)
*bb++ = *s++;
* Name: copy_buff_2file
* Class: helper function
* Purpose: copy the contents of block buffer to destination file
* Date: June 5, 1991
* Passed: window: pointer to current window
* block_buff: local buffer for moves
* dest: pointer to destination line in destination file
* rcol: if in BOX mode, destination column in destination file
* block_len: if in BOX mode, width of block to copy
* action: type of block action
* Notes: In BOX mode, the destination line has already been prepared.
* Just copy the BOX buffer to the destination line.
int copy_buff_2file( WINDOW *window, char *block_buff, line_list_ptr dest,
int rcol, int block_len, int action )
char *s;
char *d;
int len;
int pad;
int add;
copy_line( dest );
if (mode.inflate_tabs)
detab_linebuff( );
len = g_status.line_buff_len;
assert( len >= 0 );
assert( len < MAX_LINE_LENGTH );
assert( rcol >= 0 );
assert( rcol < MAX_LINE_LENGTH );
assert( block_len >= 0 );
assert( block_len < BUFF_SIZE );
if (rcol > len) {
pad = rcol - len;
assert( pad >= 0 );
assert( pad < MAX_LINE_LENGTH );
memset( g_status.line_buff + len, ' ', pad );
len += pad;
s = g_status.line_buff + rcol;
* s is pointing to location to perform BOX operation. If we do a
* FILL or OVERLAY, we do not necessarily add any extra space. If the
* line does not extend all the thru the BOX then we add.
* we always add space when we COPY, KOPY, or MOVE
if (action == FILL || action == OVERLAY || action == NUMBER || action == SWAP) {
add = len - rcol;
if (add < block_len) {
pad = block_len - add;
assert( pad >= 0 );
assert( pad < MAX_LINE_LENGTH );
memset( g_status.line_buff + len, ' ', pad );
len += pad;
} else {
d = s + block_len;
add = len - rcol;
assert( add >= 0 );
assert( add < MAX_LINE_LENGTH );
memmove( d, s, add );
len += block_len;
assert( rcol + block_len <= len );
assert( len >= 0 );
assert( len < MAX_LINE_LENGTH );
memmove( s, block_buff, block_len );
g_status.line_buff_len = len;
if (mode.inflate_tabs)
entab_linebuff( );
return( un_copy_line( dest, window, TRUE ) );
* Name: block_fill
* Class: helper function
* Purpose: fill the block buffer with character
* Date: June 5, 1991
* Passed: block_buff: local buffer for moves
* fill_char: fill character
* block_len: number of columns in block
* Notes: Fill block_buffer for block_len characters using fill_char. This
* function is used only for BOX blocks.
void block_fill( char *block_buff, int fill_char, int block_len )
assert( block_len >= 0 );
assert( block_len < BUFF_SIZE );
assert( block_buff != NULL );
memset( block_buff, fill_char, block_len );
* Name: number_block_buff
* Class: helper function
* Purpose: put a number into the block buffer
* Date: June 5, 1991
* Passed: block_buff: local buffer for moves
* block_len: number of columns in block
* block_num: long number to fill block
* just: LEFT or RIGHT justified?
* Notes: Fill block_buffer for block_len characters with number.
* This function is used only for BOX blocks.
void number_block_buff( char *block_buff, int block_len, long block_num,
int just )
int len; /* length of number buffer */
int i;
char temp[MAX_COLS]; /* buffer for long number to ascii conversion */
assert( block_len >= 0 );
assert( block_len < BUFF_SIZE );
block_fill( block_buff, ' ', block_len );
len = strlen( ltoa( block_num, temp, 10 ) );
if (just == RIGHT) {
for (;block_len >= 0 && len >= 0; block_len--, len--)
block_buff[block_len] = temp[len];
} else {
for (i=0; block_len > 0 && i < len; block_len--, i++)
block_buff[i] = temp[i];
* Name: restore_cursors
* Class: helper function
* Purpose: a file has been modified - must restore all cursor pointers
* Date: June 5, 1991
* Passed: file: pointer to file with changes
* Notes: Go through the window list and adjust the cursor pointers
* as needed.
void restore_cursors( file_infos *file )
register WINDOW *window;
line_list_ptr ll;
long n;
assert( file != NULL );
window = g_status.window_list;
while (window != NULL) {
if (window->file_info == file) {
window->bin_offset = 0;
if (window->rline < 1L)
window->rline = 1L;
if (window->rline > file->length)
window->rline = file->length;
ll = file->line_list;
n = 1L;
for (; n < window->rline; n++) {
window->bin_offset += ll->len;
ll = ll->next;
window->ll = ll;
if (window->rline < (window->cline - (window->top_line+window->ruler-1)))
window->cline = (int)window->rline + window->top_line+window->ruler-1;
if (window->cline < window->top_line + window->ruler)
window->cline = window->top_line + window->ruler;
if (window->visible)
show_size( window );
window = window->next;
* Name: delete_box_block
* Class: helper function
* Purpose: delete the marked text
* Date: June 5, 1991
* Passed: s_w: source window
* source: pointer to line with block to delete
* bc: beginning column of block - BOX mode only
* add: number of characters in block to delete
* Notes: Used only for BOX blocks. Delete the block.
int delete_box_block( WINDOW *s_w, line_list_ptr source, int bc, int add )
char *s;
int number;
assert( s_w != NULL );
assert( source != NULL );
assert( bc >= 0 );
assert( bc < MAX_LINE_LENGTH );
assert( add >= 0 );
assert( add < MAX_LINE_LENGTH );
copy_line( source );
detab_linebuff( );
number = g_status.line_buff_len - bc;
s = g_status.line_buff + bc + add;
assert( number >= 0 );
assert( number < MAX_LINE_LENGTH );
assert( bc + add >= 0 );
assert( bc + add < MAX_LINE_LENGTH );
assert( add <= g_status.line_buff_len );
memmove( s - add, s, number );
g_status.line_buff_len -= add;
entab_linebuff( );
return( un_copy_line( source, s_w, TRUE ) );
* Name: check_block
* Class: helper function
* Purpose: To check that the block is still valid.
* Date: June 5, 1991
* Notes: After some editing, the marked block may not be valid. For example,
* deleting all the lines in a block in another window. We don't
* need to keep up with the block text pointers while doing normal
* editing; however, we need to refresh them before doing block stuff.
void check_block( void )
register file_infos *file;
WINDOW filler;
file = g_status.marked_file;
if (file == NULL || file->block_br > file->length)
unmark_block( &filler );
else {
if (file->block_er > file->length)
file->block_er = file->length;
find_begblock( file );
find_endblock( file );
* Name: find_begblock
* Class: helper editor function
* Purpose: find the beginning line in file with marked block
* Date: June 5, 1991
* Passed: file: file containing marked block
* Notes: file->block_start contains starting line of marked block.
void find_begblock( file_infos *file )
line_list_ptr ll;
long li; /* line counter (long i) */
assert( file != NULL );
assert( file->line_list != NULL );
ll = file->line_list;
for (li=1; li<file->block_br && ll->next != NULL; li++)
ll = ll->next;
file->block_start = ll;
* Name: find_endblock
* Class: helper function
* Purpose: find the ending line in file with marked block
* Date: June 5, 1991
* Passed: file: file containing marked block
* Notes: If in LINE mode, file->block_end is set to end of line of last
* line in block. If in BOX mode, file->block_end is set to
* beginning of last line in marked block. If the search for the
* ending line of the marked block goes past the eof, set the
* ending line of the block to the last line in the file.
void find_endblock( file_infos *file )
line_list_ptr ll; /* start from beginning of file and go to end */
long i; /* line counter */
register file_infos *fp;
assert( file != NULL );
assert( file->block_start != NULL );
fp = file;
ll = fp->block_start;
if (ll != NULL) {
for (i=fp->block_br; i < fp->block_er && ll->next != NULL; i++)
ll = ll->next;
if (ll != NULL)
fp->block_end = ll;
else {
* last line in marked block is NULL. if LINE block, set end to
* last character in the file. if STREAM or BOX block, set end to
* start of last line in file. ending row, or er, is then set to
* file length.
fp->block_end = fp->line_list_end->prev;
fp->block_er = fp->length;
* Name: block_write
* Class: primary editor function
* Purpose: To write the currently marked block to a disk file.
* Date: June 5, 1991
* Passed: window: pointer to current window
* Notes: If the file already exists, the user gets to choose whether
* to overwrite or append.
int block_write( WINDOW *window )
int prompt_line;
int rc;
char buff[MAX_COLS+2]; /* buffer for char and attribute */
char line_buff[(MAX_COLS+1)*2]; /* buffer for char and attribute */
file_infos *file;
int block_type;
int fattr;
* make sure block is marked OK
entab_linebuff( );
rc = un_copy_line( window->ll, window, TRUE );
check_block( );
if (rc == OK && g_status.marked == TRUE) {
prompt_line = window->bottom_line;
file = g_status.marked_file;
assert( file != NULL );
block_type = file->block_type;
* find out which file to write to
save_screen_line( 0, prompt_line, line_buff );
*g_status.rw_name = '\0';
if (get_name( block6, prompt_line, g_status.rw_name,
g_display.message_color ) == OK) {
* if the file exists, find out whether to overwrite or append
rc = get_fattr( g_status.rw_name, &fattr );
if (rc == OK) {
* file exists. overwrite or append?
set_prompt( block7, prompt_line );
switch (get_oa( )) {
change_mode( g_status.rw_name, prompt_line );
* writing block to
combine_strings( buff, block8, g_status.rw_name, "'" );
s_output( buff, prompt_line, 0, g_display.message_color );
rc = hw_save( g_status.rw_name, file, file->block_br,
file->block_er, block_type );
if (rc == ERROR)
* could not write block
error( WARNING, prompt_line, block9 );
case A_APPEND :
* appending block to
combine_strings( buff, block10, g_status.rw_name, "'" );
s_output( buff, prompt_line, 0, g_display.message_color );
rc = hw_append( g_status.rw_name, file, file->block_br,
file->block_er, block_type );
if (rc == ERROR)
* could not append block
error( WARNING, prompt_line, block11 );
case AbortCommand :
default :
rc = ERROR;
} else if (rc != ERROR) {
* writing block to
combine_strings( buff, block12, g_status.rw_name, "'" );
s_output( buff, prompt_line, 0, g_display.message_color );
if (hw_save( g_status.rw_name, file, file->block_br, file->block_er,
block_type ) == ERROR) {
* could not write block
error( WARNING, prompt_line, block9 );
rc = ERROR;
restore_screen_line( 0, prompt_line, line_buff );
} else
rc = ERROR;
return( rc );
* Name: block_print
* Class: primary editor function
* Purpose: Print an entire file or the currently marked block.
* Date: June 5, 1991
* Passed: window: pointer to current window
* Notes: With the added Critical Error Handler routine, let's fflush
* the print buffer first.
int block_print( WINDOW *window )
char answer[MAX_COLS]; /* entire file or just marked block? */
char line_buff[(MAX_COLS+1)*2]; /* buffer for char and attribute */
int col;
int func;
int prompt_line;
line_list_ptr block_start; /* start of block in file */
file_infos *file;
int block_type;
char *p;
int len;
int bc;
int ec;
int last_c;
long lbegin;
long lend;
long l;
int color;
int rc;
color = g_display.message_color;
entab_linebuff( );
if (un_copy_line( window->ll, window, TRUE ) == ERROR)
return( ERROR );
rc = OK;
prompt_line = window->bottom_line;
save_screen_line( 0, prompt_line, line_buff );
* print entire file or just marked block?
assert( strlen( block13 ) < MAX_COLS );
strcpy( answer, block13 );
col = strlen( answer );
s_output( answer, prompt_line, 0, color );
eol_clear( col, prompt_line, g_display.text_color );
xygoto( col, prompt_line );
func = col = 0;
while (col != 'f' && col != 'F' && col != 'b' && col != 'B' &&
func != AbortCommand) {
col = getkey( );
func = getfunc( col );
if (col == ESC || func == AbortCommand)
rc = ERROR;
if (rc == OK) {
* if everything is everything, flush the printer before we start
* printing. then, check the critical error flag after the flush.
fflush( stdprn );
if (ceh.flag == ERROR)
rc = ERROR;
if (rc != ERROR) {
file = window->file_info;
block_type = NOTMARKED;
if (col == 'f' || col == 'F') {
block_start = file->line_list;
lend = l = file->length;
} else {
check_block( );
if (g_status.marked == TRUE) {
file = g_status.marked_file;
block_start = file->block_start;
block_type = file->block_type;
lend = l = file->block_er + 1l - file->block_br;
} else
rc = ERROR;
if (rc != ERROR) {
eol_clear( 0, prompt_line, color );
* printing line of press control-break to cancel.
s_output( block14, prompt_line, 0, color );
ltoa( l, answer, 10 );
s_output( answer, prompt_line, 25, color );
xygoto( 14, prompt_line );
if (block_type == BOX || block_type == STREAM) {
bc = file->block_bc;
ec = file->block_ec;
last_c = ec + 1 - bc;
p = g_status.line_buff;
lbegin = 1;
for (col=OK; l>0 && col == OK && !g_status.control_break; l--) {
ltoa( lbegin, answer, 10 );
s_output( answer, prompt_line, 14, color );
g_status.copied = FALSE;
if (block_type == BOX) {
load_box_buff( p, block_start, bc, ec, ' ' );
len = last_c;
} else if (block_type == STREAM && lbegin == 1) {
len = block_start->len;
detab_a_line( block_start->line, &len );
if (bc > len)
len = 0;
else {
if (lbegin == lend) {
load_box_buff( p, block_start, bc, ec, ' ' );
len = last_c;
} else {
len = len - bc;
g_status.copied = TRUE;
assert( len >= 0 );
assert( len < MAX_LINE_LENGTH );
_fmemcpy( p, block_start->line + bc, len );
} else if (block_type == STREAM && l == 1L) {
copy_line( block_start );
detab_linebuff( );
len = g_status.line_buff_len;
if (len > ec + 1)
len = ec + 1;
} else {
copy_line( block_start );
len = g_status.line_buff_len;
assert( len >= 0 );
assert( len < MAX_LINE_LENGTH );
*(p+len) = '\r';
*(p+len) = '\n';
if (fwrite( p, sizeof( char ), len, stdprn ) < (unsigned)len ||
ceh.flag == ERROR)
col = ERROR;
block_start = block_start->next;
g_status.copied = FALSE;
if (ceh.flag != ERROR)
fflush( stdprn );
rc = ERROR;
g_status.copied = FALSE;
restore_screen_line( 0, prompt_line, line_buff );
return( rc );
* Name: get_block_fill_char
* Class: helper function
* Purpose: get the character to fill marked block.
* Date: June 5, 1991
* Passed: window: pointer to current window
* c: address of character to fill block
int get_block_fill_char( WINDOW *window, int *c )
char answer[MAX_COLS];
char line_buff[(MAX_COLS+1)*2]; /* buffer for char and attribute */
register int col;
int prompt_line;
int rc;
rc = OK;
prompt_line = window->bottom_line;
save_screen_line( 0, prompt_line, line_buff );
* enter character to file block (esc to exit)
assert( strlen( block15 ) < MAX_COLS );
strcpy( answer, block15 );
s_output( answer, prompt_line, 0, g_display.message_color );
col = strlen( answer );
eol_clear( col, prompt_line, g_display.text_color );
xygoto( col, prompt_line );
col = getkey( );
if (col >= 256)
rc = ERROR;
*c = col;
restore_screen_line( 0, prompt_line, line_buff );
return( rc );
* Name: get_block_numbers
* Class: helper function
* Purpose: get the starting number and increment
* Date: June 5, 1991
* Passed: window: pointer to current window
* block_num: address of number to start numbering
* block_inc: address of number to add to block_num
* just: left or right justify numbers in block?
int get_block_numbers( WINDOW *window, long *block_num, long *block_inc,
int *just )
char answer[MAX_COLS];
int prompt_line;
register int rc;
char line_buff[(MAX_COLS+1)*2]; /* buffer for char and attribute */
register int col;
prompt_line = window->bottom_line;
* don't assume anything on starting number - start w/ null string.
answer[0] = '\0';
* enter starting number
rc = get_name( block16, prompt_line, answer, g_display.message_color );
if (answer[0] == '\0')
rc = ERROR;
if (rc != ERROR) {
*block_num = atol( answer );
* assume increment is 1
answer[0] = '1';
answer[1] = '\0';
* enter increment
rc = get_name( block17, prompt_line, answer, g_display.message_color );
if (answer[0] == '\0')
rc = ERROR;
if (rc != ERROR) {
*block_inc = atol( answer );
* now, get left or right justification. save contents of screen
* in a buffer, then write contents of buffer back to screen when
* we get through w/ justification.
save_screen_line( 0, prompt_line, line_buff );
* left or right justify (l/r)?
assert( strlen( block18 ) < MAX_COLS );
strcpy( answer, block18 );
s_output( answer, prompt_line, 0, g_display.message_color );
col = strlen( answer );
eol_clear( col, prompt_line, g_display.text_color );
xygoto( col, prompt_line );
rc = get_lr( );
if (rc != ERROR) {
*just = rc;
rc = OK;
restore_screen_line( 0, prompt_line, line_buff );
* if everything is everything then return code = OK.
return( rc );
* Name: block_trim_trailing
* Class: primary editor function
* Purpose: Trim trailing space in a LINE block.
* Date: June 5, 1991
* Passed: window: pointer to current window
* Notes: Use copy_line and un_copy_line to do the work.
int block_trim_trailing( WINDOW *window )
int prompt_line;
int rc;
line_list_ptr p; /* pointer to block line */
file_infos *file;
WINDOW *sw, s_w;
long er;
int trailing; /* save trailing setting */
* make sure block is marked OK and that this is a LINE block
prompt_line = window->bottom_line;
entab_linebuff( );
rc = un_copy_line( window->ll, window, TRUE );
check_block( );
if (rc != ERROR && g_status.marked == TRUE) {
trailing = mode.trailing;
mode.trailing = TRUE;
file = g_status.marked_file;
if (file->block_type != LINE) {
* can only trim trailing space in line blocks
error( WARNING, prompt_line, block21 );
return( ERROR );
* initialize everything
sw = g_status.window_list;
for (; ptoul( sw->file_info ) != ptoul( file );)
sw = sw->next;
if (mode.do_backups == TRUE) {
file->modified = TRUE;
rc = backup_file( sw );
dup_window_info( &s_w, sw );
* set window to invisible so the un_copy_line function will
* not display the lines while trimming.
s_w.visible = FALSE;
p = file->block_start;
er = file->block_er;
s_w.rline = file->block_br;
for (; rc == OK && s_w.rline <= er && !g_status.control_break; s_w.rline++) {
* use the line buffer to trim space.
copy_line( p );
rc = un_copy_line( p, &s_w, TRUE );
p = p->next;
* IMPORTANT: we need to reset the copied flag because the cursor may
* not necessarily be on the last line of the block.
g_status.copied = FALSE;
file->dirty = GLOBAL;
mode.trailing = trailing;
show_avail_mem( );
return( rc );
* Name: block_email_reply
* Class: primary editor function
* Purpose: insert the standard replay character '>' at beginning of line
* Date: June 5, 1992
* Passed: window: pointer to current window
* Notes: it is customary to prepend "> " to the initial text and
* ">" to replies to replies to etc...
int block_email_reply( WINDOW *window )
int prompt_line;
int add;
int len;
int rc;
char *source; /* source for block move to make room for c */
char *dest; /* destination for block move */
line_list_ptr p; /* pointer to block line */
file_infos *file;
WINDOW *sw, s_w;
long er;
* make sure block is marked OK and that this is a LINE block
prompt_line = window->bottom_line;
entab_linebuff( );
rc = un_copy_line( window->ll, window, TRUE );
check_block( );
if (rc != ERROR && g_status.marked == TRUE) {
file = g_status.marked_file;
if (file->block_type != LINE) {
* can only reply line blocks
error( WARNING, prompt_line, block25 );
return( ERROR );
* find a window that points to the file with a marked block.
sw = g_status.window_list;
for (; ptoul( sw->file_info ) != ptoul( file );)
sw = sw->next;
if (mode.do_backups == TRUE) {
file->modified = TRUE;
rc = backup_file( sw );
* use a local window structure to do the dirty work. initialize
* the local window structure to the beginning of the marked
* block.
dup_window_info( &s_w, sw );
* set s_w to invisible so the un_copy_line function will
* not display the lines while doing block stuff.
s_w.visible = FALSE;
s_w.rline = file->block_br;
p = file->block_start;
er = file->block_er;
* for each line in the marked block, prepend the reply character(s)
for (; rc == OK && s_w.rline <= er && !g_status.control_break;
s_w.rline++) {
* put the line in the g_status.line_buff. use add to count the
* number of characters to insert at the beginning of a line.
* the original reply uses "> ", while replies to replies use ">".
copy_line( p );
if (*(p->line) == '>')
add = 1;
add = 2;
* see if the line has room to add the ">" character. if there is
* room, move everything down to make room for the
* reply character(s).
len = g_status.line_buff_len;
if (len + add < MAX_LINE_LENGTH) {
source = g_status.line_buff;
dest = source + add;
assert( len >= 0 );
assert( len < MAX_LINE_LENGTH );
assert( len + add < MAX_LINE_LENGTH );
memmove( dest, source, len );
*source = '>';
if (add > 1)
*(source+1) = ' ';
g_status.line_buff_len = len + add;
rc = un_copy_line( p, &s_w, TRUE );
p = p->next;
g_status.copied = FALSE;
* IMPORTANT: we need to reset the copied flag because the cursor may
* not necessarily be on the last line of the block.
g_status.copied = FALSE;
file->dirty = GLOBAL;
show_avail_mem( );
return( OK );
* Name: block_convert_case
* Class: primary editor function
* Purpose: convert characters to lower case, upper case, strip hi bits,
* or e-mail functions
* Date: June 5, 1991
* Passed: window: pointer to current window
int block_convert_case( WINDOW *window )
int len;
int block_type;
line_list_ptr begin;
register file_infos *file;
long number;
long er;
unsigned int count;
int bc, ec;
int block_len;
int rc;
void (*char_func)( text_ptr, unsigned int );
* make sure block is marked OK
entab_linebuff( );
if (un_copy_line( window->ll, window, TRUE ) == ERROR)
return( ERROR );
rc = OK;
check_block( );
if (g_status.marked == TRUE) {
* set char_func() to the required block function in tdeasm.c
switch (g_status.command) {
case BlockUpperCase :
char_func = upper_case;
case BlockLowerCase :
char_func = lower_case;
case BlockFixUUE :
char_func = fix_uue;
case BlockStripHiBit :
char_func = strip_hi;
default :
return( ERROR );
file = g_status.marked_file;
file->modified = TRUE;
if (mode.do_backups == TRUE) {
sw = g_status.window_list;
for (; ptoul( sw->file_info ) != ptoul( file );)
sw = sw->next;
rc = backup_file( sw );
if (rc == OK) {
block_type = file->block_type;
ec = file->block_ec;
begin = file->block_start;
er = file->block_er;
block_len = ec + 1 - file->block_bc;
for (number=file->block_br; number <= er; number++) {
begin->dirty = TRUE;
count = len = begin->len;
bc = 0;
if (block_type == STREAM) {
if (number == file->block_br) {
bc = file->block_bc;
if (len < file->block_bc) {
count = 0;
bc = len;
if (number == file->block_er) {
if (ec < len)
ec = len;
count = ec - bc + 1;
} else if (block_type == BOX) {
bc = file->block_bc;
count = len >= ec ? block_len : len - bc;
if (len > bc) {
assert( count < MAX_LINE_LENGTH );
assert( bc >= 0 );
assert( bc < MAX_LINE_LENGTH );
(*char_func)( begin->line+bc, count );
begin = begin->next;
* IMPORTANT: we need to reset the copied flag because the cursor may
* not necessarily be on the last line of the block.
g_status.copied = FALSE;
file->dirty = GLOBAL;
} else
rc = ERROR;
return( rc );
* Name: upper_case
* Purpose: To convert all lower case characters to upper characters
* Date: June 5, 1991
* Passed: s: the starting point
* count: number of characters to convert
* Returns: none
* Notes: xor 0x20 with lower case to get upper case. yes, I know
* the toupper( ) macro or function is faster, but let's
* let make it easy for users to modify for non-English alphabets.
* this routine only handles the English alphabet. modify as
* needed for other alphabets.
void upper_case( text_ptr s, size_t count )
if (s != NULL) {
for (; count > 0; s++, count-- ) {
if (*s >= 'a' && *s <= 'z')
*s ^= 0x20;
* Name: lower_case
* Purpose: To convert all upper case characters to lower characters
* Date: June 5, 1991
* Passed: s: the starting point
* count: number of characters to convert
* Returns: none
* Notes: or upper case with 0x20 to get lower case. yes, I know
* the tolower( ) macro or function is faster, but let's
* let make it easy for users to modify for non-English alphabets.
* this routine only handles the English alphabet. modify as
* needed for other alphabets.
void lower_case( text_ptr s, size_t count )
if (s != NULL) {
for (; count > 0; s++, count-- ) {
if (*s >= 'A' && *s <= 'Z')
*s |= 0x20;
* Name: rot
* Purpose:
* Date: June 5, 1991
* Passed: s: the starting point
* count: number of characters to convert
* Returns: none
void rot13( text_ptr s, size_t count )
register size_t c;
if (s != NULL) {
* Name: fix_uue
* Purpose: To fix EBCDIC ==> ASCII translation problem
* Date: June 5, 1991
* Passed: s: the starting point
* count: number of characters to convert
* Returns: none
* Notes: to fix the EBCDIC to ASCII translation problem, three characters
* need to be changed, 0x5d -> 0x7c, 0xd5 -> 0x5b, 0xe5 -> 0x5d
void fix_uue( text_ptr s, size_t count )
if (s != NULL) {
for (; count > 0; s++, count-- ) {
switch (*s) {
case 0x5d :
*s = 0x7c;
case 0xd5 :
*s = 0x5b;
case 0xe5 :
*s = 0x5d;
default :
* Name: strip_hi
* Purpose: To strip bit 7 from characters
* Date: June 5, 1991
* Passed: s: the starting point, which should be normalized to a segment
* count: number of characters to strip (size_t)
* count should not be greater than MAX_LINE_LENGTH
* Returns: none
* Notes: this function is useful on WordStar files. to make a WordStar
* file readable, the hi bits need to be anded off.
* incidentally, soft CRs and LFs may be converted to hard CRs
* and LFs. this function makes no attempt to split lines
* when soft returns are converted to hard returns.
void strip_hi( text_ptr s, size_t count )
if (s != NULL) {
for (; count > 0; s++, count-- ) {
if (*s >= 0x80)
*s &= 0x7f;